
Kristen's JKL interview

Tuesday May 8, 2012 at 4:30 AM

Kristen on Jimmy Kimmel Live

Hahahaha Jimmy totally asks who she went to Coachella with... Girly fails to mention a certain someone that happened to be there. Ah well, one day the beans will be spilt.

Part 2 inside!


They don't get her figure

Tuesday May 8, 2012 at 3:03 AM

I'm no judge of fashion (I sit here in a knobbly cardigan and wrinkled cargo trousers) but I am not sure that Balenciaga gets Kristen's figure.  

Fabulous legs, round/triangular butt, small boobs.  Balenciaga, below, hides her legs and doesn't do anything for her boobs or butt.  Those shoes look like ankle socks from a distance and don't elongate her amazing legs at all.  This seems true for both last year's Met Gala and this years.  Isn't that what a custom, off-the-rack design should do?  Flatter the client?  They are missing the point here.


Inside are some fashions that I think look good on her.  I don't have a big collection, though.  Which outfits suit her figure, do you think?  Post a pic if you like.


Scrooge McDunk

Zombies Were People Too

Monday May 7, 2012 at 7:07 PM

So I saw this on Rdio and had to share....
Songs for killing zomies!!
Some pretty great choices here, I thought. And the last track is just freakin' hilarious.
So if you had to, ahem, nut up or shut up, what would be the number one track on your soundtrack?
(my #1 track inside)
ETA: why oh why can I never get the "add tag" button to work? Halp!

Please don't hate me!

Monday May 7, 2012 at 3:55 PM

But this campfire HAD to be lit.

Comment, rage, throw things, whatever you need to do.  But ya gotta admit -- this is FUNNY!


'Fifty Shades Of Grey' On 'SNL' Featured As The Ultimate Mother's Day Gift (VIDEO)



An Italian Winter » by Raum
His rebellion began for a reason; it still holds true and brought him to Italy. His life's been predicated on revenge for decades; forgiveness seems impossible. When Edward meets Bella, only a winter separates him from his last prey & his own destruction.
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Drama/Romance - Chapters: 21 - Words: 86,873 - Reviews: 908 - Updated: 5-4-12 - Published: 11-11-11 - Edward & Bella


Edward is bi and ends up falling for Bella

Monday May 7, 2012 at 12:17 PM

I know there are a ton of fics out there where Edward is with Bella or another woman at the beginning of the story and then ends up leaving her for a man.  I'm looking for the opposite storyline.  Edward identifies himself as either gay or bi at the beginning of the story and falls in love with Bella.  My preference would be for AH angsty believable stories.

The only story with this premise that i know of is:

Soulmates Feeling Belonging » by CaraNo
Edward and Jasper returns to Jasper's hometown when Edward lands the position of Forks Hospital's newest therapist. Bella's in need of a therapist to get out of her dead marriage. You can't help who you fall for. ExJ ExBxJ ExB JxA. No angst. EPOV and BPOV
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Romance/Family - Chapters: 29 - Words: 112,338 - Reviews: 3758 - Updated: 11-26-11 - Published: 5-25-11 - Edward & Bella - Complete


Like everything CaraNo writes, it's fabulous!!




any other fics like MAD??

Monday May 7, 2012 at 11:22 AM

Are there any other AH fics out there similar to Mutually Assured Destruction?  In other words Bella and Edward are completely obsessed and consumed with each other.  

Of course I'm recommendeing Mutually Assured Destruction by Jandco; it is seriously one of the best fics I've ever read!!


Sneak Peek

Monday May 7, 2012 at 9:47 AM

Come on in and give us a peek

No challenge this week

~Don't forget to include the link to your fic~


Off the record

Monday May 7, 2012 at 6:34 AM

Damenellie recommended this and I gave it a try because I miss Palo Alto even more than pecan pie sfm. It turns out that it's set in the future and has nothing really to do with Palo Alto, but I still found it interesting.  Summary:

 "Friday, November fifteenth, 2024. Palo Alto, California. Interview with Edward Cullen, brother of missing New York Times journalist Emmett Cullen." When reporter Bella goes on assignment, what complications will arise? ExB, AH/AU.
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Drama/Romance - Chapters: 12 - Words: 61,579 - Reviews: 936 - Updated: 4-25-12 - Published: 1-2-12 - Bella & Edward

Liking the E/B dynamic. At first I was a bit surprised by Bella's behavior, but then I realized that's probably how I'd react too in the presence of, yk, Edward Cullen. Not sure if I'm getting his way of thinking and reacting though. Link HERE

Nice new/old pic FYT:


ETA: Given the issues this fic deals with and in honor of the French, my favorite Eurovision entry:


New Pictures of Kristen Arriving in NYC

Monday May 7, 2012 at 4:30 AM


Kristen looks tired.

