
Weekly Rec Campfire

Tuesday May 22, 2012 at 5:46 PM

Tell us what you are reading RIGHT NOW!

Books and Fanfiction alike


Please link if you are reading fanfiction or give us a nice summary if you are reading a book. We also LOVE reviews, so tell us what you think of what you are reading!

Special Assignment:

Tell us about your favorite fanfic character ever... or your favorite fictional character in general.

But, as always,

ANY recs are GOOD recs in the WEEKLY REC!


My Sweet Variable...

Tuesday May 22, 2012 at 5:35 PM

Oh my.  I've kind of fallen head over heels in love with this story, and it makes me wonder if there's anything else out there like it?  I'm sure there is, but I haven't any idea what those stories might be.  Anybody have any recs for me?  Recs that include romance\mystery\intrigue?  I think what's attracting me most to this story is the element of the unknown.  It's not the same old predictable storyline.  Of course, her characters are very endearing, especially young Edward, but it's equal parts characters and plot that are drawing me in.  So, fire away, and for my part, I'll rec the following:


My Sweet Variable by LifeInTheSnow


He white-knuckles his pen, dragging a line of ink across the page. I can guess which passage he's marking: "All things truly wicked start from an innocence." Hemingway wouldn't have known about us. No one does. Teenage E/B, AH, quasi-dystopian.

Olly Olly Oxen Free by Dandelion Mind

(another story that has me sitting on the edge of my seat, anxiously anticipting that next update)


Until the murders, it was difficult to enjoy anything in this dull town. Now CSI has nothing on my life, and I have my own killer to catch. I just wish I didn't have another mystery to solve. Bella. Just as puzzling, only infinitely more annoying. AH ExB


You get what you pay for...

Tuesday May 22, 2012 at 2:08 PM

I'm soooo tapped out story wise. I can't find anything satisfying to read and I've come to believe i've read everything worth reading in the fandom : (  I've followed rec's and wondered (why, why would you rec that) and I no longer fic dive.  My post is a downer...not meant to be a mean-er.  Life just sucks the big one at the moment and finding anything good to read would be awesome. 


REC (posted by OP inside) Farewell:  http://m.fanfiction.net/s/4715816/1/


Out of the Loop

Tuesday May 22, 2012 at 12:03 PM

Hi:) I haven't been around ADF for a while - a few months, at least. It looks like I've missed quite a bit...

I'm a manager at Barnes & Noble and work is hectic right now, somewhat thanks to Hunger Games (Where are the paperbacks copies of Catching Fire and Mockingjay?) but primarily because of the frenzy surrounding the Fifty Shades of Grey trilogy. Right now, as most of you probably know, it's holding down the #1-#3 placements for bestseller trade paper. That's kind of old news really; it's not moved for weeks. I can't even keep it fully stocked on my shelves. When I ring, every other transaction contains one if not all three of the titles. This is HIGHLY unusual. HG does well still, The Help and Stieg's books sold and sold and sold. That sell through rate was steady. FSoG is outrageous. 

We also haven't received ANY complaints. NONE. That is crazier than the sell through rate, considering the content and how people love to complain. 

Moving on.

I heard about the book before I realized it was fanfic (everyone and their mother, literally, wanted to buy/preorder it). I hadn't read Master of the Universe (once I finally wanted to it had been removed for publication.) When I finally found out this crazy popular fanfic was being published, that the author had received seven figures for the trilogy and was proudly acknowledging the origin of the work I was PROUD. I've never needed anyone to understand my love of fanfic. I'm open about it. I've written, read, beta'd, judged, etc - just like all of us. Then, this woman takes her fic - from this world that is taboo and misunderstood but utterly mine!:) - and gets it PUBLISHED. I loved every single element of - what I consider to be - this fandom success story. Outside publication isn't the point of writing a fic; it wasn't for me anyway. But, the idea that it could happen boggled my mind. She made it HAPPEN. 

Now the point: It seems like I am very much alone in my excitement. 

