
Let's talk about betas...

Sunday November 20, 2011 at 9:12 AM

I've had this campfire before, but since then I'm assuming there are some new writers/betas around these parts and I'm curious if things have changed.

If you're a writer, what do you look for in your beta? Someone with a background in English? Publishing? Nothing? Do you work with your beta in developing your story, or do you just send along the finished chapters? How much editing is too much? How long do it take between the time you send your chapter away and when you get it back? How many betas do you use?

If you're a beta, how much time do you put into working on another persons chapter? What makes you want to beta instead of write, or do you do both? How long does it take you to edit a chapter? What do you prefer to beta, AH or AU? Lemons? Do you only edit chapters, or are you a motivator/cheerleader to your writer when they are stuck and need help?

Also, if anyone out there is looking for a new beta or wants to be one, feel free to ask here!


It's Already been asked, but..

Sunday November 20, 2011 at 8:30 AM

Does anyone know how I can convert a fic (by putting in the URL) into a PDF?  I have the FLAGfanfic link, but it says the website doesn't work.  I don't think this person is going to put the last touch on (i think it was) a two-part epilogue so I wanted what was posted.  Just for myself to re-read a bajillion times, forever and forever LMAO


If anyone has a link for a program or knows a good website that does this can you send it to me? PM it? I don't care, i just think this author might be done with fic and then one day her fic is gone and i'll be sad that i never got it while i could :(

**EDIT*: I have a Mac computer so...idk if that makes a difference. Ok thanks again :)


For you're enjoyment tho...


DAMN he looks incredible......*drools* *sigh*

Thanks :) :)

Luna StarFire

ADF FIt Club

Sunday November 20, 2011 at 5:57 AM

Howdy cickas!!!  /insert wacky cool banner.   

So I'm on vacation for the next 3 weeks so this campfire might be blah but I'm here...let's just hope mobile version plays nice so I can reply to you lovely ladies. Hope all was well this week. Let me know what music has got you moving and grooving better as you work out!


People's reactions to J/R imprinting

Sunday November 20, 2011 at 1:05 AM

Did people in the cinema freak out/burst out laughing? Did you freak out/burst out laughing/wanted to hide under your seat because people know you're into Twilight? Did the others even get it? How embarassing/disturbing/hilarious is BDII gonna be?

Though you never know. Maybe BDII will surprise us all and have a brave Reneesme fight against it and Leah finally finding sb (anyone). But with SM as a producer that's as likely as me not eating all the pecan pies in my fridge in one week. God, WHAT was she thinking when she wrote that. Seriously.

No pic, just this link to sb's tumbl-r (movie spoiler; do not click if you don't want to be spoiled or have your stomach disturbed)


Have you seen BD?

Saturday November 19, 2011 at 11:09 PM

I'm getting ready to go see Breaking Dawn this morning! Have you seen it yet or will you be going to see it today too?

I'm so lucky to not be going alone, even all the way here in South Africa do I have fellow Twi-hards!

SM said she doesn't like the term, do you? Or is it just embarrasing?


Bonne Foi chapter 37??

Saturday November 19, 2011 at 8:26 PM

I got an alert for this a couple days ago, but the chapter isn't there?? Anyone know what happened?


The Magic Gate in Rome

Saturday November 19, 2011 at 12:58 PM

Well, OK, since it is FFA, what do you think of this?


Yes indeed, there is a Magic Gate in Rome!

In the past it went by different names also, the Hermetic Gate or the Alchemic Door. It originally led to the garden of the Marquis Massimiliano Palombara’s Villa, built in the 17th century and now demolished. However, the gate remains are to be found inside a garden in the huge Piazza Vittorio Emanuele. It had been almost forgotten for a century, as an open air market filled the square and the relic was not accessible or even visible.

Recently, however, the Municipality of Rome moved the market somewhere else and created a garden in the square, so the gate is visible again.

There are a number of legends surrounding it, many of them linked to the alchemists’ dream of finding the philosopher’s stone and fabricate gold from baser metals. However, other legends spoke simply of the possibility to pass through the gate to another reality.  The monument is surrounded by numerous symbols and inscriptions. If you recited them in just the right order, unfortunately unknown, and pronounced them perfectly, you could get through the gate, the legends said.


