
ADitL of pkitten21

Monday May 28, 2012 at 8:36 PM

This is my family. It's the last family photo we've had taken - last year at my #2's Pre-school graduation.

LtR: My oldest - Daniel (He's only 8 but he's already trying to get away from me.), My youngest - Mark (That's his usal pose. I can't keep his finger out of his nose.), Me in the center (I look so happy to be there.), My #2 - Brodie (I had to hold him down too.), Then there's Mr. Kitten (He's apparently not really with us... He's even happier to be there than I am!)

I'm going to take you through my day - today -  even though it's not as typical since the kids were out of school. Come on in and see what I do all day!


DiTL: Kids, A Giant Mouse, & Shenanigans

Monday May 28, 2012 at 7:48 PM

Come inside to find out what my day

was like with my 

twin nephews:

and late night fun with my sisters.


Game of Thrones

Monday May 28, 2012 at 6:36 PM

Holy freaking crap, how is this not up yet?

I just watched Blackwater. Oh. My. God.




Tyrion is my favorite, so for me this was the best episode yet.

Please talk to me about it! So much to gush about, and so many questions! I would love to hear some speculation for the finale, and favorite moments from this episode as well! What storylines are you dying to see continue?

Spoilers for the episode inside... and lets say that book spoilers must be in white font, highlight to read...unless they are about book/show differences that have already occured.

ETA: Anyone want to play Kill/Marry/Fu--er... make love, Game of Thrones style?


A Day in the Life of April09

Monday May 28, 2012 at 5:55 PM

I went to school for twenty-four years (yup, I counted twice to make sure) and went through training for three and a half years.  Then, a little over five years ago, both of my roommates convinced me to quit my job and Roomie No. Two became my boss.  Now I have two bosses--roomie number three is in charge while Roomie No. 2 is at school.


Come see what A Day in the LIfe is like for a pediatrician-cum-stay-at-home mom.


My roommate has taken up planking:


PS I hope to get all the pics up now as the boss is taking a promises in case she wakes up.


My Life is Hell

Monday May 28, 2012 at 4:15 PM

A Day in the Life of Satan!


ADitL misforMarisa

Monday May 28, 2012 at 3:30 PM

Andy Samberg wants you to come in and find out what my fam did yesterday.

You don't want to let Andy down do you?


***Edit--- I posted the pics further down in the thread bc some of the posters couldn't view the youtube video :) 


What happened to...

Monday May 28, 2012 at 3:02 PM

What happened to story ______??

After looking for news about possible updates of good stories that haven't been updated in too long, I thought this campfire might be a good idea.

So here it goes:
Are there stories that haven't been updated in too long where you're wondering about what happened to them? If so then ask about them in this campfire!

Maybe a fellow camper is in contact with the author via twitter, facebook, real life etc. and knows something about it! Or have you seen an update from an author and want to share it with others who might not have seen it yet?

and to make this a valid campfire - here are my recs:

Torn by Dooba
Summary: Bella Swan has survived a living hell, twice. She no longer speaks. Nobody ever listened. The Cullen family take her into their care. Bella fights to leave her past behind, but will she be able to let love in? AU/AH M-rated for violence, content, language
A very emotional story. Bella struggles a lot with her new life but she's making progress. The bond Edward and her have in this story is wonderful. Definitely needs more reviews!


Off the Record by belladonna1472
Summary: "Friday, November fifteenth, 2024. Palo Alto, California. Interview with Edward Cullen, brother of missing New York Times journalist Emmett Cullen." When reporter Bella goes on assignment, what complications will arise? ExB, AH/AU.
very interesting storyline, a completely different world than we know, good interactions between ExB so far, a missing Emmett - a good mix for a promising story


(ADITL) Off To A Different Forest

Monday May 28, 2012 at 2:10 PM

A Day In The Life Of TiramiSue


This is the unspectacular tale of how my ordinary day turned out be a little less boring.


Image and video hosting by TinyPic


Come in and find out what the heck I'm talking about here, if you dare to! =)


Rob quit smoking!

Monday May 28, 2012 at 1:44 PM

Yaaay for him!!  He was one sexy smoker though.

Any smokers here in the forest?  Former smokers?  

How goes your resistance?

My son is seventeen and at least eight of his friends are smokers.  My dad is 74 and has never been able to quit, though he has tried multiple times throughout his life.

We'll see if Rob can resist!  FYT:


ADitL of Becca & Hens

Monday May 28, 2012 at 12:56 PM

My day in the life was Saturday and it was a wonderful, fun, hilarious, much needed day :D


Come inside to see what;





19 women


Diana Wolfskill


Monday May 28, 2012 at 12:14 PM



First of all, I have no affiliation with this project.

I haven't even donated, at least not yet. I *am* thinking about it.

I feel that focusing / limiting / theming each issue will mean that good material will be passed over while poor or mediocre material that matches the theme will be chosen. ("We had a dragon issue last year, so the new Anne McCaffrey contribution will have to wait for Fall 2016.")

The earlier incarnation seems somewhat amateurish. Not much bang for the magazine buck. And four times a year? Hard to maintain excitement over that long a period of time.

Don't get me started on the tank top for what is essentially an online investor appeal. (If you look like you just wandered in from gardening or a day at the beach it doesn't inspire confidence that this is going to be anything close to a professional endeavor.)


This could be really marvelous. The revamped -- heh! -- magazine is going to be e-zine format, which will be a huge savings, and will pay a lot more for submissions.


