
Posting Schedule on FF

Wednesday March 7, 2012 at 3:01 PM

Hello, everyone. I'm new to A Different Forest - it was recommended to me today, and I'm already excited about it.

Question: I've been lurking on FanFiction for years, and am finally writing. It's a bit overwhelming, but fun.

The question is, though, is there an art/science to scheduling your story updates? I'm having very erratic results to my updates, and wonder if maybe I've missed something along the way... Any suggestions or advice from seasoned veterans?


Game time!

Wednesday March 7, 2012 at 2:32 PM

draw me a movie title

pretty simple, no?

draw a picture and we'll guess the title!

I'll go first.


i'm actually proud at how well this came out. I'm left-handed and it's a PAIN trying to draw on paint with a mouse with your opposite hand.


for those that want to play, but are all "wtf how do I do this?"

I used MS Paint on my computer. Drew something up, saved it in a folder somewhere on my comp, then I uploaded it to:

copy/pasta'd the link. Profit!


Nikki Reed as a Musician

Wednesday March 7, 2012 at 12:22 PM

I'm sorry, I have no idea how to embed things but I'm shocked this hasn't made it's way to the forest yet.

Nikki Reed and her husband are debuting their album and first song


There is a video but I don't know how to embed it... :\


Is this okay to post?? (Ranger Edit: Absolutely.  Stuff involving the stars of Twilight is totally okay.)


Which fic is owning you right now ?

Wednesday March 7, 2012 at 10:56 AM


Tell me, tell me, my lovelies. 

Which fic(s) is/are owning you right now? And I mean soul and body owning you. Run to read the update even though something is burning owning you. Squealing and giddy and dizzy owning you. 

Right now, mine is Blind Spot. I find its characters so amazingly well written. I love rough and rugged Edward and I love psychic Bella. The sexual tension between these two is killing me. 

Tell me yours. 


PS: googling you own me in google images had some very interesting results. Do it. 


'Famous' fanfic authors

Wednesday March 7, 2012 at 10:19 AM

I may get bashings for this , but do you feel sometimes that some fanfic authors are overrated?

I tried to read fics from two authors today who are so 'famous'. They both have written numerous fics and even publishing, too. I tried to read and found myself liking only a one or two fics of them. I found one's writing too much predictable and other's too much immature.

Have you feel like this before?  What do you think why some of the authors are 'famous' than others?


Coffee Coffee Coffee

Wednesday March 7, 2012 at 9:00 AM

I love coffee.  I need it, crave it, cannot live without it.  I met my husband at Starbucks (he was a barista, I was a regular customer, you get the picture).  

I also love fics involving coffee shops.  I know there are plenty out there -- what better meet-cute is there, really?  

So I'm looking for coffee-themed fics (in any way, shape or form).  

My rec today is (not involving coffee): 

Vying for Valedictorian by belladonna1472 - Bella Swan and Edward Cullen are academic rivals at Nashua High School East. After three and a half years of teasing and taunting, will she finally realize why Edward pays so much attention to her? Or will she get an A in AP Cluelessness? E/B, AH.

So far, two parts of this three-part mini-fic are up -- it's so funny, and so sweet, and belladonna1472 is just a darn good writer.

Also ...



Water Landing

Wednesday March 7, 2012 at 8:48 AM


It updated last night and now I want to talk about it.

Come on in and discuss it with me if you've read it.

(The link is in the banner.)


The Learning Curve

Wednesday March 7, 2012 at 7:47 AM

So this morning I got an alert for Chapter 122 of The Learning Curve by Amethyst Jackson.

If you're reading it, please come on in and share your thoughts!

Do you think Bella and Edward are too young to marry (you know, since they're both humans, not teenagers in some convoluted life or death scenario)?

Do you like the sexy chapters?

Chime in!


A guy's guide to Twilight

Wednesday March 7, 2012 at 7:29 AM

A guy's guide to Twilight  (includes comprehension questions lol)

The dude's guide to Twilight (wish my husband had read that about Ashley before telling me how hot her bouncing breasts were in NM)

So, what do the male members think about this?


FYI...the dead horse has arisen

Wednesday March 7, 2012 at 7:16 AM

I know people are sick of talking about Fifty Shades of Grey but while watching Dr. Drew's show last night he mentioned that he will discussing the book on tonight's show. 

He was interviewed on some of the other news segments on the book and made it clear that he is not a fan, so it'll be interesting to see a disucssion where ther book isn't being praised.

