
Free books in the Northwest

Sunday May 6, 2012 at 6:08 AM

Hey all Brits, I missed the Freecycle campfire due to RL, but I have some awesome YA books to give away that are perfect for Campers!   I loved these titles, but I'm moving to California with only a suitcase and so they must go to a good home.

I can deliver these items to you if you're in the Greater Manchester area or in North Wales (Mold area). I can drop them at yours or at a safe public location.   Sadly, I cannot afford to ship them.  They also must go as a group, as I can only do one delivery, unless you want to pick up one or two titles from my place in Manchester, which would be cool as well.

Please see inside for the list of titles.  Thanks!



A Forest Fire Update!!

Sunday May 6, 2012 at 1:35 AM

Shock cascades through her body, sparked by his smile. His resemblance to the boy who left her in the forest so many years ago is remarkable, but there is one key difference. He is human. AU.


*happy dance*

Read it then come here and squee with me?


let's talk about jennyfly

Saturday May 5, 2012 at 7:59 PM

Yep, ME ME ME.

We're talking about me.

That's me, with a dog in my crotch.

Now I'm exhausted and cranky, and stepping into The Forest after being gone so much lately feels like I'm the awkward unemployed cousin at a family reuinion.

I have to take my finals tomorrow for a class I might not pass.

A co-worker left her husband yesterday & I brought her home with me. (Is it strange to be critical of the way a person sits on a sofa? I found myself thinking she wasn't taking proper advantage of the sofa's comfiness, and I wanted to boss her around & had to rein myself in and just let her find her own way.)

Two of my students needed a chaperone to go see The Avengers last night & I went with them. One of them has a 3 year old sister who ended up as a last minute plus-one, and she fell asleep on me.

Now you.


Can you do it?

(Also, I GOOGLEIMAGE searched "jennyfly" and got some pretty interesting results. Try it.)


I'm at a bar by myself help

Saturday May 5, 2012 at 7:54 PM

I'm a introvert music lover sitting by myself with just my iPod give me some encouragement!


A Serious Dilemma

Saturday May 5, 2012 at 3:58 PM


The Kentucky Derby is on CINCO De MAYO! WHAT TO DO, WHAT TO DO!

Do you celebrate BOTH? Neither? Did YOU pick a horse? A salsa?

Do you have a favorite cocktail recipe? I do so enjoy a smooth Kentucky bourbon over tequila. Do you agree? Maybe I have never had a good tequila. Recommendations?

Lets talk minor holidays, sporting events with hats, and drinks!


Edward/Bella (brother/sister) fics

Saturday May 5, 2012 at 3:46 PM



Hi Everyone,

As suggested I am changing the wording of my request.

I'm looking for AH Edward/Bella (brother/sister) fics where they develop RECIPROCAL and CONSENSUAL romantic feelings for each other.  It doesn't matter if they are biological or adopted siblings.

Two well written fics that I recommend with this theme are:


Can't Have You by CozItRunInMyBlood

A Brother and Sister love each other more than anything in the whole world, What will happen when lust kicks in? What will they do about it? Possessive, Jealous Edward. Strong Bella. AH/AU. ExB.

Twilight - Rated: M - English - Romance/Angst - Chapters: 8 - Words: 24,499 - Reviews: 307 - Updated: 5-2-12 - Published: 3-7-12 - Bella & Edward

Illicitus Amare by IllicitWriter 
The love that lasts the longest is the love that can never be. An unexpected attraction leads to a forbidden relationship. If discovered, both could face dire consequences, ones that society proscribes. E/B/AH/OOC Review Disclaimer
Twilight - Fiction Rated: M - English - Angst/Romance - Chapters: 15 - Words: 73,498 - Reviews: 707 - Updated: 9-27-11 - Published: 11-13-10 - - Edward/Bella



Vacation/Getaway to remember

Saturday May 5, 2012 at 12:51 PM

Thanks to all the help I got in my campfire below I am now able to start this campfire that I wanted to start yesterday! LOL

Thank you guys!


