
Fifty Shades again??

Thursday March 15, 2012 at 9:19 AM

I keep seeing this pop up everywhere


From the article:

"Not since women were stealing their daughter's Twilight books for midnight reading binges, has a series of novels so steamed up the mommy set."


""Fifty Shades of Grey," the first installment, has become know as "The Book" around school pick ups on New York City's Upper East Side. "I couldn't put it down," says NYC mom"

"And dads are getting in on the act as well. "That's going to be the newest thing in real estate," laughed a NYC bigwig who wanted to remain anonymous, "a media room and a 'red room of pain'.""


"Two weeks ago a paperback copy of Fifty Shades of Grey was listed on for an astounding $999.99"



Now, I haven't read this before it jumped to being published, and I'm not sure how I feel about BDSM, but is it really that good?


Summary, please

Thursday March 15, 2012 at 8:24 AM

Just now everybody is reading a fic by SueObsessed who is posting many chapters together. So I go to have a look and the story has no summary. So frustrating. I mean, I won't start a story if I don't know what is about and if it is AU or AH.  This happens too frequently. Please be nice to the other campers and don't forget to post a summary.

It is only me that won't read (or buy a book)  not knowing anything about it?


And now a rec, I suppose.

I have just reread an old story by Gina Bean. It was posted on Twiligthed net in 2009 and it is the only story she wrote, nor could I find it on ff net. (Maybe she had another name there. If you know, please tell me)  I'll post the summary but I will add something. It starts, apparently as one of those "lowering the boundaries" plots placed between Eclipse and BD. Far from it! Something absolutely unexpected happens and there is a level of drama (not angst, real heartwrenching serious drama) that had me, again, on the edge of  my chair. While Bella is in the hands of an enemy (I won't tell you who  the evil character is - it's a surprise)  both Edward and Jacob (he earns my respect in the story) try to save her. The characters are so true to Canon in a wildly AU plot tha it is a pleasure to read them. You will agree that if this happened this is the way they would behave. I add that it has a HEA of sort (for E&B, at least), and it is very satisfying.

Full Dark by Gina bean

The Summary is in poetry. (And yes, it was informative enough to make me want to read it)

If Here the villains often win and heroes play the fool/If Here reward feels random and friendship just a tool-/ If There two lovers, star-crossed, can take each other's hand/And when worlds fall around them, they make an honest stand -
If Here mercy is fairy tales and faith's a funny joke/And kindness Never Never Land and poets all are broke -/If There the fight is worth it and family never dies/And sunlight shines down on you from gray and rainy skies -
If Here is what there really is and There's mere fantasy,/Then sometimes I'll abide There. Come, friend; abide with me.

I add that I have saved the story, now, just in case.

And I could not find appropriate tags

RANGER EDIT: This campfire is rude. The author was just trying to figure out how to upload her stories and get comfortable here in the forest. Please PM her or a Ranger next time.


Dusty Update

Thursday March 15, 2012 at 7:54 AM

Come back and discuss once you've read! XOXO


Thursday March 15, 2012 at 6:44 AM

What is going on with They added the letter C to Bella's last name = Bella C. They did the same thing to all the Cullens except Rosalie and Jasper who get the H. But worst of all they added it to Charlie = Charlie C.

Maybe someone here knows the owners of the web site.

I don't know where the web site owners come from but in my country no women change their maiden name when they get married.


So Cute!

Thursday March 15, 2012 at 5:49 AM

 This is so cute and funny ...Just wanted to share.


Angel of Death update

Thursday March 15, 2012 at 4:26 AM

Chapter 10


*ranger edit: don't swear on the front page

* I wasn't swearing it's the chapter's title LOL


Angel of Death, the story by our fellow camper (Sloner52) -the only male I'm aware of that write Twilight ff- just got updated.

And since he's so lovely and all, he stopped it on a MAJOR CLIF that I just want to kill him right now.

If you feel like I feel, please come inside and curse in here LOL

Okay, you don't have to curse, let's chat about this update, shall we?


What about THIS book?

Wednesday March 14, 2012 at 8:07 PM

I hope I'm not wrong about this, because I will feel all kinds of stupid if I am.  Also, I apologize if this is old news.  I don't recall seeing this on ADF before. 


It seems like one of our fandom fic authors has published a book.  BUT!!!! this is apparently an original story and NOT P2P fanfic. 

This story was written by Angel Lawson, also known as EZRocksAngel, author of Creature of Habit and Daedalus in Exile.  



Amazon Link


Personally, I think I'm going to buy this.  I absolutely loved Creature of Habit (for what ever reason, I never read Daedalus).  

So what do you think campers?  Will you support an author who has published an original story?  Do you know of any other fanfic authors who have published ORIGINAL stories (either before or after writing fanfic)?  



Wednesday March 14, 2012 at 6:45 PM

There have been a lot of amnesia campfires this week so I figure this weekly help desk is just in time!

As always, the weekly help desk is your place to ask questions:

Did you forget the name of a fanfic?

Do you have a request for a special kind of fanfic?

Do you want to know what happened to an author or a story?

Do you have a question about ADF and how it works?

In addition to this, ask about ANYTHING YOU WANT! Ask about cats! Ask about food! Ask about aches and pains! THIS IS YOUR CAMPFIRE FOR ANSWERS!


Ask away! Many people like to answer!


Fandom and the mainstream

Wednesday March 14, 2012 at 4:22 PM

How do you feel about fandom content gone mainstream?

