
The Rubber Man: part 2

Saturday November 26, 2011 at 12:36 AM

Okay, I know this is a couple days late, but screw it, we need to talk about this.

So...what did you think of the reveal? One theory from the last campfire has been proven correct, while another has proven to be one hell of a red herring. Poor Vivien is in a nightmare while Violet's in her own twisted version of Romeo and Juliet, and Tate has turned out to be much more twisted than anticipated (or maybe we did anticipate this, we just didn't want it to be true...).

Meanwhile, Ben has become the oblivious puppet for his now-dead, psychotic ex-mistress, while the threat of whatever's growing  in Vivien's womb is coming closer to unveiling.

Share your theories and rant about your content or discontent with the direction the story has taken. :)

I just love this gif :p

*WARNING, spoilers inside. ;)


Droid Marketplace

Saturday November 26, 2011 at 12:08 AM

My big Black Friday splurge was a new beautiful Droid Razr. I ordered it online and should be getting it Tuesday. My only problem is I have no idea what apps I should get. 


So, my question for all of the lovely droid owners. What are the apps that you can't live without? or even the ones that are a ton of fun to pass the time.





Friday November 25, 2011 at 10:44 PM

Looking for something to do with the kids over the holiday season?

I found this cool craft that my boys and I are going to do tomorrow.....SOCK SNOWMEN!!!

I'm sure everyone has those single socks laying around so here is a cool way to use them.

I got the idea from this blog and she lists step by step instructions

My 6 year old is going to give the ones he makes out as Christmas gifts.

To make this interactive, share your fun holiday crafts because I am always looking for things to make with my boys.


Must-see tumblr: Rpattztalks

Friday November 25, 2011 at 10:30 PM

I know there was a recent cf on his randomness plus all you Americans are probably still eating/can't breath from eating, but whatsmynom was linking this last night and it's so funny

Pls, sb make and post a gif from the third part of the Jimmy Kimmel interview (at around 2:00), where he talks about how he wasn't allowed to show thrusting much, "just the tip" omg (and his parents were there lol) ETA here (taken from here: :

"“What do you have in common with Edward Cullen?”

Rob - “I look a bit like him.”


"Help me understand RPattz fever, man"

"Um... They just gotta... People have just to sleep with me, I guess. Then they'll know."




Friday November 25, 2011 at 10:22 PM

We're all going nuts right now in North America with the Christmas shopping and the Black Friday and whatnot. It's craziness.

This campfire is for all the people who want to make room for new treasures, or need White Elephant gifts, or want to offer up clothes their kids have grown out of, or need a warm coat for the winter, or just want to embrace the spirit of giving. If you don't want it anymore, and it's in good condition, this is the place to give it away.

Everything should be offered for FREE. Shipping, however, I leave it to you to work out betwixt yourselves. Use your good manners and common sense; if you have a limit to how much you can spend on shipping, say so. The US Postal Service has a shipping calculator if you need it. So does the Canada Post. Europeans, Aussies, etc., if you have a similar service online, please link to it in the comments!

Happy Freecycling!


About AFFP.

Friday November 25, 2011 at 9:45 PM

Hi everyone,

I am AngelKay_17 ( Melynie Murphy ) ; founder of Audio FanFiction Productions or AudioFFProductions or AFFP. I finally found my way in to ADF. What I do is make fanfiction stories into audios using Text to Speech or better known as TTS and post them on Youtube or for people with learning disabilities and visual impairment, so they too can be part of the fanfiction fandom. I don’t charge for any of my services, so it totally free for everyone who wish to have their story made into a full audio or just want a chapter teaser/preview to help promote their story on their site.

Caution to Authors: I only use Text to Speech programs and sites to turn storties into audios, if you don't prefer Texts to Speech please do not recommend your story and also please note that not all recommendations can be turned into an audiobook.

If anyone is interested please contact me at


For those who loved Emancipation Proclamation

Friday November 25, 2011 at 9:25 PM

Kharizzmatik has a website up for the reworked/rewritten story called Sempre. All proceeds will benefit organizations that fight human trafficking.

I'm excited for her, and I'm excited to read it. The prologue is up on her site and it looks like the story is substantially rewritten.


Anyone Else Need to Decompress?

Friday November 25, 2011 at 8:53 PM

Don't get me wrong...Thanksgiving is a wonderful time to be around friends and family! That being said, today family members lingered and I've just been waiting all day to get away and have a few moments to myself.

