"50" Is Ruining My Life!

Monday April 23, 2012 at 12:43 PM

             And I don't mean the musician with the cents thing!

I thought I didn't care! Not really anyway!

I thought it didn't matter!

But oh god! It's everywhere!

It's invading my happy places!

I'm becoming a violent person!

I want to punch people in the ears!

Anyone else?

Come share your *shudder* 50 stories!

Oh the humanity!

Note: I removed the poop for you, Hal. xo

Also-- not a debate CF about P2P. Just silly stories of heartbreak and woe.


The Tampon Diaries

Monday April 23, 2012 at 12:42 PM

Thoughts/comments/nausea/indigestion? Grapevine any other casting rummors? 


Sneak Peek

Monday April 23, 2012 at 10:24 AM


It's Monday and you know what that means :)

How was your weekend?

Anything exciting happen?

Anywho, big clap for not forgetting the campfire this week lol

Come on inside and give us a peek

tease with a one liner if you can and wanna

if not... well, just do your own thing!

Hal gets happy seeing your peeks, either way :D

~Don't forget to include the link for your fic~


A Garden of Bones

Monday April 23, 2012 at 9:43 AM

Game of Thrones

What did you think last night? I spent most of the episode with my eyes covered, peeping through at the creepy goodness! I'm still a little shellshocked!

So come tell me which scene gave you nightmares last night?

(I kid - I'm obsessed!)


Robert & Kristen at Coachella 2012

Monday April 23, 2012 at 5:22 AM


Kristen looks super hot with those tiny shorts, tall legs and just .. WOW!


Looking Yummy as always Mr. Pattinson!

But what's up with the red eyes? Someone was being naughty and trying Human's Blood? LOL

They don't look very happy :( .. Do you think there is some trouble in heaven? :'(


Help, please!

Monday April 23, 2012 at 12:06 AM

Hi Folks!!

I'm looking for three E/B Fanfics, but I don't remember the Titles or the Authors, hope you can help me.

Thank you guys, really!! You've found two fics out of three!! If you are interested I'm posting in red the results.

1) Is Bella's 21 birthday and she is reluctantly dragged by Rosalie and Jacob to a concert. During the night she is aware of someone watching her (Edward) and when the concert ends she is the only one sober, Rosalie and Jacob are obviuosly trashed, Edward offer his help and a ride to home.

2) Edward is a professor/photograper and Bella is working or teaching at his university (I don't remember very well... :-\). She is an American Culture researcher and is fascinated by a tradition of the university's library: when in need you leave an anonimous message for help and the librarian try to find a solution. Edward is attracted by Bella, but his past (as always) is clouded by Tanya's suicide and he feels responsible. The Cullens are all accounted for in this story, canon couples. (Branching Inward by LifeInTheSnow)

3) Vampire Edward is a famous singer and is unable to resist Bella's scent. He bites her during sex and she is changed. Strangely, Bella doesn't show the personality of a newborn, she is totally in control of her actions. The Cullen's clan decides to be on the safe side and leaves with her to Russia (maybe...), far away from humans and their scent. There is a particular episode: Bella is left alone in the backyard with two deers, they are not afraid of her nature, on the contrary, they want to be near her; Bella pet them and when one is really relaxed, she feeds on it without violence, as if the deer offers his life voluntarily and at the end she thanks it. (

They are very good Fics, enjoy!!  -^__^-

Thanks in advance for your help!

Here my recs:

Movie star Edward Cullen is sent to Seattle Crime Lab to train for his next role. A one night stand with an alluring woman rocks his world but not as much as finding out she's his mentor, she doesn't remember him, and she's nothing like he thought-EPOV/MA
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 44 - Words: 215,309 - Reviews: 1655 - Updated: 1-9-11 - Published: 1-2-10 - Edward & Bella - Complete

A look at the relationship & love of Edward and Bella, two self-aware teenagers who are forced to grow up quickly. Together, they battle problems and find their inner strength. No love triangles. Fluffy beginning, drama ensues, no dark themes. AH AU OOC
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 26 - Words: 101,482 - Reviews: 1089 - Updated: 8-27-09 - Published: 7-8-09 - Bella & Edward - Complete

And Sequel:

This is the sequel to The Path We Chose. It does not stand alone. The continuation of Edward and Bella's story. Self-aware teens forced to grow up quickly. AH,AU Canon couples, Slight OOC Renee very OOC Rated M for language and lemonadey sexual content
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 45 - Words: 258,202 - Reviews: 2223 - Updated: 8-12-10 - Published: 8-30-09 - Bella & Edward - Complete

Edward decides to leave Chicago and start over in LA. At the airport he sees a beautiful mother asleep with a little girl in the stroller. The little girl climbs onto Edward's lap. After they chat some they doze off too. When he wakes up they're gone. AH
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 43 - Words: 203,424 - Reviews: 579 - Updated: 6-3-10 - Published: 9-16-09 - Bella & Edward - Complete


100 Monkeys

Sunday April 22, 2012 at 5:44 PM


Jackson Rathbone recently left the 100 Monkeys band.  I know there were a few campers here who really liked them, so I thought I'd share some info in case anyone is interested in buying 100 Monkeys memorabilia.

