
The Walking Dead

Sunday March 4, 2012 at 9:04 PM

Judge, Jury, Excutioner episode.

Who's watched it? What'd you think?

Carl's a little @#&! brat. Where were Rick & Lori when he went for a walk and happened upon a... well, walker?

Oh, right. They were busy with everyone else discussing the fate of their prisoner, Randall. Speaking of, do you think Rick made the right decision? What would you have done if you were in his shoes?


Come in and discuss.


Spoil Me!

Sunday March 4, 2012 at 4:59 PM



Are you a fic reading wimp?  Is there a fic you'd love to start but you're scared and need someone to hold you and tell you if it's safe to go ahead?

This is the campfire for you!

Here's how we'll do this.  Make a post asking about the fic in question.  If you have any specific issues, go ahead and ask.  Then those of you who've read can answer the wimps. ;)  

In order that those who don't want to be spoiled on other fics aren't spoiled, please post your spoiler answer in white font so questioners can highlight the text to see it and others aren't accidentally spoiled. :)

Ready?  Set?  Go!  

My first request will be in the comments.


EDIT:  It's being requested that this be a spoiler campfire for COMPLETED fics only.  REMEMBER TO WHITE OUT YOUR SPOILERS.


I'm thinking of maybe making this a semi-regular campfire and post them on occasion if there seems to be enough interest. 


Anyone interested in more Eclipse BTS?

Sunday March 4, 2012 at 1:35 PM

more in the comments

Exposure - Which is Better, Big or Small?

Sunday March 4, 2012 at 1:31 PM

Hello all.  I'm just sharing my thoughts here today, because I'd like to hear some opinions.  This is my first campfire.

Which do you think is better- to have a few reviewers that are positive and understand what you're trying to do, or a lot of reviewers that can say "I love it," but don't necessarily understand your story?

The Pros and Cons:

Only A Few Good Reviewers: A handful of people review your story who are engaged, positive and understand what you're trying to do. You almost never have someone who doesn't get it.  Unfortunately, it also means that your validation is limited to those handful of reviewers.

More Reviewers: If you have a lot of people reviewing your story, you get more feedback, validation everytime the review alert shows up in your inbox, but often the reviews aren't substantive and most of the time they've missed your point.

So I wonder, which situtation would people rather be in?  A few good reviews and knowing your work is being received well?  Or many reviews and attention that doesn't necessarily reflect that your words are being understood and can sometimes be negative?

Or perhaps, no matter how big or small your story is, there are always going to be only a few people that actually get your writing.

I was once in a WC during which the topic of how vicious people in the fandom can be to each other came up. I mentioned that I had only encountered such a thing once (which was true at that time). One of the other authors responded, "Then may you have enough reviews to keep you happy, but not enough to make you known."

Thoughts, opinions? Thanks! Oh, and here's a random gif to make you smile. 


Robert and Kristen being lovely in Paris

Sunday March 4, 2012 at 9:29 AM

There will be some pap pics inside so if u're not into that sort of thing...you know, be warned...


Luna StarFire

ADF Fit Club

Sunday March 4, 2012 at 7:25 AM


Good Day Campers!  Sorry we didn't have a campfire last week.  I was in Chicago for a concert so had no laptop access.  Hope everyone is doing swell!  Come on in and let us know how things are going.

Homework:  Go bat crazy, let us know how your weight loss has helped you...or whatever else you want to share.  

24/7 Support - ADF Fit Club LJ Community

Also its never too late to join in. ; )


Everlasting Why Update

Sunday March 4, 2012 at 12:03 AM

 Once again, I don't know how to make this interactive other than honestly wonder how  there can still be people not reading this. Especially after this update.

Chapter 23: Break with the Deadening Life

Perfect chapter is perfect.

Also, not virgins, people. Chick's got the best twists on canon.



Saturday March 3, 2012 at 10:25 PM



With all of the tornados around you this week, I've been waiting to see you here in the forest....

Has anyone heard from her, recently?

Tornados are my recurring nightmare.  Thunderstorms scare the beejeebees outta me.  It's prolly from too much Wizard of Oz as a little girl.

Come inside and tell us if you've had family or friends affected by storms... How many of you have an emergency kit ready to get your family through a horrible sitch? 


Army Wives, Season 6

Saturday March 3, 2012 at 10:18 PM

Anyone here watch this show?

I just wanna talk about how excited I am that the new season is FINALLY here.

Who are your favorite characters on the show? It looks like, judging by the new cast photos, that there's a new Army wife in town. Never mind, it was just Joan. I didn't recognize her, lol.

So am I alone in my excitement? Or are there other fans of the show in here?

Just curious. and excited.

