
Completed Fic Spreadsheet

Monday March 26, 2012 at 5:32 AM

Hi Everyone,

ETA:  I've moved everything to my new blog. The author's summary is now searchable plus you can do secondary searches and filters.


Original Post Below:

I've put together a Google Spreadsheet of completed fics. Can someone PM me to let me know if the links are showing up properly?

It is just E/B, M-Rated and only has fics completed since 09/20/11.) It includes the Author, Title, Chapters, Reviews, Date Completed and the Summary. The link below is in List Format. Click on the column names to sort by ascending or descending order. You can also filter by specific authors, dates, etc.

You can search for keywords so it may help some of you find what you're looking for. The authors and titles are linked to their FFNet pages. If there is no hyperlink the fic has been pulled. If you find stories on my list that have been pulled can you send me a PM and I'll remove the link?

If a story appears more than one time it is usually because the author has added chapters after hitting Complete or there is more than one author. The review count is the number of reviews at the time the fic was completed.

I use it to decide what to read next! I update this daily for my own personal use and decided to share with the community.

Twilight Fan Fiction List

Top Completed Fics by Review Count

Top Completed O/S by Review Count

Top WIP Fics by Review Count

Top Fics by Average Reviews / Chapter

Removed Fics

Published Fics

Sort and filter the list to get the view you want!

Report Broken Links / Removed Fics to:
Twitter: @TwilightFicList - Follow on Twitter for notification of updates 

Posts: 15
Joined: Sat Oct 02, 2010 6:04 pm


Ranger Edit:  This is a spreadsheet with Completed Fics, E/B, M-rated


Hunger Games fic recommendations?

Sunday March 25, 2012 at 3:25 PM

I hope I'm not duplicating threads here, but uh... I've been dipping my toe into the HG fandom, and I was wondering if any of you had any good canon recs for THG? If there's an existing CF link me, cause I've missed it. I'm particularly looking for Katiness/Peeta fics, but I'll try anything if they're well written.

My recs:

Torn by Dooba - if you're not reading this you should be. It's a tough read at times, but it's beautifully done.

Bella Swan has survived a living hell, twice. She no longer speaks. Nobody ever listened. The Cullen family take her into their care. Bella fights to leave her past behind, but will she be able to let love in? AU/AH M-rated for violence, content, language - Twilight - Rated: M - English - Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 53

A Cracked and Clouded Mirror by justaskalice - hasn't updated in awhile, but I'm digging it.

A shadowy vision portends the end of everything, unless one small, insignificant girl can turn the tide. AU. Twilight - Rated: M - English - Adventure/Suspense - Chapters: 12



Sunday March 25, 2012 at 1:59 PM

What could the forest use more of today???


 [  Join me in the comments to see how I hope you will help make this interactive ;-)  ]


a fight... to the death.

Sunday March 25, 2012 at 1:10 PM

the ADF games: the cornucopia

tributes, i hope you have been adequately prepared.

you are to fight... to the death.

your gamemakers have put you in matches.

your job is to create ONE POST in response to your death match describing how you will defeat your opponent(s). use your words, pictures, videos, anything. you may not edit your post.

you have until 11:59pm eastern monday night. 

sponsors, get in there and support your favorite tributes.

the gamemakers will decide the winners of each match based on their creativity and subsequent response by the members of the capitol.

good luck, and may the odds be ever in your favor.

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

*the rounds were randomly chosen using a complicated system involving post-it notes, a legal pad, wtvoc's brother, and eksmith's abacus


Wisdom toofers be gone!

Sunday March 25, 2012 at 1:02 PM

Hey campers!

If any of you follow me on twitter, you'll notice how sadly pathetic I've been since I had my wisdom teeth cut out on Thursday.  It's pretty suck-tastic.

I'm finally to the point where I can incorporate more foods into my diet, but I'm really tired of eating applesauce, yougurt and chicken broth.

What I need is food ideas!

Have you had any teeth removed? What did you eat after you got sick of the same things for several days in a row? Do you have any recipes that are delicious that will help me get over the hump until I can start eating solid foods again?

All help is appreciated!


Let's See If I Get It Right This Time...

