Birds And Bees

Monday March 19, 2012 at 1:00 PM

Details inside.


Approved by : EKSmith :)


need help

Monday March 19, 2012 at 12:28 PM

Ok just got finished rereading vampire heart , did anyone like it and know more good stories? I am also looking for another story it was deleted back in 08 i think edward being a warrior class vampire and bella was his family slave and so was her mother they fell in love she got pregnant and he bit her thinking it might not work because she was too quiet he left the baby in another room while he greived her and then the baby went quiet and he went to check and she was there holding there baby. please let me kno if anyone found it?


Also if you haven't read Shhhhh! by Robshandmonkey, you totally should




Road Trip!

Monday March 19, 2012 at 11:43 AM

Hey there campers! 

One of my bffs is getting married on May 12th in North Carolina. Airfare is just waaay too much, so I will be driving. 

So, I was wondering if maybe anyone along my route would be interested in meeting up?! 

My plan is to leave Southern Illinois on Wednesday, May 9th in the morning. I'd like to get at least to Knoxville, TN before calling it a day.  I will be returning on Sunday May 13th, and was hoping to maybe to a stopover in the Ashville, NC area. 

Are there any campers in these areas?  If so, let me know! I'd love to hang out and have a meal or just get a nice respite from driving. 

This campfire was approved by Wolvesnvamps

ETA: A Fic ReC! 

I haven't read Twi-Fic in a really long time, so the only one I can rec to you is.... EDEN BURNING, by Saluki

Eden Burning catches up w/ Edward & Bella after 4 years of marriage. What would have happened if Nessie was never & Bella stayed human? Would their love be enough to survive this dark journey or would their paradise burn to the ground? Dark, adult themes.
Rating: NC17


EETTAA: I totally forgot to make this one interactive!

So, question of the day: Have you ever driven cross-country before?  Come inside and tell me the story of your BEST road trip memory!


I Gots Terrible Fever

Monday March 19, 2012 at 11:40 AM



The fourth book in Stacia's Kane's Downside Ghosts series is due out the 27th of this month.  I AM SO EXCITED! (And maybe a little scared.) These are GRITTY, MEATY, FLESHY, DARK and TWISTY books!!

Anyone else looking forward to the new book? 

Do you also have Terrible Fever??

Have you heard of or been rec'd these books but haven't really looked into them yet? Now's your chance! 

Also-- what new books are you reading this year? What are you looking forward to releasing this year? I have several books I'm dying of anticipation for! Any books or series you want to tell us about?? 

Review for the newest Downside Ghosts book  http://networkedblogs.com/vkP0W

Also: Stacia Kane's website: http://www.staciakane.net/



ETA: The first book in this series (Unholy Ghosts) is available to both Nooks and Kindles for only 99 cents right now!! Links inside. :)


Another missing fic

Monday March 19, 2012 at 11:39 AM

OK, OK, I know that not everybody is happy about missing fics quests. But I swear I am not lazy, I looked for it on Twilighted net, where originally I read it. (could be on ff net too, I don't know). I tried for at least a month. Plus, ADF is wonderful in this way, that really you get what you ask for. I am now the proud owner of Honeymoon and black lace, one of the best Isle Esme's fic I ever read. It was never completed (albeit we know what happens on the island at the end) and was pulled, but somebody had it. PM me in case you are interested.

Now the one I am looking for is an one shot. Somebody is in a bar (it is not clear if this someone is male or female) and is completely desperate, devoid of hope. But on a table in a corner - where nobody else can see them - there is a inhumanely beautiful couple. And they start making love slowly and in such a compelling way as to be a vision of beauty for the onlooker. At the end of their performance the desperate person is somehow renewed, maybe his/her life will change.... The couple, of course, are Edward and Bella.  A weird and dreamyl story I can't retrieve. Does anybody know it?



And now my rec. It  is a Lord of the Rings fic, by The HobbitIvy, who, btw, is also my perfect final editor

The Shift

Summary: "Do not fear that you will not prove your worth, for you will never fail if you believe in yourself and trust in what you believe in." The story of Legolas' life, told through the point of view of his nanny, Lin. Metamorphosis Trilogy, Part 1.
Lord of the Rings - Rated: T -  Romance/Family  - Legolas



Monday March 19, 2012 at 11:28 AM

I'm looking for a story. It's a one-short, where Bella's a singer, and Jasper, Emmett, Rosalie, and Edward are all her band. It's a song-fic, and they're singing "Everywhere" by Michelle Branch.



I love these two stories:



And the companiion:




Monday March 19, 2012 at 9:43 AM

Are you a practical joker?  Do you love to pull pranks on your friends or family?  I love a well thought out, non-harmful, creative prank.  I even love being the recipient/victim of such pranks.  They just make me smile.  - well as long as I don't have to clean up a huge mess.

