
A Haunting...

Saturday April 21, 2012 at 12:05 PM

Our camper xsecretxkeeperx started a really scary campfire down below (which nearly gave me a seizure of sorts). It got me thinking about such stuff in general. I myself have lived in a haunted house, so that factor increased the creepiness in my mind- ya know, the whole 'based on a true story' thing.

Have anyone of you ever experienced anything supernatural/paranormal? If yes, share your experience here.

Mine is inside (just in case anyone has triggers about it and don't want to read).

Lulu M

Project Team Beta's Mob Your Beta

Saturday April 21, 2012 at 11:17 AM

Mob Your Beta

How It Works

Your beta gets a bit of lovin’ from like … A LOT of people. You nominate your beta to be mobbed, we send out an email to the mob saying send a message at this time and on this site, and TADA! Your beta feels the love. All mobbed betas will also get a featured interview on the PTB site.

Nominate Your Beta!

Do you feel like your beta(s) is a little under-appreciated? Nominate them to be mobbed!

Join the Mob!

Want to be part of the mob? Sign up today! Authors and betas and anyone in between are all welcome! 

More information and applications at:

Posted with permission by LJ Summers


E L James reception

Saturday April 21, 2012 at 10:32 AM

anyone out there from the chicago area and interested in going to meet E L James at a book reception? I'm too woosy to go by myself.


Rob's facebook

Saturday April 21, 2012 at 9:49 AM

Did Rob have a fb account? I saw some people talking about snaps from his account and all that... Does anyone have that?



Babies! What I wish I'd known...

Saturday April 21, 2012 at 5:12 AM

Hi everyone!

Its been a long while since I posted a campfire, and I have been super busy as my baby is due on the 1st May! (Planned C-Section - Naughty breech baby!)

Therefore, this is a baby campfire! In honor of this, I give you hottest dad picture ever!

What I want to know from all you mummies out there is what piece of advice you could give that you wish you had known beforehand? What do you wish someone could have advised you, warned you about, etc?

I dedicate this to anyone else who is expecting, including the Forest's very own Ranger Tor who I believe is due to pop right about now!

Note: Please don't scare us too much with anything too horrific!! :-)

Thanking you in advance for your wisdom!!


ETA : Thank you so much everyone for being so honest and offering so much wonderful advice!


Avengers Countdown!

Saturday April 21, 2012 at 5:01 AM

So, I got my tickets yesterday (SQUEEE!!!), and my official countdown is: 6 days and 7 hours!

When are you going to see The Avengers?

Why are you going to see The Avengers?

(And if you’re not planning on seeing The Avengers, why oh WHY NOT?!?!?)

PLEASE give me your favourite vids, pics, gifs and quotes of all of your favourite Avengers!

(Did I say “Avengers” enough times already?)


And WHY can’t I find any Avengers character/actor tags??? That is SHAMEFUL!

(Not even a "Give me a boost so I can climb Thor" or "I heart RDJ's arms"??? SHAMEFUL, I say!)

ETA: AAAAAH! I'll take your generous offerings, Rangers!!! Thank you VERY much for the awesome new tags!!!

Miss Snazzy


Saturday April 21, 2012 at 3:02 AM

Why don't we ever have Supernatural Watchalong Posts?



Is it the lack of forbidden romance?



Whatever the case, I say we rectify that. =)

Let's discuss the latest episode and/or the show in general. Or just post some awesome gifs.


i grant thee

Saturday April 21, 2012 at 1:00 AM

hey there campers!!!

so this weekend, TiramiSue and me are your genie's....I'm the evil twin sister *grins* and she's the angel we know her as...

as genie's, our wish of being paid to read fanfiction (which will earn us millions btw) will only come true if we grant all your impossible wishes... *sigh*

so come on in campers and tell us your wishes, tell us your dreams, describe your personal utopia, who's the perfect guy/girl for you, what's a perfect life to you??

all wishes are granted here, no matter how impossible they are...

P.S. this Campfire is as serious or fun as you want it to be, TiramiSue being an angel is going to be the support for your achievable or unachievable dreams and wishes, Sri the evil twin is just gonna sit there, look pretty and be snarky....

P.S.S. I'm gonna be granting you a few guilty pleasures *tehehe* Don't tell just need to +1 them and they're yours!!


Fringe Watchalong

Friday April 20, 2012 at 9:56 PM

Welcome to the first Fringe watchalong! Lettuce watch and discuss and talk.

(I will have to join later as the only TV in the house is currently being commandeered by my mother to watch GCB....the horror. I love GCB but not when it interferes with my Fringe watching.)

It starts here on the West coast in less than 5 minutes.... So let's go!

(Possibly I should have posted this when the East coast aired?)


Fellow Camper Support!

Friday April 20, 2012 at 9:44 PM

Fellow camper and fanfic writer, Ginginleelee has written a script for a movie she and her hubby are trying to get made. They need voters! 

Their project As it is in Heaven is up for Project of the Day over at

(As it is in Heaven kickstarter page:

Link to vote:

Vote, Vote, Vote!! Voting will end on Monday April 23, at 11AM Eastern.

Some info on As it is in Heaven:

As It Is In Heaven is a micro-budget feature film about a cult leader who struggles to cling to his faith and keep his community together after his end-of-days prophecy does not come to pass.