Tired, Okay?

Just tired, only tired, and nothing but tired.


Your thoughts?


what happened to Twibrary??

Monday May 7, 2012 at 1:03 AM

I love the Master Fic List here, but I've also enjoyed the efficient tabulated layout of Twibrary.blogspot.com

i swear i still had it as an open tab yesterday, then just now - POOF, it's been "removed"!?!?!   why why why???  It's a list of story name, author, official summary, pairing etc, all categorized.  Not a forum / opinion place where people who flame each other can upset any higher power.  Perplexed ... :-X


would i still have to give a rec?

My latest link from the Twibrary was The Art Teacher by spanglemaker9.  I was looking for a TeacherWard / Student-ella fic, but most of what's rec'd on the ADF Master Fic List were either pulled or never completed, or self-pimps.  Twibrary to the rescue (although there's not subjective evaluation of the fics there... it's at least an efficient list.)


The Art Teacher
He gave me art and words and passion and life, but all I wanted was him.
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 16 - Words: 98,084 - Reviews: 6749 - Updated: 8-1-11 - Published: 11-7-10 - Bella & Edward - Complete


Was I in the wrong?

Sunday May 6, 2012 at 10:36 PM

I did my monthly cleanup of stories on my alert list.  Any story that hasn't been updated in 12 months, I remove from the list.  If there is a story that was a good ways along and/or I was really interested in, I send the author a review asking about the status.  This is typically what I send -

Just wondering if you plan on finishing this story or if I should take it off my watch list. If you do plan on finishing, do you have an idea of how many chapters are left? If not, can you give me a quick summary of the rest of the story so I know how it ends? Thanks!

Sometimes I get a response, sometimes not. Never have I gotten such a hostile response as the one I received today.  This is what she responded with. (This first one wasn't bad. It's the second one that surprised me.)

I say take it off your list. I really don't have the time to finish at the moment, for matters that really are not anyones concern. And no I won't tell you how it ends. Sorry!

First, I didn't ask the "why"'s. Don't care. As she said, NOMB. But her saying that she wasn't going to finish and wouldn't give the ending made me sad. I read the first couple chapters and liked it and was waiting for it to finish to complete it. So I sent her this -

Well, thanks for letting me know you will not be continuing this story. The "why" doesn't matter to me. As you said, it's none of my concern, not that I was asking. (I don't really need/want to know the details) Altho, it kinda sucks that you won't give a hint as to how it would have ended. You put a lot of effort into this story and I'm thankful that you shared it with us readers. I was hoping to read it anyway because the summary was interesting and the first chapters caught my attention, but without any kind of ending, well, I just don't see the point. Ah well.

Oh! And FYI, when you disable your PM's, it makes it so people that you send a message to cannot read it. Luckily, I have it set up so it also sends a copy to my email, which is the only reason why I was able to read your response. :)

I thought it was fairly neutral. I wanted to be clear that I wasn't trying to pry into her private life or was trying to pressure her and that I enjoyed her writing. I know that some readers can get kind of aggressive and demanding to writers who haven't updated in a while, so I wanted to be clear that that was not my intention. I was just curious about the status.

I didn't realize her PM's were turned off until I tried to respond back and wasn't sure if she realized that I wouldn't be able to see her reply if they were so I thought I'd let her know just in case.  It didn't make sense to me that she would reply knowing that I wouldn't see the actual message, ya know?  Apparently she did not appreciate my efforts as this was her final reply -

I not once said that I wasn't going to finish the story. All I said was for you to take me off your alert. Cos I have no intention to share or continue the story for you. And for some reason it is only you that I feel strongly about not sharing how the story will end. I guess you caught me on a bad day.
Your bad.
As for disabling my PM don't feel special, I just don't have the energy to reply to the reviews and many requests I get everyday about my stories. Lets face it if I did then I would be writing.

Not quite sure what I did to offend her other than asking her the status of her story in a polite way, but if this is the way she treats all her readers (which, when you read the last paragraph where she basically states that she can't be bothered to even thank the readers for their support, it appears she does), well, it's probably a good thing she stopped writing.

