
Fic Help?

Sunday April 29, 2012 at 1:23 AM

Hello lovely people of the world, I need your help :)

Here I am, sitting in bed, and suddenly a scene from a fic I pops into my head. I don't remember anything other than that small scene; no, my weird brain doesn't work that way. It taunts me until I go crazy and have to bother you ladies because of my memory problems.

Anyways, I'm not sure if any of you will remember this, and whether or not it was a well-known fic, but the scene I remember is a lemon with vamp Edward and human Bella. I can't think of a nice way to say this, so I'm just gonna go for it; when Edward doesn't use a condom, his semen/venom makes Bella very...erm...excited, shall we say. Pretty much, when he comes inside her she goes crazy with lust and can barely control herself. *phew* Forgive me, I'm not used to saying such scandalous things! ;) Then it's pretty much one huge (and wonderful!) lemon. Of course, my old perverted brain cannot remember anything else...

I would greatly appreciate your help in locating this fic, I'm afraid my old fart brain might go crazy if I don't figure it out soon.

Thank you! And to rec a fic, I found this oh-so-yummy O/S written by someone totally new. Check it out! :)

Singing in the Mornings reviews
Isabella and her Master have some fun in their playroom. Rated M for language and lemons. All fluff O/S. BDSM themes!
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Chapters: 1 - Words: 2,186 - Reviews: 7 - Published: 4-7-12 - Bella & Edward



Nice Girls/Mean Girls

Sunday April 29, 2012 at 12:36 AM


I haz a sad :(

Saturday April 28, 2012 at 6:02 PM

I am a HUGE sports fan. My favorite sport being basketball and my fav team is none other than the

The Bulls had an awesome regular season. We finished with the best record in the NBA...50 wins and 16 losses

Our team plays their hearts out every game and always give 110%

Well today was the 1st game of the playoffs, and we were off to an great start

We had a 20 point lead with 1:10 left in the game, when this happens

That's Derrick Rose, our top player and last years MVP. He has a torn ACL and is out for the rest of the season and sadly my dreams of a championship just shattered.

So I have been like this for the past hour

Well you know that misery loves company and I know that we have a lot of sports loving campers, so wallow with me and come share your biggest sports letdowns and defeats


PS don't forget to feed the trees


Face, meet palm

Saturday April 28, 2012 at 4:42 PM

I've come to discover my lack of filter when it comes to speaking to people that I'm friends/acquaintances with.

I say what I think without thinking about what people will think. More often than not, it's harmless things. 

Sometimes it sucks, like the time that I went off on a rant about how horrible this girl in my class was for dating/leading on two guys at once...while her brother was literally sitting across the table from me.

*FACEPALM* times ten million!

I've got some other, cuss-filled ones inside, if you want to join me in decreasing my embarrassment over the past years?



Saturday April 28, 2012 at 3:29 PM

Why can't we "block" people in real life?  Why can't there be a giant SPAM filter that automatically captures everything said and done by people who annoy you?  Can someone create an app for that, ASAP?

For example -- ex husbands.  My grown son sent me this photo (the unedited version, of course) that his father posted on FB.  All he asked is  "why?" And that is an excellent question.

What the hell is going on here folks?  From his facial expression (I blocked his face, mostly because looking at it makes me want to go back and slap my 19 year old self), it's obvious this pose was on purpose, and that he thought it was all kinds of awesome.  Is he adjusting himself?  Getting ready to pee on that unsupecting person sitting nearby? Having some kind of fit?


Sigh, I just can't even with this photo.


Why can't ex-boyfriends and ex-husbands cease to exist for real when they cease to exist for us?  Is that really too much to ask?  No one ever tells you that when you divorce someone, THEY DON'T NECESSARILY GO AWAY.  They still breathe, and do stupid things, and insist on calling you every New Year's Eve to declare their undying love and claim to be your best friend ALWAYS even though you've been divorced longer than you were married.


