
Girl seeking hilarity

Friday May 25, 2012 at 1:42 AM

Sometimes I peruse Craigslist because I want a new lamp and am way too cheap to pay more than $10 for it. More often I'm on there because so are all the creepy people and I'm mean and awful and want to laugh at them. I've seen a lot of things on that site (the kinds of things you just don't unsee), so I'm not sure why the rise in posts such as these took me by surprise:

(Click to enlarge)

Don't think I had to look hard for any of these; there's at least one a page. So come play with me (Or just come laugh). Sign onto your local Craigslist and see if it's just my city that's apparently interested in, erm,  taking these books to the next level. Screencap that craziness. POST (Don't include the title or PostID if you'd rather you keep your location a secret). Please, guys. I at least need enough to make a coffee table book.


Going to see Cosmopolis today

Friday May 25, 2012 at 12:12 AM

OK, when you read this on the other side of the Ocean I'll be in a theater to see Cosmopolis. I have to share this review because I have waited years to read something so good about Robert P. and his films. (Here I roughly translate)

The camera paints Pattinson movements - he is the real film focus, and the deformed images of his visions became ours, his fears become the viewer’s fears, as well as his phobias, which start creeping into our minds. The dilated tempo of the novel is mirrored by the camera movements, a clear indication of how the modern video clip techniques are despised (by Croneberg). The protagonist interacts with Time, exactly like Allegra Geller in eXistenz (1999) interacted with the bio-gate that linked her to a virtual reality, Here the bio-gate is Time itself, something that is masterfully managed by Croneberg, in a way he seemed to have forgotten in recent films.
This is probably one of the best interpretation offered by Pattinson, whose co actors are …(list follows)

The review - of the  typically intellectual kind -  is still an on line one, maybe newspapers reviews will be out today or, more probably, tomorrow, but, if they are as good as this one, it means that Rob has made the quality jump he was hoping for.

To make it interactive, please post other reviews you come by. I think the film has been already shown to journalists in Cannes. If I can I'll come back to you when I get home with my personal impressions. I hope, but I will have very little time and then will have to go out again..

And, hell, I am scared s***less by the description above.




i'm a pimp in every sense of the word, *****

Thursday May 24, 2012 at 4:32 PM

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it's that time of the week, campers!

the pimp campfire is your dedicated spot to promote whatever in the eff you wanna promote.

yourself, your friend, your barber, your fic, your etsy site, your blog. anything!

show us the goods, babies.

include descriptions, links, pics, vids, whatever you need. pimp that ish, tricks.

i'm pimping three things today:

-feeding the trees

-the "a day in the life" contest that starts monday

-camper lime, who baked some AMAZING cookies for me from the last freecycle. i just ate the rest of the espresso chocolate almond toffee shortbread, omgggggggg


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now whatchoo waitin' for, campers? pimp it up~


Hi :)

Thursday May 24, 2012 at 3:39 PM

I have time to myself for a hot minute.

what's everyone been up to? what's new?

come talk to me.


i've been busy with this guy:



max from the wanted thanks you for your time


Original Fiction - one shot

Thursday May 24, 2012 at 3:22 PM

Hello! I have a friend who writes Original Fiction one shots on her blog. I read one today, and I was so moved that I had to share it with you guys. Please go over and check it out. THERE MAY BE TEARS IN YOUR FUTURE!

To make this more interactive: What do you think of the one shot? Did you understand who the Groom is supposed to be? In addition, have you ever written an original fiction one-shot? Are you working on your own original fiction story?

Here's my rec:

I remain, Yours. By Momatu. Bella is unexpectedly given an antique desk that once belonged to Edward, and in it she finds a letter he wrote to his cousin in 1918. She responds and sets them off on a journey neither could ever have expected...


Please stop unauthorized sharing

Thursday May 24, 2012 at 1:43 PM

I am writing this to BEG people to PLEASE stop sharing copies of my *RANGER EDIT - USERNAME REMOVED* stories. They were all pulled from the web in 2009 due to stalking concerns. There has not been a problem with UNAUTHORIZED copies of my stories being posted until the past 3 months or so. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE, for my own safety, STOP THIS.

Thank you.


*All names/story links will be removed from this campfire - your comments may be edited for that purpose alone....if I missed any, kindly remove them!*


Dusty Update

Thursday May 24, 2012 at 11:57 AM

Happy Thursday, everyone! Dusty updated! XOXO



Thursday May 24, 2012 at 2:14 AM

Just wanted to leave some Robsten cuteness here...

Kisses inside...

Will they make it to BD2?

Edit: Thank you for the edit, and sorry for not making this interactive. I think the epicness of the moment when we're getting the PDA after 3 years of them hiding was big enough to just leave it here like this. But, yeah I broke the rules so I'm sorry <3<3<3


Rob acknowledges first movie

Wednesday May 23, 2012 at 11:53 PM

and idc if I'm the only one that adores it. Him saying good things about what Catherine created warmed up my heart.

