
Pregnant Bella...

Tuesday March 13, 2012 at 10:55 AM

...In high school.

Just saw a cf about pregnant Bella fics, and i remembered a story i read a while ago, Edward got her pregnant and that's all i remember, the only other thing is that it was really good, and now i want to read something like that again =)

Please, no extremely long fics, and a little agst can be included but i need HEA.

My rec:

My Perfect Mr Imperfect » by xrxdanixrx 

Bella wanted Mr. Perfect, but he didn't want her. When Mr. Imperfect comes along, can she look close enough to see just who is more perfect for her? A story about falling in love with the imperfections. AH - Rated M for lemons later.
Twilight - Fiction Rated: M - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 26 - Words: 172,933 - Reviews: 5946 - Updated: 5-12-11 - Published: 9-9-10 - - Edward/Bella - Complete


Black Dagger Brotherhood

Tuesday March 13, 2012 at 10:44 AM


I just pre-ordered this!! Let's discuss the entire series in the campfire.


Happy Tuesday! :)

Tuesday March 13, 2012 at 9:15 AM

And the Plot Thickens...

A cooking ground for writers

What we’re cookin’...

  • Plot Bunnies! Ever have a plot bunny that needed some spice? Who said anything about too many cooks? The more the merrier, here! Bring your undercooked plots or ideas, and help others hash out their stories, too.
  • Your Characters! Feel like your characters are just skin and bones? Come chat with your friends and see if they can help you create the perfect recipe for meaty greatness.
  • Basically anything related to your fic that you need help with!



  • We’re allergic to negativity! Constructive criticism and suggestions are welcome, but please try to stay positive and productive!
  • And pilfering, too! There will be plenty of story ideas being discussed, so please stay respectful to your fellow authors by not using another's idea as your own - unless given explicit permission by the author first and then giving due credit, of course. No eating off someone else’s plate unless they say you can!


Food Bank...

  • Donations! Have some untouched plot ingredients that have been sitting in your cabinet for far too long? Come drop them off at our Food Bank and help another hungry author!
  • Pick up! Need some ingredients for your writing? See what ideas have been left for a good home.


You’ve given us an excuse to use the kitchen for the first time.

So, come on in and share your ideas! Maybe someone will have that perfect plot point that pushes your story from good to great, and hopefully you’ll be able to do the same for a fellow author!


Galloping abs

Tuesday March 13, 2012 at 7:17 AM


I was just sent this (by an author who writes very exciting vampire smut). Do click!


First I laughed my head off, but now I am wondering if this kind of lemon isn't going to put me off sex scenes forever and ever.

But I am evil and want to share it.  To make it interactive, do you have other examples as outstanding as this one?


My rec:

Angel of death by Sloner 52

To honor one of our few male authors (a protected species if ever there was one) I am reading his fic, despite its being rather drabblish. It updates every day or so. I do hope to get a male perspecive on vamp/human sex, when he gets to it. We might have it all wrong, not so much because we are not vamps, but because we are females.

Summary: Edward is part of the Volturi guard... what happens when Isabella shows up as the next meal? ... Short Chapters updated often ... M, Sex, Darkward, ExB


Hunger Games Looking Good?

Tuesday March 13, 2012 at 6:52 AM

Sorry I know some people don't want to hear any more about this but I am so damn excited that I cannot stop myself.

Although movie critics have had to sign an embargo stopping them from publishing full length reviews for this movie, it hasn't stopped them and other people who have been lucky enough to see the film tweeting their initial thoughts.  Here is a snippet of just a few:

Also, The Hunger Games has been deemed to violent for a 12A rating in the UK.  That means that some of it has had to be cut.  I think this is probably a good thing, it means that the violence will be pushing what is acceptable for a 12A rating (just like the Dark Knight, I still have no idea how that got a 12A rating)

 So what do you think?

Do you think those review snippets mean anything?

Are you more or less excited by this?

Are you going to see it or miss it?

