
Summer Reading Assignment

Friday May 18, 2012 at 6:14 PM

I have a very ugly image to show you:

If you were to embiggen the image, you would see how my summer reading assignment is shaping up for my students.

I now invite you to comment and offer constructive criticism.

The assignment itself consists of students choosing a trilogy (or thereabouts), reading it, and then either writing about it critically or creatively, creating a media project around it, or item number three is yet to be determined, which is why I am meeting with the history teacher tomorrow, since we both teach AP and have to give the kids summer assignments and decided therefore to coordinate.

If you, as a high school sophomore, got this assignment on the last day of school, what would your reaction be?
What would you choose to read?
Is there something BLATANTLY ABSENT  from the list?
What would you have to show me when school resumes in August?


Ugly Dresses!

Friday May 18, 2012 at 2:32 PM

Post photos of some ugly dresses!

Vote for the one you think it's the most ugly dress you've ever seen.


Let's start with this:


Warning: Not allowed for children and people with weak hearts or sensitive feelings :P

Get inside and let's have some fun :)


Smexy Time, yes?

Friday May 18, 2012 at 11:32 AM





I DJ FOR AN ONLINE RADIO STATION (for game nerds, so let's not get ahead of ourselves) EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT. 

A couple of weeks ago, I introduced these people I game with to this:


after I was talking about it with a friend of mine.

Needless to say, this became a LOL-sensation with all the guys. 

So, tonight, I'm hosting a 50 Shades show where I'll be reading AMAZING, GROUND-BREAKING excerpts and playing smexy music. 



My request is for this type of music because I know you ladies have awesome taste. Give me something you can strip to, please. 


Oh, and if you want to include your "favorite" part of the book, please add that too. 

Diana Wolfskill


Friday May 18, 2012 at 11:18 AM

No good deed goes unpunished.

Poor Bella tries to save her mom and ends up in the hands of James.

I went to give blood and ended up blacking out and smashing face-first into the door of an elevator, knocking out a tooth, root and all.

I spent most of  last night and this morning at the ER and the dentist.

No fun!

Thank God for insurance.





I see this as something of a public service. 



What's the worst you've ever been injured?


cover me

Friday May 18, 2012 at 10:22 AM

Another campfire for our favorite music covers!

I recently found this dude....

Plus, he's English.  So not only does he have an amazing voice, he's got a hot accent.


Then there's these ladies.  While I think the girl whose singing has an amazing voice, I'm most amazed by the beatboxing.


So ladies and gents, have you come across any covers lately that you love?  If not, what songs are you putting on repeat lately?


Kristen Stewart on Elle France

Friday May 18, 2012 at 10:20 AM


larger version // this is a flipped version though original here


More inside + interview! 

What do you think of this cover?


What to make out of this?!

Friday May 18, 2012 at 9:27 AM

A few weeks ago, someone here rec'd this awesome Fifty o/s parody:


The Unlikely Meeting by giselle-lx

(If you haven't heard of it so far, or heard of it but didn't pay it any further attention-  go read! It's awesome and had me cracking up with almost every sentence!)


Anyway, I read it and then left a comment (can be found inside) and that was that.

But then last night, I got a message from someone via FF.Net, claiming they were doing research for a story about Fifty and asking whether I'd be interested in giving my opinion on it all!? (can be found inside)



It all seems so out of the blue and random.

And a bit shady, tbh.


Now, I'm not asking for advice whether I should get into that or not, it's more than unlikely that I will. However, I'd like to know what you all make out of this and whether you have maybe experienced something similar!?



Raum - What is it?

Friday May 18, 2012 at 9:21 AM

Hey there!

I've just found this website:

Does anybody know it?

It's an archive of original fic and fanfiction, but I'd never heard of it. Strangely enough, it doesn't have a Twilight section.

Your thoughts?

- Raum

Here's your rec: Ladder to the Sun ( I found this story thanks to this rec by the lovely Catti-brie Potter. AH. Very good and well written, the story is complete.


