
ahhhh :)

Friday March 23, 2012 at 11:24 PM

It is free for all correct?

well recently i have become obsessed with One Direction and the campfire about acouple days ago helped this obsesstion! anyways i found this on my friends wall and though i had to share it to all the One Direction fans! this video honestly makes me smile! they're so cute!

on a sad note, the day they come to my city for their concert i have to attend my highschool graduation :( so commencement or concert?? okay i am not that crazy to miss my graduation but still breaks my heart i cant see them

so,has this ever happened to you? you wanted to do or go to one thing but had a prior or bigger commitment? also feel free to talk about how much we all love one direction :)

Love Well Spent


Friday March 23, 2012 at 8:49 PM

Okay, so I just finished reading Mockingjay tonight and I REALLY need to discuss it with people. So beware, those of you who have not yet read the book don't read this campfire unless you want to know the spoilers.

I will post my questions and thoughts about it inside! :)



LOOK Who's Team Jacob!

Friday March 23, 2012 at 8:01 PM



Help me find a fanfic! pls

Friday March 23, 2012 at 7:22 PM

I'm lookinf for a fanfic about a slightly possessive and bad Edward which is reuniting with Bella after years of not seeing eachother. Esme is Edwards mother and is on her death bed. Bella and Edward lie about being together and they have this bond to eachother-they can read eachothers mind when touching.

Does this pllot ring a bell?

Im dreading that it has been pulled away or that the author abonded it though...


Thx alot!



Friday March 23, 2012 at 6:00 PM

I'm looking for a sexy fic, with possessive vampward! just in the mood :p 


My rec:

Hurt by Winndsinger » reviews
What if Bella wasn't beautiful when she first met Edward? Shy, scared, alone, and hurt Bella comes to Forks at the request of Dr. Carlisle Cullen, who thinks he can help her battered legs regain their strength when other doctors have failed.
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Tragedy - Chapters: 31 - Words: 181,229 - Reviews: 1403 - Updated: 1-25-09 - Published: 1-2-09 - Bella & Edward - Complete


And again, and again, and...

Friday March 23, 2012 at 4:56 PM

Good any-part-of-the-day you are having. I just realized one of the fics I am following was pulled - The Elysian Fields. Pity. I really liked the plot. Does anybody know what the cause was? I am sleepy and curious. 

But for your time - read this, it is nearly finished. 


Cheap, but Good

Friday March 23, 2012 at 4:05 PM

I am simply not reading as much fic as I used to.


What I am reading simply doesn't update enough.

I downloaded a Nook to my PC and in two weeks time racked up over 60$ in charges.

Because, YES, I read that fast.

Can anyone recommend any 99 cents books that were actually good? Even 3$ and under is ok. I just need to slow it down before my husband flips on me.


Hidden Gems that you know of?

I'll read just about anything except Super Cheesy Romance or Self-Help books.

There are few things in life that I hate more than a Self-Help Motivational type book.


I also have a kindle for my PC downloaded


Rec: It is a Book Rec

99 cents and fantastic

Angelfall by Susan Ee






Internet Funnies

Friday March 23, 2012 at 1:34 PM

Sorry it's not HG related.  But it is FFAF, yes?  :)

So come in and share your internet funnies!  

We did this a couple weeks ago and I found someone that I fell in love with, djflula!  Look him up on youtube.  Freaking hysterical.  Especially the "Jennifer is a party pooper," one.  Thank you MelissaCullen for introducing us!  Also... in another freak instance, I found out that my brother is actually good friends with flula.  Go figure.  

Anyway, our very own, juniperjulip, tweeted about a post she made on a bread company's facebook about their bagels.  Because I'm stalker-ish - but never in a harmful way and I always fess up to my stalking - I went and looked.  And omigosh, I laughed so hard!  That girl is utterly brilliant and slightly crazy in the best of ways and I wish I'd been the one to post it!  :D :D :D


Come in and share your internet funnies!  I've got another couple I'm gonna share. :D

This campfire was approved by juniperjulip but has not been approved by the FDA or the Surgeon General.


Who will you Sponsor?

Friday March 23, 2012 at 12:03 PM

Fellow Campers of A Different Panem!

The 74th Annual ADF Games are upon us, and our Tributes are flowing in.

They need your support. Who will you Sponsor?

Read their Bios and their Blurbs, see who takes your fancy, then talk them up!

Come in and tell us who is getting your support and why!

Tributes, come in and tell us why we should support you!


How safe is safe?

Friday March 23, 2012 at 9:42 AM

i wanted to put up my pic as my avi everywhere ffn, ADF, tumblr, twitter....but i dont know if its too unsafe or anything....

i've personally never had a bad incidence with these facebook and gmail and everything in the real life profiles, they all have my pictures...i wanted to put it up in fandom accounts too...if i'm already putting it in the other accounts, how does it make a difference if i put it on my fandom accounts??.

have you had a scare with internet safety??.tell me about it...


you shall volunteer as tribute

Friday March 23, 2012 at 8:37 AM

the ADF games: volunteer today!

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hello, panem!

please continue to send in your volunteer blurbs to

the games shall start this weekend. 

what are the games, exactly?

oh, just fun little activities pitting you against each other. most of you will die, of course, but that's no reason to not participate!

no knowledge of the book or movie the hunger games is needed to play. in fact... most of your deaths will be randomly chosen while the panem forest cheers you on!

so... why don't you go ahead and volunteer? remember, there are 5 gift cards at stake for those lucky enough to almost make it out alive! and of course, one big prize to the survivor of it all.

please check out this post for more details. you have until midnight tonight!

continue making posts on any subject of your choosing. click on a shiny ad for your gamemakers, won't you?

oh, and try to remember- if you go into someone's hunger games movie review campfire, please remember- there are spoilers in there. consider yourselves warned!

so it's FREE FOR ALL, which means FEED THE TREES and volunteer for the games. there's no reason not to, chickadees- anyone might win this thing!

use this campfire to tell us if you aren't going to volunteer, and to tell us all why. or, if you have questions, you may ask. 

ta-ta, and may the odds be ever in your favor.

lord stark, himself a loser in the hunger game of thrones, for your time:

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Thursday March 22, 2012 at 11:37 PM


come discuss inside! 


