
Happy Birthday, Kristen!

Sunday April 8, 2012 at 11:51 PM

This pretty lady turns 22 years young today! Come inside, see the birthday videos her costars released and let's celebrate!

Tell me something you like about Kris. Share your favorite Kristen gif/pic/fanvid etc. Tell me what would you gift her if you were invited to her bday party. Generally just...rainbows and unicorns and lolipops and all these awesome things...just like her :)


Book Recs

Sunday April 8, 2012 at 9:16 PM

Just found these book recs for Hunger Games fans on Huffington Post. All of them are dystopian novels with interesting plots, female protagonists, and romantic elements. I've never heard of any of them, but they look so awesome that I might finally take a break from fanfiction to read them! Pretty sure they are all YA novels as well.



Has anyone read these? Are they as good as they sound?


Spinoff - What was the first ff story YOU....

Sunday April 8, 2012 at 4:27 PM

A spin off of elana86 CF...what was the first fanfic YOU fell in love with?  What got you hooked?

The very first stories I read were the series by LolaShoes.  Which blew my mind because, Edward and Bella having sex?  In detail?  I didn't think that was possible!  LOL

But the one that really hooked me was this one -

The Ties That Bind by NicoleTwilight
Edward's POV of Bella's pregnancy, burning and awakening in Breaking Dawn. Covers all the missing moments with Edward, Bella and the Cullens, and what they went through. See what happened after Bella ran into Rosalie's arms at the airport...
Twilight - Rated: T - English - Drama/Romance - Chapters: 30 - Words: 213,569 - Reviews: 1018 - Updated: 10-29-11 - Published: 5-7-09 - Bella  (This story IS completed even tho it's not marked as such)

This story was Bella's pregnacy in Edward's POV.  I swear, this is SM in disguise.  This author just nailed it.  It starts on the plane on the way back from the island and ends when they bring Nessie to the cottage for the first time.  I so wished she had continued on thru to the confrontation with the Volturri, but she didn't.  :(  But what she did give us was amazing. 

She didn't alter the story line one bit.  It was like she wrote with the book open next to her.  It filled in a lot of wonderings I had about the book.  It even made me despise Bella for a while to read Edward's torment thru the pregnancy.  LOL  That poor boy was in hell!

This story still remains my #1 favorite FF after 3 years.

What was The first story you loved?


My rec, I have 3, actually.  They are all by the same author and are all tied together.  They are a bit dark and twisted, but oh so good!

bend me, break me by dariachenowith
You know how you sometimes look back and think something like 'why did I have to say that' For the record, don't." - unofficial mentalward contest entry. Dark, violent, OOC/AH, read with caution. M-rated for gory violence & smut
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Drama/Horror - Chapters: 1 - Words: 42,095 - Reviews: 246 - Published: 4-23-10 - Bella & Edward - Complete

bend me, break me SuitGuyPOV by dariachenowith
The alternate POV of 'bend me, break me', written for my FGB team, now for everyone to enjoy! Dark, violent, OOC/AH, read with caution. M-rated for gory violence & smut
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Drama/Horror - Chapters: 1 - Words: 45,389 - Reviews: 50 - Published: 4-8-11 - Bella & Edward - Complete

BMBM drabbles for FGBEclipse by dariachenowith
A series of drabbles from the "Bend me, Break me" universe in honor of Fandom Gives Back Eclipse.
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Drama/Horror - Chapters: 3 - Words: 2,727 - Reviews: 52 - Updated: 7-3-10 - Published: 6-26-10 - Edward


Look what the Easter Bunny hid on youtube!

Sunday April 8, 2012 at 4:12 PM

I found this on the web this morning and really liked it. A fan made it using pics from Berlin. He looks so gorgeous in this video-even sans hair and sporting a bit of scruff. Enjoy! (I really hope this hasn't already been posted and also that it is okay for me to share this with the campers. I've never posted a video cf before!)

Edit: To keep this interactive, why not share some other wonderful Rob videos? I don't care who he is or isn't paired with either-ship away if you wanna. Just as long as he is well represented!

Need a rec? Huh. Soooo many out there to chose from. What to do? Okay. Here's one flying under the radar that is completely wonderful. I love this chill and bohemian Edward and so will many of you!

In the Clouds
She's a dreamer whose feet have been forced to the ground. He's a believer in that one's dreams are the path to true happiness. Everyone has always called her crazy - he thinks her crazy is nothing short of perfection.
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 9 - Words: 40,781 - Reviews: 313 - Updated: 4-3-12 - Published: 2-13-12 - Bella & Edward



Edit: Okay I think the grammar police would arrest me for the word "hid" but hiding wouldn't fit and I am too tired to come up with a better word.  So in lieu of perfect grammar... I give you a perfectly handsome man instead. Okey dokey?


what took me so long?

