
Lá Fhéile Pádraig

Saturday March 17, 2012 at 8:06 AM

Lá Fhéile Pádraig!

Or a very Happy St. Patrick's Day to you all!

Yup, it's time for my annual campfire to find out how you, the Campers of this fine Forest, celebrate all things Irish, if you celebrate at all :)

There will be lots of this going on around Ireland today...

Much of this will be consumed in the name of our Patron Saint...

And everywhere there will be seen this colour, in all it's many shades...

And so, on this most Irish of days, may the luck of the Emerald Isle be with you!

Have a wonderful day everyone!



Saturday March 17, 2012 at 7:54 AM

Has ADF ever had a chatbox???  Just not something ADF wants??? Something ADF had in the past, but got rid of???

I was just wondering....


for some reason Java on this doesnt work for me... but flash does...

Que hora es???

Saturday March 17, 2012 at 5:48 AM

Hey, I've always heard how universal the forest is. When I come in the morning I always find new campfires here. You guys either stay up late at night or is daytime where you are. This might sound like a silly question, but I was wondering What time is it where you are RIGHT NOW?

Its 7:49 AM where I am. The forecast calls  for mostly sunny  High  62 F


Your turn.


What's Yours?????? (Music/Stories)

Saturday March 17, 2012 at 5:05 AM

Ok so I'm bored and it's FFA and I need some music to listen to....

name the top 5 played songs in your music libraries..... (you can name more if you want to.... or if you want to just name your favorite songs...)

here's mine...

This video tied for the number 5 spot




name your favorite AU and AH stories...

AU - ( 1 – 5 stories...or more if you want..)
AH - ( 1 – 5 stories...or more if you want..)


LoL vids....

Friday March 16, 2012 at 10:53 PM

So...has anyone seen this?

Post your favorite vids that make you laugh. ;D More inside....


Friday March 16, 2012 at 10:20 PM

The epilogue is up, and because I'm lame and a fangirl and too invested, someone come in here and discuss this with me.

If you haven't read it yet, click here now

If you have, was everything tied up for you? This fic was essentially a rewrite of the entire saga, so how did it hold up in your mind against to the original? What did you adore? What did you think was missed? If you loved it, come and tell Solar so. If you hated it, COME AND TELL SOLAR SO.

I promise she'll like you either way.


Lamaze - Yay or Nay?

Friday March 16, 2012 at 7:19 PM

So, tomorrow the husband and I are going to Lamaze Class. I've had friends who told me they went and it was well worth it, and others who told me not to waste my time. I feel like it's a good idea to go, just so we will have some idea about what to expect when the big day finally arrives, this being our first child and all. However, I am worried that one or both of us are going to crack up at a totally inappropriate time, cuz that's just how we roll.

So campers, did you take lamaze? Was it helpful? Did it make you more or less anxious about labor? Help a pregnant camper out - lamaze, yay or nay?


Here We Are Now, Entertain Us

Friday March 16, 2012 at 6:27 PM

by us, i mean me and my multiple personalites. 

i am bored. 

i have several layers to this the campfire, so bear with me.

Layer one - 

15 Songs. i do this on the regular here. hit shuffle on the music listening device of your choice and give me 15 random songs. no skipping, i want to see the embarrassing ones. 

mine - 

1. 99 Problems - Hugo

2. 1979- Smashing Pumpkins

3. 1985 - Bowling for Soup

4. Don't Know Why - Norah Jones

5. Don't Speak - No Doubt

6. Stranger - Secondhand Serenade

7. Crawling - Linkin Park

8. Porn Star Dancing - My Darkest Days (hahah EMBARRASSING)

9. Low - Flo Rida, T-Pain, Red Jumpsuit Apparatus

10. Attack - 30 Seconds to Mars

11. Defying Gravity - Glee Cast

12. The Northern - Alexisonfire

13. Crazy for You - New Found Glory

14. Interglactic - Beastie Boys

15. Homecoming - Hey Monday

Layer two -

best books you've read this year. or worst. i recently flew through the Vampire Academy series and LOVED IT and was utterly disappointed by Pandemonium. =( I started The Fault in Our Stars today. 