Imagine my delight when I saw that one of my favorites had updated!

Terms and Conditions Apply »
There's only one person on this earth that Edward Cullen hates, and that's his boss...Bella Swan. She's cold. She's ruthless and incapable of human emotion, and to Edward's greatest frustration, the hottest woman walking the face of the planet.
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 27 - Words: 138,576 - Reviews: 1433 - Updated: 11-25-11 - Published: 4-18-11 - Bella & Edward


This fic is so swoony-good and I can't rec it highly enough!

My original intent behind starting this campfire was to rec this amazing story, but if you want to come in and gripe about any family encounters over the holiday, feel free! Also, there's a void in my fic life of amazingly swoonworthy romantical (I like to make up fics like 'We Come to Life Beneath the Stars', 'Branching Inward' etc...anyone reading anything good?


Thanksgiving weekend is football weekend

Friday November 25, 2011 at 4:59 PM

In my family, all of our traditions, dinners, and scheduled activities revolve around what games are on. So, this is my FAVORITE FOOTBALL WEEKEND EVERY YEAR!

I'm posting this cf about 14 hours earlier than normal because we have a big game tonight and I'll either be out celebrating later or drowning my sorrows so I think I'll be too hung over to do this at  the normal time. Please accept my apologies for the super early timing. Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving or just a great Thursday and Friday.

My boys are playing against Pitt in the Backyard Brawl tonight. Super ugly and heated rivalry and I have no idea who's gonna win this one. I'll just throw this up.


A nod at my other boys.


What games are you watching this weekend, who are you cheering for, got some videos or pics?

Mine inside.


Friday November 25, 2011 at 2:55 PM

FFA post.


A couple of months ago I re-watched The Lord of The Rings movies, and fell in lust again with the character of Eomer. 


Played by the gorgeous  Kiwi actor Karl Urban.

So, i've abandoned Edward (temporarily) and trawled through for Eomer stories, particularly Eomer/Lothiriel (no slash!). 

My question for the discerning readers here at ADF, can you recommend any other sites for good Eomer fics?  Perhaps there are some amongst you who were interested in LoTR fics a few years ago when the movies were released?


My recommendation (following my Eomer infatuation):

A meeting at the Houses of Healing of two people who are not quite sure what to make of each other.

This is the first story in a seven part series by the author, beautifully written. All complete.

And just a little more: 


I need help!!!

Friday November 25, 2011 at 1:06 PM

I'm sure everyone has read the brilliant Sebastian Robichaud's "The University of Edward Masen".  If you haven't, you ablolutely must.

This fic has been turned into a book.  I've seen it once on itunes.  I tried to get a sample of the book, but was unable to.  It's written under a pen name, and the 'Edward' character is named Gabriel.  Please help me find it!!!!!


need help

Friday November 25, 2011 at 10:17 AM

OK--So don't yell at me.

After YEARS of reading fics on, I notice this little red heart thingy on the top right corner of the page.  I was fic diving this morning and I realized for the first time that you can bookmark fics right on I have always jut bookmarked them to my chrome page.

SO...I get all excited and I bookmark a bunch...PLUS I move my chrome bookmarks to it and now..

The heart thingy bookmark option is suddenly gone and I have no clue why or how to get it back. I also cannot get access to my bookmarks. I tried through  my settings/account area, but I can't


How do I?:

1- get the red heart thingy bookmark option back

2-access what I have already bookmarked.


Rec: This Edward is quite the jerk and that is putting it mildly. This is angsty as all get out, but I started this when it had just 30 reviews and I can't quit it. Lots of mystery to keep me, I guess.


Bad Sex Awards

Friday November 25, 2011 at 7:50 AM

There are agile tongues, rooms that begin to shake, warm wet caves, volcanic releases, moist meat, bottomless swamps of dead fish and yellow lilies in bloom and cellars filled with a heady store of wines and spirits emitting wafts of gaseous bouquets. And that is before you get to massaging, kneading, stretching, rubbing, pinching, flicking, feathering, licking, kissing and gently biting – which occurs in just one sentence thanks to David Guterson.

This is from The Guardian's article: Bad sex awards: the contenders for a night at the In and Out.

Remind you of anything you have read? Why is it so hard (pun uninteded) to write a good, hot sex scene? I remember when I was a student and needed money so I got a freelance translation job, a "50 cent romance", and I just either cringed and / or laughed at the sex scenes, they sounded sooooo ridiculous, especially in my own language. Andybody else think that "sloshing" is not very sexy?

