
Saturday, February 11, 2012

Wednesday January 4, 2012 at 12:21 PM

That's the date BD1 is on DVD.

Now that everyone knows the official DVD release date, are you going to pre-order your copy to make sure you get one?

Or are you gonna be like me and just wait until Feb. 11 rolls around and get it then? :D


Everything You Shouldn’t Do & Why it Works...

Wednesday January 4, 2012 at 9:48 AM

The awesome Lissa Bryan, author of Written in the Stars, The Better Angels of Our Nature, and The Selkie Wife, has just shared a writing lesson for the "Writing Lab" on MyReadingLounge.

Since she updates her stories very often, I wondered how could she write so much, with such a high quality, in so little time. Here's the answer...

Everything You Shouldn’t Do And Why it Works for Me (Lissa Bryan)


I bet Lissa Bryan's experience will elicit many questions...as usual, your comments are welcome.

- Raum

ps: you know I won't leave you without a rec. This one if the FF that brought me to this fandom. It's New Moon AU, so it can be inspiring if you're thinking about "The Canon Tour" (the New Moon round is now open). It's complete.


"The Art of Losing" by sunflower-queen

Summary: Bella is not quite as quick to accept Edward at the end of New Moon.


Newish Year's Resolution

Tuesday January 3, 2012 at 10:41 PM

Well I'm a wussy with a capital P and I'm comfy in my lurker zone but one (of my many) resolutions is to leave reviews for alerts and fav stories when they update. I'm trying to start early. I admit my social awkwardness makes me want to just lurk but I've decided not to let that hinder me. So I may not leave long reviews, may leave nothing but a "I love this, I'll patiently await the next chap" or just a darn smiley face but I'm gonna review gosh blesset!

Anyone else want to join me on this adventure? I don't write, won't ever write, but I want to let the enabler authors know that I appreciate them and their completely free form of awesome writing (better than SMeyer in a most of cases).

I backed up from the beginning of the year and left 18 reviews. I'll review everything from here on out.


BTW: WTVOC and Jandco, if you wanna update bound for glory now, I promise I'll review, just sayin :)

My Rec:

Turn the Page by Stella luna sky

He touches her face without permission, mapping her out. "You're beautiful. And," he pushes at the perpetual frown at the corner of her lips, "you should smile. Those who can see it - they should." Drabble. M. AH.



Tuesday January 3, 2012 at 6:56 PM

HELP: I am trying to find this fic..- Bella and Edward live together as best friends in NYC... Bella gets raped by Jacob in a club restroom and he harrasses her at home when she goes back for the holidays. Charlie dies of cancer but sends her little notes along the way. Edward is going to med school, the get married have a baby.

I can't remember the name and I really want to reread it. .lol

So for the pimp time,here go :

Bella is a struggling English teacher. An almost-accident lands her in the arms of prince charming. Modern day times and a fairytale type of romance-or is it? AH/M.



"If Famous Writers Had Written Twilight..."

Tuesday January 3, 2012 at 6:19 PM

This is hilarious, especially the one of Lewis Carroll. Of course, I can't help but think the blogger's never "stepped foot" in the fandom (no surprise) to know that some of these plots are old hat for AH authors!




Tuesday January 3, 2012 at 4:25 PM

As always, this weekly campfire tells us

what you are reading or

what you have read that you think everyone needs to read as well!

It is very important that you include links and even more important that you not only give a description of the fic, but tell us


A LOT of campers told me last week that this is their go-to spot to get new material to read.

Let's keep up the good recs so we can ALL read the amazing stories that YOU have been reading!

Reminder to everyone:

The Weekly Fanfiction Campfires are as follows:

Monday: Sneak Peak*

Tuesday: Recommendation & In the Kitchen*

Wednesday: Games* and Help Desk (Amnesia/Requests/General Help)

Thursday: PIMP your stuff (and friends, for that matter)

If you have ANY QUESTIONS about these campfires at all, just ask me. I'd be happy to try to answer. ALL of the weekly campfires are tagged so you can find them all week long! 

*started by campers


Clockwork updated!

Tuesday January 3, 2012 at 4:20 PM

"Clockwork" by Derdriu oFaolain updated!



I've joined this ride only a few days ago, but I'd like to thank Derdriu for the exciting story she's sharing. It's really nearing completion. And it's sooo good!

