
inspire me... please Harry Potter people

Saturday June 9, 2012 at 3:04 PM

I know there are tons of Harry Potter fans about the forest. I myself have never picked up the series and it's not because I think I'm too grown to read it. my mom's right at read it and my grandpas read it. now my 8 year old son is reading it and I want to read the series with him over the summer but I just can't seem to make myself get started. help me! I know there must be something to it are so many of you would love it. please inspire me to get started. Show me your Harry Potter lurve.

I'm posting from my phone so I can't make it pretty I hope to come back later and do so. also I'm using voice recognition so if your son odd typos that's why.

I never am sure if we're supposed to rec but I'm rereading The Foreign Papers by javamomma and thoroughly glad I picked it back up. Will link for you soon. In the meantime just google it <3

Edit: Thanks to whoever added the Harry Potter tag earlier. My phone won't let me "open more than one pop up window". Many air smooches to you love.


Germany vs Portugal!

Saturday June 9, 2012 at 12:38 PM

Hey guys it's Euro 2012 time!!! I've been excited since Thursday!!!. And I can't contain it.

Anywhoo. Come in here and talk Euro 2012 with other campers. And we can use this campfire as a watch along for the Germany v Portugal game. WHICH, I'm really REALLY watching that Germany team for this. What do you think? Do you watch? Are you excited? Who do you want to take it? Come talk futbol with me!! :)

How about this little treat, to tantalize. I can't think of anything sexier than Pique playing in A SUIT!!



The drop

Saturday June 9, 2012 at 11:16 AM

So we all saw janewithay's campfire on MIA muses below. Writers block seems to be a common ailment for the best of us these days. Makes us miss that first time when we posted our first story and got  high from all those lovely responses we weren't expecting- it seems like you're on a roll. You can't do no wrong with an update, all you can do is go up.

And then you fall.

You submit a chapter that gets the dreaded mixed response. The spark seems to be gone. It's not the same. What do you do when that happens? How do you deal? I'm asking this from recent experience.

What do you do when a chapter you submit seems like it has fallen flat?

Maybe I should have been expecting this-no, actually, I kind of was expecting this. My story is a  wip after all, and that comes with a mess of problems in and of itself....occupational hazard, I guess.

So tell do you bounce back?


Be Here Now -- Andy Whitfield

Saturday June 9, 2012 at 8:07 AM

Warning:  This is very moving, and not so easy to watch, especially since we
know Andy lost his brave battle with cancer.


I know quite a few campers, myself included, were fans of Andy Whitfield (Spartacus).  He died of cancer this past September.  During the last year of his life "Andy invited a camera to follow him throughout his journey as he explored both medical and alternative healing options in Australia, New Zealand and India ... It was Andy’s hope that by opening his story up to a documentary, he might help or inspire others facing similar challenges, while pushing to accelerate the pace of cancer research around the world."  (source)

Apparently, the filmmakers are seeking pledges in an effort to fund the rest of the project.  I personally pledged a modest amount, not only because I was a fan of Andy's but because cancer causes so much horrible suffering in so many lives. 

To make this more interactive:  What causes touch your heart?  Feel free to promote them in this campfire!


What the Fic?!

Saturday June 9, 2012 at 7:18 AM




Geographical Woes

Saturday June 9, 2012 at 7:11 AM

Hey guys!

How's your weekend so far? Well mine ends today since I live in the Middle East, particularly, the city where people flock to see this:


(I think this warrants a TA-DA!)

So, I've only ever encountered one camper who lives in the Middle East. *Shout out to cranberryshades*. I'm not sure if you remember me but I sent you a message asking if we could come watch BD 1 together but as it turns out you lived somewhere else.

Anyway, Dubai is an amazing place to live in and I've already been here a year but there is something I've been trying to work my way around. BLOCKED WEBSITES. I cannot access TWCS from here because they've blocked it, not to mention other sites with stuff, fun stuff. I can't even access blogs by some of the fanfic authors because of this. It's a Muslim country so they are quite conservative and have blocked sites that they deem inappropriate. So does anyone know a way to access these sites without getting arrested by the police? I don't want to do anything illegal. Lol.

