Chocolate Lover 82

No Judging

Sunday March 18, 2012 at 12:21 PM

Hey there, campers! So this is my first CF, let’s see how this works. ;-)

I was doing a little bit of Sunday cleaning earlier and while tidying up my bedroom, I realized that I was unconsciously rearranging things in a certain way, mainly bottles of lotion and perfumes facing outwards. It doesn’t kill me if they’re not like this (I don’t get up in the middle of the night to ‘fix’ them) but I seem to prefer things in a certain way.

I also noticed that as time goes by, my OCDness decreases and I’m able to relax much more, even when in times of stress I go back to certain things (I’m a numbers nuts, so I’m often running math functions in my head).

This got me thinking about the little OCD things that we simply can’t live without.

So, tell me, do you have a few? You can’t sleep without the TV on? Do you alphabetize your cans of soup? Does your silverware have to be a certain distance from the edge of the table? Do you vacuum every single surface of your place?

Or you simply don’t care and live freely running down a prairie?


I’m kind of half and half. I like things in a certain way, but I can live without it, at least for a few weeks. Then it's on.

So, ladies, come and share your quirkiness. ;-)


I don’t know if I should rec or not, but I’m gonna either way, lol:

My Mate by PrincessRachael

After 300 years, Edward finds his mate in young vampire Bella. But the mating rituals of vampires will test their strength and belief in each other. Rated M.
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Chapters: 10 - Words: 26,018 - Reviews: 541 - Updated: 3-15-12 - Published: 2-1-12 - Bella & Edward

An interesting take on mating between vampires. What happens when not only it’s emotionally and mentally impossible to live without him/her, but also physically impossible?


Can't Remember

Sunday March 18, 2012 at 11:37 AM

Hey I'm looking for 2 fics. Can't remember what the names are. Can you help?

1st - B/E college fic. Bella moves away to college and meets the gang. Turns out her aunt and uncle, whom she buys her truck from, lives next door to the Cullens.

   -remember the Kama Sutra book comes into play as a xmas gift for E and Jas and Em steel it.


2nd- the only thing I remember is Bella works with Rose at the info desk of their dorm. They are going through mail/deliveries. B was suppose to be a tutor to E but their times got mixed up and he didn't show.

I have checked out the master fic list, but no luck.

My rec: My Mate » by PrincessRachael

After 300 years, Edward finds his mate in young vampire Bella. But the mating rituals of vampires will test their strength and belief in each other. Rated M.
Twilight - Fiction Rated: M - English - General - Chapters: 10 - Words: 26,018 - Reviews: 541 - Updated: 3-15-12 - Published: 2-1-12 - - Bella/Edward


The Morning After...

Sunday March 18, 2012 at 11:25 AM

Have you ever woken up in the morning and thought, "What the heck did I do last night?" Or as I did this morning, thinking, "OMG! I did THAT last night?!"

Yesterday was St. Patrick's Day, and a friend's 30th birthday. WE CELEBRATED IN STYLE. Seriously, we had this shindig at a coworker's house, which we call the manor. It's  4,500 square feet of Better Homes and Gardens. We dined on filet mignon and shrimp. Sounds classy, right?


Trust me when I say that the classy part of the evening ended with the menu.


Beer, expensive wine, and various cocktails, when consumed by me, and 15 other people like me, do not make for a classy evening. It ended up being more like this:


There was beer. There was green beer. There was wine when the beer ran out. There was karaoke. That's right. KARAOKE!!!


And, because I was there, there was KENTUCKY BASKETBALL!

**GO CATS! BOW TO THE BROW!!!!!!!- ranger cap edit**


Finally,  there was an epic rap battle. Which I won.


Let's restate that for the record. I won a rap battle.  


I feel like I should be ashamed of that, but I'm oddly proud.


So tell me, campers, what's your favorite "I can't believe I did that" story?


Also, rangers, if I did anything wrong or that I shouldn't by posting this campfire, I'm sorry! :-)


What are YOU reading?

Sunday March 18, 2012 at 11:10 AM

Are we still in FFA? If not, then please remove if need be...

I have been going between the master fic list and goodreads in search of something to read, but keep coming up blank. So I would like to know what YOU are all reading at this very moment, whether it be ff or original fiction. What has you unable to peel your eyes away other than to check out ADF ofc ; ) Happy Sunday!