"we're allowed to do s****y things from time to time! *laughs* (he means Twilight, guys)

Not everything needs to be throwned away in Twilight. The first one was beautiful ...

RP: I agree. I saw it again recently. Catherine [note: Hardwicke, the director] is really talented. She directs and she's an audience member too, the kind that shivers when two characters kiss, and jolts when it's scary ... The first one was beautiful because it surprised: Catherine was in left in peace to film this little movie that no one cared about. the studio took less risks for the following movies. I find the mixture of erotism and prudery really strange. It's hard to do and sort of Cronenbergian. The characters don't have a happy and nice enough relation with bodies. It's really tortured."

Full interview in the comments. Link to Pattinsonlife HERE

Classic Twilight FYT. Prefer a gif, but I'd posted it in a different cf

ETA: Oh well, just the tip first


Help Desk

Wednesday May 23, 2012 at 8:02 PM

There have been a lot of amnesia campfires this week so I figure this weekly help desk is just in time!

As always, the weekly help desk is your place to ask questions:

Did you forget the name of a fanfic?

Do you have a request for a special kind of fanfic?

Do you want to know what happened to an author or a story?

Do you have a question about ADF and how it works?

In addition to this, you can ask questions about pretty much anything at all.

Burning Questions?? WE HAVE ANSWERS!

This is your campfire. Ask away! Many people like to answer!


Lost Fic

Wednesday May 23, 2012 at 7:58 PM

I'm looking for a fic that I can't remember the name of. I thought it was Homecoming but apparently it's not. It's a B/E AH fic. All I know is that Emmett is Bella's brother. He and Edward are at school I think. Anyway he comes home with Edward and finds Bella on the front steps asleep in the rain. Renee sent Bella to live with Charlie but didn't let anyone know ahead of time. Emmett and Edward take her to Ed's to have Charlisle look after her. I don't know much more. Does this sound familar?

For my rec since I got them mixed up and it just completed

Homecoming » by dontrun

Bella's childhood spent with her mother has left her shy, socially isolated and scared of her own shadow. Her life is turned upside down when she is sent to live with the Dad and brother that she never knew she had. Can she overcome her past?
Twilight - Fiction Rated: M - English - Romance/Family - Chapters: 37 - Words: 182,408 - Reviews: 3035 - Updated: 5-23-12 - Published: 12-13-09 - - Bella/Edward - Complete


i read the news today, oh boy.

Wednesday May 23, 2012 at 3:22 PM

ADF presents: a day in the life, the contest

hopefully, a lot of you remember this or participated last time! click here to see the original contest rules. they're exactly the same this time around.

basically, you're going to allow us to creep on your life. take pictures for exactly one day and then post them in the forest with commentary provided by you

the rangers (who are, of course, ineligible, but usually participate anyway) will decide on one camper's "a day in the life" post to win a $100 giftcard to whichever post tickles our fancy. the last time, dawnmariedreaming won us over because she was ridiculously funny about how crazy her children and husband are.

in addition, two random campers who make a comment in the winning campfire will win a $25 giftcard to each!

anyway, here are the rules:

-you must be a registered user ("camper") to participate. one entry per camper. rangers are not eligible.

-the contest starts at 7am eastern on monday, may 28th and lasts until midnight eastern on thursday, may 31. your campfire must be posted in those five days.

-your campfire can be whatever you make it (music, sparkles, gifs, anything that will get people to click on it)- as long as there are original pictures of your day. autoplay will get an automatic disqualification.

-title your campfire. it must be tagged with "a day in the life". i will try to tag all of them, but i get annoyed with that right quick. you may use other tags, but use discretion on that one (meaning try to use tags that are truly pertinent to your post).

-no nudity or curse words on the front page, as always. only post one picture or video on the front page. whatever is inside your campfire is up to you!

-comment in everyone's day in the life posts! we'll pick two random commenters from the winning campfire.


i will post instructions on how to post pictures on ADF inside this campfire.

if you have any questions or i wasn't clear on something, please ask away in this campfire! and hey, why don't you feed the trees as long as you're reading this?

i highly recommend you hover over "search" and click on "list all tags". the very first one is "a day in the life", and you can totally troll what everyone posted in the last contest to get an idea of what's what. or, you can simply click on the "a day in the life" tag on this post.

anyway, have a good time taking pictures this weekend. i will put my iphone next to my head so that i remember to take pictures as soon as i wake up.

i'm pretty stoked for this, and i hope you guys are, too! this generally goes over really well because we're all stalkers who love creeping on each other's lives. 


queen moriarty blesses you and wishes you luck fyt:

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High Fidelity teaser

Wednesday May 23, 2012 at 2:17 PM

Not sure if posting this is against the rules. I know many people are into HF, and I just discovered the teaser on her site. Feel free to delete if you want.

