
Anywhere in the world with "your" Edward

Saturday March 31, 2012 at 12:58 PM

So...I had a week under pressure and all I was thinking at the end of each day was ESCAPE.

Here's is the QUESTION:

If you could go anywhere in the world with "your"  Edward - yes your own perfect man- where would that place be!

Give me pictures of that place ( and of your vampire, he can be the only thing you cannot leave behind)

 I'd go with him     somewhere cozy, a small green village or a greek island

My rec:

Cracks in the Pavement  by VampiresHaveLaws 

Life is never perfect, the cracks always appear. "My Polaroid would show the face of a girl who has forgotten how to truly smile." Even the strongest of dreams can fail to become enough.

Twilight - Rated: M - English - Angst/Romance - Chapters: 17 - Words: 111,505 - Reviews: 3585 - Updated: 3-31-12 - Published: 2-21-11 - Bella & Edward

Cause her new chapter is just sublime...


The never-ending story

Saturday March 31, 2012 at 12:07 PM

At what point do you give up on a story, saying "This is too much.  This story is too long."?

I have several stories on my alert list that seem to be going on forever with no end in sight.  One just topped 800K words with no mention of a resolution coming anytime soon in the author's notes.  Now, I don't read WIP's, so I don't know if these stories are just loaded with fillers or if the stories just have that much going on in it.

Do you have a limit on the word/chapter length of a story that you'll read?  Have you/would you flounce on a fic if it got too long for your liking?  What was the longest fic you've read?  What are the longest fics that are on your alert list currently?  Is there a story/author that you would read no matter how long the story got?

I don't necessarily have a limit, but I tend to hesitate before starting a super long fic because that's a huge commitment of time.  Everytime I finish a story, I eyeball Cullenary Coupling.  I really want to read it, but the word count scares me.  LOL

I would only flounce if the story didn't have any substance, if it had too much filler/essay length descriptions of clothing/interior design/feelings/garbage/etc, not enough plot movement.  This holds true for any story. 

The longest fic I read so far was Emancipation Proclamation and I loved it.  I wanted more and read every outtake/novella available.

These are the top 7 longest fics on my alert list so far.  Haven't read them, they are still in progress, so I'm not sure if they are worth all the words, but hopefully the authors will wrap them up soon so that I can find out.

TITLE - Words
Torn - 444,702
A Pound of Flesh - 481,547
Pure Revelations - 514,551
Impact - 610,642
Heaven, Hell & Harleys - 650,030
Diamond in the Rough - 745,237

Weather the Storm by SexyLexiCullen is getting up there is word count (nearly 400K), but this is a story that I would read even if it reached 2mil words.  (altho, I'd be stomping my foot at the length of time it took to complete.  LOL)

Recommendation -

Breaking News by WriteOnTime
Two network news anchors. One desk. In a race to get the story, love might become the headline - if they don't kill each other first. AU/AH Canon Couples, smart people, particle physics, and tap dancing.
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 26 - Words: 180,493 - Reviews: 6604 - Updated: 1-3-12 - Published: 10-5-09 - Edward & Bella - Complete


Daily Grace - Tampons

Saturday March 31, 2012 at 10:11 AM

So I stumbled across this ladyface from watching her cameo in a video from another channel I subscribe to (side note: I subscribe to too many people) and literally got sucked into a black hole of her humor. I have no idea why she's not more popular because she's basically a more funny, more frequent updater than Jenna Marbles. And her voices don't make me wanna perform a self-lobotomy.

To make this interactive, what funnyfaces do YOU subscribe to on YT? Show us your favorite video from them.

I'll put my other faves in the comments. :)

P.S. Also sanks to the wonderful camper who posted a video on how to embed because now I know how to!


I have a quandary and need some input

Saturday March 31, 2012 at 9:09 AM

Since it's FFA ..

I have a quandary that has to do with am I being greedy or not...

Please come inside, read my tale and let me know what you think.

Thanks in advance!


My rec:

Our Yellow House

Joined at the hip since kindergarten, Edward and Bella shared it all, and at the age of 22, they were happily married, expecting their first child. But when Bella was 4 months pregnant, she was kidnapped. That was 3 years ago - HEA? Yes, I promise.
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Angst/Family - Chapters: 46 - Words: 204,214 - Reviews: 10438 - Updated: 2-11-12 - Published: 4-27-11 - Edward & Bella - Complete


Hard to Find Books.

Saturday March 31, 2012 at 6:47 AM

I know these books exist. 

They are out there. But I can't find them for what I'm willing to pay.

Come inside and I will share my lament with you.



The interactive part:

What are your best tips to find  the hard to come by books without paying with your firstborn?


Updated Fic Spreadsheet

Saturday March 31, 2012 at 3:54 AM

Hi All,

ETA: I've moved everything to my new blog. The author's summary is now searchable plus you can do secondary searches and filters.

