
Billy Burke is a BAMF

Wednesday May 16, 2012 at 5:57 PM

Anyone see the trailer for BB's new show called Revolution?

NBC's pitch: Our entire way of life depends on electricity. So what would happen if it just stopped working? Well, one day, like a switch turned off, the world is suddenly thrust back into the dark ages. Planes fall from the sky, hospitals shut down, and communication is impossible. And without any modern technology, who can tell us why? Now, 15 years later, life is back to what it once was long before the industrial revolution: families living in quiet cul-de-sacs, and when the sun goes down lanterns and candles are lit. Life is slower and sweeter. Or is it? On the fringes of small farming communities, danger lurks. And a young woman's life is dramatically changed when a local militia arrives and kills her father, who mysteriously—and unbeknownst to her—had something to do with the blackout. This brutal encounter sets her and two unlikely companions off on a daring coming-of-age journey to find answers about the past in the hopes of reclaiming the future.

What do you think? Will you watch it?

Point of View

Wednesday May 16, 2012 at 1:14 PM

When you write, how do you decide what point of view to write in?

I've written in 1st person as Bella and 3rd person. 

If you write as the opposite sex, what makes you feel you can? I don't think I'd be able to write out a man's thoughts and be correct in them. I know how boys speak, but not  how they think.

I ask, because for some reason the Edward in my newest story keeps talking to me, so I've been writing what may or mostly likely will not become an outtake.




Wednesday May 16, 2012 at 11:37 AM

Over the three years I've been reading fan fiction, I've seen many people post about how they don't want real life people to know they read and/or write fan fiction.  Is this true for you?  If so, why?  If not, why?

I read Twilight, Harry Potter and Pride & Prejudice fan fiction and there are so many talented writers out there!  In fact, I've found myself reading published novels that aren't even half as good as some of the fan fiction I've read.  What's to be ashamed of?

I realize it can be very liberating sharing words with people who don't know you personally, but when it's art, I want to share it with everyone!  I've shared stories with my friends, family and even the pastors wife. 

I've been thinking about this often recently because a lot of real life people are asking if I've read 'Fifty Shades of Grey'.  I respond with, "I read a few chapters when it was a fan fic called 'Master of the Universe' and didn't like.  Here's a link for 'The Submissive'."

Of course, I've had to explain what fan fiction actually is to some, but I've yet to receive weird looks from anyone (I mean, no more than usual).

So, please share with me whether or not you talk about fan fiction with the people you know, or if you prefer to keep it separate and why.  Thanks!

My Rec: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/5456274/1/Empty  by Remuslives

Marriage Law fic, no yadda yadda about the new law, no falling in love/lust at first touch. Hermione needs a husband, Sirius steps up. Sirius/Hermione.
Harry Potter - Rated: M - English - Romance/Angst - Chapters: 18 - Words: 35,113 - Reviews: 769 - Updated: 6-24-10 - Published: 10-20-09 - Hermione G. & Sirius B. - Complete


Going Back in Time

Wednesday May 16, 2012 at 8:00 AM

There's something that I've noticed over the past few years of reading fanfic and I was wondering if anyone else had noticed it, too.

Many of the fic stories I've read rely on flashbacks to tell the story.  I'm not talking about quick jumps back in time to help fill us in about something that happened in the past, or Back to the Future style jumps that are truly part of the plot.  I'm talking about stories that spend half of the narrative in the present and another half in a flashback.

While there are some notable books that use jumps in time to tell the story, this is not something that you see very often in published fiction.  

Any thoughts as to why flashbacks are used so heavily in fic? 




Wednesday May 16, 2012 at 7:59 AM


How about a good ole version of HUMPDAY GAMES?

Let's play FAN-FICTIONARY for old time sakes.


Find 1 or 2 images (MAX) that are related to a fic and post them. Others will try and guess which fic you are talking about. Get creative, have fun.

PSA: When replying to someone's guess, i.e. telling them they are right or good job, to the extent possible, don't use images there. It will just take longer for the campfire to update and load and all that stuff !

Here's an example:

(Answer: Semper Paratus: That Others May Live)

Thanks for the pin ranger!