I read through past Campfires and comments. Everyone seems pretty annoyed/tired of/put off by/done with FSoG. I know ADF was drowning in MoTU stuffs for a while ... that got old. For everyone. But ... this is so much bigger than a overexposed fic or a popular new book. This is a flagship moment. We could see anything come from this. 

Am I the only excited one? Am I just way too late to the party? Have the streamers fallen down and the champagne bottles run dry? Maybe. 

I'd love for someone to enlighten me. Tell me if I just missed the Campfire that raved about this unlikelihood happening in our neck of the woods. Tell me. Please?:)

(I'm a little sketch on the rules - out of the loop remember - but considering this long winded campfire is directly relating to ADF, publishing and this sweet little world of ours, I hope I'm cool posting.)


Pattinson: I’m ‘Ready’ To Move In W/ Kristen

Tuesday May 22, 2012 at 11:18 AM

Just saw this :

Robert Pattinson: I’m ‘Ready’ To Move In With Kristen Stewart


Do YOU think Rob and K-Stew will move in together soon, Campers?

Or like some saying '' it's old news and they are already living together'' ?

I don't know which one is true!

Do you?


Tuesday Cookoff!

Tuesday May 22, 2012 at 10:37 AM

And the Plot Thickens...

A cooking ground for writers

What we’re cookin’...

  • Plot Bunnies! Ever have a plot bunny that needed some spice? Who said anything about too many cooks? The more the merrier, here! Bring your undercooked plots or ideas, and help others hash out their stories, too.
  • Your Characters! Feel like your characters are just skin and bones? Come chat with your friends and see if they can help you create the perfect recipe for meaty greatness.
  • Basically anything related to your fic that you need help with!



  • We’re allergic to negativity! Constructive criticism and suggestions are welcome, but please try to stay positive and productive!
  • And pilfering, too! There will be plenty of story ideas being discussed, so please stay respectful to your fellow authors by not using another's idea as your own - unless given explicit permission by the author first and then giving due credit, of course. No eating off someone else’s plate unless they say you can!


Food Bank...

  • Donations! Have some untouched plot ingredients that have been sitting in your cabinet for far too long? Come drop them off at our Food Bank and help another hungry author!
  • Pick up! Need some ingredients for your writing? See what ideas have been left for a good home.


You’ve given us an excuse to use the kitchen for the first time.

So, come on in and share your ideas! Maybe someone will have that perfect plot point that pushes your story from good to great, and hopefully you’ll be able to do the same for a fellow author!



Tuesday May 22, 2012 at 2:55 AM

Hello dear campers!


I've been away for some time now. I'm deep down in finals et 100 pages-papers I've got to write, and I my eyes did not allow me to read anything fanfiction-related lately. 

So imagine how surprised I was when, instead of studying this morning, I went to my favorite forest (the only one I want to go to, actually) and found so much anger!

What's the heck is going on, dude?

(Well, I'm not sure I want to know, and I'm kind of scared to ask, since rangers seem to be on edge about this deleted campfire...)


I really think some people need a reality check. And guess what?

So am I!


it's been a while now since I read a fic, and I couldn't understand the thing that was making me close a fanfic window as soon as I opened it. I think I found out why.

I'm tired of seeing the same old stuff. I know, I know, it's a tough thing to say, considering the actual climate in the forest, and if I'm bored, why don't I leave the Forest and do all the things I should do instead (like studying, paying my bills, bla bla bla)? 

There's not an inch of meanness behind my words, I promise. But I wonder. The Twilight fandom is one of the largest, most prolific and diversified fandom I ever explored. I never, ever saw any other fandom staring the initial characters in so different situations, or in situations that are so very far from the original. I believe Twilight fan are incredibly inventive and creative and obviously talented to come up with genious ideas and develop them.

I'm pretty sure there's no temper Bella or Edward have not been given, like there's no job they haven't exercised, and their meetings are so freaking varied...It's like Barbie: Bella does every.freaking.job. She's like a chameleon.


But what about the realistic stuff?


The Twilight fandom have been so keen on writting fantastic and dreamy fics : isn't there some serious lack of reality?