What sets our film apart is not only the subject matter, but the portrayal of the cult and its leader. We want to go deeper into the leader's psyche as things begin to unravel, giving another perspective to a typically unsympathetic character. This story will follow someone who is not only deluded, but broken.

Production Team:

Director: Joshua Overbay
Producer: Michael Grout
Writer: Ginny Lee Overbay
Associate Producer: Nathaniel Glass
Cinematographer: Isaac Pletcher

Are there any projects any of you are working on in the real world you would like to share? 

Posted with permission from Tor. :)


Are you scared, Little Girl?

Friday April 20, 2012 at 6:45 PM

So, I was rec'd this comic the other day and I've been waiting for FFA to share it. Omg, if you are pregnant, have a heart condition, or easily pee your pants, DO NOT WATCH THIS! Lol. It seriously gave me the heebie jeebies.



Make sure you scroll through the whole thing! *grin*


For sure no one is gonna remember me...

Friday April 20, 2012 at 5:44 PM

I used to be obsessed with this site, was on here multiple hours a day. Chatting with rangers, reading every story in existance.

But then...

Real life happened. I lost touch. I miss my FF....problem is, I don't know what's good or really happening anymore. I'm sad to see that some of my faves have left the fandom, btw.

So anyway, can you guys rec me things that are good/trendy/whateveryoneisreadingrightnow...I'm up for anything if it's good. I can only handle Twilight though. (Really, I have tried reading other fandoms and I just can't do it.)

I'm really looking forward to get back into this. You have no idea how much I need it.



EDIT:: I am want to apologize for my horrifying grammer in the CF. I'm ashamed of myself right now.


hunger games

Friday April 20, 2012 at 4:47 PM

                   Has anyone seen the movie hunger games? 

                                                       Book or movie

                                                                      which is better to you?

                                                                         to me its the book


Changes and Upgrades

Friday April 20, 2012 at 3:49 PM

Are there any hair gurus out there? Any savvy cameraphobes?

I have questions for you!

Come inside and I will show you what's up......I need your help.


Quid pro quo:

Have you changed or upgraded anything in your life lately?  Come and share!


Spaces and Places

Friday April 20, 2012 at 3:23 PM

This here campfire is for picture postin' and idea sharin'! I don't know about you, but we've started workin' on our gardens and yard around this house of ours that was a complete mess when we moved in! I'll include more pics inside, but here's the deal--


Post pictures of neat or interesting things you've done to or want to do to your spaces (home, office, car, etc etc etc)

Have a weirdo area of your home that you're not satisfied with and don't know what to do with? Post a pic, maybe someone will have a great idea!

Also-- are you on pinterest? Saving some great ideas you want to get around to doing? Have done something??

Remodels? Redecorating? Gardening? Share!!

If you don't have your own pics, feel free to use the pinterest photos or other pictures. Or an artist rendering? :D

(More of our pictures will be inside-- but look, I need to spruce up my porch!)


So I was wondering......

Friday April 20, 2012 at 1:58 PM

You probably don't remember me .... but Hello..

Is there any new stories I've missed in the past month or so...... I've been gone, so I'm kinda outta the loop for the moment..... 

honestly can't remember if I have to rec a story or not on FFA so I'll do it anyway...

Tomorrow Is Another Day » by LyricalKris
In the post Civil War South, there are consequences for a Northern man who falls for a Southern Belle. A story of a friendship ripped apart by war, and rebuilding your life after near total devastation.
Twilight - Fiction Rated: M - English - Drama/Romance - Chapters: 18 - Words: 71,287 - Reviews: 1119 - Updated: 4-17-12 - Published: 12-1-11 - - Edward/Bella


Creepy AND lovely!

Friday April 20, 2012 at 1:42 PM

As usual, I am late to the party when it comes to finding great TV. Started watching this gem:



And now I'm in love. I've started referring to Michael C Hall as Hot Michael. Because killing people has never been this sexy.

My inquiry to the fine people of the forest is this: Tell me about all the creepy guys you find attractive. I wanna know. Or, what you would do if you found out your significant other was really someone like Dexter.



Friday April 20, 2012 at 8:21 AM

Is anyone else watching


Jason Isaacs insists that you watch. (Thursdays, NBC, 10/9C). And come in here to rave about it.

Also: he was naked in last night's episode, so if anyone has screencaps, this is the place where they'll be most appreciated.


Finally on Pottermore

Friday April 20, 2012 at 4:05 AM

Hi everyone! After a looooong time finnally I'm on Pottermore! I'm a proud Hufflepuff but have no friends on the site yet :( join me please :( I know I'm pathetic ;D my name is inside :)



Friday April 20, 2012 at 1:10 AM

So..... Its Friday .... wooot.....

I thought we could all start off our weekends with some tunes.....

So hit me with your All time Favouries, Your New Flavor of the Month, or the song that Everyone Loves & has bullied you into liking!!

Here is one to start you all off.... in honor of Jandco who gets turned on by these guys :P


First --- | >> | 647 | 648 | 649 | 650 | 651 | 652 | 653 | 654 | 655 | 1413 | 1414 | --- Last