This is the riddle Bella has to solve in Chapter 10 of Eros and Psyche, just posted here on ADF

Will she get where she wants to go?

I had a blast trying to discover the sequence that would open the Gate. I hope I succeeded.


Need extra Mom advice

Saturday November 19, 2011 at 7:52 AM

My daughter is 11 and desperately wants to see Breaking Dawn. I told her I would decide after I saw it if I thought the content wasn't too much for her to see. After seeing it last night I do believe some of the content is a bit too mature for her. Needless to say she's not a happy member of Team Jacob. She is a young 11 and only in 5th grade so we are just beginning to have small chats about birds and bees and such. Do you think 11 is too young for Breaking Dawn? One of my girlfriends said it could be a good way to kick start the birds and bees conversation. Should I stand my ground or use the opportunity to initiate conversation after letting her see it? Your guidance is greatly appreciated.

I want to thank all the campers for their words and wisdom. In this season of thanksgiving I realize how grateful I am to be part of such a wonderful community.


Would you still be my football friend if?

Saturday November 19, 2011 at 7:27 AM

Would you still be my football friend if this was my arm?


What if I had this tattoo? (And please notice his wife-beater has no holes in it so this is his formal tank top also known as a West Virginia tuxedo *face-palm *)


Both my teams are off this week but I’ll cheer for yours. Tell me who to cheer for today or what games look good. I’ll give you more inane questions and a rowdy fan looking for teams to cheer for this weekend.


Writing You're Proud Of

Saturday November 19, 2011 at 12:20 AM

Hello, writers and readers.

How are you this lovely Friday? 

What are some passages from your own writing that you're proudest of. For fun pick a paragraph or two that you're proud of and post it here! You're also welcome to post passages that you really like from your favorite fics! 

If you haven't written fics or even if you have, feel free to post passages you haven't written, just make sure you give the right credit to the author.

Here are some of my favorite passages from fanfiction:

Warning may contain spoilers!

 "There's more. I want her, too, Alice. But not just to hold her hand while we make love, you and I." He felt like he was on a precipice, every part of him extended to brace himself or fall. He didn't know which way the wind would blow him. "This doesn't affect how I love you," he assured her slowly, not wanting her to feel cornered. "It just means...more. Like she has a part of my heart, too. And, yeah, my libido."

-L.J Summers

Open Up Next To You


I love this delicate handling of the feelings one can have for multiple people. And Jasper's honesty just kills me. Also the brace himself or fall metaphor was great.


"Sit with me," I ask, though it's not really a question. Her brown eyes widen in surprise before she gives me a slight smile.

"I can't while I'm working. My boss will get mad."

"Just for a minute?" I implore innocently.

"I really can't. Sorry. Can I get you anything else?" Her smile is now forced.

I'm about to speak before an uneasy feeling grips me, the unfamiliar phenomenon travelling all the way to my toes. I think I may be having a stroke until I figure out what it is.

Rejection. I've read about that.



I just love the characterization of Edward through showing and not telling. The simplicity of his commands, mixed with innocent charm. And the Rejection, I've read about that always makes me giggle.


"Quoila was Reaped twice.

Her first Reaping was the 70th Hunger Games, and her friend Cytocyn Volunteered to take her place because Quoila was Repro at the time, gestating twelve Splices until they were ready to be Dished.

That was what District 5 did. It was the responsibility of the Thin Girls to take the places of Repros if they were Reaped, because as much as the Capitol needed Tributes, it wanted splices and muttations more.

So Quoila was home, drugged up and sore-breasted and already nauseous and all of fifteen years old, when the broadcast screen filled with so much water so fast and the Tributes drowned and a mad girl from District 4 broke the surface, hollow-eyed, swimming.

The next year, Quoila was a Thin Girl and Volunteered to take the place of Phosphodee, Cytocyn's twelve-year-old sister who was huge with humanoid muttations gestating inside her and sobbing with hormones injected by the Capitol that kept her awake and upright and full of terrified memories of watching her sister die because she had the misfortune to be in control of her own body that year.