Dr. Drew's show is on HLN which is channel 61 on Comcast cable here (it may be different in other cities) and it airs at 9 pm est/ 8 pm cst


To discover the absence or loss of

Tuesday March 6, 2012 at 10:31 PM

So I know that I am way behind on something but I am hoping someone will please help me understand what "Edwardville" is all about? I've heard mentioned several places and tried to look at it once awhile ago but apparently it's a closed community and I do not have a lj account. Honestly, I watched The Social Network the other day and it kinda brought it back into my mind. Evidently an established lj account is a requirement for entrance/membership. Since this is something I don't have it seems like an awful lot of trouble to go to...

I am missing out by not doing the lj/Edwardville thing?


My Rec - I always forget how much I like this one until I start reading it again. I really don't think the summary does much for it (in fact I am not sure how I even picked it up in the first place but I am glad I did).

The Slowest Burn by TypoKween: He took my underwear, hung them from his back pocket, then said, "These are mine." - AH, E/B, Lemons. Rated: M - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 29 - Words: 244,579 - Reviews: 4784 - Updated: 2-27-12 - Published: 6-12-11 - Bella & Edward


Kony 2012

Tuesday March 6, 2012 at 10:30 PM

Take thirty minutes of your time to familiarize yourself with the world's worst... Joseph Kony.

2012 is the year to stop him from endangering Ugandan kids' lives. Share this with all of your friends, fanfic or otherwise, through facebook, Twitter, tumblr, any social media that you have.

Because every kid deserves to be a kid.

*Not sure if you had already talked to a Ranger and gotten approval. I'm going ahead and putting my stamp on it, but please make sure to holler at one of us before posting next time.- Cap (sorry!!)


Neil Gaiman

Tuesday March 6, 2012 at 9:52 PM


Neil Gaiman :Reposted as something that can be reblogged. ON WRITER’S BLOCK.
I’ve seem to be hitting writer’s block far too often now. My grade in my creative writing class is suffering because i don’t turn in anything because i’m never really satisfied with anything i do. all my good ideas seem to turn into bad ones once i write it down. How do you get pass writers block?
You turn off your inner critic. You do not listen to your inner police force. You ignore the little voices that tell you that it’s all stupid, and you keep going.

Your grade isn’t suffering because your writing is bad, it’s suffering because you aren’t finishing things and handing them in. 

So, finish them and hand them in. Even if a story’s lousy, you’ll learn something from it that will be useful as a writer, even if it’s just “don’t do that again”.

You’re always going to be dissatisfied with what you write. That’s part of being human. In our heads, stories are perfect, flawless, glittering, magical. Then we start to put them down on paper, one unsatisfactory word at a time. And each time our inner critics tell us that it’s a rotten idea and we should abandon it.

If you’re going to write, ignore your inner critic, while you’re writing. Do whatever you can to finish. Know that anything can be fixed later.

Remember: you don’t have to be brilliant when you start out. You just have to write. Every story you finish puts you closer to being a writer, and makes you a better writer.

Blaming “Writer’s Block” is wonderful. It removes any responsibility from the person with the “block”. It gives you something to blame, and it sounds fancy.

But it’s probably more honest to think of it as a combination of laziness, perfectionism and Getting Stuck. If you’re being lazy, don’t be. If you’re being a perfectionist, don’t be. And if you’re stuck, figure out where the story went off the rails, or what you got wrong, or where you need to go deeper, or what you need to add to make it work, and then start writing again.

Go read How to Paint a House.....


E-readers and phones

Tuesday March 6, 2012 at 9:50 PM

So I do 99.9% of my story reading on my phone.  Which means I'm limited to because it's the only one that's mobile compatible.  I'm coming up to upgrade time on my contract and was thinking about getting a phone that has some kind of e-reader (if they exist).  But I had some questions first before I spend the extra $$ because I'm clueless when it comes to this stuff.

What's the best and cheapest phone/app for reading on the phone?  Keep in mind, I'm not looking to spend hundreds of dollars on a stupid phone.  LOL  So no iphone or blackberry for me.  I'm looking for the cheapest thing I can get.  I think I spent about $50 on my current phone after the upgrade discount and I bitched about that.  LOL 

The only thing I use my phone for is to read fanfiction and make calls...that's it.  No games or apps or twigets (or whatever they're called).  I also like to do it discreetly (like during boring meetings, being caught at train crossings and such). I'm not interested in getting a kindle or those types of items. I prefer my handheld (and easily hidden) phone.  I want to limit the number of items that I carry around with me and be able to keep them in my pockets.

Is there an "e-reader app" that's universal?

Do these e-readers support .pdf's?  Like, can I download the file to the phone for reading?  If not, is there a utility out there that can convert pdf's to the ereader format?

I have TMobile, if that makes any difference.

Thanks for your help!


Update! Huzzah!