Blame Canada

Thursday March 22, 2012 at 10:11 PM

For giving us another awesome Ranger.

It's been a good week here. We've had a week free from "that" divisive fic and talked about funny city names, cover songs, pranks, tig ol' bitties, and The Hunger Games and much more. We've had games, discussions, tutorials, and a new contest.

It's time to thank a Ranger.

EKSmith is another lovely Ranger who wades through the good and bad, referees comments, and lifeguards our playground. She also brings us Oldies but Goodies, and even if you've not participated in the campfires, you know they've made you read/re-read the fics. She's also a bit of a enthusiast on The Hunger Games and she deserves some love. So, put down your bow-and-arrows, forget about the 74th annual ADF games, don't suck up just to get points, and get in here and give her some love for making ADF possible. If you're a tribute, you only have to break character for a few seconds to say thank you, if you're not, give her some thanks for being one of the rangers that give us these awesome contests to watch. 



Thursday March 22, 2012 at 6:05 PM

IT'S ON!!!



True Cullen Spirit

The Host Teaser Trailer

Thursday March 22, 2012 at 4:57 PM

The Host has released it's first teaser, what do you think? Come in and discuss this!
Here's my favorite alien fanfic rec. Written in the Stars by Lissa Bryan

To TVD fans...

Thursday March 22, 2012 at 3:46 PM

If you hang out online while watching TVD do it on Twitter!


Julie Plec will answer questions on her Twitter @julieplec tonight at 8 pm East Coast, while the episode is airing.


Unfortunately, I won't be there to grill  politely ask her questions, since it'll be 2 am in my time zone by then, but now maybe you'll have a chance to :)


Fetish Fanfic is MIA!

Thursday March 22, 2012 at 1:32 PM

I was just on Facebook and came across this post :

Does anyone know what happened to Fetish Fanfic? Her stuff is gone from TWCS and FF. There is nothing on her FF profile to indicate why she left. Everything is just gone.

I checked on Twitter and I can't find anything else either! Does anyone know what happened? I loved her stories and she just started the sequel of Daddy's little girl a few weeks ago. I'm really worried....


Battle Royale vs THG

Thursday March 22, 2012 at 12:07 PM

Battle Royale by Koushun Takami

Summary: Koushun Takami's notorious high-octane thriller is based on an irresistible premise: a class of junior high school students is taken to a deserted island where, as part of a ruthless authoritarian program, they are provided arms and forced to kill one another until only one survivor is left standing.     


Sound familiar?  

I've been seeing a TON of posts on facebook about how THG is a Battle Royale ripoff (BR was also turned into a movie).  Just curious if anyone here has read BR.  If so, what do you think?  How similar are they?  From the summary alone they sound extremely similar.  Perhaps Suzanne Collins is a BR fan?

Would you recommend the book?


may the odds be ever in your favor

Thursday March 22, 2012 at 10:14 AM

the ADF games: today is reaping day

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welcome, a different panem, to the 74th annual ADF games!

today is the reaping. you will volunteer as tributes. you will die for your forest. you will pit your strengths against each other until there is

only one.

we are no longer your forest rangers; we are your forest gamemakers.


the reaping contest starts now. you have until tomorrow, friday at midnight eastern, to volunteer.


here are the rules:

-you will send a blurb of 50 words or less to make it up. be truthful. do whatever you need to win. describe your strengths. use whatever means necessary.

-post in this campfire stating that you have volunteered and make an offering to the panem forest and/or your gamemakers as to why you love it here.

-change your icon, change your bio. give us your vital statistics. be creative. you will be judged on your creativity in all areas.

-you will be pitted against each other over several rounds and the gamemakers will choose who will die and who will survive

-there will be five prizes handed out in varying degrees, all of them giftcards to that bastion of capitol capitalism, the ultimate survivor of the ADF games will receive the grand prize.



most of you will die.

only one will survive.

how will we determine the winners? well. impress the gamemakers with your cunning, with your blurbs, with your icons, your bios;with your acumen at maneuvering and manipulating the panem forest to your way. during the games, the other campers will help the gamemakers decide who wins and who loses. you need sponsors to help you win, don't you? your fellow campers will be your sponsors.

your deaths, while sad, will be a shimmering reminder to everyone that the forest is not to be defied. we will celebrate our life through your death.

except the one, of course, who wins.

so send us your volunteer blurbs, post in this campfire, ask me questions, and mostly-

may the odds be ever in your favor.

*more specific details inside*


Happy The Hunger Games Eve!

Thursday March 22, 2012 at 9:42 AM

It's almost heeeeeeeeeeeeere.

Who's excited?

Who has their ticket for the midnight showing already?

Who's waiting until later on Friday to see it, or just the weekend in general?

I haven't bought my ticket, yet, but my experience with past midnight showings tells me that I won't have a problem. There's never really that many people waiting to see the movie.

Oh, before I forget: anyone else been watching GMA since Tuesday? The cast of THG were on, and Donald Sutherland will be on on Monday. I can't to see how President Snow transfers from the book to the big screen. That's probably the one thing I'm hesitant about, besides the actual Hunger Games, but I'm not too worried. It's Donald Sutherland, after all.

THG tags FTW. Yay.

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