Quoila won the Games when she beheaded a coal miner's son from District 12 who had bludgeoned all of the Careers with his pickaxe. He had chased her into the river and was holding her under before she managed to kick free and slice her sword through his neck; she would not let Phosphodee watch another District 5 Thin Girl drown. Not when Phosphodee would have to Volunteer in a year. After her Victory tour, Quoila was sent home and medically processed and Implanted with muttation fetuses so strong they broke her ribs from the inside and bruised her liver.

She was a Victor. She was strong enough to take it. She watched, bedridden, as Phosphodee suffocated in thick, wet poison gas in the Arena, and Quoila wondered whether it's worth being alive at all if you're a District 5 female, and your entire life consists of waiting to be told it's your turn to drown.

When Quoila is Reaped the third time, for the Quarter Quell, she goes quietly.

And when the tidal wave crashes over her on the beach, she isn't afraid."

-Aim My Arrows High

Twenty Four Victors Twenty Four Tributes

This excerpt made me cry. I can't be any more vivid and specific than that. 

It's just so damn pointed and the last line just rips out your heart. This is a great fic about all the VIctors from the book Catching Fire (sequal to the hunger games.) 

Read it!

My own writing I'm proud of: 

I want to know.

I need to know, because there's this little bird called hope cracking open the eggshell of my heart. Peaking it's little head out. And yes, it breaks my heart all over again, but  only in the best way.  And yes, I have to be careful. I don't want to let it out if he's going to take the small bird in his big hands and bone by bone break its wings. Then he'd leave it there, crying out until it died.

I'd have to be the one to bury it, because he'd never even know what he'd done.

-Blessed are the Forgetful 


Little, foolish girl, what have you done?

Feelings that I can't afford to have, creep into my chest.

She can't stop looking at me either. Like a child seeing the sky for the first time, she is all coltish wonder and girlish innocence.

It does things to a man to be stared at like that.

But I am not a man.

I am a monster.

And Isabella Swan will pay the price for it.

I'll be taking her to the river of bones, and encouraging her to journey to Hell without lyre or bargain. But, in the end I will not be able to force her to abide by my plan. I can already tell this will be hard. She brings out force and violence in me.

-The Morphing Games







Fandom Gives Back

Friday November 18, 2011 at 10:28 PM


 This year in honor of the release of the last installment of the Twilight Saga films, Fandom Gives Back is holding a charity drive for Alex's Lemonade Stand.

 While we have held auctions in the past, they are being kept at a minimum this year. Instead FGB is offering a compilation that can be yours for a minimum of a $5 donation. If you can give more, please do so.
Many of your favorite authors have promised an outtake, a new story, or any alternative POV for the story compilation. Some will even be exclusive to this grouping.

 This will be the last event held for Fandom Gives Back on behalf of Alex's Lemonade Stand. We are hoping to go out with a bang and raise a total of 15K to make the quarter of a million mark.

 To learn more about the authors contributing and the auctions, please visit the official site. More are being added as I post. HMonster and Profmom72 have offered their last story by way of an outtake of Breakfast at Tiffany's, Spanglemaker9 is working on a future take of Faking It, Mrs. the King is writing a birth scene from GYNAZOLE, and just announced, Whatsmynomdeplume will donate a story.

Thank you for taking the time to contribute!


*Authors, if you have a synopsis for your story that will be part of the compilation, would you be so kind as to post it in the thread?


Ellen Imprints on Edward

Friday November 18, 2011 at 3:24 PM


Had to share this.

Friday November 18, 2011 at 1:14 PM

This gif was forwarded to me by TIC and I had to share.

(Inside to save space)


For HP fans.....very funny ;)

Friday November 18, 2011 at 1:09 PM

After a 6 month hiatus, Potter Puppet Pals finally posted a new episode :D

If you haven't seen them....here's the latest.

special guest appearance around 2:50, keep watching it :)

It's Neville's birthday.  Includes a drunk snape, tainted birthday cake, and a throughly pissed off Harry.


Children in Need

Friday November 18, 2011 at 12:33 PM

It's just begun over on BBC1, so who's watching it?

Do you watch it every year?

Are you excited about anything this year?

Personally I just watch it for this man:

I adore Sir Terry, and always will. 

