
Searching for...

Thursday March 29, 2012 at 1:47 PM


Thanks to amieforshort I now have the title of the fic I was looking for:

"Picture This by MadamThang"   =^_^=

Now...Does anyone have a copy of it? Any news about the author? Anything?!? Please, pretty please!!

Here is the second quest for today: I'm searching for a fic about actor Edward shooting a film in Forks; Bella is the owner/pastry chef of a bakery with Alice and Emmett. Her Bella's Buns are quite popular and she is responsible for the catering.

Thanks in advance.

Rec Fics (yes, more than one) :

Movie star Edward Cullen is sent to Seattle Crime Lab to train for his next role. A one night stand with an alluring woman rocks his world but not as much as finding out she's his mentor, she doesn't remember him, and she's nothing like he thought-EPOV/MA

Bella is 30 but where has her life really taken her?She's got a job,but no real life.No lover,no kids,nothing.Feelin lost & alone on her 30th bday she writes a list of things she's never done before but has always wanted to.Maybe life really begins at 30?


AH- What happens when the beautiful & world-renowned NYC Chef Bella Swan meets the sexy & heroic FDNY Fireman Edward Cullen? Read to find out. E/B POV Includes fluff/humor/graphic lemons/swearing/drama and ITALIAN DTE. E/B, J/A, Em/R, C/Es

With SEQUEL... -^___^-

SEQUEL TO COOKING WITH FIRE! Bella and her Firefighter are back, along with the rest of the 'CWF' gang. Prepare for more COMEDY/LUST/ROMANCE/FLUFF/DRAMA/LEMONS GALORE & ITALIAN DIRTY TALKING EDWARD! Canon. Rated 'M' for Language & Graphic Lemons. E&B POV


Nice Cosmopolis Pic, eh?

Thursday March 29, 2012 at 1:37 PM


And the parody's out already

Thursday March 29, 2012 at 8:56 AM

Fifty-One Shades (because it's one shade better)

You can read the first three chapters HERE.  Written by a guy.

It has some amusing moments, though there is probably better crackfic out there on already:

"I push the door open and trip over the hem of my sagging sweatpants in one swift motion. As I careen towards the floor, my body reflexively goes into gymnast mode. I drop the backpack and notebook, throw my arms straight out, and roll into a cartwheel. With the momentum picked up from tripping, I complete three full cartwheels before landing on my feet – on Mr. Gray’s desk! I am so embarrassed about my clumsiness that I close my eyes. But I hear someone...clapping. I open my eyes and stare down at Mr. Gray and HOLY BLEEP *please remember to keep the front page clean - EK* SPARKLY VAMPIRES IS HE HOT.

“Miss Kraven,” he says, extending a long-fingered hand to me to assist me off the desk. “I’m Edward. I mean, 'Chris Gray.' Have a seat?”

And I will rec a good crackfic, if I can find one.  Gimme a mo.  Or you can suggest one?


What do you write?

Thursday March 29, 2012 at 8:40 AM

Hi Everyone!

I was wondering how many twilight fanfiction authors have original fiction available for purchase? With all of the craziness surrounding the pull-to-publish, I've noticed that there are several authors that write fanfiction and original fiction. Who are you? I want to read your original works!  Let's make a list.


If you know of any authors, please feel free to list them as well as links to their books!


This campfire was approved by the awesome LJ Summers and here is my rec.


The Fallout by OCDindeed
March 16/06 the world the Cullens knew ended. Faith, hope & love are powerful things. Edward is about to find out how powerful they are. Yes,set during a post-apocalyptic nuclear war. Try the Prologue before passing judgment. You might be surprised! NM/AU
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Suspense/Romance - Chapters: 39 - Words: 335,739 - Reviews: 5832 - Updated: 3-24-12 - Published: 3-24-09 - Edward & Bella - Complete

Please don't be afraid to pimp yourself!


I can't.

Thursday March 29, 2012 at 7:05 AM

Twilight fan has Twilight-themed wedding, makes her husband change his name to Cullen


Dusty Update

Thursday March 29, 2012 at 7:00 AM

alerts aren't working, but Dusty updated!


Kristen Stewart talking about FSOG..

Thursday March 29, 2012 at 2:37 AM


From Entertainment Weekly - April 6, 2012 Since Fifty Shades began as a Twilight fan fiction you may wonder what Kristen Stewart has to say. “It’s so funny - I heard about it yesterday,” she says. “Rob [Pattinson] and Wyck [Godfrey], our producer, were talking about it! I’ve heard it’s quite sexy - very titilating.” Will she read it?, “Hell, yeah!




Can't login... Help

Thursday March 29, 2012 at 1:58 AM

Sorry for starting this CF, but For some reason I can't login to ADF from my laptop anymore. Riight now I'm using IPad and I don't like it. At all. Anyone has an advice?


Insatiable Desires by ItzMegan73

What happens when the paths of two highly intelligent hypersexuals cross?
Twilight - Fiction Rated: M - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 14 - Words: 80,726 - Reviews: 1133 - Updated: 3-28-12 - Published: 11-8-11 - - Bella/Edward


Esme Incognito

How do you do this?

