
Contest Winners-Musical Cues II O/S Contest

Sunday March 11, 2012 at 7:06 PM

Approved by wtvoc.


We just announced the Musical Cues II One Shot Contest winners!


First Place Winner: Etched ~ chartwilightmom




Second Place Winner: Just Floating ~ All Star



Honorable Mention: The Thief ~ ContentedTwiCow



You can read those entries for a short time on our FFN contest page:


All entries will be permanently kept on the FreeWriters and Readers Contest Page:


Thank you to all that participated in the contest! ~ KeyeCullen





Sunday March 11, 2012 at 7:00 PM

It's still free for all for me. And since it's sorta quiet around here. I thought I'd start another campfire!

We're watching some reruns of Jersey Shore and it got me thinking, what are you're top five "passes" to the "motherland"?

Let's assume you're single, at a bar (or wherever you'd choose to meet someone), and everything about the night is great, you're in a great mood and you meet a person that you're mildly attracted to, whatever your tastes/styles are, what are your top five things that'll push this person from "midly attracted to" to D.T.F. (Down To F*ck). You can only pick five!

AND, as an extra bonus.

Let's say they meet those top five, and you're so ready to go back to your/their place, what's the ONE deal breaker you have once you've reached that point of establishing that someone IS D.T.F.? You can only pick one!



Sunday March 11, 2012 at 6:20 PM

It's not 6PM where I'm at, so I'm hoping it's still free for all. If it's not, then I'd like to point out that Spartacus did become the slayer of Theokoles in Blood and Sand, and thus became a god, thus making the show have an element of supernatural! 

See, something for everyone!!!


Get in here and talk Spartacus with me. I'm dying that there are only 3 episodes left this season. DYING. And the last one was amazing. We can share gifs and squeels and tears and ALL THESE FEELINGS!!!!


Master of the Universe

Sunday March 11, 2012 at 5:58 PM

Hi everyone *waves*

I'm a long-time lurker, first time poster.

I was reading my local paper online this morning, and nearly choked when I saw this article :

There are so many factual inaccuracies in this story that it makes me mad!

Seriously - how can they just ignore the fact that it was originally a Twilight fanfic? Sloppy journalism? Or does it just not matter anymore?

This part in particular REALLY annoyed me:

Early last year Hayward noticed that E. L. James, a London television executive, was attracting ''a lot of readers'' with the erotic adventures, posted chapter by chapter, of a young student, Ana Steele, and ''dashing but damaged'' entrepreneur Christian Grey.

That's not true! They were called EDWARD and BELLA.


I'm not sure if I need a rec, but if I do, I'm going old-school with a beautiful fic by the wonderful, but sadly quiet, Oxymoronic - We were Nomads Bathed in Concrete


University of Edward Mason

Sunday March 11, 2012 at 3:56 PM

Also wondering if anyone has UoEM if you do that would be amazing lol here's a rec:


K9 Nose Work

Sunday March 11, 2012 at 3:49 PM

I wanted to post a quick campfire about something I'm getting really involved in with all three of my dogs.

If anyone here has a dog with a nose (hopefully all of them have a nose...), please consider looking into this super fun activity.

Usually with our dogs we do obedience of some sort. Obedience classes, rally, dog shows, blah blah blah. We expect our dogs to perform exactly how we request and don't give them the freedom to be dogs and do what they LOVE to do.

What does a dog love to do? SNIFF!

K9 Nose Work is almost exactly like drug dog training for the police department, except it's for your pet and you don't search for drugs, obviously. I guess you could if you trained it at home, haha. It's also pretty cool because you can't smell where the odor is and your dog has to tell you where it is. It builds trust and a strong bond between dog and owner.

People are starting to use it with shelter dogs because of the benefits it provides to dogs in a setting that is usually high stress.

Anyway, I have one dog who has 'stranger danger' and barks at everyone. Since doing Nose Work for a few months she is now more comfortable around strangers. People can come to the house and if I begin a game with her, she doesn't even bark, she just gets right to her job and then is more confident and relaxed when it's over.

I have another dog who has serious anxiety issues. He's been on Prozac for anxiety. He just stopped taking it, and in combination with Nose Work and relaxation training he was able to have people come over to the house today and let them in without fuss and do his 'job' and he, too, was more relaxed at the end of his game.