Layer three -

let's make this a "get to know you" portion. tell me something random, or something you are excited for or secret about yourself. (let's keep it lighthearted for the sake of fun) or just tell me something you saw recently that made you go WTF? (no politics please.) for example, the other day at the Drs, i saw an adult women sucking on a pacifier. that definitely made me go WTF?! my random fact - i  am 30 and still terrified of the dark. i am also super excited that i'm getting a new tattoo tomorrow. =D

participate in one, all three, or just tell me to go &^$% myself. 


I h8 my contacts

Friday March 16, 2012 at 6:19 PM

So, I'd much rather be checking out the hottness cf, but my contacts are being jerks.

I have never worn contacts ever, and I've only been wearing them for about 6 weeks, tops.

The right one is okay but the left one always feels like it's too dry or getting junk on it.  So, I need help from the contact wearers in the forest:

How can I get the most out of my lenses?

What solution do you use? Do you have a certain "system" you use when you clean them? How long do you wear them each day?

So many people have said I'll get used to them, and I wonder how much longer I should give it before I say "I'm out." 

Help? Please? I like to be seeing the hotness.


Paypal: another change of policy

Friday March 16, 2012 at 5:26 PM

Further to a previous CF about Paypal and its objection to its services being used to purchase erotic content...

Paypal has reversed its proposed censorship.


You think this is true?....

Friday March 16, 2012 at 3:48 PM


I am 40 today

Friday March 16, 2012 at 2:45 PM

and I am quite cranky about it. 

I've also had a really tough week


Kids sick, and my kitchen looks like the local pharmacy.

Too exhausted to even go out like we planned.


Here is what I want:


Spam me with pictures of the hottest men you can find

While browsing through this thread,  reply with a +1 for those that you feel are off the charts in the hotness meter.

Let us see who wins!!  I will post the results tomorrow at some point.

I think this will be fun. Everytime we do a campfire like this, we get such a nice variety of yumminess to look at.


ETA: I did a quick count and the winner seems to be David Gandy- A male model with Rob coming in second, I think.  Come in an enjoy all the pretty within.

Thanks, Girls for making me giggle last night. I needed it. Boys are on the mend and the hubs is making me pancakes.  Birthday on a Friday=Birthday weekend=WIN


Any Fringe Watchers?

Friday March 16, 2012 at 1:04 PM

So, I know this site is all about supernatural stuffs and whatever falls under that, but I still feel better posting this under FFA because it's a bit off in another supernatural direction.

I want to know, are there any other die-hard Fringe watchers out there? I seem like I'm by myself now, and it sucks because with this latest season I want to 'OMG DID THAT REALLY HAPPEN?! WTF IS GOING ON?!' with someone but there's no one :( 

Tell me: do you watch Fringe? What do you think of what's happened so far and what do you think will happen before the season ends?


RANGER EDIT: Fringe campfires are allowed all the time-it falls in the supernatural category. Thanks for making this CF-we need more Fringe around here!


Best thing I ever ate...

Friday March 16, 2012 at 12:42 PM




Lola burger with fried egg, bacon, pickled red onions, cheddar and mayo...Yumm


Your Turn!


Come PLAY with me, again!

Friday March 16, 2012 at 12:13 PM

Part two! This is the original game, that spawned the other one. (Plus, I think it's funner) So I'm officially calling today, come play with Naya day! ;)

We're gonna make our own CD covers!!! 

Step 1. Go here: And click RANDOM ATRICLE on the left side. The article that comes up is going to be your BAND NAME!

Step 2. Go here: or here: (You can only pick one per CD, alternate if you're doing more than one) Click on RANDOM QUOTES on the left side, or RADOM at the top left for urban. The first one that comes up you're going to use as the TITLE TO YOUR CD! (You can use up to 7 of the words in the quote, no more than 7) **If you do more than one, you have to close the page and start again to get a new random quote :)

Step 3. Go here: And click on INTERESTING PHOTOS FROM LAST 7 DAYS at the top right side, in blue. The first picture that comes up is going to be YOUR ALBUM PICTURE!

Step 4. Go here: And upload your album cover and DESIGN YOUR CD!!!

Let's play together! I personally LOVE this game :)

P.S. It's Spartacus day, greatest day ever! Let's all have fun :)


Are fics your dirty little secret?