I'm also super excited for Doctor Who :D

So this is a watch-a-long, I guess. And you all have to comment so I'm not on my own =P


twi-hard on martini

Friday November 18, 2011 at 11:16 AM

Mamrie Heart did a Twilight drink on her youtube channel this week.


I think her Harry Potter one was funnier *shrugs*


Format Blues

Friday November 18, 2011 at 9:38 AM

Is there any way to convert a story in mobi format to pdf? The only copy I have of Crushed Seraphim by Mrs.TheKing is mobi and I'm not fond of Kindle, I would just like to have it in my go-to collection.

My rec for today is http://www.fanfiction.net/s/5948601/1/High_School_Confidential

Thanks for any help you can give me!



Friday November 18, 2011 at 9:24 AM

happy birthday, ranger emibella!

she gets princess sparkles because she's cinderella.

tricia, i want you to know that you're a peach, and that i love you madly.

i also want you to know that i'm listening to "jump, jump" by kris kross at the moment. see? my musical taste is still impeccable.

have a wonderful day, my darling, and always remember: you are loved.

drop by and leave some birthday love for our esme!


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purple announcement

Friday November 18, 2011 at 8:54 AM

black friday

so i'm one of those people that can always sniff out a good bargain. and i love to brag about it. i'm not an extreme couponer or anything; i just know the real value of stuff and it drives me nuts to pay exorbitant fees when i know i could get it for cheaper with a little research and a lotta ~shopping savvy.

you either love or hate shopping with me, because i point out the stuff you would've otherwise missed. and i've usually got a $5 off coupon up my sleeve.

i've already got three different people asking me to go black friday shopping with them this year. i tell them what i tell everyone, every year: "you wanna come with me, wear comfortable shoes, don't bitch, and be at my house at 2am." i will not be doing any standing in line this year, though. kristen's protip #1: unless you want one of target's $298 46" LCDs... get there after opening... which is midnight this year. :/ i'll be pulling up at target at about midnight oh five next friday. and i know i'll get those kids' pajamas and blu-rays that i want.

if you do want one of those tvs, consider standing in line starting wednesday evening. there are people in line for best buy already somewhere in florida. i ain't makin' that up. oh, and part of my black friday posting will include why buying electronics on black friday isn't really a great idea.

so anyway, next week i'll do a series of "black friday" campfires in which i share the websites i've been trolling for info, coupons, codes, and other additional ways to save, and some of the deals i'mma try to score come the so-called (and incorrectly monikered) ~busiest shopping day of the year (anyone who's worked retail can tell you that the saturday before christmas is the actual busiest shopping day of the year).

anyway, if you're like me and have all kinds of good tips/advice/coupons you don't mind sharing, i hope you come back and check out my campfires!

if you're sad or desperate or don't have time to troll the internet yourself, then i hope to see you, too.

if you have anything specific you'd like to hear about or want info on, drop me a note here, and i'll look into it. seriously, i never pay full price for anything. even at sephora, i usually score some kind of freebie.

today's protip: tomorrow for the first 5 hours of opening at old navy... all outerwear is 75% off. no joke. i have $30 in supercash to spend; i think mama could use a new trench. and sunday it's 75% off all sweaters. if you plan on going, plan on parking at least 30 minutes before opening. trust me on this one.

also, if you follow me on twitter, i just tweeted a thing to get a coupon for $5 off a $5 purchase. yeah, you read that right. go get your kid an accessory or something if you're malling this weekend. or some of their cool socks. whaddya got to lose, it'll be free(ish, depending on which socks lol)!

anyway, the grohl sums up how i feel about utilizing my shopping skillz~ this friday for your time, and i wish you good hunting next week:

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FFA. and something amazing.

Friday November 18, 2011 at 6:41 AM

I HAVE to share this.

please, please give this a shot if you don't already know this song.

the song, the lyrics, the video...i NEED other people to love this as much as i do.

you share amazing songs, too, well known or not.

also, it's ffa, so go bananas on this place.

you know what else is amazing?

clicking the ads on adf.

First --- | >> | 736 | 737 | 738 | 739 | 740 | 741 | 742 | 743 | 744 | 1413 | 1414 | --- Last