RANGER EDIT: We love teasers.

EDIT BY OP (cause I hate my MM nick): OK, thanks, it's just that this wasn't the regular teaser cf

FYT: This HF Edward?


Cannes post!

Wednesday May 23, 2012 at 10:44 AM

He cleaned up real nice



Post all Robert and Kristen Cannes pics here! We also want gossip, videos and pics of all the celebs there. It's a French Riviera day in the forest!



Wednesday May 23, 2012 at 7:04 AM

It's time for Hump Day Games!

I'm posting this early because I'm on vacation and I'll be playing in the sand with my two little ones shortly.



This can two ways:

1) Post a comment stating a TRUTH about a fic and see if we campers can guess what story you're talking about. It's a TRUTH because you know this story exist and ready to provide an answer.

2) Post a DARE comment and see if we campers can find a story that matches. This is a DARE because you're not sure if this story exists or not.

Here is an Example of a Truth or Dare:

1) TRUTH: Edward is a kinky fisherman.

DARE: Edward is a Clown.

Answer:  Truth: Constant Bearing, Decreasing Range by beegurl13

Dare: I don't know the answer but I hope someone knows of a Clownward and can answer in the comments!


Also, to the person that gave me the Truth or Dare idea on Twitter weeks ago. Thank you. Sorry I've forgotten who you are and I hope like the twist I put on your idea. :) 



Wednesday May 23, 2012 at 5:27 AM

I was just wondering, in what fanfic do you fall in love with Edward the most? 

Im falling in love with Edward in Emancipation Proclamation and The Cullen Campaign. :)


Fantasy Origins

Tuesday May 22, 2012 at 9:51 PM

So, tonight I watched Lord of the Rings Two Towers with my roommate.  She's a huge Harry Potter fan that I have been trying to convert, and she's started to really get into the series.  We started talking about the orgins of modern fantasy, and I made the claim that most fantasy movies/books from the modern era (1950s- onward), have somehow taken something from Tolkein (in a good way). I'm curious, do you all agree with my statement? I don't consider myself to be a fantasy expert, more a Tolkein fan, so I'm sure I could be wrong on this statement.  Also, I rediscovered my love for Lord of the Rings recently, and just wanted to share. I'd love to hear your thoughts!

I hope this meets campfire criteria! (I think it does).  In case, here's a recommendation: Ranger Note: If there's a tag for it, it's an approved Forest Topic. LotR is totally approved.


May The Valar Protect Them, by Nilmandra. This is the story of Legolas and the amazing circumstances set around his birth and early life. Features Legolas, Thranduil and a cast of original characters from Greenwood and beyond.
This is one of my favorite LOTR fics, and I hope you enjoy!



Free Firth Book Today

Tuesday May 22, 2012 at 8:42 PM

I noticed this on Amazon today, and being that there are a few Colin Firth fans in the forest, I though I would pass it on. It's free, for Kindles,  for now . ;)

Colin Firth: The Man who Would be King


"Think you know all there is to know about Colin Firth? Well think again! For this detailed, insightful and entertaining biography of the likeable and handsome Oscar-winning star is packed with unforgettable stories to fascinate every fan. From the time Firth's wig fell off into the sea to the actors who were considered ahead of him for The King's Speech, it's all here along with contributions from leading experts about his appeal to women, his fashion choices, acting techniques and even Colin's psychological make-up.
Learn more about Colin's greatest projects like Pride and Prejudice, Bridget Jones’s Diary, Love Actually, A Single Man, The King's Speech and Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy as well as his lesser known screen roles and how he really gets along with co-stars such as Hugh Grant, Rupert Everett, Kenneth Branagh, Geoffrey Rush and Gary Oldman, and leading ladies like Scarlett Johansson, Minnie Driver, Jennifer Ehle, Meryl Streep, Uma Thurman, Julianne Moore and Renee Zellweger.
The star's love life, charity work and turbulent childhood are also covered in a riveting read which is the book Firth's devoted fans have been waiting for." - From Amazon USA


Silver Foxes

Tuesday May 22, 2012 at 7:30 PM

So, I'm kind of in an eye candy mood...but not just any eye candy.

SILVER FOX eye candy!

I have always been a fan of older men, so I want to see your favorite celeb that you want for your sugar daddy.

I'll start:


I have a "thing" for Christopher Plummer - he was my first ever crush when I was in grade school

and of course, The Forest's favorite older man, Colin Firth:

So, who is YOUR silver fox?

Show me inside!

This campfire was approved by the ranger behind the @differentforest twitter (I forgot to ask)


Maladaptive Daydreaming

Tuesday May 22, 2012 at 5:53 PM

First --- | >> | 630 | 631 | 632 | 633 | 634 | 635 | 636 | 637 | 638 | 1413 | 1414 | --- Last