Friday March 16, 2012 at 12:12 PM

I know for me they are. No one knows that I read fan fiction. I once told about 4 friends and they all made fun of me for it so I told them I stopped reading it. 

Who knows what you are reading? Is it a private thing to do before you go to bed or when you wake up in the morning? Does your significant other know about it? Children? Parents?

And do you know a lot of people who read them? I know that I am the only person in my group of friends. But maybe its their dirty little secret too and I just don't know about it. 

Or how did you even find out about fanfiction?

Rec: by gothicfictionfan

This story begins almost six years after Bella became a vampire. Renesmee is almost an adult and has begun to attend an all-girls private school while the rest of her family begins classes at the nearby public school. The story has shifting point-of-view.

It was my first fiction I ever read. I found it on a facebook fan page for twilight and it opened the flood gates for me.


Come PLAY with me!

Friday March 16, 2012 at 11:32 AM

But only in the dirty way ;)

We're gonna try a new game. We're gonna create our own fanfic summaries. Or any story summary!

Step 1. Go here: And click RANDOM ATRICLE on the left side. The article that comes up is going to be your AUTHOR'S NAME!

Step 2. Go here: And click RANDOM QUOTES on the left side. The first one that comes up you're going to use as the TITLE TO YOUR STORY! (You can use up to 7 of the words in the quote, no more than 7) **If you do more than one, you have to close the page and start again to get a new random quote :)

Step 3. Go here: And click on RANDOM at the top left side. The first one that comes up is going to be ABOUT YOUR 1st MAIN CHARACTER/S! (Either a description or what happens to them or their motives, as long as it's tied to your characters)

Step 4. Go here: And click on RANDOM at the top left side. The first one that comes up is going to be ABOUT YOUR 2nd MAIN CHARACTER/S! (Either a description or what happens to them or their motives, as long as it's tied to your characters)

Step 5. Go here: And click on RANDOM at the top left side. The first one that comes up is going to be what YOUR PLOT IS ABOUT! (can tie into your characters, be a conflict, however you want to use it)

Step 6. (optional) Go here: And click INTERESTING PHOTOS FROM THE LAST 7 DAYS at the top right side in blue. And that picture can be your BANNER! (This awesome step was added by awesome camper hummingbird, thanks chica :)

Now you come in here and tell us what you got for your answers to steps 1-5 AND what story summary you came up with!! AND share you banner with us :)

I have no idea if this is gonna work, as I literally just came up with it. SO if maybe we can't write our own summaries, but we like what someone else got, go ahead and write theirs! Let's* TRY* having some fun!


Your Mission...

Friday March 16, 2012 at 10:19 AM

...Should you choose to accept it:

Fellow camper Halawia's birthday is coming up!

So let's help make it a great birthday by getting Iwan Rheon (Simon from Misfits) to follow her on twitter!


So go on and harass politely ask @iwanrheon to follow lovely @Halawia by her birthday March 30th!

And feel free to use this campfire to post some pictures from Misfits and of Iwan/Simon of course!


I gots me a smartphone!

Friday March 16, 2012 at 10:03 AM

Ok so I'm a little late to the party here but I just got a smart phone and I am all kinds of excited. I got the Droid4 and it feels all fancy compared to my old do-nothing-but-text-and-call phone.

So since it's FFA, help me campers.

I need APPS! For years I've ignorned everyone talking about the great apps they have because I was all sads my phone couldn't name the song on the radio or tell me where I could get that tv cheaper. But now the world (well droid marketplace) is my oyster!

Tell me what apps you can't live without. Pleaseandthankyou

(please someone also tell me why when I start a campfire and I click the "add tag" button at the bottom nothing happens? I know the rules, rangers, I promise but I can't get it to work!)


Funny City Names

Friday March 16, 2012 at 9:52 AM

In honor of FFA, I decided to make a campfire with the potential to be a lot of fun.

The title of the campfire is pretty much self-explanatory.

What cities where you live have funny- or weird-sounding names?

I was watching my local news last night, and though I already knew this town exists, it still makes me giggle-snort every time I hear and say it.

So, yeah, what kinds of cities where you live make you laugh? And if it's possible, what can you share with us about it?

Mine will be inside.

First --- | >> | 669 | 670 | 671 | 672 | 673 | 674 | 675 | 676 | 677 | 1413 | 1414 | --- Last