PNW Luna

Rob puts his foot down

Tuesday May 15, 2012 at 10:16 PM

Anyone see this article in Hollywood Life?

Robert Pattinson Refuses To Let Model Lick His Nipples 

"Robert Pattinson is such a good boyfriend to Kristen Stewart! During a recent photo shoot for ‘French Premiere’ magazine, R-Patz reportedly became increasingly uncomfortable with what he was asked to do and eventually pulled part of the spread entirely."

PNW Luna

Kristen Re: On The Road

Tuesday May 15, 2012 at 9:50 PM

Kristen discusses the nude scenes.  Anyone planning on seeing this flick?  Read the book?  I haven't read the book, I'll probably wait until the movie comes out on DVD.



Weekly Rec Campfire

Tuesday May 15, 2012 at 8:56 PM

Tell us what you are reading RIGHT NOW!

Books and Fanfiction alike

It can be supernatural or not, it can be a copy/paste of your reading list, it can be a flyer for the local supermarket. We don't care. 

Please link if you are reading fanfiction or give us a nice summary if you are reading a book. We also LOVE reviews, so tell us what you think of what you are reading!

Special Assignment:

Share with us your favorite fic or book from the darker side of things. This could be a vampire fic or book, a horror fic or book or one where one of the characters is just not that nice

But, as always,

ANY recs are GOOD recs in the WEEKLY REC!


Edward, Old School

Tuesday May 15, 2012 at 8:51 PM


Reading wckdqueen's Back To Basics CF down below has made me nostalgic for some sweet vamp Edward.  I feel the need for a vamp Edward who falls very quickly for Bella and then proceeds to woo her.  Extra points if they get together later in life - after high school. 

I am already reading Spanglemaker9's new fic Dog Star, and I am loving it.  I think (maybe) it will eventually fall into this category.  Fingers Crossed :)


My rec is is the story I thought of when I posted this:

The Decision by windchymes
Edward made a decision after that second biology lesson. Two years later that decision is challenged.
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Romance - Chapters: 9 - Words: 104,481 - Reviews: 2254 - Updated: 10-15-11 - Published: 3-5-11 - Edward & Bella - Complete

I adore this story.  Edward and Bella meet up in college, and he decides that he wants to pursue her, guilty conscience be damned.  So sweet all around!


Favorite Episode EVER?

Tuesday May 15, 2012 at 4:40 PM

The Season Finale of The Vampire Diaries was last thursday, which concluded 3 seasons of episode.

I want to know, what is your FAVORITE EVER episode of The Vampire Diaries?

What is your favorite scene? Favorite fanvid? Fave musical montage? Fave screen cap?

This is one of my favorites of this season:

I need some TVD stuffs to get me through the next few months of hiatus. I know you guise can deliver!
I'm gonna post more vids inside!

Holy Sh**!

Tuesday May 15, 2012 at 2:37 PM

Can you believe this?!!!!!!!!!!!!

Are they really going to do this?
This is the end of the world!
well, not really but still ..

Okay, I'm gonna go vomit and come back to you!


Edit: You guys saw this before?

I can picture him doing it better than Rob tbh :S

Back to Basics

Tuesday May 15, 2012 at 2:13 PM

So, lately, I've kind of felt like a Righteous Brothers song when I come to ADF...

You've lost that lovin' feelin'...


And dude, it's harshin my buzz

We used to be all about the fic.  New stories. Older stories. Classic stories. BIg fics. Little ones.  We were all about the fic love.




Now not so much. More and more I'm seeing CFs that were normally reserved for FFA's being posted on non-FFA days.  I'm seeing games being posted on days that aren't Hump Day, when we traditionally play our games.  And somewhere, lost in the shuffle could be a cf or two about fics.  


So, why don't we get back to basics?


Let's talk about what brought us to ADF in the first place. 

Tell me about your first~because you always remember your first (unless you were very, very drunk....but I digress...)

Tell me about the story that pulled you in.

Tell me about the story that helped you through a difficult time.

Tell me about the story that stayed with you for days after.