Wednesday March 28, 2012 at 8:58 PM

OK--I don't feel that old until technology rears it's head and makes me feel completely stupid. Can somebody tell me how to do this:

How do you post a picture or a screen shot into the campfires? I want to start posting my story soon (it's fully written and over half beta'd) and Naya made me some awesome banners for it. I tried to put a campfire in the Monday list of stories we're working on, but couldn't paste the banner in. I copied the banner from the email Naya sent me, opened a new campfire, and wanted to paste it in, but the paste function was grayed out. I clicked on the button for inserting an image, but it asked for a URL. (Argh--where's the attach button like in email?)  Last week, I tried to paste a YouTube video in. I used the embed media button and all that showed up was the link, not the screen shot. (Double Argh!) 

If someone could help an apparently ancient (40-something) person who actually learned paste-up when it involved Exacto knives and tape how to paste a pictue into a campfire, she would be very grateful. I don't want to have to ask my 11 year old! That would be way too lame!

Thank you!



If I can make the dang link work, you can go give my beta Besotted some love by reading her lovely story about deaf Bella and the biggest sweetheart of an Edward I've ever seen. I just wanna hug him! by Besotted
Bella Swan lives in a continuum between sound and silence, a world apart from what Edward Cullen knows. When their lives collide and their attraction can't be denied, can they overlook their differences and let love define them?
Twilight - Fiction Rated: M - English - Romance/Angst - Chapters: 14 - Words: 67,308 - Reviews: 470 - Updated: 3-13-12 - Published: 11-28-11 - - Edward/Bella


Some people got to have it

Wednesday March 28, 2012 at 8:13 PM


Mega Millions jackpot rises to record $500 million

The next drawing is this Friday, and any winner would be able to take that amount over time or an immediate cash payout of $359 million (pre-tax).

So, Campers, I'm sure there are many of you who will be buying a ticket (or ticketS) right along with me for Friday's drawing. If you got lucky enough to beat the odds (1 in 176,000,000) and win, tell me three things you would do with the money.

It doesn't have to be your top three choices. Just three things you would do. I don't care if you want to buy everything your heart desires, donate it all to charity, squander it, invest it, or buy the movie and t.v. rights to a certain 'novel' in order to ensure it never gets judgment here- I just want to know what you would do with some of it.

Come inside and tell me

Or show me


ADF's Weekly Fan Video Post

Wednesday March 28, 2012 at 7:32 PM








Peeta & Katniss || "She came here with me." by GossipSmile <- Part of Peeta's interview is in this so if you haven't seen the movie and don't want to be SPOILED, then don't watch it. Otherwise, this is a really sweet video!


breaking dawn || tell me why by veraalternative






Worth $0.99?

Wednesday March 28, 2012 at 6:32 PM

Has anyone read this?  Wonder if it's worth the download?  Why is the description making me queasy?


Amazon Link

Product Description
A journey into the hidden world of fan fiction, where books originally written for a teenage audience by writers such as J.K. Rowling and Stephenie Meyer are given a pornographic twist.  A Million Shades of Green tells the story of how a novel-length piece of BDSM (Bondage, Domination, Sadism, Masochism) porn fan fiction called Master of the Universe (featuring Twilight characters Edward Cullen and Bella Swan) was secretly transformed into the #1 New York Times Bestseller, Fifty Shades of Grey.


An Ivy League and Oxford University graduate, Sean Black writes the Ryan Lock thriller series for British publisher Bantam/Transworld. The first two books in the series hit the Official Nielsen/Bookscan UK Top 50 Bestseller Chart, and the third title, Gridlock, will be released in paperback in July with the fourth book in the series, The Devil's Bounty, due for hardcover release on August 2nd. The series has also been translated into Dutch and German.


Because we all have needs..

Wednesday March 28, 2012 at 5:39 PM

There have been a lot of amnesia campfires this week so I figure this weekly help desk is just in time!

As always, the weekly help desk is your place to ask questions:

Did you forget the name of a fanfic?

Do you have a request for a special kind of fanfic?

Do you want to know what happened to an author or a story?

Do you have a question about ADF and how it works?

In addition to this, ask about ANYTHING YOU WANT! Ask about manscaping! Ask about fireballs! Ask about bad fic* being on the cover of EW! OMG, don't 


And thanks to everyone who asked and answered about socks last week! I totally figured that one out :)


Ask away! Many people like to answer!

*yeah yeah, Emibella's opinion and not necessarily that of ADF or the advertisers, etc, etc, etc.


Come njoin me

Wednesday March 28, 2012 at 3:06 PM

I'm drunk

Come talk to mw. It's like f-ing 2 int he afternoos and I wannsa get to know you all.

