
Since some seem interested:ChrisPine wants 50

Thursday April 26, 2012 at 6:13 AM

to play him, I mean. His part.

"It'd be a hell of a choice for me, I think," he smiled. "It sounds like an interesting film." From: Chris Pine Open To 'Fifty Shades Of Grey' Role; Calls 'Star Trek' Sequel 'Relentless'

I remember looking at the Star Trek posters and thinking that's the guy that should have played Edward Cullen. I don't think that now though.

 The Jaw and Kristen pulling her hair (wait till you get bombarded with FSOG questions in BDII, K&R)

I wonder if we'll start seeing a lot new authors, yk people not really into Twilight but looking to find a first audience to pimp them out when they P2P. I've been thinking a lot about why this particular fic has been screwing up my rl so successful. Is it the only BDSM TWILIGHT (that's important) fic that has been published? Have BDSM fics from other fandoms been published, with obviously much less success?

Ranger Edit: Keep the language clean on the front page! Thanks.


Knowledge is power: part II

Wednesday April 25, 2012 at 9:53 PM

A couple of months ago I started a campfire about how trivial info such as state laws, scenery, and even types of slang were mis-represented/incorrect in fanfic. We can't be everywhere our characters are, right?
Here's the original campfire, just to get the gist of where I want this one to go:

Anyhoo, I've noticed the same thing when it comes to writing about medical injuries/etc. in fanfics. So this is a call out to all you campers with extensive medical knowledge. Enlighten us! And to other writers wanting to write about something medical in their fics but don't know where to begin, ask away. My question will be inside...


Just in case:
REC: Anything by giselle-lx


smokey the bear and you

Wednesday April 25, 2012 at 9:52 PM

the fire has been put out and the forest is back

whew, that was a close one! thank goodness for tech people.

get in here and let’s have a chat/gif party.

how was your day? whatcha doin? anything good happening on the internet?

party with me, campers.

and seriously, we need you guys to feed the trees. being down all day screwed our bottom line. that's what she said.

anyway, welcome back to the forest party post~

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tor and john welcomed the newest forest ranger this morning at 5:46am. he was 8lbs 3oz. :') congrats, tor and john!


What do you do when...

Wednesday April 25, 2012 at 11:43 AM

Hey campers, I am in need of some medical advice. 

I went to the doctor yesterday after blood work showed a Vitamin D deficiency.  I have been exhausted all the time with lots of muscle/joint aches & pains, and I was actually looking forward to it because this is the first time any of my bloodwork has come back abnormal. My exhaustion & aches/pains are both symptoms of Vitamin D deficiency so, it explained a lot in my eyes.

My doctor disagreed. He said he thinks I'm depressed and he recommended I go back on Lexapro & seek counseling. Apparently, my exhaustion is due to the fact that I'm depressed.  Also, I don't go out a lot any my hobbies don't involve groups of people, and I enjoy my time at home. That means I'm depressed (nevermind the fact that Vitamin D deficiency can actually cause depression, but I digress).

So, basically, I disagree with my doctor. What do I do now? Get a second opinion? Start the Lexapro? Start the Vitamin D first and wait before starting the Lexapro? This whole thing is very frustrating because I really don't think I'm suffering from depression - I have before and know what the warning signs are. 

For the interactive part: Tell me about a time you disagreed with your doctor/boss/parent/authority figure and ended up being right! 

*approved by the lovely wolvesandvamps*


New Screenname/Email Help

Wednesday April 25, 2012 at 11:43 AM

My best friend is getting out of a bad marriage, and she wants a new e-mail address/screenname that is free from her soon-to-be-ex.  I have been challenged to come up with one for her, but 60+ pre-teens are zapping my brain, so I thought maybe you could help generating ideas:

Name: Molly

Likes: beach, camping/hiking, 80's rock (esp. BonJovi), StL Cards

Has three kids


Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Ranger Edit:  This is not an on-topic campfire and this is not Free For All.  I'm gonna leave it up this time, but please get approval from one of the Rangers before posting off-topic during the week. Thank you.



Reccommendation for your time:

My Mate » by PrincessRachael 
After 300 years, Edward finds his mate in young vampire Bella. But the mating blood rituals of vampires will test their strength and belief in each other. Graphic lemons and violence. Rated M.
Twilight - Fiction Rated: M - English - General - Chapters: 21 - Words: 67,163 - Reviews: 1605 - Updated: 4-23-12 - Published: 2-1-12 - - Bella/Edward

I'm not big on vampire fics, but I'm loving this one!


I just had a revelation...

Wednesday April 25, 2012 at 6:25 AM

Facebook Feed:

"I hope you get spanked for your Birthday... Laters Baby"

Immediate reaction...Gag... keep the tea down...

Upon further reflection... well, this is going to be a long one, come on inside and discuss my revalation and the first peice of fanfic you read that had you blushing and checking to see there was no one over your shoulder.


My rec:  Well I have two... I just adore just about anything Danieller has ever wrote but this Bella has always been one of my all time favorites.

Title: Bringing Romance Back
Summary: Fifteen years after they were married. Bella and Shullen. Under the Apple Tree, 3 parts.