Thing is, we're not even enemies, lol.  I don't actually .... HATE him.  It just annoys me that he walks around with memories of me, sharing DNA with people I love. 

So, share your "EX" stories, be they positive, negative, funny, whatever.  I can't be the only one with a twitchy, goofball skeleton in the closet, can I?


Monthly Recap

Saturday April 28, 2012 at 2:14 PM

 Big Helloooooo to all you lovely Campers!!!!! How have you been doing?

So I've been a bit MIA for about a month or so. Sorta lost touch. BUT I'm back now, been lurking for a few days which apparently is enough so I need more ;) Could you plese tell me what's been going on? Give me an Update ;)

Which were the most memorable Campfires?

Any drama I should know about? (Don't take this as an invitatioun to be rude please)

Any other fandom news? Fic news?

and if course there was The Hunger Games movie, I know there are lots of fans around here ;) I went to see it after one of my fellow campers said I absolutely should. I am amazed! 

Anything else you'd like to talk about?

Come and share with me :)

On a side note: I'm writing from an iPad and can't figure out how to insert pics. Anyone got a clue on how that works?


Another Moth Diaries Post

Saturday April 28, 2012 at 11:09 AM

I know I'm like the only person that cares but whatev.




On a somewhat silly note apparently people hate this poster? I dunno. I like it.


New clip:



Trailer and some thoughts (vaguely soilery?) in comments.
*Realized this might not be obviously interactive enough. Come share your thoughts if you've seen it or read the book. Tell us your favorite boarding school girls movie. For example, I love The Woods.

Tattooward and Inkella

Saturday April 28, 2012 at 8:16 AM

Hi there campers!

I just finished CaraNo's fic Second Page which was amazing. (Let's be honest, anything this girl writes is a must read! At least to me!)

It actually really put me in the mood for more fics where Edward is covered in some yummy tatts.

I love fics that shows that there are more behind 'the getting of the tattoo' than just 'because it looked pretty'. (Hope that made sense!)

One of my all time favorite's is hunterhunting's Clipped Wings and Inked Armor.

I wondered if you could maybe rec me other really amazing fics where there's either a Tattooward of Inkella present?

My recs to you is anything written by CaraNo


(really love this girl's writing)


Authors that left fandom..

Saturday April 28, 2012 at 5:49 AM


Apart from Snowqueens Icedragon, there were a lot of other authors, we recently had a CF about BNA's or (Big Named Author's), which made me think(yes, i know, i'm equally surprised)...

I was not a part of the fandom when these people left, so i'm curious....

What happened to them??

I'm talking about hunter hunting, bronzehairedgirl (and some number), feathersmmmm, Danieller123, Lolashoes, AngstGoddess003, sebastein robichaud and the like....

What happened to these fics that were pulled?? Were they also published as OF's??

Why did they leave fandom even if it was published??

ETA: i have no idea how i missed the Epic Flounce CF, but i did...so instead lets talk about these...

Why would any author leave fandom??

What are your personal reasons, what will make you leave fandom???

Also, if you ever leave fandom....What will you miss about it most???

Miss Snazzy


Friday April 27, 2012 at 8:41 PM

What's your favorite crossover? What crossovers are you dying to see?

And not just in fanfiction, but...

HOW ABOUT THE AVENGERS? Who's excited to see Iron Man, Thor, Captain America, The Hulk, Black Widow, and Hawkeye interact?

Post crossover story recs, artwork, and videos here. =)


Are there any candy makers in the Forest?

Friday April 27, 2012 at 7:58 PM

Happy FFA!

I am a pushover and have been coerced into being a convenor of the School Fair Sweet Stall.

I am more of a baker - so lollies and candy are not something that I have made much of before.

So I am asking a favour – do any of you have tried and loved recipes that you would be willing to share with me?

Google is overwhelming me with recipes but I find that tried/tested/family hand me down recipes work the best!

Cheers Janine


Some David for your trouble! 