MOTU aka “Fifty Shades of Gray” topped the New York Times e-book bestseller list. As this article suggests, if the novel was only widely available in print, it would have topped in other rankings as well. To be honest, a few weeks back, when “Fifty” made it to one of the morning TV shows I thought “hey, perfect topic for breakfast TV watched by stay at home moms; no one really cares”. But now, after an article in the NY Times it seems that this novel is getting notice and “recognition” from BIG TIME media. And everyone is talking about it.

It really doesn’t matter how I feel about the fanfic-gone-novel and the questionable quality of the work, all of that has been discussed thousands of times. What really impresses me here is the how a piece of work, from a fandom where many of us treat fanfics like a secret guilty pleasure, is conquering the mainstream. It’s crazy don’t you think? I take interest in watching trends, but this one has blown my mind. There are of course elements of the sci-fi community that reach the mainstream, or small comic books picked up by TV networks. But those are few and far between and most of all, those works or ideas are usually so “digested” by the time they reach the general audience that they carry very little resemblance to their original form. With “Fifty” we have a niche genre (erotica), obscure themes (pseudo-BDSM) and the whole fanfiction stigma, yet somehow it’s a worldwide phenomenon, maybe even with a movie deal on the table.

Do you think E L James’ success will pave a way for more fanfic authors?  How do you think this will affect the fandom? More P2P? Mass exodus? Or perhaps influx of more quality work?


Rec: Off the Record

"Friday, November fifteenth, 2024. Palo Alto, California. Interview with Edward Cullen, brother of missing New York Times journalist Emmett Cullen." When reporter Bella goes on assignment, what complications will arise? ExB, AH/AU.
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Drama/Romance - Chapters: 9 - Words: 46,018 - Reviews: 676 - Updated: 3-11-12 - Published: 1-2-12 - Bella & Edward


Welcome to the Big Dance!

Wednesday March 14, 2012 at 1:39 PM

Well, it's that time of year again~It's NCAA Tournament Time!  The Road to New Orleans!

Eh...why am I so excited? My alma mater, little Iona, lost in the final seconds of their qualifying game last night to big bad BYU. *shakes fist in the general direction of Utah*

Anyway...We haz "brackets". I always liked that...brackets.  It's a flow chart really, a lost art of sorts


So, lets talk college hoops~

~ Who do you think will prevail and win the National Championship?

~ Has anyone's school been part of the tournament?  You know...unlike Iona (let's not even talk about the years I was there, post JimmyV. Sad years.  Sad, sad years....)

I don't see ranger approval on this so: Emibella approves this campfire. GO MARQUETTE. GO MARQUETTE. GO. GO. GOOOOOOOOOOOO MARQUETTE!

also, remember this? lol

***OOps!  I'm so sorry!  I did actually get approval for this by whomever was on twitter as @DifferentForest today LOL I think it was WolvesnVamps.  


Game Time!

Wednesday March 14, 2012 at 12:52 PM


It's coming, folks.


In celebration, lets play a little game.

We're gonna call this


Remember playing two truths and a lie here in the forest? Well, this is kinda like that - just using some HG inspiration.

Here's how it'll work:

Post a couple of facts about yourself (some true, some false) 

Campers will guess if they're real or not real.

Answer other people.  

Make friends and benefit. 


Don't want to do that?

Just spam with HG gifs instead.

Party on!


Everybody is doing it.

Wednesday March 14, 2012 at 12:12 PM


To make this interactive... Have you heard of any other celebs reading fic? (Other than Mr. Sheen of course. :D)

My Rec: 

The Cellar by iambeagle COMPLETE

Boy meets Girl. Girl's friend throws up on Boy's shoes. A story about wannabe hipsters, awkward moments, and soul mates.


Round-up of SWATH goodies

Wednesday March 14, 2012 at 12:03 PM

Chris Hemsworth teases the next trailer for SWATH to be released during The Voice on the 19th:


Snow White invites you to check out 3 new featurettes from SWATH inside. Including set interviews/new scenes/costumes and other bts tidbits


No words necessary

Wednesday March 14, 2012 at 11:02 AM


New Twi-actor pictures

Wednesday March 14, 2012 at 10:15 AM


Let's discuss...

Wednesday March 14, 2012 at 3:47 AM

Close Your Eyes

Chapter 5: Little Lies

Another story that has me hooked already and that I have so many feelings about that I need a campfire to talk about it!

Attention: spoilers inside

BTW: Teaser for the next chapter from the blog:

Teaser  :(


another installment of "amuse wtvoc"

Tuesday March 13, 2012 at 10:03 PM

let's play "draw something"

go download the app if you don't already have it

i'm wtvoc

let's play~

and comment in this CF with your name so we can be one happy forest-y group of draw something-ers

screencap good ones and share them or something, idk

not my drawing fyt:

Image and video hosting by TinyPic


The Weekly Rec

Tuesday March 13, 2012 at 3:09 PM

This is up early because it is my boy's birthday and we are going to the park. Happy birthday to him! 


Give us a link and tell us about it!


Rec me something poetic. A fic with language so beautiful it is poetry in prose. Something that you could read again and again. 

But don't just rec me what I am asking for, rec anything.





Hello animal lovers!

Tuesday March 13, 2012 at 1:48 PM

I love when an animal is a central character in a story. 

Some of my favourite cats and dogs who plays/-ed an important part in a fic is inside. I know I have forgotten some, who do you remember? 


Poor Pfach

Tuesday March 13, 2012 at 12:01 PM

Peter and Jenny split.

Article from E Online.

This makes me very sad :(

Do you think his Twilight fame was a contributing factor?

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