Like right now?  I have the biggest cheesy grin because THIS is what my yard looks like this very instant.

Image deleted by OP


We woke up to this "flocking" this morning with a letter on our door, informing us that we had been "flocked."  There is a group of students from a local university doing a service trip to Los Angeles/Watts over spring break and this is a fundraiser for them.  Apparently, one of our friends paid them to flock our yard and if we want, we can pay $10 for them to flock someone else's yard.  

What a great fundraiser!  

We were assured that it was done in the name of good fun and told that the flock would "mysteriously fly away" tonight sometime on to another person's yard somewhere in the city.  

I LOVE our flock!  It seriously gives me the biggest smile and totally made my day. :)  

So what pranks have you been a part of?  They can be elaborate or simple.  Disgusting or civilized.  Come in and share them!  I might just dig deep and share a few from my past. :)  


This campfire was approved by jandco.  And yes, wtvoc, I am officially a liar. ;)


Up All Night!

Monday March 19, 2012 at 8:33 AM

I recently started watching Misfits after seeing all of the gifs here in The Forest. I am the worlds biggest scaredy cat so after completing the first season last night at 1 am I couldn't sleep. For those of you who haven't seen it, it's not that scary at all...I'm just a baby! lol

Decided I would try to read for just a few minutes so that I could fall asleep because I was actually tired. 3.5 very fuzzy-eyed hours later I finished an amazing fic that had been on my TBR list forever!

That fic is none other than Down & Across by TheHeartOfLife and Hmonster4 which is posted both on ff.net and here in The Forest.

(Link in banner)

20 down: feeling deep affection or passion for; 17 across: to believe, desire, or trust. A daily fix of summertime fluff about a small town boy, a big city girl, and what happens when they give into the simple things in life.

It has a mere 375 reviews even though it is worthy of so so many more...including mine...I'm getting to it!

To make this interactive, what fics have kept you up all night? OR since I'm a Misfits newbie come in and feel free to discuss the creepy yet lovable Simon (yay Halawia for that follow!)...or whatever!


Sneak Peek

Monday March 19, 2012 at 7:04 AM

You know what time is is:

You know the drill by now!

Come on inside and give us a tease of what you've been working on

Challenge for the day:

Include a pic of what you think a secondary character in your fic may look like

How do you picture your Aro or your Tanya?

Is Billy Burke still your ultimate Charlie?

And while we're doing this... I feel like it should be announced



Okay.... done humblebraggin. Just come on in and be happy with me :D

~Don't forget to post a tease of your fic while you're at all this~ lol







Since ffn alerts are fail, post updates here

Monday March 19, 2012 at 6:30 AM

Um, title says it all...

Plus I'm on my phone and can't make this pretty.

Rangers, feel free to pretty this post up and add tags (since I can't via phone).


ADF Backgrounds...

Monday March 19, 2012 at 4:25 AM

Hello Campers!!!

i just realised how much i love the ADF backgrounds....then i thought, poor rangers, they must have to go through google images like hell for all the forestery they come up with...

so lets help them people....come up with backgrounds for the site....help the rangers and post forest images...

i've shortened the images so this post doesnt become huge....but i've posted the link for the full sized image right below....



continued in the post as a comment...

i hope you like them....

also while you're posting the backgrounds...tell me about your most memorable hiking trip or a camping trip....

if you've not had an expereince in either...tell me a scenary you'd love to be a part of...

i havent seeked a ranger approval for this campfire...should i have?



Monday March 19, 2012 at 4:07 AM





Sunday March 18, 2012 at 9:51 PM

Image and video hosting by TinyPic



i went to wondercon this weekend, and as a promotion for game of thrones season 2, you could get your picture taken and your head put on a spike. here's mine, enjoy~ or if ye be mine enemy, print it out and put it on the ceiling above your bed

just thought i'd share. i got a bunch of cool swag, bought some rad t-shirts and tote bags, played the new kid icarus for 3DS and this cool new game coming out next month called spirit camera. stood next to lou ferrigno and met hodor from game of thrones.

all in all, a decent weekend.

wha'd you guys do, anything good? how was your st. patrick's day? 

or come in here and discuss how stoked you are for game of thrones and/or hunger games coming up.

just talk to me, campers.


Have You Seen This Yet?

Sunday March 18, 2012 at 9:11 PM

So, the husband and I have been anxiously awaiting the Dark Shadows movie. He has always loved the TV show and at one point in time we actual had every episode taped on VHS!! Then we saw the trailer tonight on TV and were shocked and very, very disappointed. Below is the link.