Healthy Summer Food

Friday April 27, 2012 at 5:49 PM

Alright, so summer is around the corner and I need some good healthy food ideas or recipes. My summer starts in less then a week when I return home from college for the summer. I lost 26 pounds this year and want to keep on going strong over the summer. 

So something I love is Tuna and Cucumber Boats—> You just peel a cucumber, gut it, cut it in half and fill it with tuna. I love it! You can put maybe crushed up crackers or other things on top. It is so good though!

I also love salad with salmon on top and raspberry vinaigrette. Don't forget a cup of raspberry lemonade!

So give me some ideas! Lunch, dinner, desserts! Try to make them summery and healthy. Or if you want to give me a recipe for brownies go for it also! I can go to the gym some more lol


Kristen Stewart stars in and PRODUCES 'Cali'

Friday April 27, 2012 at 5:19 PM



“Snow White and the Huntsman” star Kristen Stewart is set to topline “Cali,” a gritty action pic set in Los Angeles that will be produced by Voltage Productions and New School Media.

Michael Diliberti (“30 Minutes or Less”) wrote the script, which follows Mya (Stewart) and Chris, a pair of San Fernando Valley lovebirds with a penchant for bad choices and dangerous behavior. After selling a fake snuff film featuring Mya, they ride off into the sunset with a bundle of cash. Years later, Mya must “return from the dead” to save the younger sister she left behind in Cali, where the young couple contends with angry former business partners, homicidal porn stars, stoner vet techs, an unstoppable killing machine in a cowboy hat and their own contentious relationship.




Friday April 27, 2012 at 5:14 PM

ADF's own, VampsHaveLaws, has teamed up with iambeagle to write a brand new story that started posting today!

Stubborn Love

She'll lie and steal and cheat, and beg you from her knees. She'll make you think she means it this time, tearing a hole in you. But I still love her. I don't really care. A story from iambeagle and VampiresHaveLaws.
Twilight - Rated: M - Angst/Romance


Are you ready for the angst? :)


Picture Post

Friday April 27, 2012 at 4:58 PM

1, 2, 3, 4, I declare a pic war.  Or post.  :)

Come on in and show us your purdy faces, or your dogs, or your house, or your kids, or whatever you want to show us!  Is your yard a spring wonderland?  Show us!  



Come in and post to your heart's content and tell us a little something about yourself!


Actual SMeyer News

Friday April 27, 2012 at 4:54 PM

I don't *think* this was posted here before but if it was you have my apologies.


Stephenie Meyer options tome 'Dark Hall'





I actually didn't quite know what that meant when I first read the headline. I was like "She wrote a book we don't know about? She's going to be directing a movie?" I hadn't realized that she had actually created a production company called Fickle Fish Films. Kind of an odd name imo but hey, not my company. I had also never heard of this author. Am I living under a rock? She seems quite prolific. Here's the synopsis:


Suspicious and uneasy about the atmosphere at her new boarding school, fourteen-year-old Kit slowly realizes why she and the other three students at the school were selected.


So, any of you read it? What do you think of SMeyer producing films? I personally have to admit some skepticism but I also know I can be harsh sometimes.

And marginally related have any of you watched The Moth Diaries yet? (Also set in a boarding school with that whole teen girl solving a mystery kind of thing and also based on an older YA book.)


*source: http://www.variety.com/article/VR1118052822

LJ Summers

April is Autism Awareness Month

Friday April 27, 2012 at 4:38 PM

autism awareness


April is a month where more focus is put on people who are on the Autism Spectrum and their families.  I have noticed, during my years in the fandom, that there are a LOT of moms and dads involved in the Twilight fandom that have an autistic person in their family.  It might be a very mild presentation of Asperger's Disorder or a more difficult-to-manage, low-functioning autistic in the house, but they're all over. :)

I am the mom of a high-functioning autistic boy with real aggression issues.  My older son was never formally diagnosed, but the autism specialist in our former school district believed (after years of getting to know him) that he was just like her Aspergers students she worked with in the high schools. This would not surprise me.