Sunday April 8, 2012 at 1:23 PM

I finally started watching Game of Thrones this week, and just got all caught up. I'm now partly kicking myself for waiting so long.

I haven't read the books yet, and have so many questions and theories, mostly about this guy:


(omg so hot)

Are you excited about tonight's new episode?

Come spoil me with all things Jon Snow or just chat about this show with me. I'm hooked.

Virtual Choir 3 Released!

Sunday April 8, 2012 at 12:11 PM

So, a few weeks ago I shared my amazing experience with Eric Whitacre’s Virtual Choir here on ADF. And as was asked, here is the finished product!


I haven’t been able to find my face in the video, but I am listed in the credits, so I know I’m in there somewhere!

So, what’s the verdict? Like it? Hate it? Does it make you want to take part in the next VC?


To make this more interactive:

I think Eric Whitacre is really kind of hot, for a classical composer. Not exactly what you’d expect. And he also seems to have an amazing personality.


Rec me some hot, classical composer/musician Edward.

Or give me some hot classical composer/ musician photos. Be they Eric, Edward or one of your favourites.

Or rec me one of your favourite modern composers!

(LOL, clearly, I’m not too picky on how you get interactive :D)


OH! Not sure if I need a rec, as I'm asking for recs, so here you go:

(And if you're not reading this already, WHY are you not reading this AMAZING story??)

Stolen Secrets and Shattered Dreams by FoxxyJ

A NYC barman views his mind reading as an isolating cancer, until he meets a lonely 28yr old trying to escape her sad reality. His life is full of harsh lessons. Hers an uphill battle, so she never complains when a beautiful boy treats her badly. EXB AH
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Hurt/Comfort/Drama - Chapters: 19 - Words: 134,547 - Reviews: 2345 - Updated: 3-23-12 - Published: 9-16-11 - Edward & Bella

(Fair warning: as soon as this updates, I'll be putting up a CF in its honour!)


First ff story I fell in love with....

Sunday April 8, 2012 at 11:31 AM

When I first started reading ff, this was one of the very first that I fell in love with!! Then it DISAPPEARED!!!!  Well guess where I found it??? It got published!!!! I was extremely happy when I fell across this as an authors rec!!! It was originally called: The University Of Edward Masen!!!!  It has everything in it to make you laugh, cry, have your heart break then swoon..... Be prepared to have a box of tissues next to you...I ordered my book and it's exactly the same, except the names are changed!!! I am in HEAVEN!!! Please read, you will fall in love with it!! Simply AMAZING WRITING!!!

'Gabriel's Inferno' by Sylvain Reynard
"Gabriel's Inferno" -- semi-finalist for Best Romance in the 2011 Goodreads Choice Awards "This is not only one of the best debut books this year, but Reynard is one of the best new authors this year. 5 stars." - Donna of Offbeat Vagabond "It's not very often that I am ...
See More

Now My rec's for this week are~ 

High Fidelity~http://www.fanfiction.net/s/7771737/1/bHigh_b_bFidelity_b

Shamrocks & Shenanigan's~ http://www.fanfiction.net/s/7965930/1/bShamrocks_b_and_bShenanigans_b

Snowbound~ http://www.fanfiction.net/s/7899180/1/Snowbound

Taboo~http://www.fanfiction.net/s/7953673/1/  (amazing author of SHHHHHHH....)

This Buried Life(simply amazing writing)~ http://www.fanfiction.net/s/5783211/1/This_Buried_Life

and one I'm still dieing to see update is : RUTHLESS AND IVORY: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/5500079/1/Ruthless_and_Ivory

I've also been cleaning out and deleting older stories that seem to have just stopped updating and came across The Impasse!! Anyone know if it ever got fininshed?  I tried searching all the recommended sights for where it supposedly was written in full, but all came to a dead end.  Anyone have or know of where a copy lies??  Please let me know. 

Happy Easter to all !!! Have a great day!!

Luna StarFire

ADF Fit Club

Sunday April 8, 2012 at 8:23 AM


Happy Easter Everyone!!!  Hope all is well.  Come on in and let us know how you are doing this week.

Homework:  Got a physical challenge for you.  It's be a 60 day challenge.  I'll add to the comments.  I'll do daily updates to the LJ Community for the challenge.  If you don't have a LJ account I can send an ADF daily reminder for what the days challenge is, just let me know in the comments.

24/7 Support - ADF Fit Club LJ Community

Also its never too late to join in. ; )


The Everlasting Why Update is here afterall

Sunday April 8, 2012 at 3:49 AM

Apparenty the new chapter wasn't showing up and people would give up, but it's OK now and definitely check it out

Chapter 28: Joining

Since such posts are supposed to be made interactive, here are two interesting articles:

The Brain on love NY Times

"...the same areas of the brain that register physical pain are active when someone feels socially rejected. "

"...a picture of a spouse lit up their reward centers as expected; the same happened with those newly in love (and also with cocaine users)."