Tell me..tell me about what brought us all here.   

Tell me about your Fan Fiction Experience.


It's Game Time

Tuesday May 15, 2012 at 11:03 AM

Truth or Truth


The Dirty Truth

Since we can't do a Truth or Dare, So we'll stick with Truth or Truth :)

The Rules:

Ask any camper any question you want, but it has to be just one question per time.

You can't ask a question but after you comment on the CF, mentioning your gender and your age.

I know that it'll mostly if not all will be (Female) but just do it. And since the women age sometimes is Top Secret; you can say (old enough)


How to play:

You add a comment first, mentioning the above.

You choose a camper that already commented, then you ask them a question.

The question must be asked under the camper main comment, as in reply to their comment.

When a question is asked to you, you have to say the truth, and nothing but truth. OR I'LL HUNT YOU IN YOUR DREAMS! AND NOT IN A GOOD WAY. LOL! 

You can ask any camper even if someone already asked them, but only one question per comment and it has to be as a reply on the main comment, not a reply to the reply.

Got it, guys?

One thing that is really important:

The question must be about SEX, and nothing but SEX :P

Let's get started :)

The lovely EKSmith said yes :)

Bells. Just Bells.

Your delinquent chefs are back!

Tuesday May 15, 2012 at 9:19 AM

So sorry we missed last week! There is no excuse...but please forgive us and come play today! :)


What we’re cookin’...

  • Plot Bunnies! Ever have a plot bunny that needed some spice? Who said anything about too many cooks? The more the merrier, here! Bring your undercooked plots or ideas, and help others hash out their stories, too.
  • Your Characters! Feel like your characters are just skin and bones? Come chat with your friends and see if they can help you create the perfect recipe for meaty greatness.
  • Basically anything related to your fic that you need help with!



  • We’re allergic to negativity! Constructive criticism and suggestions are welcome, but please try to stay positive and productive!
  • And pilfering, too! There will be plenty of story ideas being discussed, so please stay respectful to your fellow authors by not using another's idea as your own - unless given explicit permission by the author first and then giving due credit, of course. No eating off someone else’s plate unless they say you can!


Food Bank...

  • Donations! Have some untouched plot ingredients that have been sitting in your cabinet for far too long? Come drop them off at our Food Bank and help another hungry author!
  • Pick up! Need some ingredients for your writing? See what ideas have been left for a good home.


You’ve given us an excuse to use the kitchen for the first time.

So, come on in and share your ideas! Maybe someone will have that perfect plot point that pushes your story from good to great, and hopefully you’ll be able to do the same for a fellow author!


TV & Guilty Pleasures

Tuesday May 15, 2012 at 9:03 AM


Who wouldn't love a show with this (Mayor Levon Hayes on the right):

THIS (George Tucker)


It's not secret that the show isn't Emmy-worthy material, and I often get fun of for watching so religiously, but I can't help it.  Hart of Dixie is my TV Guilty Pleasure. I have to see every episode, and if the TiVo malfunctions, it kills me!


Last night was the Season Finale and it was awesome!  Are there any other peeps out there who share my love of this show? And what do you think will happen between Zoe and the men in her life?

To make this interactive:

What is your TV Guilty Pleasure & why? Would you be ashamed to tell people (other than us at ADF, of course).  Who is your favorite character from your TV Guilty Pleasure?

Come play inside and tell me your favorites and show me the man candy from your guilty pleasures!

~this campfire was approved by EKSmith


I Learnded my ABC's and 123's

Monday May 14, 2012 at 10:21 PM

My daughter had her kindergarten graduation tonight.

I thought it would be fun for ADF to have one as well!

So, let's post those pictures! 

I wanna see pics of you dear campers when you were in Kindergarten!

Don't have one? Post that pic from when you were five or six.

Or do you have a kid that's graduating from Kindergarten? 

Or High School?

Or College?

Any graduation pics with you in that cap and gown?

Post them!

Also, for campers overseas not sure if y'all have a kindergarten graduation so share with me your local traditions!

Here's mine to start us off!

Approved by the dear EKSmith!


