
Just in case...

Sunday April 15, 2012 at 3:36 AM

...anyone is still interested, www.pottermore.com is now open to everybody.

Do you think the magic is still there? Is Harry Potter all forgotten now or will this old/new site keep the spark alive?

My Pottermore username inside if you want to be friends.


Calling all green-thumbs...

Sunday April 15, 2012 at 2:33 AM

 We bought some flowers and a strawberry plant yet regardless of what we've done, they have died. Can someone give me advice as to how to bring them back to life?? I even re-potted my roses and that didn't work. Thanks!!!!


I need some answers

Saturday April 14, 2012 at 11:39 PM

I accidently gave my number to a pervert. And not just any kind but one of the psycho kinds. And now it got me thinking and I need some answers. I have learned alot thru smut and the fandom. But honestly I just am still a naive girl at times.



Saturday April 14, 2012 at 9:28 PM

i just saw the cabin in the woods





come in and discuss it with me.

do NOT let yourself get spoiled for this movie. don't even watch the trailer. just go.

the surprise is too good.

if you love joss whedon and you love horror movies, you HAVE to see this.

even if you don't love horror movies, man. my friend came with me and she doesn't like scary movies. and she LOVED this.

gah, i can't stop thinking about it! seriously, you might think you know what this movie is about, but YOU REALLY, REALLY DON'T. get in here if you saw this so we can talk about ______ and the _______ and when ____________ showed up at the end!

Image and video hosting by TinyPic


the good, the bad, the...ugly?

Saturday April 14, 2012 at 4:55 PM

So, I was watching "Anderson" on Wednesday, and he talked about habits, both good and bad. 

And it got me thinking: what are some of your habits? Good, bad... ugly? Are there even such things?

Why do you do it and what do you think it means?

Even habits that you don't/didn't think were habits. I want them all!

Like, I'm a nail biter. Have been since I've had teeth, according to my mom. Apparently it means I'm anxious/nervous when I do it, it's my cue. I'm sure I have more habits, but I can't think of anymore besides biting my nails right now. If I can remember any, I'll post as we go along.

So... who wants to go next?


Tornado Alley

Saturday April 14, 2012 at 4:43 PM

This is what my afternoon/evening is looking like....


Anyone else having to deal with this today?


And a rec for those to have time to read instead of watch the weather:

http://www.fanfiction.net/s/7720771/1/Eye_on_the_Prize » by esmegrace reviews
Bella is an eye surgeon assigned to a Naval Training facility. She encounters an arrogant pilot who will not accept her authority.
Twilight - Fiction Rated: M - English - Romance/General - Chapters: 20 - Words: 83,523 - Reviews: 361 - Updated: 4-10-12 - Published: 1-7-12 - - Bella/Edward

I read this one last night and am enjoying it and want an update!  :)


What Makes Fic, Fic?

Saturday April 14, 2012 at 2:19 PM

I've never started a campfire before, so I hope I do this right (and that this is okay.... it is FFA, right?).

Anyway... I was just fic diving in FFn and came across a Fic that I couldn't help but open up, just to check out, since I'm not a fan of MotU/50SoG and am always looking for a good parody:


Summary: Summary: When literature student Hermione Granger is drafted to interview the successful young entrepreneur Draco Malfoy for her campus magazine, she finds him attractive, enigmatic and intimidating.

Yes, it's exactly what you think. MotU/50SoG rewritten with Harry Potter characters. Now... this isn't exactly a fic IMO. From what I can tell, it's an exact copy of the story, with just the character names replaced. So... just like what happened to make MotU "original" fiction, the only thing I can tell that was done was a find/replace of character names. Even the incorrect geography seems to remain in place.

Now... the author prefaces this story with an A/N (I'm copying it here):

A/N: This story is the work of E.L James and her trilogy 50 Shades of Grey. I recently read the books and thought that the original characters would do so well as Dramione. So this is not my work I'm just admiring someone else's great idea and using Draco and Hermione instead. Characters are OCC and follow EWE and A/U.

Disclaimer: This is the work of E.L James and I'm just borrowing her plot and J.K Rowling's characters. I make no money off this nor do I intend to it just for entertainment purposes.

That said, I'm left feeling very uncomfortable by this. 

P2P issues aside (since that is the same author pulling their own fic and changing the name in order to publish as OF), is a simple find/replace of character names enough "change" to claim something as your own? 

This just feels wrong to me. I know that I'd hate to find one of my B/E fics posted by someone else in another fandom with nothing more than the character names changed, even if credit was given (as this author did).