Nostalgia Music CF

Friday May 18, 2012 at 9:09 AM

I got sucked into VH1 Greatest hits of the 90's the other night and practically relived my 20's. So I started thinking of specific songs from my teens and up-

 Share along with me, my friends and add yours as well:

Freshman Year in HS 1984-85

Sophmore Year 1985-86

Junior Year 1986-87

Senior Year 1987-88




MIL....Not MIL-F!

Friday May 18, 2012 at 8:35 AM

I just added a comment about my weekend in the FFA post about my Mother-In-Law coming to town this weekend.  As I think about the madness that is my house when she comes to town for a visit, I think I probably don't have it as bad as many people do. She's in Philly, I'm in Pittsburgh, so I only have to deal with her a few times a year.  I can totally handle that. 

Tell me about Your In-Laws!

Are they the BEST EVER?  More like your own parents?  Horror Stories??  Does your spouse take their side or yours?  (Mine is always on mine--Love him!)



Friday May 18, 2012 at 8:07 AM

free for all! feed the trees, eh?

free for all means:

-you get to start a campfire for anything. ANYTHING.

-you do NOT need to add a recommendation to your campfire during the freeforall. unless you want to!

-still no nudes or filthy effing language on the front page. and no personal attacks.

-please tag your posts! we have ridiculous tags, but there are tons of useful ones. tags make searching way easier, and i get annoyed when you don't do it and put your name on this running list i have of people i'll ban in case of zombie apocalypse.

-feed your forest!

-now, tell me what your weekend plans are. i'm going to an estate sale this morning, and i think i'll go see the avengers. again.

the funniest thing i've ever seen fyt. i just watched this for the 239840712093847th time and still, it makes me cry actual tears of mirth.


Happy Birthday, Sri!!!

Thursday May 17, 2012 at 9:54 PM

So, I’m pretty sure most campers know Sri. Why do I say that? Cause she’s just that awesome! I met Sri about a month ago, but look at us now and you’d think we’ve known each other since we were in diapers!

Today is Sri’s birthday!


But she is also writing a very big exam this morning…


SO: Come inside and wish her a Happy Birthday! Or wish her good luck on her exam! Spam her with Dramione pics or inspirational quotes or banana bread/cake or A REALLY BIG HUG!!! OR… you can make use of that pretty new tag that we campaigned for earlier this week *wiggles eyebrows*


IMPORTANT PUBLIC SERVICE ANOUNCEMENT: As Sri is writing her exam this morning, I am FORBIDDING any comments from her until this afternoon!!! Hear that, bb? You may come and view your good luck/birthday wishes before writing your exam (to give you a bit of confidence), BUT YOU MAY NOT RESPOND UNTIL AFTER YOU’VE WRITTEN! :D


THIS (early FFA) CF WAS APPROVED BY BOTH RANGERS EKSMITH AND TOR!!! (lol, because I’m paranoid like that ;P)


Pimp your Stuff!

Thursday May 17, 2012 at 8:17 PM

This is the campfire of Self Promotion:


Tell us about what you or a friend write. If you beta something fantastic, let us know. If you are hosting a contest, tell us about it.

Don't be shy! Give us a link. Give us a sample. Show us your banner.

We wanna see!

Sorry about missing it last week :(



Thursday May 17, 2012 at 6:43 PM

Okay. I know the writers kitchen campfire is at the bottom of the page, but I'm desperate enough right now to be posting a separate campfire. Seriously, I feel like ramming my head against the wall...

I just sent in the latest chapter of my wip to my beta's and pre-reader, and I feel like nothing's working in this chapter. Like it's too rushed, not enough angst, too much angst, certain things just don't make sense like before. It doesn't click. Dn't get me wrong, certain things I love...but I feel like I'm getting away from what initially got me into writing this fic in the first place.

My question to you all is how you do you get through this? What do you think about when your writng a chapter, writing a point of view, or a scene?

