
Top 5

Monday May 21, 2012 at 10:54 AM

What are your top 5 favorite fics of all time? I was looking for recs and i found a cf like this, but it was from 2010, people's lists must have changed, right?

Mine, in no particular order:

EP, For The Summer, CW&IA, AA5 and The Best I ever Had.


My rec:

Hit By Destiny
Bella wants to die, and almost gets her wish fulfilled when she gets hit by a shiny Volvo. She is left with serious injuries, and the only thing keeping her from dying is the person who hit her. All Human, Rated M for language, dark themes & violence.
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Angst/Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 59 - Words: 487,369 - Reviews: 19058 - Updated: 3-29-11 - Published: 10-24-09 - Bella & Edward - Complete


Sneak a Peek

Monday May 21, 2012 at 8:09 AM










Barelypolitical Fifty Shades Parody

Sunday May 20, 2012 at 9:23 PM

Popping my campfire cherry!!!

I saw this video and thought I would share it with you all. It's no Gilbert Gottfried or Cookie Monster but ENJOY!!! (or not you know all opinions are welcome)

What are some of your favorite Twilight related parody videos?


Where do we go from here?

Sunday May 20, 2012 at 7:23 PM

In a few short months, the last film of the Twilight Saga will be out. The books are done too. What happens when its done? Will we all still be here?

I know that fanfiction and ADF have become a part of my life and I am always on here or reading fics. When the movies and the saga is over, are people going to jump ship and move on? Will there still be people writing fics three years down the road? Twilight is already starting to fizzle out a bit. Robert said "I’m curious to reunite with this universe for the last time, to see the effect it will have on me and on the audience. I feel like the frenzy is starting to die down. We step into the era of The Hunger Games, the world wants fresh meat!” Since the movies and the books will be all done, and nothing new will come out of it, will that cause us to end? I remember hearing that Stephanie Meyer might finish MS or do a book from Leahs POV, but still I wonder if people love these characters enough to remain here. 

So what will you all do when this is over? Will you stick around? Or will we drift apart. I personally would love to stay in the fandom for as long as possible. The second I first read Twilight I was hooked, then when I found and ADF earlier this year, I can't imagine my day without visiting these sights and talking with you lovely people.

(oh and I hope its still a free for all right now…it lasts till sunday night, correct?)


can anyone recall this fic??

Sunday May 20, 2012 at 7:12 PM

I think the story starts with Edward in a bar. He is at a hotel it is the night before he is set to marry Tanya and HE DOES NOT EVEN LIKE HER. His mother is making him marry her. He meets Bella and she is embarking on a road trip before she starts her real life.

Bella's parents were killed in a drunk driving accident by Mike when he was 15. Mike and his family at the time were the richest family in Forks and they spoiled Mike like crazy. After they were killed Bella went to stay with Angela. Bella ended up suing the Newton family and was awarded a huge sum of money.

Edward has been controlled by his parents all his life. His siblings did not really show him any sort of love because of a mistake he made as a child that caused his family to move away. Emmett and Alice are his brother and sister. Esme ended up forcing Edward to propose to Tanya by placing the ring under the Christmas tree.

Edward and Bella end up getting married on this road trip and Edward is keeping in touch with his family by phone and is sending them pictures. At one point Emmett and Rose come out to meet Bella and pick up the motorcycle they are traveling with because they have purchased a SUV to continue their travels.

Towards the end of the story after Edward has reconciled with his family Carlisle dies from a heart attack and that is all I actually remember.



My Fic Rec: this is a cute fun fic



The Most Eligible Bachelor

After years in seclusion, Edward Masen, a former teen pop star reappears as the Bachelor on a reality tv show. Will he find true love or heartache? E/B all human rated M HEA
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 28 - Words: 35,419 - Reviews: 1164 - Updated: 5-20-12 - Published: 3-29-12 - Edward & Bella




Sunday May 20, 2012 at 5:33 PM

So, a few days ago i read this great fic, it was well-written, the plot was awesome, and i loved it! But now i just... Idk. I tried to read other stories, but they just didn't catch my attention, and this is driving me crazy! I need recs, gimme your favorites, fics that left you speechless. I prefer E/B, and you get extra points if there is a HEA ;)