My Recs:

A Forbidden Love

Fleeing her father's attacker, Bella masquerades as a servant while she awaits Lord Carlisle's return, only to have Lord Edward decide to protect the new maid by making her his mistress. With her reputation ruined, all appears lost…or is it? AH EXB HEA!
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Angst/Drama - Chapters: 56 - Words: 197,403 - Reviews: 7975 - Updated: 3-17-12 - Published: 10-11-11 - Edward & Bella

Practice to Deceive

I saw her today. I wasn't impressed. But he wanted her, and that was enough for me. He would feel what I felt. She was just collateral damage. AH ExB
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Angst/Romance - Chapters: 13 - Words: 51,951 - Reviews: 1061 - Updated: 3-14-12 - Published: 1-1-12 - Bella & Edward


Reporting plagiarism on

Sunday March 18, 2012 at 11:04 AM

"Lisa Kraemer" on has posted the first chapter of With Teeth. There's no way the author's profile and her other stories (Naruto fandom) were written by Talulablue, who's the real author of With Teeth. I remember campfires asking people to report plagiarism incidents to, but I can't quite remember how that's done.


Honestly, WHY would someone do sth like that? How can someone need to receive praise for something she didn't do from people she doesn't know and who don't know her? idgi


What do you use?

Sunday March 18, 2012 at 9:42 AM

Sloner52's awesome tutorial campfire got me thinking: What do you use for video creating & editing?

         TipTPop inside and let's discuss!    



How to Embed/Link - tutorials

Sunday March 18, 2012 at 8:50 AM

Ok so I've noticed a few ppl that don't know how to do a couple of things and figured I would help them the post following this, there will be a few tutorial videos I made....



First Video - Links

Simple link

Link to a set of words

Link a picture


Second Video - Embed Picture




Third Video - Embed Video




Fourth Video - Add a campfire to your favorites




Fifth Video - Add tags to your campfire....




These seemed to be the most common for ppl to ask about...... If you think I should add more just tell me what tutorial to add...


twitter has a new bird!

Sunday March 18, 2012 at 2:25 AM

hey people!!

ok so i finally joined twitter last night....i'm probably the only one who wasn't on it....

here's my profile...@sri_ffn

i have no idea what exactly people do on twitter....i mean am i just suppose to ramble about what going on in my life in less than 140 characters???

i followed some people but i don't really know how to find or decide who to follow....i mean i followed all the authors that i love that i could find....but how do i find them??

and how do you add those pretty backgrounds to your profile and make it all colourful???

i'm really confused....

help me!!!!!

oh and just so that i know something new about much time do you take to make your way around a new website or social networking took me a week to figure out facebook....and a month when i joined my first social networking site hi5!! does anyone even remember hi5!! lol!!!

The Offspring

The Grade Is In!

Saturday March 17, 2012 at 8:44 PM

So does everybody remember when I posted that campfire asking for homework help? Well, I gave my presentation yesterday and.......


That's right! I got a A!!!!!! Thanks to everyone who provided their help, including but not limited to the lovely Mrs. SunKing and her husband!

Come spam me with pics and gifs of awesomeness. Particularly if they're funny. Pics of Adam Levine are appreciated. :D

The Offspring

Favorite Songs/Covers?

Saturday March 17, 2012 at 4:42 PM

Now normally, I don't like covers. I'm very picky. But this cover had me sold. I just spent half an hour searching through The Mominator's cds to find it.

And this one too.

Interactive part:

What are your favorite songs/covers of songs?


Cleaning music

Saturday March 17, 2012 at 4:08 PM

I hate cleaning.

I prefer to do things, to create things once. Repeating things over and over again is not my thing. Cleaning, doing the laundry or the dishes, even cooking are chores that you have to repeat daily or at least weekly. (I would happily brush my teeth for 30 minutes on Sundays if that meant I didn't have to do it every morning and evening, every weekday.)

So I have tried to make the daily chores (yuk) as appealing as possible. A friend of mine suggested that I should do cleaning etc every day for 15 min, and then the weekly challenge would not be as bad.

Music makes everything better, even cleaning. So I have been making playlists for energetic music, but I'm getting bored with my choices. Help me!

Examples of good cleaning music:


Have a pint with me

Saturday March 17, 2012 at 4:03 PM

In honor of St. Patrick's Day, I'm not drinking Guinness.

I'm drinking Strong Bow Hard Apple Cider. 

It's my drink of choice at home. I don't like beer (yes, you read that right - a German who doesn't like beer). 

So, what's YOUR favorite drink? And your least favorite? What do you drink at home vs. what do you drink when you're out partying? 

