"First Date" by SueO feat. Sassy Work Friends

Wednesday May 30, 2012 at 7:18 PM

ADITL of SueObsessed starts with a little song...


Come inside and see what happened today!


If you can't handle the heat..

Wednesday May 30, 2012 at 6:55 PM

but wait.... that was last time.... 

can I top last time where I got you know... actual twilight cast?

You'll obviously have to come in to look ;)

This is a day in the life of Doc.


A Day in the Life of MoDunk

Wednesday May 30, 2012 at 6:42 PM

So I was all excited to come out of lurkerdom and post a Day in the Life Campfire.

Sadly, I lost some of my enthusiasm when I woke up at 6:15 this morning and looked out my window and saw this:



Another fabulous cold and rainy day here on the East Coast!

Come inside and see the rest of my day!


Kidnapped Fic?

Wednesday May 30, 2012 at 6:40 PM

Geez, I am completely losing my mind.  Yet another campfire looking for a fic.  I actually think this fic was mentioned here on ADF a few days ago, and I thought I had favorited it in FF, but alas, that isn't the case. 


The plot is this:  Edward and Bella were kidnapped together, and when they are found and try to go back to their former lives, Edward has a hard time letting go of his protectiveness over Bella.  This is a very vague description.  I do remember that it is an older fic and is not complete. 

It is NOT Kidnapped by madcow.


Can anybody help me?


My Rec:  Bronze by mothlights - This is such a lovely story and a nice twist on canon.  Bella is the centuries old vampire while Edward is a newborn learning to control his ways.


Come Commute with Me

Wednesday May 30, 2012 at 6:00 PM

A Commute in the Life of MusicDaydreams

So all I did today was commute to work, spend the day at work, and commute home. Since the most exciting part of my day was probably the commute, that’s what you’ll get to see. Just to add some spice, I took the subway to work in the morning, but I walked home in the evening.

Come and see the joys of a New York City commute – hey, it’s not all bad

(no, that's not me...I'm inside)


Nothing much to see here...

Wednesday May 30, 2012 at 3:03 PM

A Day In The (Boringly Normal) Life of 

Of Two

Come inside, but be prepared to be thoroughly bored. :)




'Cause Every Day's An Adventure With...

Wednesday May 30, 2012 at 2:58 PM



Last time I shared with you all my day at work.

Click for Linkage

This time, I'll share my day off.

Just a nice relaxing day at home.  Kicking back with my feet up and drinking vodka and Sunny D. Reading some fanfiction and waiting for the personal chef to cook dinner for my husband and I.

Yeah, no.

It wasn't quite like that at all.

It was meant to be less complicated than it actually turned out. You know, best laid plans, good intentions and all that foshizzle.

At the end of it all, it seemed a bit more like this, which I sadly am not permitted to embed the video, so you'll have to settle for an embed of the song.

So come inside and join me on a semi-typical Tuesday, fraught with awkward moments, well-thought out plans turned inside out , a mini-road trip, strawberries and two gray cats.



Get a playlist! Standalone player Get Ringtones
Disclaimer: Language used herein may be of adult content. User discretion is advised. This campfire was created by a professional. Professional what? That's neither here nor there. Do not attempt at home unless heavily medicated, under a doctor's care or accompanied by another responsible adult. 

Hey, where did that story go?

Wednesday May 30, 2012 at 2:40 PM

It seems like FFn is at it again... pulling fics for one reason or another...

Two that I definitely know are gone are Substance Clad in Shadows by hollelujah and More by CaraNo. I know that FFn recently made statements regarding summaries needing to be K rated - I don't remember the summary for More, but the SCiS summary was rather innocuous - so I'm not sure that's it.

Does anyone have any insight as to what is really going on?

What other fics do you know have been pulled (in the last 24-48 hours or so)?

A rec:

It Begins Like This
The Twilight 25 Round Six. Multi-chapter fic based on twenty-five prompts.
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Romance - Chapters: 5 - Words: 6,115 - Reviews: 213 - Updated: 5-30-12 - Published: 3-4-12 - Bella & Edward


ADITL of Batgirl

Wednesday May 30, 2012 at 1:24 PM

No, not THAT batgirl. This one!

I did something a little different for our different forest......I made a video of all my pictures. Come on 'round the campfire and check it out in the comments!



*Note: There's music in the video, so watch your speakers/audio!

ADitL of Punk - Highly Caffeinated Edition

Wednesday May 30, 2012 at 1:12 PM

Hello Campers! 

Ready for a Day in the Life of Punk? 

I know I'm excited!

Well come in and take a peek! 


artsy fartsy

Wednesday May 30, 2012 at 12:14 PM

We haven't had one of these in a while, so campers let's see some of the art you've made lately!

Let's see your banners.  

Your chapter images.  

Your wallpapers.

Taken any beautiful photos?  Let's see 'em! 

Or any other random artsy thing you've done!



ADITL of Derpy Devy

Wednesday May 30, 2012 at 11:08 AM

And what a day it was...

Come inside and see what a derp I am. ;-)

There be Tibetan food, Monkeys, a Storm, and a Missed Train...


A tour of my daily

Wednesday May 30, 2012 at 10:59 AM


In my first campfire ever, come check out my daily.