P.S. Is the promo picture okay for the front page? If it's not then I'll change it to something safer. No biggie. Just tell me. :-) (RANGER EDIT: pic is fine-noworries wnv)


Live Journal

Saturday March 3, 2012 at 8:32 PM

Can we talk about this site? I'm SO lost there. I've had an account for a while because I read in fandoms that are much more active there. But I've recently started writing in other fandoms that are more active there, and I want to know how to use that place.

Anyone got any pointers? Anyone use LJ a lot? Pros/Cons? And helpful hints or NEED TO KNOW things?

Come chat about this place with me, pretty please :)



Saturday March 3, 2012 at 5:53 PM

The Dish it out Campfire below has made me wonder where all the years have gone!  I have been in this fandom for so long and I can't believe my crush on Rob is still intact!

This is why this is weird to me:

The last celebrity crush I had before Rob was John Taylor from Duran Duran. I was 12!!

This is why I am Mentallady. Because drooling over a celebrity is so out of character for me.

I will say that Fassbender is giving Rob serious competition, though...

My crushes all seem to be English..I am moving there when I retire...my hubs may or may not be invited to come along.


Who was your first celebrity crush that you remember?

Who are you crushing on now?

John Taylor circa 1980s for all the young campers.


Flattering flirtations & charming mistakes

Saturday March 3, 2012 at 3:33 PM

So I'm married.  Happily and committedly so.  It'll be 10 years this month.  I have two young kids.  I feel the mom part.  I feel it.  Lol.  I'm a relatively shy person and usually have the kids with me, so I don't usually get a lot of male attention, which is good, since I'm married.  Lol.  

But every once and a while, something happens.  I get hit on, asked out, whatever it may be that just gives me a little lift.  

Something just happened that totally made me laugh and yet sort of made my day.  

I've been out in the back yard weeding while the kids played for the last couple of hours.  My VERY friendly male neighbor that has lived behind us for almost 2 years peeked his head over the fence as he sometimes does and struck up conversation.  After a while, he pauses and says, "Where's your brother?  I usually see him around."  

I look at him a little confused.  My brother does live in town but he only comes over once every month or two.  Then I say, "Oh, I think you mean my husband."

... his face falls... "Oh...your husband."  

I had to fight to keep from laughing.  He seemed quite put out.  

I have to wonder if he'll be as neighborly as he's been over the last couple years...

SO!  Tell me your funny little stories about flirtation.  You know, the ones that just lift your spirits.  You're married or in a relationship or for whatever reason it's not going to work out but it just gives you a boost.  

Flirty Edward for your time:



Saturday March 3, 2012 at 1:32 PM

swoonworthy Broomward

Make sure to watch the toasts at the end :)
Fransisca Swan

Prism by Anna Faze

Saturday March 3, 2012 at 12:40 PM

I saw this fic recommended on Fictionators today and I am so glad I gave it a try. It is seriously under reviewed for how good it is - IMO so I thought I would pimp it out a bit here. If your looking for a new story to read go here:


Sorry I don't know how to make this pretty with gifs and pictures :)


Dish it out...

Saturday March 3, 2012 at 1:53 AM

Okay, so I've been a part of a different forest since May of last year, and a part of the fandom since mid 2008-early 2009, etc... (it wasn't until I joined the forest that I learned about some of the big things I missed during my days of story lurking: the drama surrounding motu and the authors decision to pull and publish, all the problems that seem to have stemmed from twilighted, certain fics that have caused  a stir.)  Obviously I've missed out on some key events that have happened. 

So, once and for all, lets lay it all out; for everyone here that has ever read a reference about some past drama in the fandom that has left them scratching their heads in confusion, asking themselves "what the hell did I miss?"

Here's the challange: dish out the full story (so far) on every major occurence in the twilight fandom- pulled to publsh fics, plagiarisms, major flounces, you name it.


ETA: For example, I keep hearing a lot of talk about past grievances with the twilighted site, but people have yet to elaborate. Really, this campfire is for filling up the holes of certain past events for new members and whatnot who don't know what the hell senior members are talking about when they refer to something that was obviously big in the past but is now old news.


Hidden TV Gems

Saturday March 3, 2012 at 1:02 AM

I keep up with a couple of the current vamp/supernatural shows like Vampire Diaries and Being Human (UK is my favorite).

I've ranted about how much I love Kindred: The Embraced. I was okay with the Dark Shadows remake. I've kinda dabbled in Ultraviolet (on Netflix)

And a couple of weeks ago I discovered this:

 or more specifically him:

I was sorely disappointed when I found out it ended after two seasons-it’s a complete gem.  The chemistry sizzles. I saw the pilot and ordered the set online in good faith. I’m not disappointed in the least. (And yes, he's one of the guys from The Covenant.)

Favorite line so far:
"How many times do I have to tell you not to bite the bartender?"

Tell me about your favorite hidden gem TV series. What makes you love it?