I want Reality. I want something I can identify to.


  • Worldwide Economic crisis
  • Realistically Struggling relationships between parents and children
  • Realistic sex scenes (Edward not fussing about how incredibly warm and beautiful and tight Bella is)
  • Realistic love relationship (Boy meets girl and relaity happens instead of I-saw-him-on-hour-ago-I-want-to-marry-him)
  • Realistic situations
  • Realistic complications too! 
  • Reailstic in-laws (no, every mother-in-law isn'tin love with her son's girlfriend...

I know it doesn't seem dreamy, but isn't creating an incredible and imperfect relationship in reality the real magic?


To give you an idea, here's what I'm talking about : Dusty has a pretty genuine atmosphere, Rochelle Allison's Starry Eyed Inside and Volition too. This is what I'm talking about.


Can anyone rec me something real? 

Do you think the fandom, in wanting to keep the dream, lost the necessary amount of reality?


(He's freakin' hot, and he's real)


To stick with the topic, my rec will be realistic : The Tutor, by Itzmegan73

New student Bella Swan needs to break out of her shy exterior and her guidance counselor has the answer: tutoring. And Bella is too new to know she shouldn't want to tutor Edward Cullen.
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 35 - Words: 167,455 - Reviews: 6083 - Updated: 12-25-10 - Published: 4-18-09 - Bella & Edward - Complete

If, somehow, there's still people who didn't read this, well, this is your cue. 

Ranger Edit:  Slightly edited to keep it clean for the front page.  Inside the campfire is open, but the front page, we like to keep clear of debris.


She had a dream?

Monday May 21, 2012 at 11:26 PM


Has anyone seen the film adaptation of Dodie Smith's I capture the Castle?  
I watched it the other night and was struck by the many similarities to Twilight, too close to be entirely coincidental.  I'm not crying plagiarism here, I just find it interesting that this may have been inspiration for the book.  
-It was this particular scene, with the lovers in the forest and a bed of bluebells below them that made me sit up and take notice.  Look familiar to anyone?  
-The dreamboat in the clip is played by none other than Henry Cavill, who was Stephenie Meyer's #1 choice to play Edward.  
-Later on in the film, there is a scene where the heroine Cassandra dances to Clair de Lune.  
-I did some half-assed internet digging and according to the Twilight wikipedia page, Meyer's inspiration for the book came from a dream she had on June 2, 2003.  The film came out in May 2003, so the timing is right too.
Soooo...what do you think?  Am I totally delusional and seeing things that aren't there?  Is this old news?  And also, if you haven't read I Capture the Castle, do it!  Beautiful and dreamy and timeless and gah, I cannot say enough good things about it.  The film adaptation is also lovely, as is Henry Cavill's face.  I do have to warn any Buffy fans out there that Marc Blucas aka Riley is in it, doing what he does best, which is being lame.  But I digress...


Monday May 21, 2012 at 9:37 PM

Looking for a historical fic. Two-shot I guess. Edward is a prince or something like this, and he lives in a castle with his servants. Marcus comes to visit him, and convinces Edward to take one of his female servants to pleasure. Marcus leaves, and Edward sees Bella in his castle (I think she hits on him accidentally) and becomes obsessive about her. One night, he takes her virginity. Some time later she gets pregnant, and a vident tells her that she only can survive if her master loves her. She thinks she will die, but Edward tells her what he really feels and they end up happy.



His Cimmerian View

At 13 Bella is left to care for her siblings. 5yrs later she still struggles to provide for them. Edward is a professor at UW, who thinks all women are users and liars. When paths cross, what happens when Bella is just another female who lied. AH/OOC/18
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Angst/Romance - Chapters: 19 - Words: 167,776 - Reviews: 2238 - Updated: 5-17-12 - Published: 1-12-12 - Bella & Edward


I <3 this book

Monday May 21, 2012 at 7:23 PM

Someone (or several someones) here in the Forest rec'd this book more than once.  I hurried off to download it (for 99 cents, no less) and then ... ignored it.  For, oh, about 2 months or more.  Finally, I HAD to have something new to read, and gave this a shot.  