A friend of mine mentioned that she'd found a Web site that has a lot of stuff for sale.

These are cute:



ETA, Thanks for the updated Info! 


Writing Seminar

Sunday April 22, 2012 at 2:23 PM

I've recently been made aware that the University of Iowa (with one of the top writing programs in the country) offers creative writing seminars in the summer that anyone can attend. They're either a weekend or a full week and taught by creative writing professors. 

There are dozens of topics including:

Making a Scene

Writing the First Page

From Fact to Fiction

Plotting the Plot in the Novel

Humor Writing (for Fun or Evil Purposes)

Here's the link: Iowa Summer Writing Festival

Has anyone done this before? My sister is trying to talk me into it, but I'm apprehensive. I know the description says anyone can go, but all I've ever done is write fic. I need a lot of help which is good, but I don't know if I need too much help. I'd be jumping into a master class when I'm still very much an amateur. 

Thoughts? Has anyone done this before? Are there other people just as inexperienced as I am? 

To make it extra-interactive, which class would you want to take? Click the link and let me know which one would help you the most.


Nossa (not that Brazilian chick's line in BD)

Sunday April 22, 2012 at 10:35 AM

Sorry to be making an OT cf, but I need an international perspective on this: Why do all the 6 y.o. we've invited, even my own daughter, know this by heart, esp. when they can't understand a word? Is it like the No. 1 international hit right now? Is the dude really famous?


FFN and Alerts

Sunday April 22, 2012 at 10:15 AM

First I will say that I will only read completed stories. When I first started reading fanfiction I would read WIP’s but I soon discovered that I would get the stories mixed up in my mind and would have to go back and reread several chapters to get back up to speed with the plot line.

I told myself this morning that I was finally going to get my story alert list gone through and culled out today. There were a lot of stories that I had put on alert that are long past due for any kind of an update.

First I went to my fanfiction e-mail folder and searched for any of them that had the word epilogue in them. I found 7 that had been completed.

Next, I organized the list by the late date it was updated and started clicking through every one of them. Those authors that had put update notes telling the readers that they were on hiatus, will finish the story or just simply to hang in there with them I left on the list. Those with nothing mentioned as to why or when - I deleted.

From my list I found another 9 that had been completed so this was now a total of 16 stories that were finished.

After 3 hours I still have 94 stories on my alert list! AND I can most certainly tell you that every one of them have come from recommendations that I have read on this website!!!

I sure wish there was a way to get FFN to send a “Completed Story Alert” message as well.

Does anyone else do it this way or do you have any suggestions of how to know when a story is marked complete by the author so I can download it to my Kindle and put it on my to be read list. (And yes I know I can click on the alert link and see but most days I don’t have time to do this.)


And just to make sure I am following the rules here is a link to what I just finished reading.  Highly recommend it!

Terms and Conditions Apply » by TheSaintsMistress reviews
There's only one person on this earth that Edward Cullen hates, and that's his boss...Bella Swan. She's cold. She's ruthless and incapable of human emotion, and to Edward's greatest frustration, the hottest woman walking the face of the planet.
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 34 - Words: 177,708 - Reviews: 3335 - Updated: 4-1-12 - Published: 4-18-11 - Bella & Edward - Complete




Luna StarFire

ADF Fit Club

Sunday April 22, 2012 at 7:59 AM


Happy Earth Day to you beautiful people!!!  

How are you doing?  Doing good?  Are you doing the physical challenge, you doing ok with it?  Also I'll be away next weekend on Holiday.  For those I'm emailing daily I'll be without a laptop so the day before I leave I'll send an email with each day listing out what will be that days physical challenge.  

Homework:  Post whatever, got a new song you like to work out to?  New recipe you found?  Found an article of clothing you'd like to wear?  Let us know.

24/7 Support - ADF Fit Club LJ Community

Also its never too late to join in. ; )


Wanna be a P.L. Schwartz?

Sunday April 22, 2012 at 6:44 AM

I remember reading a while ago that the reason J.K. Rowling chose her penname was because the public wouldn't readily accept a story of a boy wizard if it was told by a woman. Now we see J.M. Darhower using this formula, too. I don't know her intentions but I'm curious who would follow suit?

If you were to publish a novel, would you use a gender neutral penname? If so, why? And could authors switch it up any time they wanted? Could they slough off a penname and start over with a new identity if their original published work didn't do well? Could a P.L. Schwartz become a Georgie Sands or is that against the rules?

double identities are so common online. I wonder what the politics are in the publishing world.


A Forest Fire Update

Sunday April 22, 2012 at 2:47 AM

(banner goes to first chapter)

Summary: Shock cascades through her body, sparked by his smile. His resemblance to the boy who left her in the forest so many years ago is remarkable, but there is one key difference. He is human. AU.

Anyone else reading this story and as obsessed with it as I am?