A new fantasy magazine for young readers: Is there a need? Would you use it to fund a project? Have you had any experiences with Kickstarter or a similar program, good or bad?

Would you subscribe to a magazine like this for a young reader in your life? For yourself?

Would you be interested in such a magazine that was, instead, focused on adult readers and published literary supernatural erotica?

If you are an author, would you write for such a magazine?

The decision to e-pub the magazine -- good business decision? Is something lost when you don't have the printed magazine or book in your hand? Is an e-subscription to a magazine substantially different than a print subscription?



A Day in the Life

Monday May 28, 2012 at 11:31 AM

I’m so happy ADF is doing this right now, because I actually had a great weekend (i.e. worth sharing)!

We traveled back to Iowa to visit family, since I hadn’t been able to see them since mid-March (when I started my new job).  So early Friday, we left the Detroit Metro area:


(home of Comerica Park)

And traveled back to the Quad Cities in Iowa (more inside!)


Bel Ami for Freeeee (if you have the network)

Monday May 28, 2012 at 9:38 AM

FYI. HDNet Movies (Channel 746 on my Verizon Fios), will be showing Bel Ami, June 6th at 8.45pm et. I'm not sure which subscription package HDNet comes in. Some of you may have it, and be unaware.

Anyway, save yourself the $$$ if you have access to the channel. 



Hope you're having a lovely Memorial Day. 


A (Boring) DiTL of Shouvley

Monday May 28, 2012 at 9:26 AM

My day in the life was Friday. It was boring but entertaining. So a fairly typical day for me. I'll apologize in advance because there aren't a lot of pictures of my day, mostly because I spent most of it in a pharmacy and we're not allowed to take pictures. Something about potentially compromising patient information. I think they just want to suck all the fun out of my life.

How am I shamelessly going to get you click on it to my DiTL? Well first I'm going to bribe you with a picture of George.

Secondly, I'm going first, so you're going to need something to occupy yourself while all the late bloomers take their time making their campfires pretty. I'm all about getting things done quick and dirty.

Thirdly, here's a list of things you'll find me ranting and/or raving about inside:
1. Work
2. My total lack of coordination
3. The lack of competency at my local Dunkin Donuts
4. John Green
5. Hilary Swank
6. Idiot customers with stupid questions
7. Life changing hotdogs
8. Magnum bars
9. (500) Days of Summer


Sneaky peek peek

Monday May 28, 2012 at 8:25 AM

Hello :)
Come on inside and give us your sneak peeks, man
missed you guys and all your awesomenes
Challenge time: yeah, I know... you missed these huh lol
How do you think YOUR characters
would celebrate memorial day?
Cook out's?
Drunk by noon?
Lemme know how your fic characters do the holidays!
~Don't forget to include the link to your fic~
And also:

If Only You Weren't Ugly...

Monday May 28, 2012 at 3:09 AM

The Looking for Love <3 CF from a few days ago inspired me to start this one. I wanted to so badly talk up my love for one Richard Rahl/Cypher, but I could not in good conscience recommend that book series. While I absolutely adore Richard and a good many of Goodkind's characters, the plots and the writing left a bit to be desired, more specifically in the later books.

Honestly, it seemed like someone got captured in every single book (and that's saying something, as the series is 11 books long)! The author is incredibly self-indulgent, taking thousands of pages to say what he could have in probably half the words. And the final impression makes me think he was trying very hard to be clever and just fell miserably short. I can't fathom how someone could write these obscenely contrived plot lines, and then place these beautiful, diverse characters throughout. 

So here's my question to all of you:

  • Have you ever been so in love with a certain aspect of a book or series that you wanted to rec it, but something about it just stops you?
  • Maybe there's a TV show or movie that has the most captivating script, but the lead actor is a complete moron.
  • Maybe that novel you read has the hottest sex scenes, but everything else about it reeks of day old cheese.

What is your, "It's so good! If only it wasn't . . .?"


Looking for this story

Monday May 28, 2012 at 1:22 AM

Really want to read : Full Disclosure by Betty Smith

Can somebody help me?


Thanks :)

my fanfic rec :

This is my take on Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart's relationship, starting at the Twilight auditions. I will make it as real as possible, using actual events and things from their life that they have let people know about. RPOV and KPOV.

---> really enjoy reading it :D


i'm sure they have a place for you, too

Monday May 28, 2012 at 12:38 AM

wtvoc vs. zombies


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as of 7am eastern monday morning, the contest is on until midnight thursday! don't forget to comment in all the posts, too. two lucky random commenters can also win!

now come in here and see what was a lazy day for me and mine. and listen to this song, it's really good.


Common Threads

Sunday May 27, 2012 at 7:29 PM

I've been thinking about Common Threads in stories I enjoy and wanted to know if other campers felt the same.

1) If you think about  3 or 4 of your favorite stories, are there any common themes/threads between them? (Don't go run to scan you fav's on just think of the stories you've enjoyed the most off the top of your head.)

2) If you're a writer do you write what you like to read or go a completely different direction?




Anyone know this fic?

Sunday May 27, 2012 at 6:24 PM

I know this fic was popular at one time or another, but I can't remember the title. I believe Edward is a Hollywood actor, or something like that.  Bella is his assistant, and she's in love with him, but I don't think he knows...

It's something along these lines... ring a bell?  Sorry I don't have more detail.


My rec is the following:  Off the Record by belladonna1472.  

First --- | >> | 627 | 628 | 629 | 630 | 631 | 632 | 633 | 634 | 635 | 1413 | 1414 | --- Last