I wasfd just watching Disney's Gargosyles and thats sihits supernatural so, yeath. Come be drunk with me on thsoi tuesdya, f-ng thurdays whatever day it is aftrernnon or let me drink for you, I'ms already gone

wer can talk about anyothing you want. i love you.and we can talsk about Gargoyels and supernatural tv cartoons or you know wherever. Or I could just talk to myself, cuaus I'mm really good at that. Come talk to me aboyst the hunger games on ADF and why you think you'rse gonna win hahhaahs

OH add vote Dennis. 

look more supernatual casue Goiliath was hot

Ranger Did an Edit: Even drunk, Naya, no effing around on the front page... 


the gamemakers are bored.

Wednesday March 28, 2012 at 3:06 PM

the adf games: a challenge

we're bored.

time to liven things up a bit.

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

fire bombs are now raining down. the forest is a wall of fire.

what do you do?

tributes, this event is simple, but terribly, terribly important.

you will make one post by midnight thursday (eastern time). i'll allow edits to this one, but so help you firth- you'd better be grammatically perfect.

tell us how you make it. do not copy canon, please.

use whatever means you can to weave the tale of your survival in no more than 1000 words.

your gamemakers will keep whomever succeeds in not boring us.

sponsors, i expect you to keep up the good work. your capitol is proud of you!

tributes, may the odds be ever in your favor.


OCD Ranger Edit: Below are the tributes EXPECTED to post their survival stories. Names will be un-crossed-off as they post within. 

magnolia; halawia; st8girl; psychokitty; ruby wednesday; stretch2463; ldygwynedd; bedelia; dennis7474; the paradox; wckdqueen; and mirrorlight31.

Well done!  Everyone posted! 


I saw it on the internet...

Wednesday March 28, 2012 at 12:48 PM

Post stuff that you found on the internet! Pics, gifs, articles, meme's-anything and everything goes...


Fic to movie post

Wednesday March 28, 2012 at 12:07 PM

I don't want to discuss the fic/book/movie that shall not be named, so let's discuss what fics you think would make great movies.

Comedy: Bella Swan:Kidnapper or Edward Wallbanger

Drama: The Best Man

Horror: Toye

Romantic Comedy: Imperfectly Perfect

Join in and add your own


Spam or Publishing Contract?

Wednesday March 28, 2012 at 12:02 PM


I've only been writing on FF for about 2 months.... I just got a PM from someone claiming to be a with a publishing company who is interested in any original writings I may have lying around... They are not asking for money up front.

For those of you who have been authors in the Fandom for awhile, is this:

a). spam

b). spam, that could also possibly be material theft, etc.

c). a semi-legit offer that I should pursue warily because EVERYONE who publishes on FF gets one, and it usually amounts to nothing

d). the answer to all of my hopes and dreams

I don't recognize the writer/member approaching me, and as far as I can tell, they *just* started following me, but at the same time, a compliment is a compliment, you know?

Can someone provide some advice?


My rec is: Stolen Dreams by shasta53. Updated regularly, and a really interesting tale.

Stolen Dreams » reviews
Bella and Edward were ready to become parents as seniors in high school, but tragedy ended their dreams and pulled them apart. Ten years later, they reunite, but all is not what it seems. ExB
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Drama/Romance - Chapters: 30 - Words: 137,351 - Reviews: 2137 - Updated: 3-27-12 - Published: 9-6-11 - Bella & Edward

Bells. Just Bells.

The Kitchen IS open!

Wednesday March 28, 2012 at 9:56 AM

Sorry we're a day behind!!!!

But the Kitchen is open and we want to know what you're cookin'!

What we’re cookin’...

  • Plot Bunnies! Ever have a plot bunny that needed some spice? Who said anything about too many cooks? The more the merrier, here! Bring your undercooked plots or ideas, and help others hash out their stories, too.
  • Your Characters! Feel like your characters are just skin and bones? Come chat with your friends and see if they can help you create the perfect recipe for meaty greatness.
  • Basically anything related to your fic that you need help with!



  • We’re allergic to negativity! Constructive criticism and suggestions are welcome, but please try to stay positive and productive!
  • And pilfering, too! There will be plenty of story ideas being discussed, so please stay respectful to your fellow authors by not using another's idea as your own - unless given explicit permission by the author first and then giving due credit, of course. No eating off someone else’s plate unless they say you can!


Food Bank...

  • Donations! Have some untouched plot ingredients that have been sitting in your cabinet for far too long? Come drop them off at our Food Bank and help another hungry author!
  • Pick up! Need some ingredients for your writing? See what ideas have been left for a good home.


You’ve given us an excuse to use the kitchen for the first time.

So, come on in and share your ideas! Maybe someone will have that perfect plot point that pushes your story from good to great, and hopefully you’ll be able to do the same for a fellow author!


omg another one i'm so, so sorry

Wednesday March 28, 2012 at 8:32 AM



did you ever think you'd see the day

when twilight fanfiction made the cover of a major magazine? 


Image and video hosting by TinyPic

EW has the first Stateside interview with press-shy author E L James (that’s a nom de plume, by the way), as well as the full story behind how the sexy novel went from unpolished Twilight-inspired fan fiction to a full-on phenomenon.

EW, you forgot continuity at the end of that sentence- to an unpolished, full-on phenomenon. tsk tsk tsk


also- lol my new tag

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