This week my mom and I went on a little getaway to Pilansberg Game Reserve/National Park in South Africa near Sun City. Can't really call it a vacation seeing as we only went for 3 days.

Being from South Africa I've never been to a large game reserve, except if you count all the times we go out on my uncle's farm looking for some kudu bucks and warthogs.

I do know of this one time while I was still in primary school that we went to a really small game reserve where they had lions and we saw how they fed them some meat, but that's besides the point!

I wanted to share some of the pictures that I took this week and to give you a perspective of how close all these animals were to us? I took all of them with a blackberry! Yes people. I could only zoom as much as the phone allowed me to.

Because I didn't have a better camera with a MUCH better zoom (or whatever you call it) I couldn't take any pictures of the hippo's and rhino's that I saw. I could only see them through the binoculars and that would have to be enough!

I'm going to post these two here and some more inside. 


I took this one of the elephant throuht the window behind the driver's side.

These are some blue wildebeest with three babies around her.

Come on inside and share some of YOUR amazing vacations/Getaways with pictures if you'd like


Adding pictures to campfires

Saturday May 5, 2012 at 11:50 AM

I know this is a stupid question and one of the most basic things that you should be able to do when you start a campfire, but for the life of me I can NOT figure out how to put a picture in my campfire that I have on my computer. *bangs head on table*

Is it maybe possible for someone to help me?

I've already been through sloner52's tutorials that he did in March, but everyone of them you had to have a url.

I have some awesome pictures that I want to share but at this stage it's just not happening!

Thanks for any help!

Little Wood Satyr

House Hunting

Saturday May 5, 2012 at 11:48 AM

I am looking at purchasing my first home and need some advice and/or tips.


I think I've found the perfect house, but I won't be able to go view it for another 2 months or so (it's located out of state). The house is located on a little over 1 acre, has a full finished basement that opens up to the back yard/field. It has a darling pond and there are woods on the property. There's even a grapevine growing on the back porch.


At the current listing price I can purchase the house in full (only because my grandmother died and left me an inheritance). However, I was told that I wouldn't get a tax break if the house was paid off.


I know nothing about closing costs or about making an offer or about any of the steps involved in this process. If I make an offer on the house and does that obligate me to purchase it or can I keep looking at other houses?


Any help would be appreciated!


Twibrary is no longer :(

Saturday May 5, 2012 at 10:02 AM

Looks like Twibrary is no longer available. It was great tool to search for fic. Anyone knows what happened?


Was this taken down?

Saturday May 5, 2012 at 9:22 AM

I've been following "Like a moth to a flame II"  I tried looking for part one, but it seems to have been taken down?  Would anyone possibly have the FIRST PART saved?  I'm kind of lost with reading some of the second part.  I would greatly appreciate it.  :)

My rec for today is not a happy one.  I kept seeing this story and put off reading it, thought it was not what I'd like to read. Well.......let  me tell you....I've had tears in my eyes and my heart is sooooooo broken reading this one.  I can take reading heavy angst, but this one takes the cake so far.  So here goes my rec for you if you want to go through a box of tissues... 

Thanks to all a head of time for your help!! Later


AVENGERS. Enough said.

Saturday May 5, 2012 at 4:23 AM

WARNING: This WILL be a spoiler CF! If you haven’t seen the movie yet, enter at your own risk!

So, I really, REALLY wanted to start this campfire a week ago, after seeing The Avengers, but then my friend informed me that it was only being released in the US yesterday.

(BTW, my reaction to that was: Seriously? That is so cool! This has to be the first time EVER that I, a girl in South Africa, will get to see a major blockbuster before my American friends!)

So, now that it has officially been released in the US, WE CAN ALL DISCUSS!!!

Tell me about your experience! When did you see it? What did you like? What didn’t you like (and seriously, how did you find something you didn’t like??)?

Spam me with your favourite stills, gifs and vids of the movie, premieres or interviews. Or just general pretty images of THOR!! (Or any of the Avengers, really. Chris Hemsworth just rocks my world right now!)