Sh*t has hit the fan... Again :S

Saturday March 3, 2012 at 12:31 AM

It's not just BNAs that get f'ed over by plagiarizers. LKAs (little known authors) face the same troubles. Only, they don't wield the same amount of outrage, due to their smaller scale. This does not mean that it's okay, though. It should be common decency to respect other people's work. I mean, yes, we all use someone else's characters, and you can't legally copyright fanfiction. But still, we pour our hearts and souls and creativity into these stories, coming up with original and heartrendering storylines. That should mean something, right?

So please, take a minute to read what is happening to my friend and WC buddy Kris (Mkystich), and spread the word about the injustice and audacity of the pathetic persons who ANONYMOUSLY threatened her to publish her story as their own to make money off it. Here's what she tweeted earlier tonight (I've PG-ed the swearing as requested by Tor, but you'll get the meaning of it):

'I’m posting this with much sorrow in my heart. I have to take 30 Days Of Darkness down. I received a DM from some @*$hole stating that unless I have legally copyrighted the story, or planed on publishing it, they were going to take the story and make it their own.

To say I’m devastated by this would be an understatement.

A wonderful friend of mine pointed me to a site that offers free legal advice and specializes on internet cases, and after speaking to a very nice lady for an hour, she told me that what this person planned on doing was completely legal. She told me that over the years her office has received many phone calls about this same situation and that unfortunately the authors were stuck with these options: 1. Take down the story, change what makes it a Fan Fiction, then pay to have it copyrighted and notarized. 2. Publish it as my own.

And FYI this lady also explained to me that you can’t legally copyright a fan fiction story, or say you’ve copyrighted the idea of the story, because it is a fan fiction. And that authors who post “I have copyrighted this story except for the characters because they belong to (name the author)” is a waste of time.

Now to any of you who don’t know me well, know that I’m a single mother of 3 and don’t have the money to p*ss away on legal b*ll$h*. But I have very… conflicting emotions when it comes to publishing fan fiction. When I told this to the legal aid this is what she suggested, publish so that it’s only on Kindle and sell it dirt cheap. Some stories are as cheap as 99c or even free. I’d still be able to keep the story as mine and not make a cent from it.

I’m starting to think this is the better of the two ideas.

Well it’s either that or let this person make money off of my story.

Now I you have read 30 Days Of Darkness, and liked it, then save it. I don’t care if you PDF it and email it to the world. I just don’t want someone else taking something I worked so hard on and taking it from me.

I have no idea why this person messaged me saying this, for all I know they have already done it, but I have to at least try… right? Wouldn’t you do the same?'

I am honestly raging about this.


Does anyone have...

Friday March 2, 2012 at 11:55 PM

Does anyone have the last few chapters of I Love Mr. North?  I got sucked into that story but never read the last few chapters and now it's been pulled.  :(


My rec:

Transcendence by Savage7289   I know, I know - everyone's already read it but it's the last fic I read that I really liked. Caveward ("hoh!") is so flippin' adorable and the epilogue gets the rare "made me cry" award.


Recs Please

Friday March 2, 2012 at 11:23 PM

Not sure if there is a limit to starting campfires so... I'll keep it short and sweet.

My dad has been in the intensive care unit for a while now and its a sensitive subject for me. Ive been looking for new fics to read, but I swear to god, in every Twilight fanfiction someone winds up in the hospital... and if no one ends up seriously injured/sick/dead, then there are still multiple scenes in the hospital because Bella is dating doc!Edward. I tried starting about five new fics today and I had to drop them all.

Could someone rec me a fic in which there are no hospital scenes/no one important gets seriously sick/hurt/loved ones do not die? Thanks so much... I know it will be a serious challenge. Also I'd like some plot, not endless smut. I read A LOT of fanfiction, so you may need to get obscure.


Rec is Plight Thee my Troth by gingerandgreen. 


Lost in Translation

Friday March 2, 2012 at 8:52 PM

So for those of you who have used sections of foreign language in your fics, how do you go about this? I would love to have passages of brilliant Italian or French or Spanish in my stories, but besides the little German I know and the help of Babelfish, I really have no resources for including anything like that. Do you advertise for bilingual readers/writers to help you out? Are lucky enough to be fluent yourselves? Have an old-world relative that isn't put off by translating come-ons for your character's seduction purposes? Would love to know how this is done! :-)


And just for kicks, here is a fic that had a fantastic use of Spanish;

Long Way Down by Forthelongestday
When Edward confesses his motivation for leaving Bella she realizes she cannot offer him a second chance. Her insistence for closure is met with the realization that one member of the family has no intentions of leaving her unprotected again. AU
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Hurt/Comfort/Romance - Bella & Jasper - Complete

First --- | >> | 678 | 679 | 680 | 681 | 682 | 683 | 684 | 685 | 686 | 1413 | 1414 | --- Last