Original Post Below

Recently Updated Fic List

Updated daily - List Format - Find out what everyone is reading!
Sort by: Author, Title, Chapters, Reviews, Date and Summary (Click on Drop Down Links)
Filter list or sort in ascending / descending order (Click on Column Names)

Update:  I have combined the Completed List and the WIP List into one for ease in updating.  Under status you can filter by Completed, Removed and Published.  While the updates are daily keeping the Removed and Published statuses updated will be a work-in-progress.

Twilight Fan Fiction List

Top Completed Fics by Review Count

Top Completed O/S by Review Count

Top WIP Fics by Review Count

Top Fics by Average Reviews / Chapter

Removed Fics

Published Fics

Sort and filter the list to get the view you want!

Report Broken Links / Removed Fics to:
Twitter: @TwilightFicList - Follow on Twitter for notification of updates 


(S)he's Just Not That Into You

Friday March 30, 2012 at 9:07 PM

Ok, I have something  that has been driving me absolutely bonkers lately, and it's brought me to a boil tonight. One of my male friends on facebook (who I am pretty close with in RL as well) posted a status today. I will share it inside, but essentially he met a girl, thought she was into him, and then found out she had a boyfriend (she willingly shared this information). He is pissed off and claims that women just love to lead men on to make themselves feel better.

Then there's me on the other end of the spectrum: this week I have been in several uncomfortable situations where guys have hit on me and asked me out, despite me giving no inclination  I was remotely interested in them or their advances (and actually in my opinion there was sufficient evidence that they were making me uncomfortable)


I realize there is no right or wrong here, and that people's perceptions will always be different, but COME ON! what gives?!  Am I the only girl who has this issue? Do you all know of people or have friends who flirt with guys just to get their jollies?  is our sex really the gender to blame in this communication breakdown?


JuIcY dEtAiLs InSiDe~*   (sorry my inner eleven year old came out to play tonight lulz)


Spartacus Finale!

Friday March 30, 2012 at 7:19 PM

This is it chicos. I was asked last week by Sparty fans to do this week's campfire as a watch-a-long. I know, crazy, right, I'm NOT the only fan!

So let's do this! 


This has been me ALL DAY TODAY:

2012 Book Challenge

Friday March 30, 2012 at 5:50 PM

We are one quarter in, how is everybody doing?

Did you set a challenge?

Are you on track?

What have you read?

What is your favorite genre?


Come discuss books!


?2012 Reading Challenge

2012 Reading Challenge
theorange3 has read 20 books toward her goal of 70 books.


Friday March 30, 2012 at 5:39 PM


Why am i obsessed with watching Flashmobs online?

Anywas, first one in Kwuait (where I'm from) happened early this year and it was amazing so thought I'd share.


What are your favorite flashmob videos? Any you'd like to share?

Annoying Trends

Friday March 30, 2012 at 4:43 PM

So, I'm innocently checking out a divine recipe for french fries and I run smack dab into an annoying ingredient.  Every time I see that this ingredient is in something, I have a pang of irritation.  My eye twitches.  I want to refuse the incredibly delicious food just on principle.  

What is this offensive food?  Sea salt.  The pretentious jerk of seasonings.  

It's irrational of me.  I get it.  Why should I be annoyed?  

Look, I'm a foodie.  I love me some excellent food.  And I love unique ingredients.  I don't even know why it irritates me.  I even like the taste of sea salt, which only serves to further annoy me.  

I'm not claiming to be reasonable here.  And I'm not irritated by people who use it.  Really.  I've used it.  But the more and more I see it used with an air of superiority, I am increasingly tempted to rebel.  

I think it's when the new "it" salt starts looking down on all the other salts that we were all perfectly happy with our entire lives till the new guy in town comes along and, suddenly, if you still use that old, washed up salt, you must be terribly gauche.

Ehh, don't bother trying to reason with me here.  It's completely irrational and ridiculous, I'm aware of this.  

But do you ever have these pangs of irritation with trends?  Things that make you want to turn your nose up so that you can...  Who knows?  Stick it to the man?  or something.  The point is they may or may not have any basis in reality.  But they really irk you!

Anyone care to discuss how cranberries and pomegranites have completely taken over the juice aisle and now you are hard pressed to find a juice that doesn't contain one of these ingredients?  How wealthy is the guy who got cranberries and pomegranites into everything?!

And this doesn't just have to be about food.  It could be about anything, really.  :)  Do jeggings get your goat?  Chihuahuas in purses?

Come in here and share your irrational pet peeves.  Because I want this campfire to remain...err...somewhat positive, let's remember not to express annoyance at people, rather the things that annoy you.  Yeah, yeah.  Sometimes they're kind of inseparable.  Just be respectful and stuff.

