

Monday April 2, 2012 at 9:20 AM

Everyone in this forest must have a pdf or file of some sort of a twilight fanfic, whether it be on or not. Now I'm not much of a twilight fanfic downloader. Recently I've asked for a few but thats about it. Until twiggalina74 introduced me to the awesomeness that is Share Term Papers. And now I'm hooked. 

My problemo is that there is 82 pages filled with pdfs and I have no idea what any of them are about. Ok, some of them I do but the others? No freaking idea. And I'm on page 8 of 152 twilght fanfics on Share Term Papers. During my time on the website I've downloaded 20 fanfics that only 5 of i know anything about. The rest i downloaded becuase I've either heard of them being mentioned or just liked the title. 

So my question is ~ What are your fave pulled fanfics that are on pdf? I beg you to give a summary as well! 

My Rec:

Quickie Mart Qupid 

Quickie Marts, flat tires, expensive suits, gangster rap, g-strings and velvet roses. Valentines' Day wasn't going as planned.
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 4 - Words: 19,828 - Reviews: 120 - Updated: 4-1-12 - Published: 2-14-12 - Bella & Edward


Sneak Peek

Monday April 2, 2012 at 9:17 AM


I like to be teased ;)

Come on inside and show me what

YOU have been working on!

From ANYTHING you've been working on

That's what this campfire is for

And while you're at it

tell me this

If your story had a theme song... what would it be?

~Don't forget to include the link to your story~



Unbecoming Update!

Monday April 2, 2012 at 1:02 AM


Summary: In the aftermath of her divorce, a heartbroken Bella Swan looks for danger to give meaning to her life. If only her hot ex-husband would stay out of the picture. AH BxE

Little more EPOV for us all.

So, what did you all think of this chapter?


My First One =]

Sunday April 1, 2012 at 11:54 PM

Holy shiat batgirls (and guys) I got my first and only review!!! Is it pathetic and lonely of me to be this ecstatically pleased over one tiny little comment?!? I feel like imma high school fic Bella that just got her rocks off for the first time. Now I finally see what all the fuss is about lol. But truly it was a well written, insightful bit of commentary on my little o/s that was left behind for me months ago that I just realized was there. All this time I thought no one cared lol. But srsly, is it too late to review reply? Its been like months and months.... Do you remember your first review? I wanna hear all about it.

And sorry if this cf looks like crappola but I'm typing on my iPod and it makes me do it in source so I really have no idea if this looks like a hot mess or not *shrugs* too happy to care about that kinda thing atm! Don't know hoe to link from here but go read Wicked by Blood by Eila so good!

EDIT: Back on the grid with my lappy! Now for some prettah!

Obvious Sock

Game of Thrones Post!

Sunday April 1, 2012 at 6:17 PM

Tonight's the night!


How excited are we all for the return of the best show on TV?
Thoughts, comments? What are you all excited for this season? What character do you stan for? Favourite part of season one?  

Please spam his whole fire with favourite gifs/pics/quotes from the series.

If you have read the books, please refrain from posting spoilers or "hints."


realizing that i'm posting this as sock but I don't care to change it because i'm lazy


I'm just gonna leave these here

Sunday April 1, 2012 at 5:04 PM

Hope you don't mind me adding this gif- Cap


The Porcupine Embrace

Sunday April 1, 2012 at 3:58 PM

Does anybody have "The Porcupine Embrace" by dyedinwool / hourflead? I've just read an old review about it and it seems very interesting.

Thank you!

- Raum

You want a rec, right?

I Know My Duty, by Ithilwen K-Bane

Summary: Edward walked a knife's edge in Volterra. What if things hadn't gone quite so well? Love can survive when it is surrounded by monsters, but it does not survive unchanged. Deviation 'fic-New Moon. Canon Edward and other characters.

My comment: Is it good? I don't know (yet). I've just started it. The first two chapters are very good, that's for sure.



Sunday April 1, 2012 at 1:31 PM


The deal of the century was brokered last night while you were sleeping. There have been rumblings in the industry for the last couple of months that one of the parties in question had been sniffing around the other... call us cynical, but we felt like it could never happen.

Well hands up on this one. We got it totally wrong. Last night at around 11:30pm Pacific, in the lobby of the Beverly Wilshire Hotel in L.A., two teen fiction powerhouses made the kind of historic accord that happens once every 100 years.

Stephenie Meyer, the supernatural romantic genius behind the Twilight books had asked meet and to talk shop with Suzanne Collins, the dystopian romantic guru. What happened sent ripples through the industry and lit up Facebook and Twitter like no one could have expected. The deal went down like this: Collins and Meyer will spend the majority of 2012 writing a screenplay that seeks to combine all the characters of their hugely successful franchises. The premise? Why what could be more simple than The Cullen clan discovering that they've been sent to the dystopian future pictured in the Hunger Games world of Panem. The culprits? The Volturi of course. As obvious outsiders, the Cullens (including Bella) are seen as revolutionaries and are forced immediately to compete in the titular Hunger Games. Katniss Everdeen, the ever-compassionate character she is, once again volunteers to compete in the games to help out these strangers knowing that they'll need more than their vampiric abilities to survive!