 (p.s.  and guys... please don't flame this author. I'm really just curious to see a discussion concerning the ethics of posting fanfiction...)


All Slash - Completely Anonymous Contest

Saturday April 14, 2012 at 10:41 AM

Banner Made SFW Courtesy of The Rangers


The Summer It All Began Contest.

All Twi-Slash - Completely Anonymous 

Begins accepting submissions - May 1st, 2012.

Gift cards are awarded to 1st and 2nd place winners - the value of the cards increase with the number of entries.

Hostesses: Deb (TwistedforTwilight) and Laura (Layne Faire)

Judges: Arcadian Maggie, Mistyhaze420, HarryTwifan, Sue273, TwistedforTwilight

Please see fanfiction link for details.




Saturday April 14, 2012 at 9:50 AM

I properly love the internet - truly.

I was having this conversation with my boyfriend the other day, about what the internet has done for us. How it's made it so much easier to stay in touch with people. And how finding information/research journals is super easy now. How we can order anything at the touch of a button - and how good is that really?

Also, it's brought us this:

This is not a serious campfire

I want your silly internet finds, those things that you see and make you go 'Holy cow, I love the internet!'


Sick and in need of a rec

Saturday April 14, 2012 at 3:21 AM

Any recs? For anything? Something M, Bella and Edward, Angsty maybe, no comedy,  all human, well written?

Thanks cause I am sitting in my dorm room sick as heck and my poor roommate has to listen to my nasty coughing and nose blowing. 

My rec: Dont get sick!!!!!

No, but really, its A Slow Boil by kts

Bella's an exchange student hoping to find a job to keep herself employed for the summer so that she can stay on at an exclusive University. Her best job prospect is a part-time housekeeping position with one Mr. Cullen.

I doubt anyone is up right now but its worth a shot. I hate being sick


Fics where E or B dies in the end?

Saturday April 14, 2012 at 12:58 AM

Any fics like that?



Makeup 101

Saturday April 14, 2012 at 12:04 AM

Ladies, I'm 34 and I know NOTHING about makeup. Never wore the stuff. Well, now I need to, and so I'm going to ask some questions, and hopefully you can help me out...

1) Do those creams they sell for removing dark circles under the eyes really work? I look like a starving Cullen with my undereye circles.

2) What about freckles/scars? Is there anything that really works at smoothing out the complexion?

3) What sort of makeup would you recommend to someone who doesn't want to spend a lot of time painting their face in the morning, and would prefer not to have to do mid-day repair jobs?

4) What about eye makeup? Do I really need it? What kind of mascara should I use, since I have a bad habit of rubbing my eyes?

5) I don't have wrinkles, but I still have an occasional outbreak of acne. How will regular makeup use affect that?


What I don't want:


What I would prefer:


My fic rec:
A strange little tale, but compelling, once you get past the first two or three chapters, which are a bit rough around the edges. It's Jasper & Bella (or maybe I should say "The Major" and Bella.) After she shoots herself, Jasper saves Bella by turning her into a vampire, but she lost so much brain tissue that she doesn't have any memories. "Baby Vampire Bella" is kind of cute.


The Title

Friday April 13, 2012 at 9:19 PM

I'm having a bit of a problem here. I've been writing a story for a while, but I can't seem to find a proper title to fit it!

Tons of authors have great titles that I can't even begin to comprehend how they came up them. For example:

The Misapprehension of Bella Swan Regarding the Inferior Intellect of Hockey Whores

It's such a mouthful, but it's so good for the story!

I don't thinking anyone but HH can pull it off.

Many authors use song titles as their title for a story, and sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. Others use movie titles, theories, lyrics. Or they come up with one on their own.

How do you title your stories? Do you prefer making one up or getting inspiration from other works?

To make this fun, add a make up a silly title you'd like a fic to be called!

My rec:

The Earth, It Trembles by Ginginlee
A girl, a boy, a God, a life, a rebirth, an escape, an attempt at living again.
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Drama/Spiritual - Chapters: 33 - Words: 37,800 - Reviews: 796 - Updated: 4-3-12 - Published: 2-13-12 - Bella - Complete

This story is very interesting and disturbing, but worth your time!


Feed the trees!

Friday April 13, 2012 at 8:47 PM

Now let's discuss Brad and Angelina! Nice rock Brad-well done....