So what I wanted to do with this campfire was invite anyone in the Forest to drop in and say hi if you are a parent or sibling or grandparent or friend or teacher... Anyone who is affected by or works with people on the Spectrum. 

I also invite anyone who has questions to bring them here, too.  

There is a saying I heard years ago, when my son was first identified as autistic:  If you've seen one child with autism, you've seen ONE CHILD with autism.  They're all different. There is no one common identifying factor that makes my son just like a kid in his class who is also autistic. 

Diversity is good. :)

So if you or someone you know is affected, come say hi! Share any resources you might have, or insights.  Or just cool stuff that happens in your world. :)


I've been writing some "autism moments of the day" posts on my website, if you'd like to take a peek into MY world. I try to put it out there, so that folks can read and get a feel how it is for ONE family, anyway.


Rob going places, looking hot

Friday April 27, 2012 at 4:00 PM

He's either going to VC for the reshoots (weird that Kris is not w/ him though) either (as per PUNKD_Images the VC pap agency that's been known to troll us from time to time so they get arrivals exclusives) going to DC for some appearance (idek ab. this...the WH Correspondent Dinner is tomorrow but Rob's not on the lists)


ETA: He is indeed headed to DC, he was on flight w/ George Clooney (who's on his way to the WHCD)

Bells. Just Bells.

ADF needs t-shirts! :)

Friday April 27, 2012 at 11:47 AM

Happy Friday campers!!!

So, while pledging to feed the trees mabso mentioned how she's looked on CafePress for ADF merch. And this made me think how much I too would love an ADF shirt!

And it made me think of this shirt:

(yes, that's me)

Only it would say:

Vamps Love Bears

A Different Forest

(They Taste Like Human)

and just reverse that image and I thought it would be a fun shirt!

SO, what tshirt or other ADF merch ideas do YOU have!? What would you put on a shirt?

p.s. could a Ranger add some awesome tags for me please? Idk why I never can, but I just error messages. Thanks! :)


Feed-a-Thon: Arbor Day in the Forest

Friday April 27, 2012 at 9:27 AM

Welcome to ADF's FEED-A-THON 2012

In celebration of Arbor Day today, the US holiday set up to plant and care for trees, we are holding a very special event and we would like every one of you to take part. We are not asking for money, we are not even asking for your talents. We are asking for a little bit of time. 

We all love our forest. It is pretty, we get fancy new features and we are growing into a dense, beautiful ecosystem of our very own. But this type of thing takes care and nurturing. Trees need to be staked, they need deep watering and fertilizing so they can grow into solid foundations of our online community. 

So we are asking all of you who visit our site to help us take care of it. You can do this by making a pledge today to FEED THE TREES. A lot of you don't understand what it takes to make this forest. Heck, even I don't understand it all. But a lot of people come to visit and I would like to prove how many people love the forest RIGHT NOW.

Here is how it works. You make a pledge to help feed our forest a number of times, a number of days, a number of months, or whatever you can think of. 

There are many ways to do this:

1. Plant a seedling: by clicking on the side or the top

2. Stake a tree:Revisit more than once a day

3. Fertilize a tree: Take a little time meandering around your 'tree', seeing what it has to offer and looking around. You do NOT have to spend money. Just browse a bit.

After our recent forest fire, we really do need your help. If this sounds like a plea or begging, it kind of is. But it is heartfelt. Again, no money, no talents, just thirty seconds each time you visit ADF.

So in this campfire you will write:

I, (insert your user name here), pledge to plant __ seedlings a day for the next (time period...we want you to keep doing this indefinitely, but it is good to have a goal). I will stake __ trees a day and fertilize ___. 


First --- | >> | 643 | 644 | 645 | 646 | 647 | 648 | 649 | 650 | 651 | 1413 | 1414 | --- Last