To make this interactive and less like asking you to teach me how to hack, let's talk about some weird laws, or customs or traditions from where we're from or places we've visited. Or just share your city, who knows we might find someone we can watch the final BD movie with.



Cosmopolis Cast interviews

Saturday June 9, 2012 at 5:50 AM

Earlier this week Canadian interviewer George Stroumboulopoulos or Strombo for short had the cast and director David Cronenberg on CBC.  George always does interesting interviews and I really enjoyed watching everyone.  I have to say, David is a funny guy.

To watch the full program you can see it on CBC's webpage, although I am not sure if people outside the country can or not.  Link  for those of you that want to try.

For Rob's interview you can see it on youtube here


David's interview was really good, he speaks about casting Rob and the art of transfering book to film.  You can see his interview here
I will post Paul's and Sarah Gadon's inside.
Has anyone seen the movie yet??  What did you think?

Tales of terror....

Friday June 8, 2012 at 11:30 PM

So, some of you may know already that I got sworn in for the Air Force on Tuesday :)

It was the second longest day of my life. And possibly the most nerve-wracking.

Here's what happened:

We're brought into the room where we're supposed to take the oath. Wooden walls, where flags from various branches of the military are adorned, and in the back of the room, a podium where the commander will stand  to greets us.  I'm a natural introvert, and am very uncomfortable with being in the spotlight, especially with people I don't know.

My mother, father, brother, aunt and her two kids (5 and 7) came to watch.  I was the only one there with family. I'm standing there in the first row, hands behind my back, at attention. A few minutes before, the lady commander appoints me as the one to call "at attention" when the commander who will administer the oath enters the room. When this will happen, we will close our stance, moving our hands to our sides.

I'm waiting. I'm trying to ignore the other recruits around me (the majority of whom are guys. Just one other girl.). I'm trying to ignore the fact that I'm the only one here with family to watch. I 'm trying to catch my bearings, clear my mind, calm down, and listen as hard as I can to the door at the back of the room.


And then the door opens.  

"At attention!"

To me, my voice It sounds like a indecipherable bark. I cringe inwardly as I realize that I said the words mid-stance-shifting. The others follow, closing their stances. I pray no one notices the mistakes that I have already marked in my mind, while a tiny part of me tells me that I did fine.

The commander arrives at the podium, instructing family when and where they can take pictures/ videotape the ceremony. Again, I try to ignore the fact that I AM THE ONLY ONE WITH FAMILY THAT CAME TO WATCH.

We raise our right hands. And then repeat the oath. My heart is strangely steady as I repeat the words. The world fades away. It's over before I know it.

And then the embarassment comes when the commander intructs the recruits where to go and that now anyone with family here today can take pictures, etc.

I hug my mom, who has been crying apparently. My dad is glowing. My brother looks strangely...proud. My aunt, I think, is on the verge of tears, and my cousins are excited. From my peripherals, I spy the others exiting the door to get their paperwork. I've been told that i can join them after the pics. My parents even get a pic of the commander with me. I feel like dying of embarrassment.


To make this interactive, and give me a sense of closure/being not alone, tell me a time when you were scared out of your freaking mind. I can tell you right now, I'm still replaying everything that happened in that room, getting that same feeling of fear and embarrassment. Terror loves company.:p 



Friday June 8, 2012 at 8:23 PM

I would like to proudly announce to our fellow campers that The Offspring and her bestie PrttyBellaPrincess are graduating from high school tomorrow evening.


I'm very proud of both of them as they worked to overcome some pretty serious and unexpected obstacles over the last couple of years.

I've been dealing with the madness fairly well, but the girls have been battling 'senioritis.'


Congrats, my girls!!


Are any of you graduating this weekend? Please let us know so we can congratulate you as well!


EDIT: She got her gift early. I have posted the video inside with her permission. 





Come drink with me!

Friday June 8, 2012 at 7:43 PM

So it is Friday night and I am sitting at home alone doing laundry of all things. Life as a single 23 year old cant get much crazier!*  Thankfully I discovered a Corona or two lurking in the back of my fridge and I thought to myself that perhaps there were others here in the forest that could come commiserate with me thus this CampFire was born.