And please, do share your best and worst drinking stories. Like that time in college when you got so drunk and woke up in someone else's bed. I have two young kids and need to live vicariously through you. :)



Saturday March 17, 2012 at 4:01 PM

OMG you guys!!! This weeks episode was . . . there are no words. STUNNING. AMAZING. I COULDN'T BREATHE FOR AN HOUR.


If you're not watching this show, SERIOUSLY, SERIOUSLY, what are you waiting for?!

So get in here and talk with me about the best show eva ;)


back in the day

Saturday March 17, 2012 at 2:51 PM

Back before team Edward or Jacob existed... what were your things? Like any love triangles you used to root for a person in? favourite person in a team? a band? 

I was always the pink power ranger. 

i always prefered Harvey over Josh

also this made me chuckle totally forgot abot him being in the movie!

What were your first ships?

First crush?

Can you tell i was a bit of a 90's kid?


Black & White by Vixen1836???

Saturday March 17, 2012 at 2:07 PM

Hi all, 

Ancient Fic turned book????

I don’t know if anyone remembers this fic but it was called Black and White by Vixen 1836, she has a blog about it too but it hasn’t been updated in a while. She’s also on Twilighted but her profile has not been updated since 2009. The story was actually pretty good until she pulled it before it finished in order to publish. Tiffany Madison is her real name, not sure if she actually got around to publishing it, does anyone know? Any info would be great.

Also, if anyone can recommend a good Carlisle/Bella AH fic, that would be awesome! I really liked Taking Chances (forget who wrote it :}  )

And here’s my rec, it’s still a WIP.

Rec: Bright Like the Sun by dryler
 Edward/Bella - WIP, AU, AH, OOC. When Bella goes to live with her father in Forks, things go much better than she expected. At least until a slick parking lot, a careening van, a broken arm, and her weird lab partner from biology get in the way...


And who's psyched for the season final of Walking Dead!!!!!! tomorrow!!!!  I hope they kill a few of the women, especially a blonde one!!!  Seriously couldn't they write some smarter female roles for this show!?



I tried embedding the link, hope it works


Stalk much?

Saturday March 17, 2012 at 1:53 PM

So I know we all have people in this fandom we follow everything they do, but never actually speak to them.

I challenge you on this LUCKY day to reach out to them.

You can either post here or some other way. (PM or Twitter) You never know you might just make someone's day and get a new fandom friend.


Happy times please?

Saturday March 17, 2012 at 12:53 PM

So, I had some bad health news this week and spend 6 days in hospital last weekend. Although there haven't been any conclusive tests done yet, I'm now being treated for mild epilepsy. As a result, I haven't been able to work for a week and won't be going in next week either. I can't drive for at least 6 months. The medication has me going up, down, sideways and occasionally lying down, as well as the occasional anxiety attack. And now I can't even drink on St Patrick's Day.

Basically, I feel like this:

But I WANT to feel like this!

Come and share a funny picture/story/anecdote. Had a silly thing happen to you today? Tell me about it! (Also, schmexy people are welcome too...)


Virtual Choir 3

Saturday March 17, 2012 at 11:56 AM

Does anyone in the forest know about this? I’m from South Africa and hadn’t heard about this until I saw Eric Whitacre talking about it on a TED talk. I was in AWE!

(link to the TED talk)

I immediately wanted to join up, but they were just finishing up VC2. So I was sad, but excited to see the end result. This is VC1:



In December, they announced VC3 – and I was super excited! Finally I could take part!!

VC3 will debut on the 2nd of April and I cannot wait! Yesterday Eric posted a photo on FB of all the VC3 members – I was so excited when I finally found myself!

(click on the photo for the HD version :D)


SO… are there any campers who are also on this photo?? How did you find out about Eric’s Virtual Choir? What are your thoughts on this? And if you just found out about it, would you take part in the next one?

(More vids in the comments!)



Saturday March 17, 2012 at 10:36 AM

So, I went from this:

to this today:

I'm still freaking out a bit. I know it's just hair. but - sheesh- it took a while to get it this long.

But - it does feel AMAZING! And it went to a good cause, Locks of Love.

So, to make this interactive, what changes have you made lately? Big or small.

(p.s. I love the changing backgrounds here at the Forest!)



Saturday March 17, 2012 at 10:04 AM

Hey people, HEY!

I'm bored and needed some entertainment, so I figured maybe I'd make a Campfire.



Well, this is the campfire for you! Come in, tell us a little something about yourself!
How long have you been a part of the fandom?
Do you write, or just read, fanfiction? Links?
What's you're favorite fic at the moment? Ever?
Tell us something CRAZY about yourselves!
Of course, anyone can participate... even the ~older members.
Go forth and make friends!!!!!!!
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