And while looking for a visual aid, I ran across this pic that reminds me of LJ.  While it expresses a rational grammar pet peeve, it had to be posted.  How could it not?



What would you do if you woke up rich?

Friday March 30, 2012 at 2:41 PM

The Mega-Millions jackpot is up to a WHOPPING...


There is a drawing tonight and I don't know about you, but I'm gonna get a ticket.  The chances of being struck by lightings while wearing a rubber suit on a cloudless day is exponentially greater than winning this, but who knows, right?

So, What in the WORLD would you do if you woke up tomorrow morning and found out you had the winning ticket? 


Become a philanthropist?

Buy a new house?

Retire early?

Come inside and play a tempting game of What if...


Lending Campfire

Friday March 30, 2012 at 1:31 PM

Making a Lend me Campfire.


I would like to borrow for my Nook

Along for the Ride by Dressen


I can Lend Out:

Fallen by Kate

Maid for Love by Force

Mercenary's Price by Archer


We can use this campfire to see what we have available.

Do not post emails on this.  Use the PM feature for that please.

I do not know how sharing happens on a Kindle, but if you know how to do this, please use this camfire for that as well. :0)


Lemons GALORE!

Friday March 30, 2012 at 1:04 PM

My friend occasionally reads FF but isn't that into it. Well she wasn't before. NOW she's started getting into lemon-y fics and stories. So my question is ~

In your opinion, Which fic has had the best lemons?

I couldn't think of many for some weird reason! I thought of Sexy Silk and The Best I Ever Had. There are LOADs more though, I know that for a fact. 

Tell me your best ones!!



The Biology Project update

Friday March 30, 2012 at 12:46 PM

Chapter 57

Alerts still aren't working, but it's updated.

Anyone still reading this? Or do you feel like it's being dragged out now that it's almost at 60 chapters?

I just want to see if I'm the only one still reading this (admittedly maybe not for much longer if the other shoe doesn't drop soon).

If I'm not the only one, care to talk about this with me?

EDIT: "dragged out" was probably the wrong choice of words. I don't feel like it's dragging, I'm just anxious for a confrontation of some sort. If this was the author's goal, then she's definitely succeeded, lol.


Hi people! I am back...

Friday March 30, 2012 at 12:24 PM

I want to say hi to all my friends from ADF!!! I missed you guys soooooo damn much!!!!! The modem of my internet exploded -literally- and I was without internet service for 3 months thanks to the damn internet service provider!!! And I am soooooooooooooo lost now!! So if you can help me recap what have been going on here lately -I loooveeee the new layout, its soooooooooooo pretty!- you all would make me the happiest woman alive. And also fics recs I am dying to read new things, Emmett Rosalie wiseas you all know. Also, is you want to come say hi to al old friend that will be highly appreciated *smiles*

Send you kisses and hugs and I will be around now more for sure *nods*



What would you...

Friday March 30, 2012 at 12:09 PM

Rec to Kstew?

Or any of the other cast members really.

In regards to the recent or is it future EW trainwreck article that is causing so many forest fires, I think we can all safely say what we or most of we wouldn't want her or any of them to read, so as an avid fanfic reader I'd like to pull back attention to all the other great fics out there present and past.

I would love to hear from the rangers as well.

It doesn't matter if it's been pulled, if you <3 it like no other ever please rec it, or three!

If you can add your motivation for the rec as well that would be perfectly perfect.


My rec's inside.


*this is my first campfire please be gentle, lol.


Shopping guide

Friday March 30, 2012 at 11:59 AM

Hellooo campers ! Happy friday ! 


So Here is the thing , I'm moving to USA finally and I have never been there before. I'm nervous because moving to a new country is a herculean task IMO. So is there any such forum for shopping tips and all ? Like I need to know what is the best place for shopping cloths or where could I find  good deal on furnitures..are there any sites/forums/blogs available for finding such stuff ?Help me out girls ! 


Character Death

Friday March 30, 2012 at 10:42 AM

I was recently flounced and flamed for not adding a warning to my fic regarding the death of a lead character. However, had I done this, it would've given away the entire plot (as the death occurred in the final chapters).

As readers, do you purposely avoid fics that include major character death? Do you prefer a warning in the summary?

Thanks. :)


What Happened To "Million Dollar Baby"???

Friday March 30, 2012 at 10:32 AM

So I was going through my favorites list to clean it out, and I saw the story Million Dollar Baby had been removed from I don't remember who it was by, but it was a Twilight fanfic where Renee had been diagnosed with a serious illness, so Bella basicly sells herself to sex slavery to pay for her medical bills. Of course, Edward "purchases" Bella, and it's a happily morbid love stor after that. I'm also pretty sure that Bella's best friend was a very gay sidekick named Gabe. Does anyone know what happened to this amazing story? Or is it posted on any oter site?

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