
The no-good, horrible, very bad break-up

Saturday March 10, 2012 at 1:31 PM

UGH, so I'm currently going through a horrible break-up. The jerkwad dumped me after six years. SIX YEARS, people! 


So I need your help and want your recs for a fic in which Bella also goes through a breakup (sisters in solidarity!) But I need a happy ending, prefereably E/B, so I know that there's hope. ....And can secretly pray that my Edward will come in, all bronze-haired, and dishelveled with just enough background to make him interesting.


What are your favorite break-up fics in the Twilight fandom? Best of the best? 


OH, and to give back, of course:

One of the most hilarious fics I've read in a long time. Gay Jacob is a riot!

Pinky Swear » by kharizzmatik reviews
Bella always knew she loved her best friend, but it isn't until she finds out he's engaged that she remembers just how much. How far will she go to make him see he's marrying the wrong woman? A story about finding your heart and losing your head. AH E/B
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Friendship/Romance - Chapters: 20 - Words: 137,730 - Reviews: 5468 - Updated: 3-7-12 - Published: 6-10-11 - Bella & Edward


Looking for fic

Saturday March 10, 2012 at 11:26 AM

I'm looking for a fic that I can't remember much about.

All I really remember is:

-they are vamps.

-Tanya and Edward are playing chess and she is basicly assulting him through the mind reading.

-Tanya tries to assult him again in the kitchen but Bella uses her power/shield to keep her out and Tanya is unable to even come near him.

My rec: Make Me Believe » bellasunderstudy1
A marriage that was a mistake, a broken heart and a carefully constructed lie.When Edward comes back into Bella's life can he make her believe that he never stopped loving her? Canon couples, E/B.
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Romance/Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 36 - Words: 333,249 - Reviews: 2361 - Updated: 5-17-10 - Published: 7-15-09 - Bella & Edward - Complete


Edit: Never mind I found it. It was A Life Extraordinary.



Saturday March 10, 2012 at 11:26 AM

Can we please discuss this update?

I really love this story.



Looking for O/Ss

Saturday March 10, 2012 at 10:56 AM

I am looking for two O/S...


1) Edward and Bella tell their love story to the family. I dont remember much but after the proposal, Edward asks Bella if she loves children and put lizrd's child in her hand.


2)Bella works for Edward. He finds her disgusting or something. He always insults her. One day he follows her and finds out that her dad has cancer and she's trying her best to save money or him.



Color of loneliness


Bella loses her last living relative and falls into a deep depression. She also has an ex-boyfriend whom she can't get away from. Can a gruff contractor named Edward bring her out of the darkness? Rated M for lemons and language. OC.



Saturday March 10, 2012 at 10:43 AM

I remember a post about this not too long ago. Has anyone watched it yet? If so, what did you think?


SAP update

Saturday March 10, 2012 at 8:06 AM

andohmygodit'sadoozy. D:

Discuss this with me, yeah?

(The link is the banner.)


What do you use?

Saturday March 10, 2012 at 8:05 AM


My skin is so dry that it's starting to crack and that's pretty painful.

I've recently moved back to New England where the winters can be kind of harsh on the skin.

For those of you who live in a cold, dry climate, what do you use on your face, hands, skin?

Also, I have one other question, please see inside?


wolfpack recs....

Saturday March 10, 2012 at 6:23 AM

Ok so I want to try some different pairings... does anyone have any recs for these stories.... I've tried the wolfpack list in the master fic list but thats mostly bella/someone and Jacob/nessie ...

Sam / Emily

Jared / Kim

Paul / Rachel

Quil / claire

Seth / OC or someone that isnt a main character in twilight like (angela,jess,lauren,etc...)

Leah / OC or someone that isnt a main character in twilight

embry / OC or someone that isnt a main character

the frist four is kind of what I'm hoping for...Please no stories with Bella/Jaocb/edward/other cullens as the pairings...  I kind of want to get away from the main pairings for a bit..


I just started reading this story... Its a jared/kim pairing.... Only a few chapters into it at the moment... its kind of a fun fluffy read as far as I've got... its just been nice to have a break from E and B for a change...

