
Where the boys aren't.

Sunday June 3, 2012 at 6:27 PM



robert pattinson is officially too cool to be in attendance. pssh.


whatever, i'm going to sit here and judge people i don't know based on what they are wearing in the spirit of being vapid and shallow.


wanna help?


come in, offer your unwarranted & unsolicited two cents, post pics, etc.


ETA: so, the lovely musicdaydreams just informed that Miss USA is also on tonight.


kids, we gotta double up, here.



a day in the life announcement...

Sunday June 3, 2012 at 9:43 AM

hey, guys. no sparkles because i'm still asleep.

we're having trouble deliberating which campfire to vote on, so continue commenting in your favorites!

we'll announce the winners tomorrow. 

in the meantime, use this campfire to ask more questions about whatever- 

we can call it "ask wtvoc anything pt. II".

a hickey from kenickie fyt:

Image and video hosting by TinyPic


Number of Pulled Fics

Sunday June 3, 2012 at 8:39 AM

Just wanted to mention that I have posted an estimate of the number of fics pulled from FFNet on my blog.  This is taken from where I left off when adding archived fics to the database.  I am working now to capture the remaining listings.  The deletions seemed to have slowed down or stopped for now.  Can someone post the link to my blog on the Facebook Grouip Removed Fic Support?  I had heard that people were wondering where to find updates.  Thanks!


My Recommendation is:

Pressed for Time
Is it possible to fall in love in five minutes? "He showed me what he was reading and, accidentally, I think he may have shown me his soul" BxE Written with Twanza AH
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 17 - Words: 114,462 - Reviews: 608 - Updated: 4-16-11 - Published: 4-15-10 - Edward & Bella - Complete

The author is quite good and the fic is seriously under-reviewed.


Fanfictions...of Fanfictions

Sunday June 3, 2012 at 4:17 AM

Been having a conversation with mizzmitzi about alternate endings to The Fallout, and it got me thinking. If you could write a fanfiction about a fanfiction, which one would you chose? What would you write about? I know there is one out there "inspired by" The Best I Ever Have... any others (serious, not troll-y.)

Would you ever do this for real, and post it? I know we all do it in our heads.

Also--what fics hit you hard, but had endings that just didn't satisfy you? (for whatever reason...)

No MotU please.

ETA: I'd like to hear some creative new versions of popular fanfics, not just fic bashing! Although I always love critics!



What are your GO to movies?

Sunday June 3, 2012 at 12:54 AM

Hi! This is my first campfire, a little nervous.

I say "go to movies" because well it depends on the mood, right? 

Here's the thing, I used to have a huge movie collection of course they were all on VHS and I have replaced some on DVD or Blu-Ray but every time I go to shop for movies I can't think of anything I want, so I am asking for others thoughts on what are must haves in a movie collection! 

The hubs hates that I buy so many movies but come on sometimes you don't want to drive to the store and some things you can't rent anymore anyway. 

I say give me your top 5 or 10?!

Don't know if I have consistent #1, it's a mood thing. Some of my go to movies:

Classic 80's: The Breakfast Club, Pretty In Pink, Sixteen Candles

Even Older: The Big Chill

My Best Friends Wedding, Twilight (the first one), HP (any of them), Final Destination, Twister

I could go on & on but I want to hear from you, it will be interesting to see what everyone's tastes are. 


EDIT: Thanks everyone for the great response on my first CF!

Miss Snazzy

Sherlock Holmes

Saturday June 2, 2012 at 10:24 PM

I would like to take a moment to applaud Sir Conan Doyle for creating a remarkable pair of characters.

There have been many versions of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. John Watson over the years, most recently:


What's your favorite story? What do you think of their dynamic? Do you wish they'd just kiss already? Are you happy with their platonic love for each other? Post your thoughts in here.

And any fanfiction recs you may have. More gifs, pics, and artwork would also be appreciated. =)


The joy of packing

Saturday June 2, 2012 at 9:47 PM

Being apart of ADF for quite some time, i have read my fair share of campfires on the wonders of traveling. So now i am kindly asking all you campers for help!

In approx. 26 days i am leaving the great old USA to take a two week trip to Italy with my class mates. I am very excited considering i am a senior and have just graduated.what a great experience before college life engulfs me. I believe not only is this a great way to travel because it saves money and i know on a day to day basis on what the group as a whole is doing but i will be with some of my best friends!

But now hear is the problem...WHAT IN THE WORLD DO I PACK!!!! Now i have some clue thanks to a couple of meetings my teachers made mandatory but they just generalize it all and say, " remember you dont want to pack 50 pound because you still will be buying stuff..." and this doesn't really help.

So, knowing that ADF has a myriad of experienced travels what are some tips or trick you find useful. Any interesting stories of packing gone bad? Please share :)

- also if it helps to know, my luggage is huge and we are only allowed to bring a back pack as a carry on!