(Oh, and I would once again like to thank the rangers for all of the pretty new tags they have provided! I especially <3 all the THOR tags...)


The sad story of Woof

Friday May 4, 2012 at 11:51 PM

Now go and read this. It is short, it'll break your heart, it might make you fall in love with Edward all over again.

How was  Edward in the first years of his unlife? What did he retain of the shy teenager he had been? What happened to him to make him run away from Carlisle and Esme? Why did he think that God, if existed, hated him?

I am still overwhelmed by the insight of this little story. When you have read it, please come back here and tell me what you think. And no, the Twilight fandom is not expiring if there are still authors who can write like this.

Summary: This is the earliest story in my UE canon,written for the FAJD. In 1921,Edward left Carlisle to rebel. This is the catalyst to his departure. Ed's pov, featuring Carlisle, Esme & later Bella. o/t


some late night rage?

Friday May 4, 2012 at 9:25 PM

ugh. ok i never make two campfire in the same day, and i realize we just recently had a rage campfire but i am absolutely LIVID right now and i just need to vent right now. 

that ok with everyone? 

thought so. 

this was my day today -

1. i took my 5 year old in for her yearly physical today. they do the normal stuff, height, weight, blood pressure and we are sitting there and this nurse comes and like "we've been keeping track of your daughter's weight and she's overweight have you considered putting her on a diet?" 


this is my 5 year old - 

i am a firm believer that diet and five year old shouldn't even be in the same sentence (unless of course there is a serious weight issue, like the kid is over 100 pounds). plus the fact that the nurse giving me diet advice for a child is twice the size as my fat a$$. my child is healthy, active and i don't let my kids sit around and eat junk food, they don't get sweets, aren't allowed pop, and she prefers water to other drinks. let's just say the Dr had to come in and calm me down. i don't appreciate my small child hearing that's she's considered fat, lets at least wait until the teen years before giving her a complex, shall we?

2. i go to the hospital to visit a friend that had a baby yesterday. i am told by this rather rude old biddy that my children are not allowed past the lobby because the hospital doesn't allow visitors under the age of 14. this is the first i've ever heard of children not being allowed in (and i've been inside A LOT of hospitals) also, other friends have had babies at other hospitals and i took my kids to see them and it was not problem. "they spread infection and cause distractions."  i'm told. yes because only CHILDREN spread infections, never adults. adults are 100% germ free at all times. so i am bascially turned away from the hospital as a guest because i have children. lovely. 

3. its 11:10 pm right now and about 30 minutes ago i was happily dozing on the couch and i hear someone banging on my door. it's my neighbor. now, some quick background info; i live in a townhouse. it's 4 townhouses together, we share a backyard and a driveway. there are about 200 of these townhouses in my area. mostly filled with kids. my neighbor that just moved in a few months ago has a newborn son, and i *thought* him and his chick were cool because they are both covered in some awesome ink and have cool band stickers on their car. boy i was wrong. he has come over this late at night to inform me that my kids better stay the F out of "HIS" yard and "HIS" driveway because he's tired of the "mess" they make. he isn't "trying to be a d***" he says (though that's exactly what people say when they ARE being d***s) i poiltely informed him that all the kids from the surrounding apartments play in OUR yard, it's not just my kids. and he replies "we'll your kids are the only ones i see and you need to stop it." at this point, The Boy can sense my impending explosion of rage and starts pulling me away from  the door and i'm pretty sure neighbor boy could sense it because that was about the time he ended the conversation and walked away. i am certain he heard my profanity laced tirade through the door that The Boy was quickly shutting (i have a bit of a temper, especially when it comes to my kids) 

now i ask, what the HELL is wrong people?! please rage or make me laugh or whatever because my peaceful slumber has been RUDELY interrupted and i cannot get comfortable to save my life. 

thank you for your time. =D


I'm drinking alone!

Friday May 4, 2012 at 7:50 PM

Hello Campers!