Also, Is FSOG a new fronter in fanfiction? Huffington post

ETA: Happy Easter to those celebrating it!



Remember me/WTTR crossover

Sunday April 8, 2012 at 12:51 AM

Can anyone suggest me good fics like that? Or Edward/Bella with same theme?




Everyone is happy that Edward Cullen and Bella Swan are getting married. Well, almost everyone. Bride and Groom aren't included in that list.




In Vain by Bratty-Vamp

Saturday April 7, 2012 at 9:20 PM

Heya Everyone!

I'm a little (oh yes lets say a little) late to the party with this but does anyone have a copy of this story I would be massively appreciative if you did.

I also have a collection of fics of my own so if on the off chance anyone wants something I can have a look see and check if I've got it!


Okay, thanks guys.


See you!!!! :D

I recommend 

Carpe Noctem & Fiat Lux by queenofgrey
Endless midnight brings about a desire for morning, a longing for something more. Dark & light. Push & pull. Crash & burn. When Edward collides with Bella, it's up to them to find the balance, if the night doesn't consume them first. AU.
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Romance/Tragedy - Chapters: 49 - Words: 110,376 - Reviews: 4709 - Updated: 2-3-10 - Published: 6-7-09 - Edward & Bella - Complete


Thank you to the people who told me the rules!!!!!


Mellow Music

Saturday April 7, 2012 at 8:06 PM

So, what are some of your favorite songs to mellow out to?

Here is one on my list: 


There is just something about this type of guitar playing that makes me thoughtful. Not sure why :)

The Naughty Files...

Saturday April 7, 2012 at 6:58 PM

Ok so there is a story for this CF put I'll post it inside....

But come on ladies and gents lets have some fun?

Adult toy advice?

Any funny adult toy stories? OMG! I have one that is so embarrassing! (see inside)

Or how about being caught in the Sexuality section at your local book store? 

I want all your advice and funny stories!

This campfire will be NSFW!


cute post twi pre new moon fics ....

Saturday April 7, 2012 at 4:09 PM

heyyy guyyyss

sooo was wondering has anyone ever read any fics which take place between twilight and new moon when bella has her leg cast??? i read one once and it was really cute....any ideas????

my rec:      http://www.fanfiction.net/s/6148438/1/

"The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love, and be loved in return." -Nat King Cole. This story is about that. AH, Canon pairings.
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Angst/Drama - Chapters: 24 - Words: 91,131 - Reviews: 3725 - Updated: 12-19-11 - Published: 7-16-10 - Bella & Edward - Complete



Saturday April 7, 2012 at 3:42 PM

After months of doing workouts like Zumba and other dance-related stuff, I felt like I needed to do something more challenging to lose those last few kilos I have. So 2 days ago I started this:



It is by far the hardest workout I've ever done, but man, I feel so good afterwards!
Anyway, I realize now that my muscles will need a recovery drink of some sorts. I know that there's alot of premade drinks out there, but I would prefer to make my own and keep it all natural.
Does any of you have any recipes for a good recovery drink?
Also, what is your favourite workout? Got something that makes you feel really good and psyched?
You know what, lets make this a health campfire. Got any good healthy recipes? Music you like to shake your booty to? Running tips? Tips to keep you motivated? Have some questions of your own? Lets put it all in here!
Some motivation/eye candy for you:

Laughter. So much of it.

Saturday April 7, 2012 at 3:18 PM

So, I don't know what the deal is with 50 Shades of Gray (Grey? whatever spelling you prefer).  I've not read it, nor the fanfic, and I've not read any of the posts about it which have appeared in the Forest.

I just wanted to let you know that Forever Young Adult has reviewed the book, and the review is cracking me up hardcore. 

The ladies at FYA posess a wit which I think most Campers will greatly appreciate. 

Here's a link to the review (which is, btw, full of curse words): http://www.foreveryoungadult.com/2012/04/06/my-safe-word-is-dnf/#more-22417

Do you have any favorite book reviews?  Any fave bloggers, comedians, spoken word artists, tumblrs, or authors etc whose take on literature or media crack you up?   Please share links and thoughts inside.

Sometimes reading the critique or review is more entertaining than the original material could ever be.

Eric Northman loves you.  Like, a lot.

Eric Northman


Looking for fic recs...

