
Memorial Day - whatcha doing?

Friday May 25, 2012 at 3:14 PM

We Americans are celebrating Memorial Day this upcoming Monday (sorry, all you who don't get the day off), and I was wondering - what are your plans? 

Come inside and share them, yeah? 


I'm planning a cook-out at my house with a kiddie pool outside and some good food, hanging out with friends, and having a grand time.


Your turn! :)


Leaving the Fandom the Right Way

Friday May 25, 2012 at 2:16 PM

Just an FYI - I was clearing out some of my favorites today, and found that Acciobourbon is pulling all her fics.  The note on her profile is 05-18, and she says she will pull them in a week or so.  So... maybe today?

If you're not familiar with her, she wrote the brilliant Inconceivable, as well as one of my favorite non-canon stories First Person, Present.  This Bella/Peter storyline started with her Twilight 25 collection (starts around chapter 7).  Maybe the first time I found a character that was more swoony than Edward.  There are related one-shots for both stories.

Anyway, you may want to grab a copy, although she said she would be happy to send out copies if you e-mail her.

I loved her writing, and I'm sorry to see her go, but this is the way to exit the fandom, IMO.


Yes! A Movie About The Band!

Friday May 25, 2012 at 2:12 PM

So it's apparently common knowledge now that Robert Pattinson is going to be part of a movie about The Band! As they are one of my all-time favorite music groups, I thrilled about this and am wondering what his part might be. Has anyone heard? Levon Helm, with a southern accent? His coloring and beard would work for that. Would love more info if anyone has any..and on an interactive note, what  musician would you like to see him portray if you had your way? A clip from the classic rock movie,  "The Last Waltz",  for your time - Evangeline with Emmylou Harris...and Levon on mandolin :)




Friday May 25, 2012 at 1:26 PM

I'm a big music fan. Huge music fan. Everything from country to pop to rock to whatever, minus screaming. I grew up with three younger sisters and a "fiesty" mother. I got enough screaming, thank you, haha.

Anyway, I listen to playlists based on what music I'm REALLY into atm. I'll share my playlist inside maybe?


(I'm not even gunna show you my #1 top played song on my iTunes, because I don't know how it's #1. Someone must've put my iPhone on repeat, or something... Yuck, ha.)

This is my #3 most played song on my iTunes at the moment... I don't think I'll ever get over this song...

Share, share, share!! :D


a long time ago, we used to be friends

Friday May 25, 2012 at 1:06 PM

other fandom fanfictions

so i'm finishing up yet another veronica mars marathon rewatch and for whatever reason, this time around- i'd like to read some fic for it.

anyone got anything? logan/veronica, obvs


come in this campfire and either ask for or recommend fanfiction for fandoms we don't often discuss around here.

read this harry potter oneshot if you've read the books. you will weep. 

death and king's cross and a high-larious gif and me prepping the b4g update fyt:

Image and video hosting by TinyPic


The Rosetta Stone?

Friday May 25, 2012 at 12:58 PM

Hey campers! 

I need help! 

Does anyone here speak Spanish that can teach me some phrases? 

I have an elderly woman as a patient and she comes in once a month for bloodwork.  There is an entire procedure regarding information verification that  I can't do with her because she only speaks a few words in English (hi, bye-bye, thank you & Merry Christmas).  She most often doesn't come with one of her granddaughters because she kknows me and is comfortable with me.  

Starting next month, the test she has done is going to be a completely new procedure, in addition to the information verification that I need to do with her each time.

 So, is there someone in the forest who is fluent enough to teach me some phrases so I can have at least some rudimentary communication with her? 


Love problems

Friday May 25, 2012 at 12:52 PM

Dear campers,


I put myself into a load of sh*t.


Love advice, please?


Story's inside.


My rec : The Fantasy Basket, by JenEsme - because I read it, and just fell in love with it. It's fantastic)

2 women. 2 generations. 2 marriages on the brink of breakdown. Once love fades, how can you make a marriage survive, thrive, bloom into a relationship that others envy? The best advice may come from one you're least likely to ask. AH B/E & E/C

Twilight - Rated: M - English - Romance/Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 7 - Words: 32,933 - Reviews: 137 - Updated: 5-23-12 - Published: 4-16-12 - Bella & Esme


Nobody puts Baby in a corner.

Friday May 25, 2012 at 12:47 PM

I just saw on that it's the 25th anniversary of the movie, Dirty Dancing.  I never watched this movie in the theaters but I do remember catching it on TV and loving it.

Tell me campers, what other movies out there makes your heart feel good and nostalgic?
p.s.  Patrick Swayze was so HOT in this movie.