Tuesday March 6, 2012 at 6:43 PM

How to Paint a House updated!  Yippee!  Run!  Don't walk.



SummaryBella Swan is a naive fifteen year old, set to spend another kiss-less summer alone. Edward is new to town, and doesn't know a soul. Watch an unlikely friendship blossom over the simple task of painting a house. But for these two, nothing is simple.
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Romance/Angst - Chapters: 20 - Words: 129,398 - Reviews: 3798 - Updated: 3-6-12 - Published: 6-22-11 - Bella & Edward


What did everyone think of the update?  When I refreshed my Favs list and saw the update I honestly did a little wiggle dance I was so happy.

I am so in love with these 2 - I can't even... 


getting to know you~

Tuesday March 6, 2012 at 6:05 PM

ask a _________

occasionally, we play a "getting to know each other" game. this is one of my favorites.

here's how to play:

1) start a comment. list your ~specialties.

2) ask others questions based on those specialties or just, you know. anything you want to know about them.

3) make new friends/reaffirm why you love old ones.

4) profit.

not getting in the way of a real pianist fyt:

Image and video hosting by TinyPic


"Heart Beats Fast, Colors & Promises..."

Tuesday March 6, 2012 at 4:23 PM

Hi lovelies! It's been forever since I've made a campfire! I'm having a lazy day today and have been reading ff, listening to music, etc. There's this one song in particular that's been stuck in my head for two days, and I just love it! It's called 'A Thousand Years," By Christina Perri. Yes, it's from the BD soundtrack! I had no idea it was part of the whole Twilight fandom though, until I heard the announcer say it on the radio after the song played. I am so in love with her voice, and the lyrics, and it's just beautiful!!  I guess I need to start paying more attention to the soundtracks, right?

Anyway, my question is-what's your favorite song on the twilight soundtracks-any of them? And/or what song is stuck in YOUR head right now? Do you have a favorite song/songs of all time, and what are they?

I love "Brown Eyed Girl", by Van Morrisson, "The Devil Went Down to Georgia",By Charlie Daniels"You Raise Me Up"  by Josh Groban and "The Great Divide" By Hanson. Yes, Hanson. Don't judge!! Lol.

Here's "A Thousand Years...."


Breaking Whaaaaa?

Tuesday March 6, 2012 at 3:50 PM

I fear I may be beating, like, a decade old equine carcass at this point, but I simply must bring up a certain topic...

Breaking Dawn

Yes, that's right. The book. The doorstop with chess pieces on it. That thing.

I'm doing some stuffy academic research, and I've found myself rather curious about a few things. Will you help me gather some information for my Twilight-themed thesis?

I'm asking you to time travel back to the year 2008, when you first cracked open that controversial volume. Have a brief conversation with your 4-years-younger self, and ask her the following questions:

1) What was your immediate reaction? Was it love? Disgust? Homicide?

2) How did the actual events of Breaking Dawn compare to your expectations?

3) And for moms, how did you feel about the childbirth aspect? Demon baby shoo-la-la aside, did the pregnancy make you identify with the series more, or was it a turn-off?

Let's talk.

[Approved by the marvelous VampiresHaveLaws] (RANGER EDIT-this type of campfire doesn't need prior Ranger approval :)



Tuesday March 6, 2012 at 3:46 PM

Did you miss me?

Did you even know I was gonee? lol


Give us a link and tell us about it!


Rec me something sassy. Something that has a non-canon Edward or an unconventional relationship. Something that dares to be different or braves to cross boundaries. 

But don't just rec me what I am asking for, rec anything.





Desperately Searching for a Fic

Tuesday March 6, 2012 at 3:10 PM

I have been searching for this story for months now.  I could have sworn I put it in my alerts, but it isn't there.  In the story, Bella is a recently divorced single mother.  She had a son.  They relocated somewhere.  For some reason North Carolina is sticking in my head, but that could be wrong.  She starts working at a bookstore for Angela and Ben.  She literally runs into Edward.  He was definitely in the medical field.  I remember that he had a large house.  I also remember Bella and her son had a large dog named after one of the members of the pack.  I think it was Seth.

I REALLY hope someone knows where I can find this.

For my rec I have 

Love's Little Book »
Bella's looking for a fresh start and one day it comes to her in the form of a flyer about the Boston Book Exchange. Can she help the reclusive owner Edward Cullen into the land of the living, and can he help her make the changes she needs in her life.
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Romance - Chapters: 27 - Words: 64,070 - Reviews: 1228 - Updated: 3-5-12 - Published: 9-22-10 - Edward & Bella - Complete

First --- | >> | 676 | 677 | 678 | 679 | 680 | 681 | 682 | 683 | 684 | 1413 | 1414 | --- Last