I've had a crap week at work so I'm drowning my sorrows. I started with a Corona and to my delight found Margarita mixer in the back of the freezer and Tequila in the pantry.

Bratty Vamp used to start these great Let's Drink campfires but since she flounced and left us (might have put a bit too much tequila in the mix) I figured I would start one myself!

I'm posting from IPad and I don't know how to transfer pictures here on this thing or I would have a beautiful picture of a jumbo Margarita for you to see.

I don't have Margarita glasses so I poured the entire concoction into my insulated Starbucks cup and voila instant party!

Pull up a stool, belly up to your bar and share what you're drinking.

Robporn and Thorporn would be lovely as well!

(wise words edit care of eksmith - not a margarita, but I think it'll do.)


Kristen on Jay Leno

Friday May 4, 2012 at 7:42 PM




more pics here

In the meantime what do you think of how she looks? Excited that SWATH promo is starting aka SWATH is almost out!!


True Blood

Friday May 4, 2012 at 7:25 PM

saw these stills posted on FB, got a little excited, especially this one -



more inside. 

tell me now campers, excited for this season? i'm on the fence, myself. 

has anyone finished the latest book? i finished yesterday. on the fence about that as well. lol

come share inside!

P.S. in memory of MCA, one of my fav Beastie's songs -



Find a Fic

Friday May 4, 2012 at 7:07 PM

So I'm looking for this story for about a week now and i can not find it although if i didn't have tons load of fic in my favs this would be alot easier anywho this is what i know


Bella and Alice are roommates and bff Edward is Alice brother.. Bella used to be a dancer but when she got sick... cancer i think she had to quit now she sneaks away and does it in secret... Edward is a painter who sneaks away to paint in secret to i think.. i not sure i may be totes crossing that with last tango in forks anyways Edward and Bella fall for each other and Bella gets sick again and her mom and dad find out she had been dancing in secret and get pissed... i totally remember at one point Bella's hair starts to fall out so she goes into the bathroom to cut it all off and Edward and Alice find her and they cut all their hair off too.



Ok so its Friday... Friday got to get down on Friday :) and i know i dnt have to leave a fic rec but I so feel like I need to leave one for you guys who will take your time to help me... thing is my cp is being difficult and i can not access ffn right now but what i can do is rec you to my new music obsession because this guy with his voice like an angel has just gotten himself a new fangirl in me

His name is Kevin Daniel




and the fact that he's cute too...  well that my dears is what we call bonus points


Songs from the past

Friday May 4, 2012 at 6:04 PM

So in a few weeks is my grandmothers surprise birthday party (Shhhsss don't tell her) And I was picked to make the playlist. I have no idea what songs to put on it since my dad told me to take songs from her time and use them. So she is turning 80 so any songs until about 1970's should do it. 

I already got some songs and they may be out of the time range but I have some Frank Sinatra, Buttercup by the Foundations and Louis Armstrongs What a Wonderful World.

Any help would be much appreciated!


How much do you love this story?

Friday May 4, 2012 at 3:10 PM

Do you ever come across a fanfiction story that leaves you wondering why it's fanfiction and not original fiction? High Fidelity is that story for me. It's so incredibly well-written, and well-rounded that I'm blown away. I actually feel honored and lucky to be able to read it for free. There are so many stories with thousands upon thousands of reviews that make me wonder... why? This one deserves every positive review it receives, and more. 

High Fidelity by IReen H

Edward is an unfeeling bastard. Bella gets caught up in his games. Language and lots of it. Lemons eventually. It's a slow burn, slow and painful. Mature. Lots of random pop culture references. AH, AU, ExB.

And come on, this summary does not do this story justice. 

Let's discuss the wonderfulness of this story, because you know you're reading it, and if you're not you should be! (And if you don't think it's so wonderful, let's discuss that, too.) 

Come in, come in. 

First --- | >> | 639 | 640 | 641 | 642 | 643 | 644 | 645 | 646 | 647 | 1413 | 1414 | --- Last