Also I was wondering about Fanfiction.  Do you think there is going to be a massive influx of Hunger Games Fanfiction?

Are any of you planning or thinking about writing some? Or have you written some already? (if so, please link!!)

Have you been reading Hunger Games fanfiction? and if so are there some hidden jems out there that we all need to know about?

(I have to go to the cinema now, but will be back later to chat...if anyone replies in this CF.)


Pregnant Bella

Monday March 12, 2012 at 9:56 PM

Hello! Okay so this is my first campfire that I've ever started so yeah..its just about as awkward as I thought it would be.

I was wondering if anyone had any pregnant bella fic rec's they could send me? I have a friend who is obsessed with them and is looking for new ones to read. 

Thank you so much for the help :)


Fic Rec: The Only Exception


*thanks to maplestyle for helping me


The Hunger Games

Monday March 12, 2012 at 8:02 PM

I know that a lot of us here LOVE The Hunger Games... I am watching the red carpet show of the premiere right now via the mtv movie blog and they are showing some EXCELLENT interviews! 

I just thought I would share that you can watch it RIGHT HERE

Discuss what you see and what YOU hope to see on the screen when we finally get to see the movie! Yay!

Get More: MTV Shows


Flubbed contest?

Monday March 12, 2012 at 7:30 PM

Hey guys... has anyone out there heard of this contest?


I entered in December, e-mailed a copy of my one shot but am afraid the thing was a scam.  I can't remember if the contest was rec'd here or on TwiFic Central but I sent the mods of the contest a PM after the winners were supposed to be announced this month and have heard...crickets.

Has this ever happened to anyone else, where you entered your story only to realize it was a hoax?  

Hopefully I'm mistaken about this but I have the sinking feeling I'm not.


Just gotta cry

Monday March 12, 2012 at 6:44 PM

Anyone got a fic recs that make you BAWL tell tell please 

Here's a rec http://www.fanfiction.net/s/7557706/1/What_I_Wished_For


Oh noes!!! Not another CF about THAT FIC!!!

Monday March 12, 2012 at 5:59 PM

Well YES, and NO



It's no secret that the E.L. James (f.k.a. Icy) trilogy Fifty Shades of Grey (f.k.a. MotU) is going to be re-edited and re-published by a division of Random House or that the author received a 7 figure sum for the privilege.  We've debated our feelings about Icy, the fic, the books, P2P et. al. nearly to death.  OK, not nearly to death. TO DEATH.  That's not what I will be talking about in this CF. 

I find it interesting that a lot of the criticism about the books mirrors the criticism initially leveled against Twilight -- (The rest inside the comments, share your thoughts if you feel like it.)


Looking for some recs :)

Monday March 12, 2012 at 4:52 PM

This is my first cf and i am not sure how to do it! If i am not doing this right, feel free to delete it.

So, i have been reading really agsty fics, and i'm looking for some B/E high school love, with some shyella or shyward, but i am not picky, if you have a good one you want to share, but they are not like that, just post it here =)

Please, no extremely long fics, a little agst can be included but i need the HEA.

My rec:

Royal Rebellions 

Bella Swan is no stranger to hard work, but everything changes when she is forced to work in Cullen Manor, the home of America's royal family. Her encounters with a certain prince cause her to wonder if the rules are worth following. MODERN DAY. AH, OOC
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 35 - Words: 208,692 - Reviews: 4258 - Updated: 8-26-11 - Published: 1-24-11 - Edward & Bella - Complete


Sneak Peek

Monday March 12, 2012 at 2:07 PM

In which Hal is a shotty campfire host

who shouldn't be allowed to do a weekly CF

Sorry, guys. Truly.

I'm sick and fell asleep.

No excuses, though lol

Just post your teasers.

Free for all it all on the challenge if ya wanna

Post whatever reminds you of your fic

~Don't forget to include a link to your story~

Fluent in Sarcasm

Can we talk?