What a story, huh? The whole concept was masterminded by Lionsgate exec Steve Sherzer who seized the opportunity to combine the studio's two most successful franchises. After planting the idea in Stephenie Meyer's head some time ago, it was only a matter of time untill Sherzer managed to get these two into a room together. When Meyer and Collins met last night the two apparently hit it off immediately and hashed out the plot on the spot.

Sherzer was quoted as saying:

I just knew that my two favorite writers would become the best of friends. It was really the perfect set of circumstances, with the mega-successful Twilight franchise coming to an end we were looking for a way to sustain it. I mean, if Harry Potter can have 8 movies, why can't we? Then I thought, 'What could be better than combining Twilight with the equally triumphant Hunger Games franchise?' The idea just seemed to click and as soon as I got Steph and Suz into the room, magic happened.

The internet has been all over the story since it broke at midnight last night, and in order to get on top of it before it got away from them the studio issued this statement.

We are very excited to announce the first picture on our Fall 2013 roster, written by Stephenie Meyer and Suzanne Collins, the cast of The Hunger Games will meet with the cast of The Twilight Saga in an exciting new story from both authors: Solar Flare. Starring Robert Pattinson, Jennifer Lawrence, Whoopi Goldberg, Kristen Stewart and Josh Hutcherson.

Apart from the enormity of this partnership, there appears to be more than one interesting layer to this collab. The first being the title, Solar Flare. It's the perfect mix of Meyer's lunar leanings and Collins's flaming prose. It gives us a hint at the story, too. Could the Volturi be motivated by an upcoming Solar Flare? We'll have to wait until Fall 2013 to find out.

The second most interesting detail is the inclusion of a surprise new cast member. Joining the ranks of the good-looking, pale, twentysomething actors is none other than The View's Whoopi Goldberg. At first, fans took to Twitter to express their outrage about the casting of Ms. Goldberg, with one user Avril01 saying:

Y iz dis old man playing a vampire? I doont no who he iz. Lame. #shytc8sting

The crux of the matter? Goldberg is reportedly playing Edward and Bella's all-grown-up daughter Renesmee, making a huge change from the previous actress, Mackenzie Foy. After writers Collins and Meyer took to their websites to say that the casting of Goldberg has been a mutual decision—a total sister act and not a coercion by the studio—the fans seemed to calm down somewhat and agreed to give the 56 year-old actress a chance at playing Bella's reportedly teenage daughter.

So, what do you guys make of that? Saw it coming or total surprise? Even if it's a disaster, it's going to be history in the making. Not since The Avengers, has a team-up like this caused so much uproar and commentary. What about you? Leave us a comment and let us know how you think the movie will turn out. We are so totally excited; having just got back from watching The Hunger Games, there is nothing more exciting than the idea of watching Whoopi Goldberg running around the forest with a bow and arrow as a vampire shooting teenagers. Awesome 


Game Survival

Sunday April 1, 2012 at 9:52 AM

Game Masters? Did any of the tributes survive the forest firestorm?


We Were Here update

Sunday April 1, 2012 at 9:25 AM

Holy [bleep], it's BACK!

Get in here and discuss!

Or click the image to read the new chapter if you haven't already. THEN come in here and discuss.


Relationship Status:Married

Sunday April 1, 2012 at 8:51 AM

OK so I'm currently reading a book about how human beings are not necessarily, meant to be in single partner couples (It's called Sex At Dawn and it's eye opening), so I am far from being married.

But my point is right now on Facebook, I am listed as married and have a picture of a rather beautiful engagement ring on a hand that could pass as mine as my profile picture. This was a very easy April Fool's day joke that I decided to at 4AM (yeah there was alcohol in my system).

I was reminded to do this because a friend sent me an An April Fool's day message on FB. The same friend sends and April Fool's message every year since 2003 in response to a joke I did in 2002 so you think I wouldn't buy into it, but this year she made it sound like she was announcing having a baby.

So I want to hear about your pranks and jokes on this day of foolery. What have been the best you've done or had done to you??? And if you haven't done one yet today feel free to do my FB relationship status joke, I've had several males in my life give a WTF type response, which I found very interesting and telling....




Sunday April 1, 2012 at 8:50 AM


How real are these award shows?

Sunday April 1, 2012 at 7:36 AM

It's not a new thing and I'm sure it's been discussed in ADF before, but what do you think? How 'real' are these award shows? 

I just saw that Kristen has won the award at Kids' Choice Award? Is it because SWATH is coming up, which has kids as targated audience?


Kristen @ KCA & new Rob pic

Sunday April 1, 2012 at 7:04 AM

Kristen attended the 2012 Kids Choice Awards, where she won for best movie actress (those kiddies love her, bless them, they have great taste ;) )

Bonus Taylor Lautner and The Hunger Games kids collage from KCA inside.


RL: part 3

Saturday March 31, 2012 at 9:54 PM

Lot's of stuff's been happening. From haircuts to Depakote to the Airforce. Check inside.