My Own Werewolf » by becksishere
Kim is an average girl, nothing special. Nobody notices her until Jared comes back from an extended absence and can't get enough of her. Kim doesn't know whether to accept Jared's sudden change in behaviour. This is the story of Jared imprinting on Kim.
Twilight - Fiction Rated: T - English - Romance/General - Chapters: 37 - Words: 166,609 - Reviews: 1833 - Updated: 10-29-10 - Published: 5-6-09 - - Jared/Kim - Complete



Saturday March 10, 2012 at 1:27 AM



I'm finally doing it. I'm finally going to visit New Orleans. I've dreamed of this for decades and can't actually believe I'm going. I'll be visiting in May for three nights AND while there I have tickets to see Florence + The Machine! Ironic that I have to go to New Orleans to see her (she's not playing here).

Anyway, I'm going to be meeting up with one fandom friend while there (yay!). I'm wondering if any other Forest dwellers live there? Or if any of you have tips for a first time visitor? Places to see? Places to eat? Places to avoid? Safety tips? (We're staying in the Quarter)

And to make this more interactive where are you going on vacation this year?





P.S. For those who care, sorry I've been missing. It's been a rough week. Trying to get back on the horse now.

The Offspring

FFA, Yes?

Saturday March 10, 2012 at 12:59 AM

So I just finished an outstanding book. One with subject material I had never read before.

What is this book you may ask?

Yeah. Let's just say, this book blew me away. I'm not going to give spoilers unless people want some. Or if you want, just read my review on GoodReads. :P

Interactive part: What book owns you right now? Or what song describes the book you're reading right now? For me, it would be this one.

Let me know what you think!


Please help me find a fic

Friday March 9, 2012 at 11:13 PM

Hey Guys, I hope someone can help me find this fic. Unfortunately, I am a little fuzzy on some of the details (shocker). For example, I can't remember if it was one-shot, a mini-fic or a full multi-chapter story. I also can't remember if the details below belong to one story or if I'm combining stories. Ugggg!

What I do remember is that I really, really liked it. Here's what else I do remember:

* Bella and Edward meet in college;  I think he is a TA or something.

* Bella lives in some kind of converted barn; I think with her Mom and/or maybe Alice.

* They both attend some kind of frat party and Edward asks Bella out.

* At some point he takes her to see an Adele concert because his family knows her somehow

* One time her truck breaks down and she walks to Edward's. She thinks he's with someone else, when really he's just in the shower. He runs after her in a towel.

Sorry, that's all I remember. Also, I do have a rec, but I can't for the life of me figure out how to link a story. Believe me, I've tried. I really, really liked this unique, sweet story.

Like Crazy by willyoupleasebequiet
They say that there are three certainties in life: birth, death & taxes. A fourth certainty in Edward & Bella's life is their friendship...okay, five if you include Edward's fixation on seeing her boobs. Inspired by WhatsMyNomDePlume's "Best I Ever Had"
Twilight - Fiction Rated: M - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 14 - Words: 75,913 - Reviews: 405 - Updated: 3-4-12 - Published: 1-27-12 - - Edward/Bella - Complete




Made my day....

Friday March 9, 2012 at 10:17 PM

So. A couple of months ago I posted a campfire entitled RL Advice, concerning my worry over how long it was taking for me to get the MEPS exam appointment (medical exam) for the Air Force. Just when I thought I was never going to get it, I got this news on Wednesday via my Dad (and in case your wondering...it's because he's been popping into their office every couple of weeks asking for updates. He can be really persistant, he really wants me to join):

MARCH 20TH, 2012.

It was confirmed today when I went to see my recruiter :D :D :D

Sooooo, share your stories of when you got awesome news, how you reacted...etc. Did you do something embarassing when you were celebrating? :D

I can tell you right now, when my Dad came home wednesday, he started dancing and saying in a sing-a-song voice "I got good newwwsss."



I Can't Find Them!

Friday March 9, 2012 at 9:18 PM

I'm looking for a couple stories that I can't remember the names of. One is where Bella is the only one that can see Edward, he died in a car accident the previous weekend and she is trying to help him find out what really happened to him. He was dating Victoria and she was behind his accident. AU/AH

The other one is AU/Vamp/human. Bella and Edward are on their honeymoon in and Edward has bought Bella a castle? in Italy. Bella ends up getting sick with the Spanish Flu because of Edward's "stuff" lol.