Another plus is that after a class, even though the dogs only do about 3 searches each, they come home EXHAUSTED. It's serious business. A 5 minute search is equal to a 20 minute walk - that's how hard they are working.

This is the website you'd visit for more information, to find a certified trainer near you, and to get started having fun with your dog.

Ask me if you have questions, too. :)


Feeling kinda...

Sunday March 11, 2012 at 1:35 PM

I just finished watching Like Crazy and the movie left me feeling kinda irritated at the two protagonists.  Don't get me wrong, the movie was very good but the two people...I can't even.  Reminds me of the horribleness of the Emma and Dexter from One Day.

So is there a movie you've seen or a book you've read where you just felt like slapping the main characters?


Holding out for you PFD???

Sunday March 11, 2012 at 12:46 PM

Sooo I've been dying to reread Holding Out for you but can't find it and I was hoping someone here would have it!

Here's a rec!


Looking for... In PDF!

Sunday March 11, 2012 at 11:52 AM

Happy Sunday to you all!  I used to have the following stories loaded onto my Kindle, but I sold my Kindle and need these stories in PDF format now.  Can anybody help?  If so, let me know and I'll PM you with my e-mail.  TIA!


Devil's Angel - ObsessingOverEdward

Mr. Horrible - AlgonquinRT

Bare - StellaLunaSky

Trippin, Slippin, Stumbletumblin - YellowGlue

Purgatory - americnxidiot

Heartache - oohlaalaa


My rec is an oldie but a goodie:  The Acclimation Diaries by booboo.kitty2.0.

LJ Summers

Have you voted?

Sunday March 11, 2012 at 10:49 AM

The Truly Anonymous Twilight One-Shot Picture & Prompt Contest

3 - AMAZING banner artists 

14 - Dedicated judges

1 - Secret Keeper and Chief Chick in Charge

6 - Winners will be chosen by Judges

6 - Winners will be chosen by public vote



And you can vote HERE throughout this coming week!


And if any of these links don't work, just go to the main contest page:


P.S. It's still FFA, so please consider Feeding the Trees!


Addiction :(

Sunday March 11, 2012 at 7:48 AM

Hi, my name is Rose and I'm twi-aholic ..

I can't stop thinking about the characters all the day long, the original ones or the AU ones .. I wake up reaching for my Lap Top to continue reading the story I'm reading on FF, and I mostly find it on my lap where I slept while reading .. *shakes head* ..

I watched every movie countless times could reach the the thousand .. I speak the words with the characters which annoy every one around me and they eventually leave the whole thing for the sake of staying away from me :(


The forest is the only where I feel like they know what's inside me and seems to .. get it ..

Is there is a cure? not sure if I even want it ..

How you were introduced to twilight?

Is there is any one in here feel like I'm feeling?

Or just share a funny pic about Twiligh fans  :)

Thanks LOL


A May To December Romance Updated!!!

Sunday March 11, 2012 at 7:48 AM

Positively4thStreet has taken AMtDR off Hiatus, Woot!

Chapter 17

Luna StarFire

ADF Fit Club

Sunday March 11, 2012 at 7:21 AM


Good Morning Campers, did you remember to set your clock forward an hour?  So how is everyone doing this week?

Homework:  With the weather getting warmer will you be doing more active activities outside or stay more indoors with your workouts/fitness activities?  What can you not wait to do?

24/7 Support - ADF Fit Club LJ Community

Also its never too late to join in. ; )


12 days!

Sunday March 11, 2012 at 5:40 AM

I mostly started this CF for one particular gif, but as it has a naughty word, it has to be inside. Anyway...



I've got my...


mockingjay pin and my tickets so...


Let's chat.


(Mostly) Dead Fandoms

Sunday March 11, 2012 at 2:06 AM

I'm not sure if anyone will find this interesting, but Ive been pondering it for a while, so...


An old favorite Harry Potter fanfic author updated today. I've been reading her stuff since... 2003 I think, (since I was WAAAAY to young to be reading smut scenes.) This woman has to be crazy--she rarely completes fics, has created her own "universe" (every fic she writes is an AU of another), and each story has 80 chapters at least, because she loves dream sequences and time travel and essentially "re-does" the plot development of a story every ten chapters. She used to have some AMAZING fics that I wish she would complete, but I just cant keep up with her anymore. If I read through everything she's written and did nothing else besides sleep... it would probably take me 6 months to complete everything, at the very least.