Anyone else have a full plate? Come share. We'll have a potlatch :)



Saturday March 31, 2012 at 5:05 PM

Good evening, Forestdwellers,

For my final project in one of my classes (I'm in Grad school), we're doing a blog on that lovely little thing called 'Censorship'--specifically in libraries.

So far we've done posts on:

-censorship vs selection (when does choosing books become censorship and when is it merely filling your library's shelves)
-How libraries need to have a clear cut selection criteria for when they choose books
-the American (and Canadian) Library Association's stance on censorship (vehemently against it) and intellectual freedom (completely behind it)
-Challenged and Banned books (To Kill A Mockingbird, anyone?)
-The entire Huckleberry Finn debacle
-librarians making a stand for the freedom to read and write

The thing is, though, we're completely coming at this from a librarian's perspective. But there are tons of other perspectives out there! Teachers, administrators, writers, readers, parents, children, teens, publishers, and on and on.

What do YOU think about censorship? What would you qualify as 'censorship' to begin with? Pros/Cons? What are your thoughts on Harry Potter being banned? Have you ever been directly affected by censorship?

Note: We're speaking specifically about censorship in regards to books, and just within the library space, but feel free to bring in whatever perspective you want!


Pet Post-Show us some pics!

Saturday March 31, 2012 at 4:42 PM

So the weather is overcast today. This means I'm not out back sitting in the sun reading. It also makes my dog think he can't roam the back yard. Not sure why as he has a doggie door, but he's cranky today.

Matter of fact he keeps getting in my face- Proof is is in the picture- This is Sampson, my 7 year old Pit mix


Image and video hosting by TinyPic To make this interactive- do you have a pet? If so, how do you amuse them when they're in a bad mood?



How do you flounce... your own fic?

Saturday March 31, 2012 at 2:53 PM

I've been thinking of this for a long time. What do you do when a story you started makes an argument you don't agree with anymore?

I don't understand my characters. I don't feel for them anymore. They don't inspire me, nor do they live and breathe in my mind like they used to.

I started a chapter last month and reached a point where I felt like I didn't know why I was telling this story anymore. For one, it's a common plot often told in this fandom. And two, my original ending of the fic doesn't jive with me. I don't feel like changing it, because the story has a life of it's own. I feel like changing its inherent dogma (for lack of a better term) would lead the story and characters astray. I don't want to undermine them just cause I changed my mind about love.

Does this all sound like I'm taking it too seriously? Should I just write a lot of bad smut and get on with it?

I don't know what to do. I feel badly for my readers. I don't want to do this to them. On the other hand, I don't want to write a half-assed ending. That's not fair either. Should I just put it on indefinite hiatus and leave them a little note? Should I hunker down and finish, even if it's stilted language with a plot that's untrue to the characters? 

Has this happened to others in ADF? What did you do?

Suggesting... These Violent Delights

Draco Malfoy appears in the midst of Edward Cullen's self-imposed exile and turns his world upside down. Both of them have dangerous secrets and everything to lose. HP/Twi Crossover, M for mature content, SLASH



Saturday March 31, 2012 at 1:47 PM

I like slash, twilight slash. And i said I would never, ever , ever read Harry potter fics, because to me, they are children and it freaks me out. Well guess what? I read it and I like it. Especially Harry/Draco, after-the-war slash. Does anyone know of good Harry/Draco fics?

Thank you!


For your time:

Resistance by Diagonfloo
Drarry fic Draco Malfoy/ Harry Potter . Harry has fled England and has built himself a life in the south of France. Unfortunately, his peaceful life is about to be turned upside down by an unwanted delivery… Warnings for SLASH, EWE.


Wikipedia for fanfiction

Saturday March 31, 2012 at 1:15 PM

Has anyone wanted this? I mean, dont get me wrong, I love reading fanfic just like any other person in this fandom, but lately I just haven't had the time or energy to get invested i na  40-something chapter wip. Mostly because the wait between updates ends up messing with my memory on what happened exactly in the last chapter. I forget important details and it ends up spoiling the experience a bit. I mean, I understand the wait in two wip's are currently in that long-wait category (again, sorry readers..)

Other times, I can't get started on super-famous wip's because the summary is vague and I'm not sure I what I'll be reading. It would be a drag to start a campfire to ask campers what the plot is a about every single time...

I got this idea one day when I was extremely bored and decided on a whim to type the name of  a famous fanfic in the search engine of wikipedia. (neeless to say, I got nothing.)  

So, fellow campers, would YOU use a site like this? There would be certain limitations, of course. Maybe only completed fics could be profiled, maybe only the authors or designated writers by the authors could create the profiles  for the story...hell, maybe it could just be a recap site where each chapter is summarized after every posting so 20-something people don't review just to ask the author what happened last chapter.

Or maybe it doesn't have to be a completely different site. Maybe it could be started here. Not a campfire thing, but like an archive people can use for reference....

First --- | >> | 658 | 659 | 660 | 661 | 662 | 663 | 664 | 665 | 666 | 1413 | 1414 | --- Last