Oh goodness, I love this book.  I was surreptitiously reading it on my phone most of the day today, I couldn't put it down!  Mind you, it's NOT perfect, but it is kind of an interesting twist on the whole apocalypse them, and I will be very interested to see where the author takes the story.  (As an aside, as books so often do, this one caused a mini-research frenzy last night when I found myself looking up the Nephilim and then demons and then I landed on some website that talked about aliens mating with humans and building the pyramids and THEN I scared myself worse than the times I had to sleep with the lights on because I saw The Mothman Prophecies so I was afraid to sleep outside the covers and was HOT all night which culminated in me having a nightmare about Don Freaking KNOTTS eating all of my grandmother's Christmas fudge and it was so not a good night)!!!

But the book is great ...


If you like the Hunger Games, you might just like this too.  I really like Penryn, the protagonist.  

Have you read this?  Do you know of any other good books that are "angel-themed?"  Does anyone know when the next installment of the series is coming out?



Monday May 21, 2012 at 7:07 PM

Yes, I am dancing in my seat with "Hammer TIME" now playing in my head. I'd add a gif of Mr MC shaking his thing but I am gif-challenged. Maybe I shold start a support group for those of us that have this affliction?


ANYWAY, music. Music is my life. When I was young and irresponsible I would often choose a new CD over veggies in my diet. My CD collection is massive - not Terrabytes massive but give it a few more years. Why has music come up? My dear, sweet, loving and still living child managed to corrupt my hard drive and lost everything. I had most of my documents backed up, and part of my MP3 collection. My external hard drive had given me problems with te last back up and HONEST I was gonna get around to fixing it but ... life happened. So here I sit at the diningroom table re-ripping my CDs.

Normally with these thread it's the ever lovely LJ Summers in charge (I think). She has us post the first number of songs that come up on random in out music players. I'm thinking thirteen is a good number.


To make this clearer - get your music player up and running, click "random" and post the first thirteen songs that play. NO EDITING. Let your musical freak flag fly! My songs, limited as they are, will be on the inside of the camp fire : D


Editing to add ACK, I forgot to get Ranger approval. Let me message someone and hope they aren't sick of messages from campers.

i approve, you. 



Monday May 21, 2012 at 7:04 PM


When it comes to the point where I, the invisible Ranger, am approached by like EVERY OTHER RANGER (almost) all in the same day -- I mean, how did everyone even find me?-- then something's gotta give.

It's finals time, I'm grading papers, I just got home, my pb&j is drippy, and I'm cranky as all geddout.


Now, everyone play nice and stop making ME of ALL PEOPLE get involved!




  • You know that show you like that was canceled this season?
  • Yeah, well I'm the one who got the network to axe it.


  • You know that guy who could sing like an angel but got voted out of like the 3rd round of American Idol?
  • Yeah, well it was all the jennyfly influence.

Get the idea?



We Were Here

Monday May 21, 2012 at 6:08 PM

I don't have a banner for this one, but someone discuss this update with me! So good!


Chapter 22 Chrome


Cracks in the Pavement

Monday May 21, 2012 at 6:04 PM



Chapter 18



Monday May 21, 2012 at 5:27 PM

bad couple of days in the forest.

i have gotten more PMs since yesterday afternoon about the stupidity inherent in THAT campfire than i have all year.

everyone is concerned over the rude words and dickish behavior of a few people, some of whom saw it fit to leave the forest and ARE STILL COMMENTING.

so it all stops now. you are never going to change anyone's mind, so at this point, all you're doing is calling each other out and being catty. you're just trying to be eloquent while doing so.

if you want to talk about this, awesome. fine. please do it somewhere else.

keep it off ADF. or i will actually hit "submit" on the ban button that i've been hovering over for about three hours now.

and so help me god, i'd better not get any comments in this post saying YEAH PURPLE RANGER or what the hell ever. if you don't know to what i refer, consider yourself lucky. i'm not going to tell you, so ask someone else.

i don't wanna hear it. the post has been saved and i will be perusing it and taking notes on who said what and from what IP they hail.

consider yourselves warned. i hope you're pleased with yourselves.

i have three kids that i grew in my uterus that i can yell at just fine, i don't need grown up ones on the internet, too. 