Points if you can guess who I'm talking about.

The thing is, she is the last real writer of a dead ship. All the great stories are getting erased as old places for posting become abandoned and lost in cyberspace. The great authors bounced a while ago (or pulled to publish *AHEM CASSANDRA CLAIRE*.) My very first Harry Potter ship (H/G) completely tanked early on due to drama on its main website, even though it turned out to be canon!

I'm amazed the moderators still run the site this author is on, it gets zero traffic. It's... ghostly. And I can't help but feel like so many opportunities for great writing were lost, because people were all over the place back then, due to lack of organization.

Even though this fandom is much bigger than my Harry Potter ships were, it makes me depressed to think about our cyber future. Once upon a time, I could list all the best authors/stories, now I can remember none because the fics have all been pulled.


Questions for discussion:

What is the future of this fandom? If people stopped being interested immediately after BD2, do you think you'd be satisfied by what the writers accomplished on a whole in their fiction explorations? Would you say it ended on a high or low note?

What other fandoms did you all come from? Do you see Twidom following those same patterns, or are we changing as the internet progresses? 

Does anyone else feel personally devastated by the mass loss of fanfiction stories and communites that you were devoted to, years later? When I look at these old sites, I seriously feel like I am being haunted by a past relationship from which I never got any closure. What am I supposed to do with all these... FEELINGS?!?!


This is symbolic of how I feel... at least until I can replace it with a better gif.

Miss Snazzy

*Tries not to freak out*

Sunday March 11, 2012 at 1:32 AM

I'm currently experiencing the dreaded 'my computer won't start up' horror that haunts all of our dreams...

Since I know this has happened to many fanfiction writers over the years, I was wondering if anyone has any advice?  So far, all of the troubleshooting suggestions haven't yielded anything.

The start-up gets as far as that black screen with the blinking cursor.  If I hold down escape before that screen appears, then I can enter these other menus and run diagnostics... But everything seems to be passing the tests.

I'm really trying not to freak out (that pitcher of homemade Wallaby Darned certainly helped) and would appreciate anything you might have to offer.


To make this more interactive, does anyone have any good technology-based stories? Edward as a robot? Bella giving birth to the child destined to lead the fight against the machines? Some sort of living house scenario (in which the Edward-interface falls for a very human Bella)?


It's all about Sex, baybee

Saturday March 10, 2012 at 7:46 PM

I don't want this on front page out of embarrassment.



The OTHER "F-word"

Saturday March 10, 2012 at 7:14 PM

A friend of mine linked this article on Facebook:


I'm not sure how I feel about it. I like that the author is very confident in herself because, unfortunately many women who struggle with their weight are not. My aforementioned FB friend commented that she thought that was the point of the article.

I didn't get that vibe from it, what do you think?

For the interactive part: I'm "overweight" (as one of the commenters called herself, to the dismay of another commenter) and I prefer NOT to use the word fat for various reasons.  How do you feel about the usage of the word in general?


Carpe a couple of Kairoses a day

Saturday March 10, 2012 at 5:12 PM

So, I posted some links in a CF yesterday about Babies on a Plane and we all got to talkin' and I felt a little bad that I might be puttin' people off from kids with discussion over essentially the stressful parts of parenting.


Then I remembered this little piece I saw a while back and how I really loved it.


I think it applies to everyone, not just people with kids.


So, I'd like to share it. What are your thoughts? Do you have moments like these? Do you think this link is poo? Did you read it and like it, tooo? (I just rhymed. Woo!)


Yes, share your xo 


pretend i made a blushing bella pun

Saturday March 10, 2012 at 4:46 PM


Here's the thing - I'm naturally a quiet person. I'm fairly shy and I've never been a stellar conversationalist. Being out of work for a long time has only made my shyness more pronounced.


I started a job this week and I've been told I need to work on being chattier and basically more confident. Since this doesn't come naturally to me, I'm hoping for some tips from my fellow forest dwellers.


Do ye have any tips for overcoming shyness? For faking confidence? For chit-chatting with strangers and filling awkward silences and seeming at ease when you're actually cringing inside?


Or lets just talk  in general about overcoming challenges, in the workplace or otherwise, and how to cope with a new job. or share stories of the affliction of awkwardness.


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