friending campfire
let's get to know one another, shall we?
fill in the blanks and answer the questions:
-my favorite thing to cook is ___________________
-the ONE movie i am dying to see is ___________________
-here are some tv shows that i have in my queue to watch: (either the queue in your head or your netflix or a post-it on your desk, whatev)
-one vice i have that i have no intention of quitting is _____________________
-a fandom person i wish i knew better is __________________________
-according to my profile, i've been on ADF since ________________
-here are some summer jams i can recommend:
-i just can't get enough of __________________
and as always, here is a gift for wtvoc:
and my gift to you all is the free (legal) download of school of seven bell's new song lafaye. great summer music! (just click on the little box that says "download" under the headline)