There's a blinkie for the story. Click on the link below:


- Raum

Do you want a rec? One of my favorite o/s


"Redemption" by JMolly

"Will Carlisle's prayers be answered? If you love Carlisle and Dadward, this is for you." (AU)


Banner HQ

Tuesday January 3, 2012 at 1:55 PM

Hello darlings :)   Happy New Year to you all and I wish you the best 2012 ever!  

So the reason for this campfire is that I want to make a banner for a AWESOME fanfic that I'm reading which is just fantabulous! I'd tell you but I think that the author hangs around these parts so I gotta be hush hush ya no? It's a surprise :D

BUT the problem is that I've never made a banner before and have no idea what to make it on. I went on a few banner making sites but they're epic fails. I don't mind downloading any software but the thing is I don't know which software.  

I've seen some UH-mazing banners around the Forest so I'm counting on you ladies to help me!  

Thanks in advance for your awesomeness :) 



ALSO - Expectations and Other moving Pieces updated like 15 mins ago!!    :o   Imma go read it and so should you!! After you help me of course  :D 




E-book to paper

Tuesday January 3, 2012 at 1:32 PM

Here's the stitch...I have to read from a e-pub format for my classes, even though I don't want to (I don't pay for my books and apparently, it is cheaper for the school to do the e-books rather than the actual books).  

So, my question is, how can I print the pages? I've looked but there is no print button.





I haven't been reading in a long time, so I'll rec a favorite of mine. There are two sequels, with the third being a WIP.


Bella Swan is starting a new job with the FBI. Not only does she have to prove to the boys that she belongs but she has to face the demons from her past before they find her. MA for language and lemons B/E R/Em A/J Es/C
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Drama/Romance - Chapters: 41 - Words: 106,720 - Reviews: 916 - Updated: 3-4-10 - Published: 1-23-10 - Complete

The Girl Who Read

Arrival of a drop'n'read

Tuesday January 3, 2012 at 1:30 PM

EAOMP updated. For the first time since the summer....

And after the weird hope at the end of the last chapter, I am scared about what I'm going to find...

Come hold my hand :-)



Reading what you wrote

Tuesday January 3, 2012 at 12:50 PM

I just finished a report that I was supposed to turn in days ago. To my surprise, I enjoyed writing it, even thinking 'woah, I'm this is good' sometimes. However, I can't for the life of me get down to reread and edit it now that it's complete. And, just like almost everything else in my life these past few years days, that got me thinking about fanfiction.

So, authors: Do you read your chapters once you finish them, or do you send them straight to the betas, not wanting to have to deal with sth like editing when you've put your heart into creating something? Also, do you find yourself rereading parts you wrote and really liked, thinking 'shit that's good'? Nothing wrong with admitting that, btw. Fanfiction or not, I swear, sometimes I read stories and I'm just in awe of the writing.

"And... I'm outta here"


In the Kitchen with Bells & Megs!

Tuesday January 3, 2012 at 11:23 AM

And the Plot Thickens...

A cooking ground for writers

What we’re cookin’...

  • Plot Bunnies! Ever have a plot bunny that needed some spice? Who said anything about too many cooks? The more the merrier, here! Bring your undercooked plots or ideas, and help others hash out their stories, too.
  • Your Characters! Feel like your characters are just skin and bones? Come chat with your friends and see if they can help you create the perfect recipe for meaty greatness.
  • Basically anything related to your fic that you need help with!



  • We’re allergic to negativity! Constructive criticism and suggestions are welcome, but please try to stay positive and productive!
  • And pilfering, too! There will be plenty of story ideas being discussed, so please stay respectful to your fellow authors by not using another's idea as your own - unless given explicit permission by the author first and then giving due credit, of course. No eating off someone else’s plate unless they say you can!


Food Bank...

  • Donations! Have some untouched plot ingredients that have been sitting in your cabinet for far too long? Come drop them off at our Food Bank and help another hungry author!
  • Pick up! Need some ingredients for your writing? See what ideas have been left for a good home.


You’ve given us an excuse to use the kitchen for the first time.

So, come on in and share your ideas! Maybe someone will have that perfect plot point that pushes your story from good to great, and hopefully you’ll be able to do the same for a fellow author!