And this I read in one night...such a beautiful love story and so much more of what I would have loved Bella Swan to actually be.

A Forest Fire 
Shock cascades through her body, sparked by his smile. His resemblance to the boy who left her in the forest so many years ago is remarkable, but there is one key difference. He is human. AU.


Weekly Rec Campfire

Wednesday April 25, 2012 at 6:04 AM

All of the weekly campfires may be a bit off this week. It is a very busy time for my family and unless I give up sleeping, something has to give. Sorry.

Tell us what you are reading RIGHT NOW!

Books and Fanfiction alike

It can be supernatural or not, it can be a copy/paste of your reading list, it can be a flyer for the local supermarket. We don't care. 

Please link if you are reading fanfiction or give us a nice summary if you are reading a book. We also LOVE reviews, so tell us what you think of what you are reading!

Special Assignment:

In honor of Tor and John's exciting day, do you have a favorite baby story? Or a story where Bella or Edward are a parent? 

Do you have a favorite book about parenting? Parents? Non-fiction? Fiction?


New Trailer

Tuesday April 24, 2012 at 9:39 PM









I can't get the video to embed but a new trailer for Snow White And The Huntsman popped up online the other day. It has new footage from the film AND if you listen carefully you can hear Florence + The Machine's new song Breath Of Life. :)  Here's a link to the article with the video:


To make this more interactive what movies are you looking forward to this summer? What's your favorite Florence + The Machine song? Kristen Stewart > or < than Charlize Theron???



*No Florence tag??? Well, I guess she's not supernatural but she sure as heck is ethereal.


help the forest stay green

Tuesday April 24, 2012 at 7:47 PM

today is my birthday and this is what i want from you:

feed the trees.

see, we have all these cool contest ideas for the coming weeks, but we need to fund that stuff in addition to paying for the upkeep of the website.

and guess how you can help? that's right. get to clicking.

i can't say the exact words because google will ding us for it. :/ 

but here's what you can do to help out your ole buddy ole pal wtvoc and all us rangers and john-

feed the trees.

you can't just go clicking a hundred times- they catch on to that right quick.

nah, brah. it's gotta be four or five different thingies a day, every day of the week. which ain't hard, man.

how about- get into the habit of feeding the big header tree thing up there ^^^ every single time you come to ADF? 

that would seriously help us out.

which would help you out because there'd be way more rad contests and stuff.

plus, you wouldn't have to live in fear that one day your trusty ole ADF just won't be here one day due to lack of payment~ lol that would never happen

and hey, remind each other to feed the trees! do it!

in fact, if you wanna start a campfire every once in a while reminding everyone to help us out and feed the trees, i hereby give permission to anyone who wants to do so.

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if you have ideas on how we can do "feed the trees" drives or how we can get everyone to help us out by feeding the trees, lemme know in this campfire!


It's Time!!!

Tuesday April 24, 2012 at 7:24 PM

I just saw on Twitter that...


So come on in and wish her luck and let's celebrate!!!


Million Dollar Baby

Tuesday April 24, 2012 at 6:59 PM

I am not sure if this is where I leave questions like this, this is my first time doing this, but here it goes...One of my favorite fanfiction authors is clpsuperstar. I went to the site to re-read Million Dollar Baby and imagine my surprise to find out it's gone. Along with I love College and Send me an angel.  Does anyone have these stories on pdf or anything. I love to read these and can find them nowhere.  Your help will be greatly appreciated!

One of my favorite fics is Unplanned Perfection by littlecat358

Bella and Alice were best friends, which made Bella the only girl off limits to Alice's brother Edward. When a party the summer after graduation gets out of control, Bella's world is turned upside down. "He doesn't know. I don't want him to."


fic hunting in...your alert list

Tuesday April 24, 2012 at 3:42 PM

Last weekend I went fic hunting  alert list, in other people's profiles or favorites. 

I was looking for fics at their start, like two or three chapters posted. Most of all I was looking for intruiging starts.

There are so many stories out there!

So please, stop by and tell me about  little gems hidden in your lists or other reader's lists.

Give me titles, links, banners, summaries.

Just remember, LITTLE but  INTERESTING


Two of the few I checked again:

Contractually Bound 

by sshg316 & GinnyW 31

She'd cost him everyone he'd ever loved. Surely a few months of marriage wasn't too high a price for her to pay in compensation. Collaboration with GinnyW 31. Edward/Bella. AH.
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Drama/Romance - Chapters: 3 - Words: 13,853 - Reviews: 144 - Updated: 9-16-10 - Published: 3-17-10 - Bella & Edward

Comfort Girl by  justbeyour1

Edward thought Bella was like comfort food. Simple, tasty, hearty. There was just a serious problem. She was more than inaccessible. She was forbidden.
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Angst/Romance - Chapters: 2 - Words: 2,325 - Reviews: 5 - Updated: 9-18-11 - Published: 8-22-11 - Edward & Bella


More fun: Craziest Fandom Pics

Tuesday April 24, 2012 at 2:34 PM

So, this is a spin-off campfire from Alley Cat’s earlier CF: Craziest Twipics. (Check this one out if you haven't yet!)