My rec:

Hit By Destiny
Bella wants to die, and almost gets her wish fulfilled when she gets hit by a shiny Volvo. She is left with serious injuries, and the only thing keeping her from dying is the person who hit her. All Human, Rated M for language, dark themes & violence.
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Angst/Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 59 - Words: 487,369 - Reviews: 19058 - Updated: 3-29-11 - Published: 10-24-09 - Bella & Edward - Complete



Sunday May 20, 2012 at 4:42 PM

I was just wondering is anybody want to help me to sign me up @ ? I tried and still keep on trying to sign up myself but always error. I tried from my laptop, my gtab n blacberry still doesnt work. I never had that kind of trouble to sign up in any website before. It really sad becz I cant give reviews to my fav fic :( 

Plissss let me know if anybody want to help me out. My email is :XXXXXXXXX. Im from Indonesia. 







taureans are charming and full of bull

Sunday May 20, 2012 at 10:22 AM

happy birthday, lj summers and americnxidiot!


i love you both madly. you are two of my fandom favorites.


Image and video hosting by TinyPic


Amazing quotes from WIPs

Sunday May 20, 2012 at 7:54 AM

We were just saying on another site what a pity it is doesn't have a highlight option. I've been reading some new fics recently and some lines (e.g. HF's "Two of them") have left me in AWE. However, I don't read on the computer anymore, so it's hard to copy/paste and fangirl like a good ff reader as I did in the past. And that's a big shame, because I don't get to convince others to read these fics or let the authors know in reviews which parts stayed with us. In fact I don't even remember them rn, so expect lots of ETAs to this cf.

So, any quotes from WIPs that have left you in awe of the writing? Gimme and I will embrace them NM Edward style\

Btw, I go to "Add Tag", but nothing happens...


Cosmopolis: Robert finally gets R-E-S-P-E-C-T

Saturday May 19, 2012 at 11:52 PM

The reviews for Cosmopolis are trickling in...and they're...REALLY good!


COSMOPOLIS Review: Robert Pattinson Brave, David Cronenberg Back

Mathieu Carratier has written a highly positive Cosmopolis film review for Premiere magazine, praising the movie itself, director-writer David Cronenberg, and star Robert Pattinson. Cosmopolis is in competition for the Palme d’Or at the Cannes Film Festival. It’ll be screened at Cannes on May 25.

Carratier begins his Cosmopolis commentary by remarking that whether or not he appreciates David Cronenberg’s recent work — one assumes he means more accessible fare such as the Viggo Mortensen trilogy: A History of Violence, Eastern Promises, and A Dangerous Method — he was "seriously missing" the Cronenberg of (no-holds-barred) movies such as Crash and Videodrome.

But not to worry. "Pop open the champagne," exults Carratier, "because he’s back in every Cosmopolis shot."

Cronenberg himself wrote the Cosmopolis screenplay — reportedly in six days, and his first for a feature film since eXistenZ (1999). The plot is based on Don DeLillo’s novel about a fateful day in the life of a young New York City multibillionaire, Eric Packer (Robert Pattinson). As described by Carratier, Packer is "haunted by a question that is never formulated: Can someone who has everything still desire something else?" (A haircut, maybe?)

Carratier continues: "Cronenberg has made sure that all his obsessions mark out the route, be they intellectual (the search for "another" reality) or physical (at the end of a scene that will make people talk, Packer learns that his prostate is asymmetrical). Enthroned in the back seat of his limousine, Robert Pattinson reveals a depth increasingly more fascinating as his character approaches the abyss. In the last moments, the fear that takes over his face isn’t only that of an anti-hero arriving at the point of no return; it’s also the fear of an actor testing his limits with unsuspected bravery. A feverish and decadent ride through hell, Cosmopolis proves he’s not yet close to reaching them."


Robsessed also posted some quotes from reviews in the French press:

An actor is born - Télérama.

Unsettling - Studio Ciné Live

Pattinson is mind-blowing - Positif

Cronenberg chose Pattinson. A brilliant idea on both counts. - Les Inrockuptibles

Robert Pattinson reveals a depth more and more fascinating. - Première such reviews and comments change your perception of Rob's acting ability?  Or will you reserve judgement until after the film is screened in Cannes on May 25?  Or until you've seen the film yourself? 