How do you feel about this? Did you ever watch the original show?




My Rec:   http://www.fanfiction.net/s/7913282/1/  Simply Promised by mmsinful

Summary: Edward and Bella, best friends since kids, have promised to have each
other's baby someday. Now, Edward is married and Bella has a fiancee. Edward
reminds Bella of their simple promise, when he learns that his wife is unable
to conceive. HEA E/B Lemons


ETA: Fixed Link


Holy $*&^!!!!

Sunday March 18, 2012 at 8:07 PM


The Walking Dead

Season Finale


(There will be spoilers)


Don't know if this has been done already...

Sunday March 18, 2012 at 7:57 PM

but it's 6:30 P.M right now and it's been nagging me all day:

Comments in RL and on the internet about the discrepancies (in regards to plot, characters, etc) in the twilight series is pretty commonplace. So I have a challange for you all. It will be  a bit like my Dish It Out campfire:

Name something that happened in the series that didn't make sense to you. It can be a choice a character made or could have made, etc. Once you do that, explain why you think it was bull and what you think should have happened...based on what S.M had defind as canon.

BUT....you can't mention Edward leaving or Bella choosing Edward over Jacob. Those subjects have already been done to death by numerous fanfics. In fact, to make it a challange, mention something that isn't about Edward or Bella. I'll give an example:

I think it made no sense whatsoever for Aro to let Eleazar leave the Volturi after he had found a mate in Carmen. Even if they hadn't found Chelsea yet (which I think they already did), I would think Aro would be desperate for Eleazar to stay. Aro is the ultimate collector, and to have someone like Eleazar on his huntng team...I'd imagine his expertise would earn him a permanent spot on the guard.

Aro could have used Chelseas ability to keep both tied to the Volturi: Carmen and Eleazar. Seriously, the ability to know what kind of ability another vampire had? That would be like winning the jackpot to Aro, i'd imagine... It's the exact thing he needs... 

You can choose anything from the four saga books, the bree tanner book, and the guide/encyclopedia that gives all the juicy backstory....


Lost fic

Sunday March 18, 2012 at 7:14 PM

In this fic Bella likes to draw/paint and she paints the school's walls and the principal finds out, after that Edward, Rosalie and maybe Alice, Emm or Jasper do something wrong, and they see Bella and the principal together befour they get caught and they think she told him what they did, so they all get mad and E is supposed to make Bella fall for him, and one day he gets in her room and watches as her father hits her.

That is all i can remember for now :) and my english is terrible, sorry.

My rec: 

Last Tango in Forks » reviews
Bella Swan has spent a lifetime putting everyone else's needs before her own. Could a chance encounter with a mysterious stranger begin to change all of that? AU/AH
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Romance/Angst - Chapters: 31 - Words: 195,643 - Reviews: 14975 - Updated: 8-1-11 - Published: 4-23-10 - Bella & Edward - Complete


do you read bad fics?

Sunday March 18, 2012 at 6:51 PM

Do you guys read bad fic?

Cause i believe i have a problem, i just cant quit bad fics!!! I MUST know how they end.

No im not talking of just poor grammar (im no expert and english is not my first language).

Im talking those over the top dramas. Extreme situations. Where Edward is always a billionaire and invincible. Edward and Bella always end up having twins. The mob is after them and edward single handedly brings them down. I cant really give much details without pointing fingers.

Or even those where everything is just perfect all the time.

Edit 2: apparently there is a fic out there that matches what i described. That wasnt my intention. I wasnt thinking of any particular fic.




This Heart Renewed »by orchidmoon22reviews
9 years ago Bella Swan had a surgery that saved her life. A humble survivor, she is making a life for herself in a new town. Along the way she meets Edward Masen. Quiet, dark, cold, angry. Can she bring him back to life? Or will the truth ruin it all?
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Romance/Angst - Chapters: 13 - Words: 82,072 - Reviews: 464 - Updated: 2-1-12 - Published: 8-31-11 - Bella & Edward


edit: my rec is NOT a bad fic. actually it needs more readers.



Sunday March 18, 2012 at 6:37 PM

Tell me you've seen this:



fake twitter link

Sunday March 18, 2012 at 6:07 PM

So I was just sent a fake twitter link..... I dont know the person who sent it ..whether it was accidental or on purpose, IDK..... but the message went along the line of "ROFL...omg i am laughing so hard at this pic of me my friend found" ....it then provided a link, that went to a fake twitter page asking for you to put you username and password back in because your session has timed out...... I just thought I would warn some ppl in case they get similar messages......  or maybe I got all this wrong.... I'll provide you with a link to the fake twitter site if you want it...

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