To top it all off, she then blocked me from further reviewing her story. Kind of reminds me of when my 8 yr old throws his tantrums over some perceived wrongdoing. He'll go into the office and close the door and act like we don't exist. It frustrates him further when our only response is to giggle at him. LOL

Anyway, so, am I in the wrong? Was something I wrote offensive? As disappointed as I was, I tried not to be an ass towards her. I mean, it's just a story. It's nothing earth shattering.  I was disappointed but not angry. I was only curious about the status.  But if my initial inquiry is prickly, I'd like to know so that I can re-word it in the future.


My rec for this is a story that was abandoned for a while but recently started updating again.

Lessons in Forbidden Love by xsecretxkeeperx
We always want what we can't have but their love was so much more than just temptation. So what do you do when you fall in love with a student? That's the question Edward has to ask himself as he falls for his favorite student Bella. All Human,Not typical
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Romance/Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 14 - Words: 81,213 - Reviews: 1667 - Updated: 3-28-12 - Published: 12-8-08 - Edward & Bella


Public Service Announcement

Sunday May 6, 2012 at 8:14 PM

I know there are a lot of people here who love the new Sherlock Holmes series, so I thought I'd let all you American campers know - just in case you don't already - that there is a new episode tonight on PBS. It's at 9:00 PM MST. 

This is post is not interactive (unless you want to come back after watching the episode and squee about it) and I have no rec at this time. Rangers, delete if you see fit.


I can haz some?

Sunday May 6, 2012 at 3:06 PM

Can the beautiful campers here help me alleviate my blues?

Have you ever felt your life is one big comedy show solely in production for God's entertainment? I swear the Universe is trolling me hard right now.

More inside…


(click 'view image' for larger image)

REC: PROUD by jennde - Blue-collar Dadward, lives for his daughter, works hard so he can provide her a decent life, left a promising career to raise her. Enter Bella: supposedly bitchy client of his who's been dealing with her own issues all alone. AH, OOC.


Tom Hiddleston

Sunday May 6, 2012 at 3:06 PM

My husband was all eager-pants to see The Avengers, so we went and saw it this afternoon.  I figured I could live through a Y-chromosome flick because I was willing myself to fall in love with Chris Hemsworth (since he seems to be the odds-on fan favorite to portray Jamie Fraser, my one true love, should Outlander ever be made into a movie).

Chris Hemsworth - meh.

The only thing I was able to see onscreen the entire movie (not counting RDJ, because let's face it, it's hard to miss RDJ) was this guy:


Never mind that he looks all kinds of goofy in his horned-costume or that there is no known universe where people could ever believe he's Chris Hemsworth's brother, WHAT ELSE HAS HE DONE AND WHERE HAS HE BEEN ALL THESE YEARS?  

D@mn, I love me a good villain.  (He totally would have made a hot Aro, just sayin').

(To make this more interactive, have you ever gone to see a movie starring "insert big name actor/actress here" and found yourself fixated on "insert minor character here" instead?)


Found any good books lately?

Sunday May 6, 2012 at 2:10 PM

So, I was in another campfire just about two seconds ago, when I noticed something on the side of my monitor.

It was a book. A new one, by the looks of it, the first in a trilogy with the second book coming sometime this year. Anyway, I decided to feed the trees (something I don't do too often, though I'm trying to improve that) because I was curious what this book is about, and now I'm planning to see if my local B&N has it in stock.

The book?

Multiples of Six by Andy Rane

Has anybody read this, yet? This is the summary:

An old woman gunned down in her home in Texas. A hunted man tired of running. A retiree out to right the wrongs of his past. An assassin with a kill list. An FBI agent done playing by the rules. And a young man whose simple life is about to be shattered.

With the death of his mother just days prior, James Masterson is only scratching the surface when he discovers the assailant on his back porch is his brother...a twin brother he never knew he had. Now, he must gather all of the pieces to the unraveling puzzle that is his life, discover the truth about his past, and save his brothers. All five of them.

So... to make this interactive: have you read any good books lately? Or have you seen any new ones that piqued your interest but haven't gotten around to reading just yet?


This is a food pron post

Sunday May 6, 2012 at 2:09 PM

The title says it all. Post pics of your favorite food p-o-r-n. I'm totally starving and this lunchable is not doing anything for me. Show me your James Deen of the food world. Here's a little something from one of my favorite local restaurants to get us started.