Friday April 13, 2012 at 7:04 PM



preferably ending with hot sex

+ someone rec'ed me a fic a while ago about Bella being a stripepd or prostitute and Edward being super-possessive? anyone know of it? Lost the name of that fic.


My rec:

Evading Edward

Bella's first encounter with Edward instantly leads to a mutual dislike. She is the new girl in town that has attracted more than one admirer and he's the boy who usually gets what he wants. So how will one evade when the other is set to conquer? AH


Looking for fic recs...

Friday April 13, 2012 at 4:45 PM

With scaryward! I just read The doll house by Kambria Rain, and i loved it! So i'm in the mood for mistery/horror storys and fics with scaryward :D 

My rec: 

The Doll House / http://www.fanfiction.net/s/5064271/1/The_Doll_House

We were all going to die. I used to be an optimistic person, but that went out the window as soon as the hot mountain man decided we were going to hunt the hunters. AH. Warning: So far, there are minor character deaths, and Edward's a little scary.

Twilight - Rated: M - English - Horror/Mystery - Chapters: 15 - Words: 45,771 - Reviews: 1189 - Updated: 7-15-09 - Published: 5-15-09 - Bella & Edward - Complete


Hunger Games

Friday April 13, 2012 at 4:26 PM

I finally read the book, because I felt like after the awesome ADF games I needed to. Now I'm left perplexed. I can't believe that that, what I read, is what everyone's been talking about. I feel like I missed the point completely. If I could be pressed to come up with any emotion for it, the best I've got is meh. Meh plot. Meh characters. Meh pretty much everything. The only thing that sorts of saves the story from my thinking it genuinely sucked was the idea behind the dystopian future, not necessarily the execution of that idea, but the idea of it. The two things that bothered me the most were the ending and how perfectly Mary Sue Katniss is.

Am I the only one? What am I missing?

My rec:

Into the Wild by Miss Baby

No one who values their life ventures into the woods after dark. However, when the man Bella loves disappears in the woods surrounding Forks, does she really have another choice? AU/Canon pairings/Humans and wolves.
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Romance/Mystery - Chapters: 20 - Words: 83,853 - Reviews: 564 - Updated: 5-31-10 - Published: 2-20-10 - Edward & Bella - Complete


SWATH promo building and news

Friday April 13, 2012 at 3:54 PM

SWATH article with set story and some spoilers from Total Film inside.



Boys of Summer

Friday April 13, 2012 at 2:59 PM

Summer is coming!!


And with it comes the boys of summer!


No, I'm not talking about baseball.


I'm talking about our Summer Movie Blockbusters...


...you know...


...the ones with the HOT GUYS




This would be the man who's currently lighting my lucky...my Andrew Garfield. (that's right, he's mine! I have claimed him! ;) 
So, come on inside and let's discuss....what boys of summer are you looking forward to seeing?  RDJ?  Johnny Depp?  THOR & LOKI (I'm looking at you, Rachel ;p)
The Girl Who Read

Friday Fun!

Friday April 13, 2012 at 1:33 PM

I hope everyone is having a great Friday!

After discussion with Sri in the Humpday CF below, let us play a game!

So I present you with.....

CONSEQUENCES, Internet style!!

(if you don't know what consequences is.... click here)

I think this will work if someone starts with number 1., then number 2 is a reply to that comment and number 3 a reply to that etc. There may be more than one variation of each consequence, but that will add to the fun! 

Here is an example:


From Wikipedia:

Each person takes a turn choosing a word or phrase for one of nine questions, in this order.


Adjective for man
Man's name
Adjective for woman
Woman's name
Where they met
He wore
She wore
He said to her
She said to him
The consequence was… (a description of what happened after)
What the world said


Then the story is read (for example):

Scary Bob met voluptuous Alice at the zoo. He wore a giant yellow banana costume She wore a lime green string vest, & a pink tutu He said "This is delicious.", she said "Hit me baby one more time." The consequence was that they eloped to Mexico. The world said "the femme fatale will always win".


EDIT: Why not try answering with an image/gif? Or start a new consequence!

(When I used to play, we would use celebrities/public figures and gradually the game would descend into increasingly debauched territory. I'll see if I can dig out one of our old games for the hilarity!)

Dear Rangers - as this is FFA and interactive I hope it is okay! And I can't tag, I'm afraid. Nothing pops up when I click 'Add Tag'!!!!

First --- | >> | 651 | 652 | 653 | 654 | 655 | 656 | 657 | 658 | 659 | 1413 | 1414 | --- Last