Monday May 21, 2012 at 4:56 PM

First off, let me start by saying that I'm sorry if this is the wrong time to post this campfire and I hope this one isn't deleted.  I'm new to this site and not quite sure how it functions.  I just know that there are free-for-all(?) weekends, but I'm not sure what you can post during weekdays.  Sorry rangers if I'm going to have to trouble one of you into extinguishing this campfire.

However, if this post is allowed to stay does anyone know of any stories similar to TallulahBelle's Elemental?  For those who don't know, in this story Bella and the rest of the gang have the magical ability to control earth, air, fire and water.  I love the magic element to this story about being able to manipulate the elements and would like to read another similar story.  I also liked how the characters were able to recognize their soul mates once they turned 18 and had a "bonding ritual " (hehe) occur once they learned they were each others true soul mate.

So, does anyone have any magical recommendations? Please no selkies, angels or other mythological creatures!  I really just want to read about a witch Bella.  The magic does not have to deal with the elements but it would be preferred.  If you can't think of any stories like that, does anyone know of stories involving imprinting in characters who are not werewolves? 

Sorry if I seem really picky, but these two plot points were absolutely fascinating to me and I would love to read more stories like this.

In honor of the upcoming summer Olympics my story recommendation is Going for the Gold by bethaboo.  Summary: Edward Cullen, an Olympic swimming star, goes to Beijing with winning gold medals on his mind, but is distracted by the beautiful but clumsy reporter he meets on his way.


It's (Fun) Time

Monday May 21, 2012 at 1:40 PM

Celebrities Fail

Post a pic of a celebrities doing something funny; posing silly, bad make-up, scratching butt lol, or just some funny fails that has something to do with celb etc ..

Let's start with this :


this CF only meant for laughs, okay? Please no one get offended and upset if anything happen here, PLEASE! I only mean well!

Approved by our lovely Ranger : Tor


The Prince of Winterfell

Monday May 21, 2012 at 1:22 PM

GoT Time, ladies and gents!


Come in here and discuss season 2 episode 8, the whole series, the books, how hot Jon Snow is - whatever you want.  


There will be show spoilers in here.

 If you want to post book spoilers, please do so in white font for those who don't want to be spoiled.  


Only 2 episodes left this season (I think?) - NOOOO!


Bring your gifs and pics and stuff too.  

The more the better!



SWATH Cast Reads 50

Monday May 21, 2012 at 1:06 PM

Apologies in advance for the strange formatting. Sometimes I have a hard time with videos in here. Don't know why.


Anyway, Charlize = AWESOME. I'm no fan of 50 but I would pay to watch a one woman show of her reading these books especially if she groped audience members like she kept trying to grope this guy.

And I though Kristen said in an interview elsewhere that she had read Wide Awake? Am I wrong?

Trying to think of how to make this more interactive without saying post funny videos since we've already done that in the last 24 hours...

Have you ever gotten freaky deaky on public transportation? Get caught doing it?

Who do you want to see read 50? Who do you think has done the best reading of it?

Anyway, here's the video:




What happened to Halawia?

Monday May 21, 2012 at 11:29 AM

I was about to compile a list of faves for another campfire and I discover that Halawia stories are all pulled. Plus, there is nothing in the Forest about her.

What the heck happened? Can somebody tell me? And has somebody a copy of Poison in me? (PLEASE PM me if you have a copy). I am so shocked.



Here is a rec if I must (But I think my post is Forest-relevant)

Shelter, by moirae

Summary: Bella never made it to Forks, never met Edward, never fell in love.
As a student at Emerson College, she is passionate, smart, and desperately
lonely. Until someone catches the scent of his singer on the air . . .

First --- | >> | 631 | 632 | 633 | 634 | 635 | 636 | 637 | 638 | 639 | 1413 | 1414 | --- Last