Pity - what to make of it?

Monday May 14, 2012 at 7:12 PM

Im reading this fic that deals with suicide/death.

Anyway, most fics out there ( which im assuming reflect the authors opinions) see pity as a negative emotion. And i dont understand why.

I dont think this is a case of lost in translation, since english is not my mother tongue.

A close friend just lost her dad and brother on a car accident (they were 56 and 27), not only the loss, but she had to give up her dream career to try to handle her father companies etc. Its a huge mess. I pity her immensely and im also very proud of how she is dealing with everything.

I dont believe it makes you less of a person if you are pitied, it just mean you were dealt a shitty card in life.'I dont see it as a reflection of someone character.

Unless you are trying to gain something out of it, some people try to leach off others and keep using something bad that happened to them to justify it. Using the sympathy card. overusing it actually.

I do understand not wanting pity to define who you are.

How come sympathy is acceptable?


The fic that made me wonder about this is:

In Justice

Reeling from a sudden and inconceivable loss, Bella Swan struggles to make sense of it. Convinced all is not as it seems, her search for answers uncovers a far darker instability than ever anticipated.
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Drama/Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 14 - Words: 68,422 - Reviews: 256 - Updated: 5-13-12 - Published: 1-28-12 - Bella & Edward

Well, this is an old question for me. Most of the angsty fics deal with the unwanted pity one time or another.

My official rec, she is known on twilighted and TWCS, but just recently started posting on ff. I try to rec less known fics around here:

A Friend of the Family by samekraemer

How does someone inadvertently get mixed up with organized crime and live to tell about it? Good question. Full Summary Inside AH/OOC/All EPOV/Canon Couples/Lemons/Violence not graphic /Language.
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 23 - Words: 156,949 - Reviews: 371 - Updated: 5-2-12 - Published: 4-12-12 - Edward & Bella








Master Of The Universe

Monday May 14, 2012 at 5:47 PM

Hello all! It's been awhile since I've made a campfire. But I'm in seen of assistance. As you can all tell by my title, I'm looking for the PDF files of Master Of The Universe. Both parts with Epilouge and Outtakes. I just finished reading Fifty Shades of Grey, and while it was amazing as I knew it would be, I'm just having a serious itch to read the originals again. Because, well it's Bella and Edward. Don't we all just a stronger connection to the lovely couple? So, if anyone has them, I would very much appricate it if you could send them to me. Just message me on here and I'll give you my email address. Thank you!


My recommendations:

1. Brighter, Appease
NEW FICTIONISTA WORKSHOP WITFITS: APRIL 2012 - JUNE 2012. started with Brighter. Now on Appease.
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Romance - Chapters: 38 - Words: 84,652 - Reviews: 4283 - Updated: 5-14-12 - Published: 4-2-12 - Edward & Bella

4. Starry Eyed Inside 
High School Fictional. No one sends Bella into a tailspin quite like Edward Cullen... but can she make him hers? The ups and downs and all arounds.
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 29 - Words: 153,224 - Reviews: 8240 - Updated: 12-19-11 - Published: 8-24-10 - Bella & Edward - Complete

(I know the second one's a little older but I just love her writing. And really, if you haven't read these yet you're cray cray.)


SWATH Premiere!!

Monday May 14, 2012 at 12:36 PM

The Snow White and the Huntsman Premiere was today in London.  Not sure how I feel about Kristens dress, but I love Charlize.  And Chris Hemsworth is always fun to look at. 

Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket


What do you all think??  Are you excited to see the movie??


Edit:  Rangers..it's not letting me tag this for some reason. 


Game of Thrones

Monday May 14, 2012 at 8:42 AM



I watched last nights episode.  It left me looking like this:



Things are getting CRAZY up in Westeros.  Come share your feelings with me!

There will be show spoilers in here. 

If you post book spoilers, please do so in white font for those who don't want to be spoiled.  

Post gifs, pics, and otherwise just use this to discuss all the GoT things. 

First --- | >> | 634 | 635 | 636 | 637 | 638 | 639 | 640 | 641 | 642 | 1413 | 1414 | --- Last