Read the update, then please come get excited with me!!


looking for PDFs

Sunday April 22, 2012 at 1:28 AM


OK, since it is Sunday I am doing spring cleaning ... of my story alerts. Some of them I have still on my e-mail so I have retained a memory of them - if I had only the ff net list they would be gone, since the link says "story not found". I am giving you title and author plus the summary, and from you I need to know: a) if you have a PDF and b) if it was completed. In fact if it was pulled incomplete I will not want it. And thanks a lot for the help.

But, since I am asking for something, let me rec something, even if it is ffa. An oldie but goodie, as I am delving in the past anyway: Bloodlust by Kalejay. Summary: Following the battle against the newborn army, a human  boy stumbled onto Edward's eradication of Victoria, witnessing more than a human should ever know. Captured by the Volturi, the boy's fate is no less than grim. The sadistic Jane gives Edward an ultimatum: Kill the boy himself or lose his true love forever. Forced into the situation, he opts to end the boy's life, but in doing so, his desire for human blood is awakened and becomes nearly impossible to control.

and now to the pulled stories:

Disturbed on Christmas Eve by fangscape. Summary:Bella longs for relaxation during her Christmas vacation but someone has darker plans for her. Join Bella as she embarks on a walk through a nightmare.

A Twisted Twilight Tale by IvyLane Summary: This is my extended imagination running wild on the basis of
Twilight. You know how it starts, but in this tale Edward is a more possessiveand a bit violent because be I am obsessed with a darker, and dominant Edward. Not always the gentleman. Warning!

I Know You by hmonster4 Summary Alone & adrift for years after a catastrophic choice, a rogue vampire
makes a selfish choice in the heat of passion. Has he learned from past mistakes, or will he be doomed to repeat the cycle, destroying more lives

Playlist by SnowWhiteHeart (her account is still standing but she has removed most fics, this one was complete I think) Summary:Bella is a lonely novelist whose husband has been deployed to Iraq.
What happens when her fictional protagonist, the handsome vampire Edward,arrives at her house, and warns her that the Volturi are hunting her?



Sunday April 22, 2012 at 12:21 AM

6 Tips for Turning Awful Fan Fiction into a Best Seller

I knew it was only a matter of time until one of my favorite websites,, tackled the subject of 50 Shades and publishing FanFic.

Check it out HERE.


To make this interactive, share any of your favorite goofball cracked articles or recommend any other funny websites you visit.



The good child...

Saturday April 21, 2012 at 9:29 PM

Yep, that's me. Trying to be anyways. Which is why I am thinking of Mother's Day already! (Yes, I know it's past in the U.K. Sorry, I didn't get around to thinking THAT far in advance.)

I designed my Mom's gift but then I designed another just to play around. And what do you know, my inability to make a decision decided to attack. I cannot choose!!! Which do you like?


Mothers Day 2012 copy


Mothers day copy


And to pimp myself, I made these at which is my website where I sell these fabulous photo frames and other custom home decor pieces. If you want more info, PM me. 


What are you getting your Mom this year? Do you compete with your siblings for the "good child" award? My mom doesn't have favorites, but my mother-in-law has what she deems "good child"... a.k.a. whoever has kissed her butt, bought her something, fed her gossip, etc most recently. (I hope she doesn't come here and see that!!! LOL oh well)


And if you are a Mom, my gift to you below....



And feed the trees over here ------------->


Rob as Finnick??

Saturday April 21, 2012 at 8:44 PM

This HAS to be a rumor, but there is speculation that Rob will be cast as Finnick Odair in Catching Fire. Personally, I find this hard to believe, even if the director, Francis Lawrence, did direct Rob in Water For Elephants. I just can't see Rob involving himself in another YA trilogy.

What say you, fellow campers??





I promised I'd share.

Saturday April 21, 2012 at 8:11 PM

I took the new camera to the Midget's soccer game today and had a blast!

Some of the photos are inside. 


For the interactive part:

What are your favorite subjects to photograph?


Stripper Tunes (learn me to undress)

Saturday April 21, 2012 at 6:25 PM

Question. Here goes...

What are some good stripping songs? Not cheesy "Cherry Pie" shizz. Like sexy songs, slow and agonizingly sexy. Don't ask why I need to know.

Okay, go ahead and ask but it's pretty obvious...I plan on stripping for a special someone.

No, not him...but boy do I wish. It's a suprise and I am nervous as hell.

I'm thinking something in the style of this...except I can't use this because a gf of mine did this one for her hubs and my dude knows this.

I am all over spotify and itunes trying to find something that doesn't make me want to roll my eyes or die of embaressment. If you type in "stripper songs" on's all Motley Crue and "My Pony (Ride it)". You are sensible ladies who won't judge me when I ask for...



Book Rec Post!

Saturday April 21, 2012 at 5:24 PM

I saw a blurb about this book  in a magazine and went looking for The Bloggess online.  



Imagine my surprise when I found her blog and saw the pic below!  Question:  Am I the only one who thinks SMeyer has lost a LOT of weight?  IMO, she's looking pretty good here!  So -- good camera angle or weight loss?




My other question:  What are you reading now?

My other other question:  Are those burst eyeballs on her shirt?

First --- | >> | 646 | 647 | 648 | 649 | 650 | 651 | 652 | 653 | 654 | 1413 | 1414 | --- Last