Introducing the Wild Eggs House-made Cinnamon Roll...Croissant pastry dough filled with butter, brown sugar and cinnamon, baked in a cast iron skillet and topped with house-made vanilla bean icing, garnished with powdered sugar and cinnamon. O.M.G.


Fic Search.

Sunday May 6, 2012 at 1:21 PM

Hey, all!

I'm looking for a fic with Scottishward that was originally dating Irina (I think?) and Bella has a hugeeee crush on him. He loses his job or something, and is about to be deported. He doesn't want to ask Irina to marry him, so Bella offers. Irina and Edward break up and Bella and Edward end up together. 

It's split on the pov's. First half is Bella's, second is Edward's. They go to Scotland for a "honeymoon."

Emmett's Edward's brother, maybe?

I dunno, but I remember LOVING this story!

Oh, and Edward talks about his farts. All the time.

Thanks for the help!

My recc:

The Golden Giants Tour 
"Three months," he kept going in his deep voice. "You'll probably never be able to do this again." Three months, three continents, sweaty nights, an uncomfortable bed, ten men, a girl, and a bus. Bella Swan should have known better than to say yes.
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 32 - Words: 46,452 - Reviews: 779 - Updated: 5-6-12 - Published: 3-23-12 - Bella & Edward


Letz talk again about his acting!

Sunday May 6, 2012 at 11:58 AM

We in the US still have to wait another month until Bel Ami comes out...and even then, many of us will not get an opportunity to see the theatrical version, given the small size of the distribution. 

Robsessed posted this scene yesterday and I was, frankly, bowled over by it.  Rob made my skin crawl, and I mean that in the very best way.  Unlike the other clips we've been shown where he's been so charming and, well, Rob-like, in this scene we see the true, utterly despicable character of George DuRoy, and I found it bone-chilling.

The only negative thing I have to say about the scene is that Rob's face does twitch a bit too much for my taste...but I also think that is as much an artistic choice on the part of the directors as it is Rob's.  George can barely  contain his contempt for Madame Rousset; his face stills when she is looking at him, and only twitches when she's not.  I have to believe that the directors wanted that twitching face; they had to have looked at the playbacks and the dailies and thought it looked great.  Otherwise they would have asked him to try something different, gone with a different take, etc.

So I'll say it again: I think Rob has the potential to develop into a very fine actor.  Very few people are "natural" actors.  Acting is a craft; most people have to learn it through years of experience.   What he does have already is natural charisma and watchability.  IMO, Rob has the innate intelligence, curiosity, analytical ability and seriousness about the craft to make it happen if it's what he really wants.

What say you all?  :D

ETA:  I love the "I got bupkis!" tag and will henceforth use it for everything!

Tips and Tricks

Sunday May 6, 2012 at 9:50 AM

Happy Sunday morning, Fellow Campers!

From 1999 - 2005,  I ran a website dedicated to a somewhat unknown Canadian actor (with his acknowledgment and cooperation).  But in 2005, I returned to college to finish my degree and something had to give -- and that website was part of what gave.

Fast forward 7 years and I have a new job.  Part of my responsibilities include overhauling our department's intranet site.  Web design has evolved about a billion times in those 7 years.  Not only are my skills rusty, they're a bit obsolete :-(

So, I'm calling on the collective genius of ADF to help me out with tips and tricks.  Specifically, Adobe Photoshop tips and tricks (or any tricks, even if you use another software application to create web graphics).  

I'm specifically looking for ways to make things "pop" -- photos, text, banners.  I'm convinced, despite all the evidence to the contrary, that corporate design/logos don't have to be BLAH.  

And some HTML5 or Flash info wouldn't go amiss either.  If you yourself don't know any tips, but maybe you know of some killer how-to websites or great examples of good design, feel free to share links. 

Some pretty and a rec for your time!

(Mateus Verdelho, who {sigh} is apparently very  happily married and has tattooed his wife's photo on his right thigh since this shot was taken).  


Playing Footsie an oldie but a goodie by Scarlett71177.  

"Bella wonders why Edward never removes his shoes at night with her. Set during 'the happiest summer' after Twilight. E/B, one shot."

Luna StarFire

ADF Fit Club

Sunday May 6, 2012 at 9:23 AM


Good day campers!!!  How's everyone doing?  How's the daily challenge coming along?

Homework:  Any new toons or recipes you'd like to share

24/7 Support - ADF Fit Club LJ Community

Also its never too late to join in. ; )

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