Saturday April 7, 2012 at 2:11 PM

With royalward or royalella, just in the mood :D


My rec:

What's up, doc? 
Free spirited, always happy, sorta horny and potty mouthed Bella arrives in Forktown. She's the new receptionist at Cullen Whitlock Pediatric Care. She really wants Dr. Cullen. Oh, he wants her, too. But first, let's get rid of Jane, shall we? NO ANGST!
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 12 - Words: 54,657 - Reviews: 1962 - Updated: 4-23-11 - Published: 2-28-11 - Bella & Edward - Complete



Finding a Fic...

Saturday April 7, 2012 at 1:29 PM

Hi everyone!

I'm trying to find a fic that was recommended here recently, it was about Bella finding Edward through a dating website like match.com, eharmony, or something like it. I think it was Alice that started the whole thing.

Thanks for your time and help :)


My Rec:

Set in Stone http://www.fanfiction.net/s/5569026/1/Set_in_Stone

From within the night's secret shadows,a beautiful winged creature falls for a human girl.She is forbidden fruit in his world but still,he crosses the line to save her life.What happens when their worlds collide & she discovers his horrible fate? AU/M/BXE

I Love the Vamp world, but love when writers mix our characters with other supernatural beings, like dragons, werewolves, angels...and in this case Gargoyles.


Spread some love today :)

Saturday April 7, 2012 at 10:21 AM

I want to share with you that I'm feeling really depressed.  Some of you know me as a writer on ffnet and TWCS.  I'm looking for support from everyone I can get, and as kindness and respect are part of the ADF rules, I think this is a good place to start.

There's an ugly element in the fandom rearing its head again. Although things are not being said directly to me, the venom is touching me anyway and it's actually got me in tears. There are a lot of people feeling free to give unkind opinions to other readers and to authors. Please if you hear it, tell them politely to be kind and respectful. As I have the best readers ever, I can count on their support for that.  May I have your support, too?

A lot of people are lashing out at writers who publish, saying they're either selling out or they use their readers as guinea pigs. I LOVE my readers. Others are saying they won't touch an author with more than one wip, as that writer doesn't give a rat's you-know-what about their fans. That's untrue. You have to write as the muse strikes.

Btw I am done with talking about Erika James and 50 Shades. People are flogging a dead horse. I have nothing fresh to contribute. Time to move on.

Next, people are hitting below the belt:

One person lamented that their favourite author had not updated in 4 weeks. That author is not sharing that she has cancer. The character she writes has cancer. Maybe do you think the writer is more important than the story?

Two writer friends have been called 'bad mothers' in response to the behaviour of characters they write.

Some readers have approached me to declare that authors they reviewed replied with nasty messages. Do you think those people will review again? The group of people who approached me didn't intend offence and were heartbroken.

I’m not criticizing people who ask for updates. I love when readers write to me and say they’re missing my story and hoping for more. However, some readers say authors don’t give a fig about them because they update infrequently. Some people forget we have real lives.

One of my besties was just criticized in a forum for 'abandoning her soul' by taking the story in an unexpected direction. Completely untrue. She is writing with her heart and was so grieved.

As for me, I have not updated since Feb. It's not because I don't want to, and don't care about my readers. With MH, I hope to post in the next week. My Beta for Dove had 3 operations last year, a cancer scare, works 60 plus hours a week, and is exhausted, but she brings something to the story that I haven't found with anyone else. I'm hoping she can finish betaing the next chapter soon.

At any rate, I'm neither abandoning my readers, nor feeling blase about leaving you hanging. And you know what? All of you have been so considerate of me. That's why I am here, telling my stories. So, if you can remind people to love their authors and be kind to others, I surely would appreciate it.

Now... a rec from me... let's see... It's almost impossible to choose just one.


This is a fic by first-time poster ladylibre.  It's a re-do of New Moon through BD with a fresh twist at every turn. Lots of wit, a feisty Bella, and an accountable Edward.  Don't miss this one, it's well worth the read.



Improving my skills

Saturday April 7, 2012 at 7:27 AM

Hello Campers!!  Since  there is so much love for all kinds Edward I've decided to bring this topic here. He's known for being a multitalented "boy" and we portrait him as a very talented musician and in many cases he's a polyglot.  We seem to have a certain facination with the fact that he can speak multiple languages because...I don't know, makes him smart maybe? and we like our men smart!!.

Anyway...following his example I've been learning different languages and I'm preparing to take a test in Portugues (Brazilian).  The test is not very complicated BUT I need to improve my speaking so I was wondering...is there someone willing to have a little chat with me in Portugues? I'm a native spanish speaker so don't be afraid it wouldn't be impossible to understand what I'm saying (I think!) LOL.  Please, I want to do my masters in Brazil and this step is very important to achieve my goal.

To make this interactive tell me whats that thing others do  that you wish YOU could do?.  I've always wanted to play the guitar but my fingers are to short and I don't have hand/eye coordination AT ALL!!!


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