So is it just better to leave certain things and concentrate on the emotions?Or is it an indication of prudishness?

And why is there no tag for "sex"?

LJ Summers

Not So Lemony Fic List

Friday November 25, 2011 at 5:04 AM

Let's hear it for leaving the details to the salacious imaginations of the readers!

Yes, some people prefer it that way, which is why I got this request in my inbox! :)

This is a campfire for recommendations of good, quality fics that do NOT go graphic or explicit with the lemons.  

makeout gif

It can be hot without being dirrrrty, right?  

Looking for romances that focus on the romance, not the sex.  The brain is the most important sex organ in the body and these fics often rely on that organ to fill in the heated blanks.

So, what have you read that was sweet and sexy but not explicit? Or a story that did not, at least, go into full-on detail? Share them with us!  

ALL PAIRINGS! Canon or non-canon!  Human! AU!

I'll have my recs within.

Remember the Rules of the Campfire:

1. Keep It Simple.  Title. Author. Link. Summary.

2. No discussions.


Thanks so much for contributing to the Master Fic List! If you're home this weekend and not out doing the Serious Shopping, take some time to browse the lists, update any prior rec's you might have made or add some new ones!


While The Yanks Are Away...

Friday November 25, 2011 at 3:44 AM

Good Morning, Campers!

Happy Friday!


Let's have a gossip.

What are your plans for the weekend? Anything really bugging you that you want to talk about? 

Pull up a cushion and get it off your chest.

Let's chat.


Am I the only one

Friday November 25, 2011 at 2:43 AM

Who is yet to see Breking Dawn? I am finally going to see it :) I was just wondering if there is anone here who hasn't seen It yet either through choice or due to not having time etc; my excuse is me and my boyfriend have conflicting work schedules and lack of a babysitter lol so as today is our first day off together in weeks I've decided to drag him to see it with me :)

This is my first campfire so I'm not 100% sure how to do this if it's right then goody if it's wrong then I'm sorry :(


Written in the Stars owns me at the moment :) I don't know how t o do fancy links and such so here's the normal link i really wish I could sparklify this thing up a bit

1. Written in the Stars » reviews
Edward is king of a dying race, his planet torn by civil war. Bella is abducted to become his bride. From college student to Queen... Can she learn to love this strange man and help save his people? AU/OOC. Rated M for lemons, violence and mature themes.
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Romance/Sci-Fi - Chapters: 28 - Words: 136,462 - Reviews: 3641 - Updated: 11-24-11 - Published: 10-28-11 - Edward & Bella



Thursday November 24, 2011 at 11:12 PM


here's a protip: check amazon. mr. wtvoc and i were strategizing (lol the poor man took friday off, and i'm making him go shopping with me tonight at midnight "because everyone should experience total insanity at least once in their lives") and he doesn't feel like going to lowe's or home depot at 5am for his dad's christmas gift, this dewalt cordless drill for 99.99, originally 189.99.

well... i checked amazon. who is selling it for 99 bucks. with no sales tax. shipped free by tuesday with my amazon prime account.

so yeah. check amazon.

i'll be back and let you know if target had my pajamas.

share your stunnah deals and soul-crushing shopping defeats in this campfire.

and lemme know if there's somewhere i absolutely ~need to go. i'll probably shop tomorrow, too. mama needs some of the $10 sephora deals, yo.

it's hard to shop with a devil on your back so shake him off fyt:


Interesting new story by Windychames

Thursday November 24, 2011 at 9:21 PM

wtf am I doing reccing fics with just two chapters lol

The Keepsake

What if Edward came back after NM, but didn't remember her, and her blood didn't appeal to him? He's still hot so Bella is still in love with him 'cause that's how shallow we are, but will he feel the same attraction? AU

random image is random



Thursday November 24, 2011 at 4:31 PM

Does anyone have a good site they use for downloading Fronts? I found an awesome Charmed front, but can't get it to download to my computer the right way.



J.D. Wolf

Out of the Darkness

Thursday November 24, 2011 at 12:50 PM


Happy Thanksgiving Campers

An early chapter for the holiday.

Chapter 15 has been posted.

Out Of The Darkness

Alice reunites with an old friend, and she gets her first "treatment" in the 'Cox' chair.

And you can google that!

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