ADITL of Dearlybeloved, AKA sistergrimm...

Wednesday May 30, 2012 at 10:33 AM

AKA Colonel, AKA ning-ning ko, AKA "HOY! Come downstairs and eat dinner!"

AKA Cassie. :p

Part 2 is up. Check it out. :p


Solstice and I invite you inside :)


Why is the yogurt gone?!

Wednesday May 30, 2012 at 10:03 AM

Hey, girl.

Or guy. Whatever.

I am the common cold. I hate all that is good and wonderful in the world. I kick puppies. Unless you don't like puppies. Then I hug them and kiss them and tell them how precious they are. And I make you watch.

I will take everything you love and fill it with snot (ew). Come inside and find out how I did my best to mess with...

A day in the life of Bedelia.


It's just pure mindless vandilism

Wednesday May 30, 2012 at 7:38 AM

^^^oh hai part of Hal's boobs ^^^

(that's not at all an embarrassing way to start a campfire)

In a day in the life with Hal you may find, and/or be subjected to

- Boring household chores

- childrens

- animals

- random people you don't know

- lots of blurry photos 'cause my iPod actually sucks at taking pics

- drunkness

- videos that I'm sure can and probably will be used against me at some point

.... did I mention drunkness?

Come inside on the sheer fact alone

that today is my hubby's b-day

'cause it'd make me happy :)



The Evil Overlords have struck, again

Tuesday May 29, 2012 at 9:38 PM

Looks like Fanfiction.Net went on a deleting rampage. About a third of the fics I follow are gone. I've heard that other fics have been deleted without notifying the authors, some have been restored, and who knows what else. Ima cry now.


My fallback Fic suggestion is "Who's Your Papi" but it's gone. Next up is "Unscripted" by Domysticated, which *IS* (THANK YOU, JESUS) still up. Let's see if I can link to it properly

Unscripted by Domysticated "Bella wanted nothing more than to run with the Cullens; Jasper couldn't wait to run away from his family. A simple story about growing up and finding what you didn't know you were looking for". AH, BellaxJasper.


Okay, let's see if I can also link to something that is related to why I think the fics got pulled 


I See You Creepin Mah Life

Tuesday May 29, 2012 at 9:29 PM


What an invitation.


Stephenie Meyer talks about FSOG

Tuesday May 29, 2012 at 9:10 PM

Was the "Stephenie talks about FSOG" cf deleted? I received notifications and read people's responses by email, but I didn't feel there was anything justifying their deletion. Are FSOG not allowed anymore? Or was it accidently deleted and I should repost it? I'm guessing there are people curious to hear SM's reaction

Ranger Edit: It was not because of Fifty Shades of Grey. It needed to be interactive. There was a warning on it that if it wouldn't be edited to meet this rule, it would be deleted. That warning stood for over an hour. Next time, PM A RANGER instead of starting another campfire asking. But since this is out there and in case anyone needs a refresher:

From our 'rules' page:

* Please remember to make posts interactive. For example, if you want start a post about how wonderful Twilight is, don’t write I love Twilight because Edward Cullen is amazing. Write I love Twilight because Edward Cullen is amazing. What do you love about Twilight?

ETA: link

I get there´s an interactivity rule, but this community was created about 'All things Twilight' and it kinda made sense to assume that important news within the fandom not only can be posted, but the 'what do you think' question goes without saying. Esp. since so many people had wondered what SM has to say about FSOG. Just like the update cfs. People do and did start responding anyway, thus proving that the post was interactive. One reason I made a cf is that I had limited time and wanted to see if I'd made a mistake and needed to repost it, and I wasn't sure when I'd be getting a reply through pm (which failed anyway). Also, it's helpful for all adf members to know why some cfs are not approved, and the reason I wondered if FSOG posts are not allowed anymore is that I do remember seeing comments of the 'i´m fed up' kind.

But, anyway, to make interactive by the rules

Is there any other fic that could have become so popular if published or is FSOG so popular only because of its, er, physical effects on women that have never read BDSM? Of course there is BDSM OF that is actually well-written, but my theory is that FSOG has become so popular because us strong independent women would never give BDSM a try, UNLESS a gentlemanly character like Edward Cullen was involed. And that's why I feel Icy owes so much to SM (and certain Twif authors as well).

Also, do you think we may start seeing more Twifics getting published now that the author's OKed it? And that people who didn't really care about Twilight before will start writing fanfiction, hoping to lure readers bunker baby style?

And to make it even more interactive (no stopping me now!), interesting articles

Is Fifty shades of grey a new frontier in Fanfiction?

Too many shades of grey

50 shades of grey Why is it news that women like sex (by Errika Christakis, mind you)

Fifty Shades of Frustration: My grievances E.L. Jame's Provocative New Novel

The origins of FSOG go missing


ETA II> Noone responded to the questions! Come on guys, they really are interesting articles


A Day in the Life of PKdom

Tuesday May 29, 2012 at 8:38 PM

This is how my days disappear

First --- | >> | 625 | 626 | 627 | 628 | 629 | 630 | 631 | 632 | 633 | 1413 | 1414 | --- Last