Selena Gomez's turn

Friday May 25, 2012 at 11:59 AM

I wasn't gonna do this.

But I saw it on Funny or Die and, I don't know. I thought it was funny. I actually like Selena Gomez, so.

Anyway, I leave you all with...

Fifty Shades of Blue

And... umm. I don't know how to make this interactive. Just... I don't know. What's your favorite Fifty Shades parody you've seen so far...? 


Friday May 25, 2012 at 11:48 AM


clean your ears!


post pics from the Cosmopolis premiere in here



Can we be inappropriate for a minute or two?

Friday May 25, 2012 at 11:27 AM

Seriously though. I want to talk about p0rn. The real kind to, not like when we all drool over hot boy/men with tattoos and no shirts and call it porn. Like sweaty gross stuff that made us totally squirm and think boys were crazy when we were younger and now may still make us think that, but may also make us think other things too??? So...this CF is probably not appropriate for underagers.

I have like...questions and stuff. lol.

Come inside with me...

no pun intended, but hahahahahahaha

Also, this is what came up when I typed in 'no hot guys allowed'  - WTH internet??? o . o


+2 > -1

Friday May 25, 2012 at 11:11 AM

I liked my clever campfire title so I want to play a game about our ADF community. Mention two positive things about ADF and one negative. Only a brief statement, no beating a dead horse over something. It can be a weekly CF, a certain camper(only positive,NOT NEGATIVE), someone's avi, story, etc. Negative should be thoughtful, or humorous, but again, short. The point is to make us see that whatever bad we see here is less than what good we get from ADF. So, here's mine:


+1 The Christmas exchange was the most fun I've had for the holidays in a long time, the looks on my family's faces when posts from around the world came in the mail was priceless.


+2 My music twin, Shadowboxer, is sending me a Jack White Tshirt from the concert she went to yesterday, SCORE!


-1 All you creative reader/writers intimidate me! I've sat on my two attempts at writing for months cuz you're all so good!




I'm Sexualizing Men

Friday May 25, 2012 at 11:02 AM

That's Right.

I'm Doin' it.


Disclaimer: I actually don't find him SUPREMELY attractive, however, his lyrics make me tingley. This campfire will hopefully be NSFW. :)

So post some hotties (men or women!), post some sexy songs, post some comments about how you can't believe I'm posting a campfire about hot men after the recent discussions. Everyone's welcome!

What gets you going, ADF??

LJ Summers

Towel Day

Friday May 25, 2012 at 10:27 AM

dont panic


In honor of Douglas Adams and his epic The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, today is the day that fans show their, er, fanliness by sporting towels.

Yes, towels.

I'd LOVE to hear your favorite lines from the GUIDE.   Can you share them? Did anyone see the movie and LIKE it?  Any favorite parts (aside, of course, from the ALWAYS EXCELLENT ALAN RICKMAN who makes any role of his memorable and good!)?

Please bring your towel (pics are good if you've got 'em. I'll share mine when I, uh, have one...) and a copy of the book.

If you don't have a copy, check out the 42 Best Lines page tweeted by Random House. 


Have some F.U.N. today!

Friday May 25, 2012 at 10:18 AM

It's been kind of a rough week. Here is some absolute silliness to start your weekend off(Just because I need to maintain my level of oddness.) .
 Have a happy weekend everyone.

Common Law and Michael Ealy

Friday May 25, 2012 at 10:01 AM

I've been meaning to make a CF about this three weeks ago, but kept forgetting 'til now.

Anybody here watch the new USA comedy series, "Common Law"? It stars Warren Kole and Michael Ealy as detective partners in couple's therapy. Mostly.


It's a really great show. Super funny. Warren and Michael definitely have a chemistry (that I see, anyway).
And the eye candy isn't bad to look at either, yes?
If this show isn't your cuppa or you just don't like it as much as I do (inconceivable), then to still make this interactive, we can talk about "Suits" coming back June 14. (I follow Patrick J. Adams on Instagram and he's always posting pictures of the "Suits" set when he's not busy working, lol.)
Or we can talk about both. Or any show that's coming back this summer that you're in love with ("Rookie Blue" is one).
So, yeah. Get in here and talk about your favorite summer show. It can be on ANY network. (I'm excited for PLL on June 5th, and "Jane by Design" the same day. Guilty pleasures, the both of 'em. What are yours?)

It's too much

Friday May 25, 2012 at 9:05 AM

Really, this fandom is too much sometimes.