The funny thing is, this is one of the few chapters that I've had drafted for months and have basically translated everything I wanted to include from the outline to the page. Some new things were added into the mix, sure, but the essential formula has remained the same as the outline.

So give your advice. How do you beat writers block and the urge to tear out your hair? 

REC, just in case: 

My Mate, by PrincessRachael


game time

Thursday May 17, 2012 at 4:08 PM


start a comment comparing two things

we'll choose which is better


the year of the archer for everyone's time:

Image and video hosting by TinyPic


High Fidelity

Thursday May 17, 2012 at 3:02 PM

The always beautiful High Fidelity by IReen H updated! 


Chapter 13


Discuss here. Get your pain out, if you need to. 

Or talk about the pictures painted in your heart, take your breath away prose!


Dusty Update

Thursday May 17, 2012 at 11:28 AM

Happy Thursday!

Remember to come back and discuss once you've read.



Sexy times...not so much

Thursday May 17, 2012 at 10:36 AM

So lately I've been reading a lovely little fic. It's cute, the characters are likeable, I can identify with the conflict, the writing is good, there are very few, if any, grammatical or spelling errors. There's just one little problem:

I don't particularly care for the "lemony" parts.

It's not that they're poorly written! And it's certainly not that I'm a prude (ask my husband). It's just that I feel, at this point, there's not really a whole lot of new stuff to say. I've lost count of the number of stories I've read in which the author/narrator describes the exact mechanics of how they perform particular acts (which I won't name on the front page), with some phrases repeated verbatim by different authors across the fandom. I don't require any further exposition of who puts their hands or mouth where. It's. Been. Done.

(Is this why Stephenie Meyer went all fade-to-black on us in the Breaking Dawn honeymoon? Not because of the age of her intended audience or her religious beliefs, but because she thought it was too cliche?)

So, ladies and gents, let me ask you: do you read sex scenes in stories enthusiastically or reluctantly, do you skim them, or do you skip them altogether? Why do you do what you do? If you skip/skim, do you feel like you're missing out on a psychological dynamic to the character, or do you feel you aren't missing anything important? Do you prefer graphic or non-graphic depictions of sex (or no depiction at all)? Do you wish authors would find a new way to talk about it? Does your age, level of prior experience, or current sexual activity impact how you feel about sexually explicit scenes in written fiction? Do you feel the same way or differently about visual depictions of sex in TV and film?

Mods: I tried to keep it clean, but if you feel a little extra mopping is necessary, be my guest.


Q & A

Thursday May 17, 2012 at 1:53 AM

If you could rec an author/etc.* (whose book/s or etc.* have inspired fanfiction) one fic, which would it be? And why?

JK Rowling?
 Jane Austen?
  Stehenie Meyer?
   Joss Whedon?
     Suzanne Collins?
       Assorted Actors, perhaps?
         Etc, etc, etc?

While I've got you, I'd like to try a Harry/Ginny OR James/Lily fic preferably set at Hogwarts.
Something so good you'd rec it to J.K. herself as this is my first venture into canon Harry Potter fic.

I'm in the mood for a strong/confident/cocky female character. Something canon-ish as in James pining after Lily and her ignoring him or hopeless Harry lusting after Ginny. 


*screenwriter, director, playwright, ya get mah drift. 
*movie, tv series, play, you also get mah drift.


Help Desk

Wednesday May 16, 2012 at 6:11 PM

There have been a lot of amnesia campfires this week so I figure this weekly help desk is just in time!

As always, the weekly help desk is your place to ask questions:

Did you forget the name of a fanfic?

Do you have a request for a special kind of fanfic?

Do you want to know what happened to an author or a story?

Do you have a question about ADF and how it works?

In addition to this, you can ask questions about pretty much anything at all.

Want to know how to take pictures like a pro?

Not sure of the words to a song?

Want to paint your nails tonight but are unsure of what color?

This is your campfire. Ask away! Many people like to answer!

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