ETA: As far as i know i am going to Rome, Vatican city, Florence, Venice, Doges' Palace, Assisi, Sorento Pompeii and Capri if that helps at all!



Buffy/Spike Fics

Saturday June 2, 2012 at 7:55 PM

I know we've got some BtVS fans out there...

So, I've just finished reading East of the Sun, West of the Moon by KnifeEdge and it was WONDERFUL!  I needed a little break from TwiFic (*gasp*) and this was the perfect fic to break the monotony I was feeling.  Not only is the plot completely believable, but the AU parts have the most spot-on dialogue I've ever read.  And with Buffy?  That's really hard. (TWSS)

But we all know what that means... I WANT MORE!

Come on campers, rec me some Buffy/Spike fics.  I would prefer if Spike is a vampire (apparently they have AH in that fandom as well).


My rec is aforementioned East of the Sun, West of the Moon by KnifeEdge. 


Best A/N's Ever!

Saturday June 2, 2012 at 5:42 PM

I've recently come across some quite wonderful Author's Notes, and thought it might be fun to share some of the best A/N's you've ever read. 

Maybe they're sweet, maybe they're witty, maybe they're hilarious. 

Here are my two recent favorites: 

Smooth Operator by Cullcati

"RATED M for language and graphicness.
Don't say I didn't warn you.
If you're too young for this, please proceed to the peacing out station now."


High Fidelity Ch. 13 by Ireen H

"Welcome to Chapter 13. Please make sure your safety harness is fully closed and locked. Please stow all valuables, remember to keep your arms and legs inside the chapter at all times and remain seated until the chapter comes to a complete stop.

Please do not ride this chapter if the use of drugs offends or upsets you."


So, where are the A/N contests? I have some nominations to make. 


It's up to you if you want to link the fic... could bring some reading traffic, so why not? 

This is for fun. Only intended niceness is welcome here.


In defense of mothers/mother in laws

Saturday June 2, 2012 at 1:55 PM

We’ve all seen it in the movie and read it in books and fanfiction. The controlling/evil mother tries to manipulate a situation, everyone eventually finds out, and the witch is tossed out forever from their lives. In our region controlling mothers are common villains for soap operas. I used to enjoy reading these things too and get thoroughly entertained. 

Not so entertaining though when you see it happening in your own life.

There was misunderstanding in the family which resulted in my brother and his wife throwing some pretty vile accusation at my mother and accusing her of some pretty ugly things. My mom isn’t perfect by any means but she didn’t deserve being treated that way especially by someone she raised.

It’s been two week since my brother last spoke to my mother, she’s being pretty brave about it but every time I see her face I want to cry. Imagine how it must feel like to know your own flesh and blood, someone you’ve sacrificed so much for, thinks so low of you.

I guess first love is your first heartbreak and children are your last.

In the spirit of making this more interactive and cheering me up a bit, please share your stories of how awesome you think your moms are and why. 


Is moving the right choice?

Saturday June 2, 2012 at 1:32 PM


Hi Campers.

I have a question and am hoping that maybe some of you can help me or just give me some helpful advice.

As of two years ago after finishing my studing I've wanted to move to Canada to work, even if it's only for the 2years that you get a works permit for. I've always wanted to see what's it like and what better way than putting my hard earned degree to good use while doing it!

My first obstacle was saving the money for everything that would be needed to be paid. (Don't want to bore you with all of that!)

The second one is that I'm the female version of a momma's boy!

I'm 27 and still living with my mother. I've always felt that a move to Vancouver will enable (force) me to become independant. But the problem I'm now facing is the homesickness that I'm sure to experience once I'm 1000's of miles away from home (I live in South Africa).

While I was at Univercity I always went home over the weekends as we were only a half hour away (all my friends also went home).

My other concern is not making any friends in Vancouver. I'm a little bit introverted, until I know someone but I've always had trouble making friends at first.

What would you guys suggest I do? Should I still go? (I really want to)

I know this is random, but I would really like some advice from someone that don't want me to stay at home!



Saturday June 2, 2012 at 12:41 PM

The cursor on my computer keeps jumping around everywhere.

Making it almost impossible to type.

Does anyone know how to fix this?


Use this campfire for tech help 


What do YOU think?

Saturday June 2, 2012 at 11:54 AM

DH's daughter will be 14 in September. She is already dropping hints about wanting to replace her current phone with a smartphone.

While she is usually pretty responsible, she did have to pay for a replacement phone when hers got washed (Her mom didn't check her pockets either).

So thoughts? Do you have a teenager? What age is a good age for a smartphone? Would you allow your 14 year old one?



Happy Birthday, Sue!!