Here's my Rec... The first FF I ever read :)

Osa Bella  http://www.fanfiction.net/s/6038733/1/Osa_Bella
Bella is a school counselor, but Edward is a vampire posing as a student. Will Bella defy her head and follow her heart? Or will she conquer her desire and do what she believes is right? Not your daughter's/niece's/little sister's Twilight. Angsty.
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Romance/Fantasy - Chapters: 37 - Words: 189,155 - Reviews: 3288 - Updated: 9-16-11 - Published: 6-9-10 - Bella & Edward - Complete


Fic Recs - Where do you go?

Friday March 9, 2012 at 9:16 PM

I eagerly anticipate the Weekly Rec Campfire on here and also visit the Fictionators on occasion. Where do you all go for your fic recommendations? What are you reading today?

Thanks everyone!


Tumblr anyone??

Friday March 9, 2012 at 7:28 PM

Gah,my first campfire! I've been here for while now but I'm shy and like to hide. Anyways I just need new blogs to follow on tumblr! I just want something new on my dashboard.(: 

Leave me your url in the comment box and tell about your blog.  

To make this interact here are some questions:

What made you join tumblr? 

What your favorite thing about tumbler?

What's the thing you hate most about tumblr? 

What the funniest thing you seen on your dashboard? 


Ghost Adventures

Friday March 9, 2012 at 6:54 PM

I'm a HUGE fan of Ghost Adventures. Not because I think it's all real, but because it's so darned entertaining.

Season 6 (?) Premieres tonight and I'm sure there will be lots of wackiness, including Zak saying "Did you HEAR that?!" Aaron saying "Whoa, DUDE!" Nick giving wry looks at the camera, EVPs that are "crystal clear" (read: sound like static), Aaron getting told to go the basement/attic/crawl space/creepiest place in the locaton by himself and "see what happens", and maybe an appearance by EVP experts Mark &Debbie Constantino.

Yeah, I know way too much about this show.

So, will I be the only camper watching??

To make this interactive: Do you enjoy Ghost Adventures, or do you prefer one of the other ghost hunting shows? WHich one is your favorite?  Do you believe in ghosts? Have any of your own ghost stories to tell?

Come share with me please!!


Babies on a Plane

Friday March 9, 2012 at 4:58 PM

I just saw this little post and got to thinking about it. 




It was in response to this: 




What do you think? How do you feel about this? It seems to be a pretty hot topic for some folks. 


will you quit pinterest?

Friday March 9, 2012 at 4:49 PM

I don't know about you, but when I agree to a websites ToS I usually skim, and admit that sometimes I don't even read them at all.  I came across this pin while browsing cooking recipes on pinterest and am a bit shocked tbh.  Come inside and read the controversy surrounding pinterest.  


Pink Slime

Friday March 9, 2012 at 2:18 PM

What is pink slime?

"The "pink slime" is made by gathering waste trimmings, simmering them at low heat so the fat separates easily from the muscle, and spinning the trimmings using a centrifuge to complete the separation. Next, the mixture is sent through pipes where it is sprayed with ammonia gas to kill bacteria. The process is completed by packaging the meat into bricks. Then, it is frozen and shipped to grocery stores and meat packers, where it is added to most ground beef." ABC news


This is some news coverage of what is happening with it now that Mc Donald's and Taco Bell no longer want the stuff: (I am not sure how to link this particular video)


What does everyone make of the situation? Is pink slime a good witch or a bad witch? It is a cheap way to feed people but not the healthiest. One probably has more risk of food poisoning eating a salad or chicken. Still, salad and chicken have much better nutritional value. And if you have nothing to say about this topic, what other food additives are out there that the general public is likely unaware of?


Fifty Shades of Awesome!!!

Friday March 9, 2012 at 2:14 PM



Icy has not only arrived, but taken the industry by storm!


NY Times Best Sellers List for E-Book Fiction

No. 1 Fifty Shades of Grey by E. L. James

No. 8 Fifty Shades Darker by E. L. James

No. 11 Fifty Shades Freed by E. L. James


Congratulations, E. L. James!

First --- | >> | 674 | 675 | 676 | 677 | 678 | 679 | 680 | 681 | 682 | 1413 | 1414 | --- Last