Young Love that Lasts

Tuesday January 3, 2012 at 10:53 AM


Who's on your Favorite

Tuesday January 3, 2012 at 9:17 AM

Lately, I have found a sure-fire way of finding good fics, is to go to an author I admire's favorite authors list and see who they enjoy.  This is better than just checking out their favorite stories I find, as many people use their favorite stories list as a TBR list or some other way of keeing organized.

So, which authors are on your favorite author's list?


Here are mine in alphabetical order:

Abstract Way





Feisty Y. Beden





Rochelle Allison



The Black Arrow





Now, I am sure I am missing a bunch of good ones and here's where I am asking for help.  Who are your favorite authors?

Rec (Because, while I think this is on topic, I am asking for something):

http://www.fanfiction.net/s/7528178/1/  Particle Collisions By Joyousnerd

Awkward, Brilliant Edward is brought in at the last moment to teach Science at the high school where Bella teaches.  He thinks teaching should be a snap and is self-righteous and puts his foot wrong with every faculty member within the first week.  Bella can't figure out why this infuriating man is at the same time so fascinating to her.



Monday January 2, 2012 at 6:27 PM

So we all have our hard limits, but one of the ones that I run across the most (including in MYSELF) is:


So, let's talk about that.

1. First off, what is your preferred canon pairing?

2. Do you read non-canon pairings?

2.b. If not, why not?

2.c. If so, which ones?

3. Which pairings will you NOT read? Why not?

4. What is it about the ones you do read that draws you? What makes the pairing work for you?

I'm going to take a bath and feel sorry for myself (I've either sprained or fractured my wrist and am typing now one-handed)... Will be back in a bit to see what you ladies (and guys) come up with :D

Also, I like this "Kate" tag.


New ADF Feature

Monday January 2, 2012 at 3:29 PM

I have added a new feature, under Control Panel > General Settings, which will allow you to have your campfire comments always expanded. 

During the last re-do of the site, the expand capability was added for a reason.  Many older computers / browsers were having serious issues on campfires with large amounts of comments without this feature so turning this feature on may have negative effects on performance depending on your setup 


Cracks in the Pavements

Monday January 2, 2012 at 3:07 PM

Can we talk about the last update? How do you feel? Do you want to kick the ass of these two? Leave your thoughts!


Sneak Peek

Monday January 2, 2012 at 11:30 AM

Do you write fan fiction?

Give us a little peek!

Post excerpts from your upcoming chapters here!

~ Don't forget to include a link to your story! ~

Diana Wolfskill


Monday January 2, 2012 at 11:02 AM


Lauren, Bo, and Dyson: Love Triangle

Anyone else out there watching LOST GIRL? It's a Canadian fantasy series that's a lot of fun.

It's not officially in the US yet, so I watch it on sidereel.com for now.

The story involves BO, a SUCCUBUS raised by humans

and her WOLF-SHIFTER  police detective love interest DYSON

as well as HUMAN doctor and love interest LAUREN

and HUMAN friend / sidekick KENZI.


Kenzi: Sidekick

There are plenty of strange creatures, mysteries, adventures and softcore sex as our heroine tries to find her way in a new, magical world where her very existence outside of the established order threatens a millennia-old peace.

It's particularly cool to me that the creatures are based on traditional folklore and that there's a badass, interesting heroine.


a lot of purple text

Monday January 2, 2012 at 10:50 AM

welcome to the forest in 2012; introductions are in order!

good morning!

i hope your 2012 has not managed to suck too much as of yet. 

i'm here with some forest reminders now that free-for-all is over. i've noticed lots of new campers lately; hello! i'm one of the rangers here, wtvoc. if you ever wanna ask me or one of the other rangers a question or permission to post off-topic stuff, just click on "contact" across the top of your forest taskbar up there. you can also click on anyone's icon at any time to get to their profile and/or send them a private message!

the forest is a fandom place where people in any supernatural fandoms can come discuss fandom things. the books, tv shows, movies, actors, actresses, fanfictions, merchandise, or any other fandom-related stuff. posts like "my life sucks, can i have advice" or "what are your favorite beauty products" or basically anything not fandom related can be fun, but require permission from one of the rangers (rangers will often post these to get discussions going). 

every thursday 9pm eastern to sunday 6pm eastern is our free-for-all; you get to start campfires on anything you want (still no n00dz or profanity on the front page).