While looking through my heaps of funny pics, I found a bunch of HP pics I wanted to post, but couldn’t.

Like this one:

So, come and post your OTHER fandom pics here: Harry Potter, Supernatural, Hunger Games, Lord of the Rings… if it’s a fandom-related, I want your funny/crazy/awesome/shocking pics!

(BTW, let me know if I missed any tags... LOL!)

Bells. Just Bells.

Order's Up!

Tuesday April 24, 2012 at 8:35 AM

And the Plot Thickens...

A cooking ground for writers

What we’re cookin’...

  • Plot Bunnies! Ever have a plot bunny that needed some spice? Who said anything about too many cooks? The more the merrier, here! Bring your undercooked plots or ideas, and help others hash out their stories, too.
  • Your Characters! Feel like your characters are just skin and bones? Come chat with your friends and see if they can help you create the perfect recipe for meaty greatness.
  • Basically anything related to your fic that you need help with!



  • We’re allergic to negativity! Constructive criticism and suggestions are welcome, but please try to stay positive and productive!
  • And pilfering, too! There will be plenty of story ideas being discussed, so please stay respectful to your fellow authors by not using another's idea as your own - unless given explicit permission by the author first and then giving due credit, of course. No eating off someone else’s plate unless they say you can!


Food Bank...

  • Donations! Have some untouched plot ingredients that have been sitting in your cabinet for far too long? Come drop them off at our Food Bank and help another hungry author!
  • Pick up! Need some ingredients for your writing? See what ideas have been left for a good home.


You’ve given us an excuse to use the kitchen for the first time.

So, come on in and share your ideas! Maybe someone will have that perfect plot point that pushes your story from good to great, and hopefully you’ll be able to do the same for a fellow author!

Alley Cat

Craziest Twipics

Tuesday April 24, 2012 at 7:58 AM

This is totally for giggles, guys.

So I was talking to Sri on Twitter, and we realized that we both have a very cracked sense of humor. So she began by sending me this:


This had us both howling with laughter and instantly reminded me of this one:

And just for good measure, I added this one:

I think by this point, Sri was nearly choking with laughter. So what's the craziest, funniest, weirdest twipic you've seen? Link/paste them in the comments and let the giggling start!

Alley Cat.


Happy Birthday wtvoc!!!

Tuesday April 24, 2012 at 12:19 AM


someone wants to wish you for your birthday sweetie!!!

P.S. campers, please shower wtvoc with tons of firth-iness....

JANDCO EDIT: omg, how am i not doing the birthday post?



Fanfic to the big screen

Tuesday April 24, 2012 at 12:18 AM

Hi Everybody!

Ok, so one of my friends is big into Buffy slash fanfiction and other fandoms, but isn't really TwiFic versed. When I was telling her about MOTU (Master of the Universe) and how it is on the New York Best Seller List and is being made into a movie, she demanded to read it.

Alas, I do not have a copy. Does anyone know if it is available online anywhere as the original fanfic?

To make sure this is an interactive post... which fanfic would you like to see made into a movie?


We Were Here

Monday April 23, 2012 at 8:50 PM

It updated.

Get in here and discuss.

(The link is in the banner.)


how ardently i love my fandom

Monday April 23, 2012 at 3:52 PM

a different fandom campfire

as you're all aware, this website started out as a fansite for all things twilight

we're trying to encourage other supernatural fandoms on here, though. we love your ~other fandom~ posts! we're gonna be all over the avengers when it comes out next week as well as dark shadows, abraham lincoln: vampire hunter, snow white and the huntsman, and anything else in the months to come! if you don't see a tag, ask for one and i'll take it under consideration!

if there's a tag for it, you don't need permission. if it's a supernatural fandom, post away!

so come in here and tell us what fandoms you're into. rec us some fanfictions to read, ask for fanfic recs for your obscure OTPs, post pictures trying to get us in your fandoms, etc. if there is cabin in the woods fic, i wanna know ASAP ( <--only one I found

benedict cumberbatch representin' the sherlock fandom for everyone's time:

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BritRail Pass for EU residents

Monday April 23, 2012 at 2:40 PM


I will be in UK next week and I thought I'd travel there by train. 

Has any of you ever heard of, or maybe even used this sort of open ticket:


Is it safe to book there, or am I going to be kicked out of the train in the middle of nowhere due to a lack of valid ticket...?

Huge thanks in advance for any advice!

And to make it more interactive - a fic with a place I plan to visit as well :)


Edward & Bella are graduate students in London 'coincidentally' researching the same poets. More than 300 years after the fact, Carlisle & Edward must find out why Carlisle's past won't stay there - before Bella digs it up researching her thesis.
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Drama/Romance - Chapters: 29 - Words: 202,238 - Reviews: 1830 - Updated: 9-23-11 - Published: 2-8-10 - Bella & Edward

PS. I usually post only on FFA, but I'm really in dire need of any feedback ASAP, so please Rangers have mercy... :)   *Please ask one us for permission next time. We're pretty good about saying yes, but we do expect folks to follow the rules- Ranger edit*

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