ETA:  We need tags for "Eric Packer" and maybe "A world citizen with a New York pair o' balls!"


Secret Crush

Saturday May 19, 2012 at 7:42 PM



This is not going to be witty in the slightest because as usual I'm having a tough week but hopefully this won't flop because of that. Forgive my lack of wit?


Secret crushes. They're not just for teenage girls are they? I hope not because I crush on people all the time. To me crushes can come in all sorts of flavors. Silly fandom crushes, fantasy coworker crushes, serious I WANT YOU NOW crushes, etc, etc.

So fess up. Come inside and spill the beans about your secret crush. Or leave them an "anon" message like:

"Dear Secret Crush..."  KWIM? I hope you know what I mean because I'm too tired to explain. 


*mine in comments

Luna StarFire

ADF Concert Tour

Saturday May 19, 2012 at 6:16 PM

Come and join me on the green campers. Pull up a lawn chair or a blanket and enjoy a relaxing good time.

The ADF Concert Tour is in town today with each camper having there own say on who should be on the stage. If you'd like to join the concert and a say on who gets to be on the playlist then come on in:


Feed the tress. (Tell us what tree you feed.)


Show us what food you are bringing or plan to buy while here.


What you drinking while enjoying the music?


Embed a video of the live music that is playing on your stage.


Plz help me remember this fic!!

Saturday May 19, 2012 at 12:35 PM

Hi all,
wondering if anyone might recall this fic, as i dont remember the name or the author. I am going to try and give the best summary and some points in this fic that have stood out in my mind.
Bella is running from her ex(james) and runs to NY and starts working in a bakery and finds an apt near the bakery or above it. She still has friends(angela,ben,jessica,mike) that she talks to where she was living with her ex james where he is a cop in that town. Her friends talk her into a vacation with them to some place with a beach (dont remember where). Any she is walking on the beach one night and bumps into edward,whom is there on vacation with his family, he has a bad outlook on women thinking they all want he for his name or money, he is some kind of big wig in the music industry owns his record label or something with his brother. Him and Bella hit it off and end up sleeping together, one night while he is with his family at a restaraunt they dont know about bella, anyhow she ends up going to the same place with her friends and edward totally blows her off and she gets really upset and ends up leaving early and going back home to NY early. Edward feels bad and decides to search for her with the little info he has on her when he gets back to NY. He does find her and they do get back together and it is a HEA but not with out drama.
some keys  points thru out the fic:

-Bella is very good friends and nieghbor with a very gay Jake

-edward takes bella to a museum in NY that loves and it has some kind of japanese garden in it

-Bella moves in with edward at his loft and they have it remodeled and also a rooftop garden

-They adopt a dog from a shelter that attacks james or something when he finds bella and edward's loft

-alice and jake (I think) transforms edward and bella's loft into some kind of beach scene

-Edward gets Bella her own bakery on the ground level of his building  and even names it before telling her and in the name it has bella in it somewhere, but bella is very upset about because he didnt tell her before hand

-james bella's ex whom she is running from finds her from a pic that was printed in a paper of her and edward

-james attacks bella in her old apartment and jake stops the attack with a curling iron

-I believe james gets taken care of by some old Mafia connections that edward had

-Edward buys an old property that was a church and turns it into a music school for kids

I am so sorry this is so long, but hopefully this will trigger someone memory...


My Fic Rec:I am absolutely loving this fic and just cant get enough of this Irish Mafiaward!!!

Shamrocks and Shenanigans by mathisson
Bella is working for a catering and event planning company. She has just about pulled off the reception of the year when she's introduced to Edward Cullen, mafia boss. Can he show her that even bad guys can be good .AH/CC
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Crime/Romance - Chapters: 17 - Words: 61,673 - Reviews: 2410 - Updated: 5-16-12 - Published: 3-28-12 - Bella & Edward


Who wants to talk about Wedding drama??