Monday March 12, 2012 at 2:01 PM

So atm there are SO many fic chapter updates that are leaving  me internally screaming "Noooooo!" because they simply can't leave the chapter there. The following fics are the most recent, for interactivity please list/rec YOUR fics that leave you feeling perturbed, chomping at the bit, screaming for more! and come discuss my list.

Also if you are Not reading these fics... WHY THE HELL NOT!

You really should,

Go on,

Go now,

Why are you still here?


OH right, here they are...

Thief of Hearts by Pattyrose (OMG srly a dun dun dun moment!)

The Diva Diaries by KiyaRaven (again i was like wtf?)

Snapdragon by prettykittyartist

Pinky Swear by kharizzmatik (DO I REALLY HAVE TO EXPALIN)

Color of Loneliness by ExquisiteEdward

Blind Spot by FictionFreak95

A Forbidden Love by TwiLoverSue




A Pound of Flesh updated

Monday March 12, 2012 at 1:41 PM

YESSS!! A Pound of Flesh updated after five looong months, I´m so happy and excited!

Chapter 43

What do you think?


Charging for Translated Fics

Monday March 12, 2012 at 1:36 PM

I'm sorry if this is not an appropriate campfire, if so, please delete.


This link is being passed around on twitter.


Apparently MANY fics have been translated and are also charging people for the downloads.


If these are any of yours, I thought you'd want to know.





ETA: This explanation of the site is now floatin' around. Again, something I came across via twitter. 



Ask jennyfly

Monday March 12, 2012 at 12:33 PM

It's SPRING BREAK, y'all!

This means I am sitting in a reclining chair with two cups of coffee, a carton of Pall Malls, a bowl of cereal, a bag full of pills, two televisions, a box of vintage German pr0n, and some brownies.*

I'm all yours!

But please don't ask me where [insert name of lost fic here] is. I have no idea. I also don't care where it is. Stop losing things.




jennifer, i am shocked, shocked. i thought you smoked marlboro reds!

  I'll smoke your purple face inna minnit.




*All statements may not be true


The Keepsake updated

Monday March 12, 2012 at 11:42 AM


Have you read the update?  What did you think? 

LJ Summers


Monday March 12, 2012 at 10:04 AM



Monday is my favorite day of the week.  Come enjoy it with me!

And bring shoes!  

For example, these Kate Spade sandals are what I'd love to wear if I could:


But what I would actually wear (because I'm a huge klutz and always falling over my own feet) is more like this Robert Clergerie pair I found on Zappos.


For the record?  The Clergerie cost about twice as much as the Spade and I can't afford either! ;-)

What about you? Bring your favorite shoes you DO wear or the shoes you wish you COULD wear and join us around the bondfire!



Monday March 12, 2012 at 7:37 AM

Okay, I don't know why I decided to post this, I just did. I'm a bit...feisty today so please forgive my horny school girl post.

With that said...

If you could bang any vampire (preferably with fangs because they're sexy) who would it be?

There's only one that matches this criteria for me and that's Lestat as played by Tom Cruise.

Damn he's sexy as hell!

The hubs and I are going to Comic Con here in Memphis in November, and I'm cosplaying as an Anne Rice vampire with those awesome double set fangs.

It's actually sad because I will totally go for a guy with those double set fangs, if they're the dental professional kind that attach perfectly to your teeth.

Since this has to be fandom related, let me also say that I'll jump on Edward Cullen if he's the not so traditional man in a lot of those AU stories that I love to read.

Actually, there is one other for me...

While I'm not a huge fan of the single set fangs...I could get over it for Eric Northman. Something about a viking vampire just gets me all hot and bothered.

So what about you? Male commenters are incouraged to post. I'd love to see some sexy female vamps posted here.



Sunday March 11, 2012 at 8:05 PM

So what did you think? Who else do you think will die before the season ends?


The Walking Dead

First --- | >> | 672 | 673 | 674 | 675 | 676 | 677 | 678 | 679 | 680 | 1413 | 1414 | --- Last