Whenever some poor fellow asks something or requests something different from usual routine, people always seem to attack on that person, whether in stupid sarcasm(Being a smart ass is good, but not in all situations!)  form or in direct form.. 

Why don't people understand that not all people are same, who are always free to spend whole day of this fandom, you know? They may have life and they may be coming to their twilight fandom life to spend 1-2% of the day. Most of the time, fandom doesn't give back anything, except for some fun, alright?I don't think all people realize it. 

If this CF is making any sense, then it's good. And if it doesn't... well, best.

I had already tried to move on from this fandom few weeks ago, but had continued lurking, but I think it's really time to say goodbye.


ETA: LMAOOOOO.... Everything is so predictable. All these replies are exactly what I was expecting. And this is exactly I meant by saying 'being smart ass' for no reason. 

purple edit: smart ass for no reason? you're chastising a group of people for rightfully questioning someone's behavior and then threatening to leave us. yet you stick around to see what we all say...? 


Reply to Purple Edit: I honestly don't know what was I thinking before posting this! And you know what? When I'm reading my post again, even I'm not sure if I'm able to convey what I want to, because I always have a language problem and I can never convey what I want to. Seriously, if a single person had replied me in a better way, I would have tried to explain him/her what I wanted to say.  Anyway....


ETA: This one is the last ETA and this is my last comment. You know I had really enjoyed my time here and most of the people who are replying to me didn't even talk to me ever, yet you're... Well...

And one more thing... I HONESTLY don't know what was going on here for the past few days. My comment was regarding... well, doesn't matter anyway. Believe me. I know you won't believe it, but  I'm honestly saying the truth.

I'm really hurt that I'm leaving on a note when people will laugh at me, instead of remembering some funny times with me. And I KNOW that you'll make fun of this post, too.

i made the font smaller because lol taking up 1/3 of the front page


i'm excited for a day in the life!

Friday May 25, 2012 at 8:35 AM

freeforall + a day in the life reminder

'ello, guvnahs!

it is now the free-for-all. post what you will; no permission required! (no n00dz, no curse words, no personal attacks;these never change)

also, don't forget- the "a day in the life" contest posting begins monday. take your "a day in the life" pictures this weekend! (click on the tag if you do not understand to what i refer)

now, use this CF for one of two things- either post your current "can't get enough of this" song, or maybe discuss WHAT IN THE H HAPPENED TO EVERYONE ON THE INTERNET THIS WEEK

carry on, lovelies. lookin' forward to stalking seeing your aDitL posts!

because everyone really ought to know this song for your time:


Girl seeking hilarity

Friday May 25, 2012 at 1:42 AM

Sometimes I peruse Craigslist because I want a new lamp and am way too cheap to pay more than $10 for it. More often I'm on there because so are all the creepy people and I'm mean and awful and want to laugh at them. I've seen a lot of things on that site (the kinds of things you just don't unsee), so I'm not sure why the rise in posts such as these took me by surprise:

(Click to enlarge)

Don't think I had to look hard for any of these; there's at least one a page. So come play with me (Or just come laugh). Sign onto your local Craigslist and see if it's just my city that's apparently interested in, erm,  taking these books to the next level. Screencap that craziness. POST (Don't include the title or PostID if you'd rather you keep your location a secret). Please, guys. I at least need enough to make a coffee table book.


Going to see Cosmopolis today

Friday May 25, 2012 at 12:12 AM

OK, when you read this on the other side of the Ocean I'll be in a theater to see Cosmopolis. I have to share this review because I have waited years to read something so good about Robert P. and his films. (Here I roughly translate)

The camera paints Pattinson movements - he is the real film focus, and the deformed images of his visions became ours, his fears become the viewer’s fears, as well as his phobias, which start creeping into our minds. The dilated tempo of the novel is mirrored by the camera movements, a clear indication of how the modern video clip techniques are despised (by Croneberg). The protagonist interacts with Time, exactly like Allegra Geller in eXistenz (1999) interacted with the bio-gate that linked her to a virtual reality, Here the bio-gate is Time itself, something that is masterfully managed by Croneberg, in a way he seemed to have forgotten in recent films.
This is probably one of the best interpretation offered by Pattinson, whose co actors are …(list follows)

The review - of the  typically intellectual kind -  is still an on line one, maybe newspapers reviews will be out today or, more probably, tomorrow, but, if they are as good as this one, it means that Rob has made the quality jump he was hoping for.

To make it interactive, please post other reviews you come by. I think the film has been already shown to journalists in Cannes. If I can I'll come back to you when I get home with my personal impressions. I hope, but I will have very little time and then will have to go out again..

And, hell, I am scared s***less by the description above.



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