Saturday June 2, 2012 at 9:30 AM




LJ Summers

Series Fiction

Saturday June 2, 2012 at 6:42 AM


For a Fictionators podcast, I am conducting a poll and I'd love to have your input. It's about contemporary fiction and the publication of series that is so popular now.

Some books in a series have story arcs of their own that conclude at the end of a book. Others have books that end on a cliffhanger without giving a real resolution to the conflict within the story just presented.  The poll asks questions about this and is entirely anonymous.

For the purposes of this campfire, would you rec me a series that you have read?  If the first book in the series has been published and you KNOW there are more to come, that counts. :)  

I have read The Hunger Games series and felt that the books each came to a conclusion based upon the plot of that particular book, so for me, there were no grievous cliffhangers. I have heard other people share that they go bonkers because a book ended on a monstrous cliffie and they had to wait for a year or so to get the next installment.

Tell me about them! lol I really want to know! :)

FYT, a battlescarred but still hot RDJ as IRONMAN



Amusing and disturbing fan pics

Saturday June 2, 2012 at 2:55 AM

Some new ones with all the latest promos.  Here are some of my favorites:

This could be me (it's not, but her face says it all):

Rapture, caught on film in London yesterday:

Some more in the comments.  (If either of these is you and you want me to remove them, pm me and I will.  This is supposed to be a gentle ribbing, not an OMgawd.)

Campers, do you have any hilarious or outrageous fan photos? Could be for any celebrity. 


Good for the soul

Friday June 1, 2012 at 8:19 PM

I'm staying in this weekend! It's been a great day of doing nothing. And I really wanted to share the awesome with you guys!

This video is BEAUTIFUL. It touches my soul and gives it this HUGE hug. It makes me feel like there can be no wrong in a world that has a human being like this man in it. I walk away from this video feeling AMAZING. And I really hope you guys'll watch it and it keeps spreading the beauty. 


SO, to make this interactive:

What has happened to you recently that made your day, or your hour, or even just brought a genuine-heartfelt smile to your face? Something that made your soul smile! OR you could even share your favorite moment of soul smiling as a kid or from your past :)

Please come on in here and chitter-chatter with me, about your soul-inspiring moments, or about anything, or you know, SPARTACUS!,  or So You Think You Can Dance, or your kids, or your hubby, or whatever. Share the happy.


Age inAppropriate

Friday June 1, 2012 at 6:37 PM


I can totally understand why my nearly nine year old son is into to this show.....


But I am not entirely sure why I can sit on the couch with him and watch it for an entire hour and a half. Honestly, it cracked me up. We laughed through most of it trying to quote the line, "You don't understand. We are from a different planet!" with an Aussie accent and a straight face. After about 30 tries I am still not sure we got through it without laughing. It was fun just vegging out with my kid. But I was wondering if anyone else around here shares my guilty pleasure?


Hold onto your Hats (to protect your brain)

Friday June 1, 2012 at 4:59 PM

It started with a flesh eating virus. You guys in GA and SC know the cases.


Or drinking beer, whatever.


So come on in. Let us know what you think. Government coverup? Rash of strange occourances? (Did you hear about the rashes, by the way? There are mysterious rash cases!)

Are you preparing for the big Zombie Apocalypse? Have you ever done a Zombie run? There is one held in Atlanta every year! A lot of my friends have participated. I feel like it's a good test. None of my friends have made it to the end alive so I will not allow them to hang with me if there's an outbreak of flesh eating reanimated dead at my door.

Read more about the recent attacks.


*Disclaimer* This is not meant to mock the recent situations or the victims. The Zombie Apocalypse is something that's been trending for a long time and these recent crimes are downright awful.

ETA: I apparently cannot tag this post! None of them are showing up!



Friday June 1, 2012 at 4:57 PM

I am reading about fanfiction . net pulling the fics and was wondering if there isnt anything we can do.

Like an online petition to maybe change their TOS?

I'm not an author so im not up to date with how the site works apart from reading.

Twilight is definitely their biggest fandom (right?) and if everyone just leaves i imagine that would be bad for busisness.

Normally i would have taken my business elsewhere, but it is easier to navigate than the alternatives....

At the same time im suggesting this i wouldnt even know how to go about it... Has anyone tried that before?

I cant even imagine how p#%$# off the authors are.

my rec

Snowbound » Edward's Eternal
Bella and Edward are both lost and alone and running from their own stormy lives. What happens when their worlds literally collide? Can they help each other overcome the past or will they be torn apart like the storm that pulsates around them?
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Hurt/Comfort/Romance - Chapters: 36 - Words: 89,900 - Reviews: 3318 - Updated: 6-1-12 - Published: 3-5-12 - Edward & Bella



First --- | >> | 623 | 624 | 625 | 626 | 627 | 628 | 629 | 630 | 631 | 1413 | 1414 | --- Last