So grab your drink of choice and pull up a seat and join me?

I would love to hear your stories about what a horrible/great day/week you had!

Have stories of a guy at work your just can't help but swoon over? Let us know!

Have any tips, serious or not, for getting over a crush? Share those too!

Have advice for someone just starting out on their own? I would LOVE to hear it!

If you need advice ask!**

Every good party needs some music have a current favorite? Share a link!

In short this campfire is for everything!***




* Incase you missed it, that was a whole boat load of sarcasm

**I've been told I give great advice, I know for fact that others here do!

***Mostly to help me feel a little less down on a Friday night


Am I missing out on fun? Again?

Friday June 8, 2012 at 5:10 PM

Hi All!

After all of the hype and waiting and more hype, I was so excited when Pottermore finally opened to everyone.  Now, I'm kind of over it.  Anyone else?  It is possible that I am missing out on tons of fun, by not being savvy enough, (or motivated enough) to move further into the game.  I currently am not past the first book, and I still have a dangly lock a the top of my "gateway."  I vaguely may recall a message that the second book would open "soon", whatever than means in JKR's world. Is anyone else still actively hanging out in Harry-land?  Just wanted to get your thoughts.  Happy Friday!

Fic Rec-- Love this One Soooo Much:

A cocky QB runs into a snarky band geek. What happens when they collide on and off the field?

Rated: NC-17
Categories: Twilight, All Human Characters: Bella, Edward
Genre: Humor, Romance
Language: English
TWCS Romance Contest: None
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 18 Completed: No
Word count: 100694 Read: 406
Published: May 31, 2012 Updated: May 31, 2012



Is this necessary?

Friday June 8, 2012 at 2:00 PM

I can't even...

Who does this???


I have been to countless baby showers and never encountered anything like this....if I did...I would NOT be quiet about my feelings...

Post things that make you question the brain power of the human race....



The Vanishing

Friday June 8, 2012 at 1:45 PM



You’ve just submitted your first chapter and are anxiously waiting for your first batch of reviews to arrive. Email alerts pop up and… whew! You are so excited (and relieved) to discover that your readers not only love your story but they’re begging you to “hurry up and update ASAP!” or "That was HAWT!"

With renewed vigor you head to your laptop and begin to pluck away two-three more chapters and get them off to your beta, pronto. Then you post these on your favorite portal… and BAM! Another batch of reviews begins to fill your mail box. Your chest swells with pride... you did are a writer!. This goes on for weeks or even months. You are cranking out the chapters, receiving the reviews, and enjoying your accomplishments. Your readers are now sending you private messages telling you how much they’re loving your story. Some are telling you what not to do, while others are commanding you to do the opposite. Readers are now playing amateur detectives as they try to guess where you will take them next. It is all very exciting and you’re plucking away madly on the keyboard day and night trying to keep up the pace. Life is good.

Then it happens.


You wake up and discover that your Muse has packed her bags and left without so much as a "kiss my grits" or a "Later, Gator" scribbled on a post it note.

Gone without a trace.

Frustrated and desperate you turn on the laptop and open up a new word document hoping against hope that she’ll leap back into your head. Your fingers press a few keys and you manage to write a paragraph or two…but, no. You re-read your words and they’re crap. You delete what you wrote and begin all over again. Nope…still crap…still no muse. Huh.

Where is she? you ask yourself as the days turn into weeks and the weeks turn into months, (and in some unfortunate cases, years.) Your mail box begins to flood with PM’s asking where you are…they miss your story so much! (Or worse you don’t hear from anyone and convince yourself that your story must have been crap to begin with.)

What is a weary writer to do when their Muse goes missing?

Authors: Do you have any advice on how to solve the case of the missing muse? Have you ever had this happen to you? How did you handle the pressure and guilt that goes along with failing to update?