we have a quid pro quo rule here- that means "this for that". if you want recs or you want people to read a fanfic or you're shamelessly promoting yourself, you'd better recommend a fanfiction in return or we'll delete your campfire. i try and give people the chance to put a rec in there, but it can happen that your campfire will get deleted without warning. so just have a rec handy, okay? provide title and author, brief summary (the author's summary is fine), and most importantly, a link. also, please know that we have weekly campfires where we'd rather you post your fanfiction pimping so they're all in one place, not cluttering the front page, and not annoying people (who then send annoyed emails to us rangers). you don't HAVE to wait for the weekly campfires. but you should. it's an internet social etiquette thing.

if you want to post links to other fansites (not official websites, mind you), you need to ask permission, unless it's to a fanfiction posting place (like ff.net, unlocked livejournals, twilighted, tumblr, etc.). why? because sometimes we get nasty emails from those fansites who demand knowing why i personally allowed whatever got posted to happen. no, really. it's happened. people get pissed for dumb reasons. if i'm going to take the heat for you guys, i'd rather be in the know about it, at the very least. and if you're trying to promote your own personal contest or website, please do us the courtesy and ask first.

be warned- if you're going to make fun of someone's fanfiction, they're going to find out about it. it happened last week. people were making fun of someone's writing, and the person was here in less than an hour after it went up, feelings hurt and bewildered and begging we take it down. i was not at all amused. 

do not, under any circumstances, post links to download stuff if it isn't legal to do so. what you choose to do behind PMs is up to you. i can't regulate that. :D

do not post your personal email anywhere on the website. we want you to be safe and unstalked!

please do not post any pictures that you wouldn't want to send to your boss on the front page. this means no nudes, please. if you do send nudes to your boss, well. you know what i mean. to someone who disapproves of such shenanigans. my rule for allowing that stuff is this: if they'd show it on one of the big tv networks, then i'll allow it. like, a naked butt. but no nipplage or mouths in and around things or stuff meant for hbo, please. why? because there are way more people under sixteen accessing this website than you think, and i don't wanna answer to any more irate parents whose children are happening by the front page.

once inside a campfire? hell, post what you want. people have clicked on the user agreements and know what they're getting into once they click. but nudes in your main campfire? hale no. same goes for dirty words. you know what george carlin has to say about the big seven. please refrain. if you know not of what i speak, go to youtube and type in "george carlin the seven words." and put your headphones on, that man has a filthy mouth. and "tits" is okay. i'm cool with tits.and fart. lol one cheek sneak. i haven't watched this in forever

lemme see, what else. ohhhh, right. personal attacks. don't do that. it's rude and will get you banned. we've done it before, we'll do it again. please note- there is a difference between a personal attack and saying something about a celebrity. they have PR people to address anything awful said against them. you probably do not. and we will defend you from the awful things said to you on this website by banning the offending person. so just don't do it.

on the other hand, you need to understand that there's a difference between attacking someone's opinion and their person. you may say whatever you want regarding your opinion as long as it's not "it's my opinion that you're a bleepity bleep bleep." and yes- i count calling someone stupid or saying "you are acting bitchy" as a personal attack. do not mince words with me or try to get technical. i'm not stupid, and semantics will not save you. we'll just ban you and your IP address.

if you would like to post your fanfiction here, you can apply to do so. our only requirements are that you have at least one completed fanfic posted on the internet (we would like your ff.net link and if you don't have one, please contact one of the rangers privately). no RPF, bestiality, pedophilia, or racial hate. we reserve the right to delete stuff we feel does not adhere to the spirit of ADF. we don't edit your stuff, so get a beta.

and last thing, something we don't really point out. tags! they're those things that appear at the bottom of a campfire. if you click on one, it'll take you to a list of all campfires tagged with that word or words, like "this guy can get it" or "colin firth is the king". guess who came up with those tags

anyway, you can tag your own campfires! just click "add tag" and the list will pop up. you can use whatever you want to tag your stuff. and if you have tag suggestions, let me know. 

okay, that's all i got. if you have forest-related questions, ask in this campfire. otherwise, i ask that we make this an introduction post, good for new members as well as you old broads who've been with us since the beginning.

tell us your username, whether you're a ff writer, provide links to your ff.net, twitter, tumblr, whatever. tell us something about yourself! come out of lurkerdom!

oh, and apropos of nothing: downton abbey watchalong next week, y/fy?

my benevolent king and an excuse to use my favorite tag fyt:

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