Saturday May 19, 2012 at 10:45 AM

I can't remember if the Free for all extends through the weekend, so feel free to delete this if it doesn't. :P



I'm in the process of planning a wedding, which will take place in Las Vegas. I figured that sense the guest list is very small, as is the bridal party, things would be relatively easy.


I've tried desperately to avoid being a bridezilla, but it's gotten to the point where some things have really stressed me out. Please, please, advice! My issues are posted below!


Now what...?

Saturday May 19, 2012 at 9:00 AM

I posted a question in the Help Desk earlier this week about how to go about jumping back into the dating pool.

Per the suggestions I have received here and pretty much elsewhere, I signed up for eHarmony.

Now what? Wait? *lol*

I have 10 matches, and that's pretty much all.  One has viewed my profile and there are a few that I have "sent a smile" to. do I make the most of the $90 I will spend in the next 6 months (Because there is no way to cancel. I already tried.  The best it will do is cancel the auto-renew, but I'm still responsible for the $15 a month until November).

I also tried there is nothing in my area. The closest meetups for my interested are about 90 miles away.  And one of them was a book club that was reading youknowhat for June, so that one was immediately out.

HALP! I need to know how to do this without seeming too enthusiastic or needy, and without emptying my wallet by signing up for multiple sites.

All suggestions are appreciated! ;-)

Miss Snazzy


Saturday May 19, 2012 at 1:57 AM

The season finale just...occurred (for me, at least). Um...thoughts?



Friday May 18, 2012 at 9:55 PM

Fandom for No Kid Hungry is close to its fundraisng goal.

My contribution is a Written in the Stars outtake that's fifteen thousand words long, so it would be a nice, long "tail" for those who enjoyed that story.

In the throes of a high fever, Edward dreams that he meets the Goddess in a meadow and she tells him that there are some important things that he has forgotten. He recalls the most important events of his life, the emptiness before Bella, and the joy of their union. Can he repair what he has taken for granted?

Please, consider donating to this worthy cause. You get a HUGE compilation from some great FF authors.



Donations are due by June 1st.


Harry Potter: The taboo of questioning

Friday May 18, 2012 at 9:19 PM

With how much negative discussions the twilight fandom has regarding how its books played out, I've alway gotten the impression that because Harry Potter was universally considered "superior" to the Twilight series, that questioning certain things about it was a huge no-no that would result in fan backlash of the gargantuan kind.

Don't get me wrong, I love HP. Hell, I remember my kindergarden teacher reading us a chapter a day during story time and being bored out of my mind...and then a couple of years later re-discovering the series and falling in love with the magical world and its hero.

But certain things...just stick out for me. And I feel like because HP is so popular and widely accepted, that there's this sort of unspoken rule about ignoring some of its flaws, where as it's the opposite with Twilight and its practically ENCOURAGED to bash it constantly and without question.

So...fellow campers, tell me a famous book or movie you've read or seen that is widely praised that you just don't get. Maybe it wasn't your cup of tea, maybe you had a wildly different interpretation. The point is,if you clammed up on your differing opinion because of outside intimidation, this is the place to spill.

My thoughts on HP will be inside... 


Makeup Advice

Friday May 18, 2012 at 8:45 PM

I have a question for anyone who can help. OK so I have very dry skin. I don't wear makeup much, but when I do it usually feels like my face is just plastered in the stuff. And it flakes around my nose and between my eyes, even with moisturizer. Anyway I will be taking a trip soon to a bigger city. (I live in the country.) So I will be going to Sephora and was wondering if anone can give me advice about bare minerals. Is it really good and does it cover well? I have sun spots and some red on my face. (I am heading for the lovely 40s so I do have spots, but no wrinkles thank god.) I have been using a MAC coverup and it does work better but still a little flaky.

Also I've heard about BB creams and not quite sure what it is. If someone can let me know if it's worth it and what brand is a good one. I am Canadian so we don't always carry the same brands as the US.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!


Fruit Loops and Cheerios

Friday May 18, 2012 at 6:34 PM

I used to hate Gilbert Gottfried.  I couldn't even look at his picture.  But he may have just won me over.  

(In case the embed doesn't work:  "Gilbert Gottfriend Reads 50 Shades of Grey")





(NSFW or children!)


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