Readers: Do you get upset with an author when she stops updating by PM? Do you delete the story after awhile or do you keep it as a favorite...just in case?
 Dear Veronica
1994 was the year that The Cranberries lingered on our radios and Jordan Catalano was still the hottest boy we could imagine. But it was also the year that Bella Swan decided to keep a diary. A record of her actions. A place to share her thoughts.
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 11 - Words: 9,516 - Reviews: 958 - Updated: 6-8-12 - Published: 6-4-12 - Bella & Edward

Please note: Some campers may be participating in the FF boycott. I am simply sticking to the adf rules about quid pro. When the boycott is over though make sure you check this one out. It's adorable!


What the Fic?!

Friday June 8, 2012 at 9:54 AM



the trees are hungry.

Friday June 8, 2012 at 8:35 AM

free for all weekend is here!

start campfires! feed trees! profit!

this is the time to post about whatever you like (still no profanity/nekkid bodies on the front page, pls). no recommendations needed during the freeforall!

this lasts until 6pm eastern on sunday, so get to posting. and feed the forest while you're here.

now, this is a dedication campfire. dedicate a song to someone; anyone.

i dedicate this to my internet life partner, jandco:


FFA Music Post

Friday June 8, 2012 at 8:33 AM

This is how my story has gone this week-(as well as my life, maybe)

But I refuse to let it affect me!

Jpin me and fly your MUSIC FLAG!

'Feel the rain on your skin-no one else can feel it for you'

BTW- I really love Natasha






Happy Birthday VampGirl

Friday June 8, 2012 at 8:17 AM

It's just gone Midnight in Melbourne, Australia, which means it's....

VampGirl's Birthday!!

And what would VampGirl love most for her birthday??


Seeing as we can't give her the real thing, how about a huge Rob fest - post everything you've got - pics, gifs, videos, golden oldies, favourite Edward, maybe even some Cedric.  Most of all, give her the brand new ones, the lovely Cannes and Cosmopolis promos that are all over the place at the moment!!

Come on in campers, there'll be Edward ice cream cake for all!


I need a Beta...

Friday June 8, 2012 at 7:41 AM

Since it's Free For All Friday.... I am in need of a Beta! :)

I would like someone to proofread and make sure it makes sense, and look for spelling/grammar errors. If you are interested, let me know! I write Twilight fics at FFn. I've been working on a series that takes place in the Highlands around the 1300s. I'm working on Rosalie and Emmett's story currently.


*Thanks LJSummers for the idea!


"The Date is Set."

Thursday June 7, 2012 at 8:16 PM

Evening Campers!

I just read (after trolling the internet lol) about the official U.S. release date for Cosmopolis. The date? August 17th.

To say I'm anxious to see this movie would be an understatement! 

So to make this interactive.... Are you looking forward to seeing Mr. Pattinson in Cosmopolis? Attending the premiere? Couldn't care less? 


Does anyone recognize these fics?

Thursday June 7, 2012 at 5:29 PM

I know the fic descriptions are cursory at best, but I haven't read them, and that's all I remember of the plot summaries. I hope you guys can help me figure out the titles anyway:

1. Bella is a severely traumatized teenaged orphan who is terrified of men. Esme and Carlisle become her foster parents and Edward is their son. He's blind and a piano prodigy.

2. Bella and Edward are high school sweethearts and eventually get married. She becomes a doctor and he a police officer. She has childhood diabetes and gets pregnant and I believe her illness plays a crucial role in the story.

3. Edward and Bella have just gotten engaged when he suffers a massive stroke that leaves him partially paralyzed and brain damaged. The story deals with his physical and emotional recovery. Btw, he's a dr and she's a high school english teacher in the story.

My recommendation:

Teenage Dreams

A smile, two bottles of wine, sweet kisses and great sex are all it took to make idealistic Edward believe he's met the girl of his dreams. When all his ideals and ambitions are crushed, is she still the girl for him? E & B
Rated: Fiction M - English - Bella & Edward - Reviews: 403 - Chapters: 14 - Words: 69,907 - Updated: 03-24-11 - Published: 10-07-10 - Status: Complete 


First --- | >> | 620 | 621 | 622 | 623 | 624 | 625 | 626 | 627 | 628 | 1413 | 1414 | --- Last