Sunday March 25, 2012 at 11:45 AM

First I want to apologize for not reading the instructions properly... I have been warned. lol   I posted a requst last night for a certain story I was looking for.  It was Toye by Bratty vamp.  It's quite scary and a really, really sharp twist to the story.  I know somene replied that they had it but my campfire request got 'put out'...  So if that person still would like to reply again with their contact, I would greatly appreciate it.  Now, onto MY favorite recs.... I have soooooo many but here are a handful for your reading.  Warning these stories have a lot of angst in them... I know, I keep a huge box of tissues on my desk at all times.  So with no further waiting..

!-A pound of flesh by jaxon22: Simply LOVE this Edward...The story is AMAZING!!!

2-A May To December Romance by positively 4th street: 

3-Expectations and Other Moving Pieces by chrometurtle: Not sure how this will end, but love all the turmoil.

4- Drowning Not Waving by bower-of-bliss:

5-Ruthless and Ivory by mujern:  OMG this story I read all there was in one afternoon.  Couldn't walk away from it. 

6-A Forbidden Love byTwiloversue:  I search out for story pieces like this!! My First fav was by Savage7289. Unexpected Circumstances!!

And last but not least, something both funny and sexy... A beer with the guys and A Drink With the Girls by Carano:,


I hope this redeems me from any wrong doing here at ADF.  Sorry for my error.  I love your website!!! You're doing a wonderful job.  Sincerely,,  Elena  xo

Luna StarFire

ADF Fit Club

Sunday March 25, 2012 at 10:46 AM


How's everyone doing this week?  Don't good, got an struggles you need help with?  Come on in and let us know how you be?

Homework:  Got any new music jams?

Also its never too late to join in. ; )


stigma of YA books

Sunday March 25, 2012 at 9:27 AM

I went out to dinner with my mom and her husband last night.  She was fumbling over her words a lot and made a joke that her IQ dropped bc of the last book she read (which was supposedly why she was having trouble talking).  I asked her what she meant, and she said she recently read THG.  I asked her why that would make her IQ drop, and she said it was because it was a book meant for teenagers.

This coming from a woman who reads and loves Charlaine Harris!  Not that there's anything wrong with Charlaine Harris, but I don't think her writing is leaps and bounds above the writing of Suzanne Collins, or John Green, or JK Rowling, or any number of YA authors.

Honestly, most of the books I read are YA.  I do read some adult Paranormal/Urban Fantasy books but I don't find the writing to be any better.  The only reason YA books are YA is bc they're about teens (and most of the books I read are about college aged kids) and bc there are no sex scenes (well....graphic sex scenes.  I've seen some YA authors get really creative, lol).

So why the YA hate? Do people feel squicky reading about teenagers? Do they feel books need to be "dumbed down" in order to appeal to teens which is why they're hesitant to read them?



Sunday March 25, 2012 at 12:34 AM

Does anyone have a site they use to create a webpage? I would like to open a page for my photography pictures.




The Fallout: COMPLETE

Saturday March 24, 2012 at 9:24 PM


Today marked the 3 year anniversary since OCD_Indeed posted the prologue, and she's posted the last 2 chapters + epilogue! (The pic is a link to Ch 36, the first new chapter!).

I know there are Fallout readers here that have either been waiting patiently for updates, or who thought it would never finish. So go off and enjoy! Then come back and let us know what you think!

For added interactivity:

What other stories did you think would never finish, but finally did! Or are only one or two chapters away from finishing?

To end, this sorta became the "unofficial" Fallout song, way back in the day:




Saturday March 24, 2012 at 8:06 PM

This was the episode before the season finale.


And I  just can't.

Get in here and talk Spartacus with me!!!


Calling All Finnick Odairs

Saturday March 24, 2012 at 5:38 PM

I may be jumping the gun since we are all still on the high of the fist movie being released, but I'd like to talk about Catching Fire. Specifically the casting. Those who have read the books know that Catching Fire introduces a lot of new characters.

Finnick Odair (Annie Cresta)


Johanna Mason



I adore Finnick, especially. His heartbreaking life story and charismatic personality is hard not to cheer on. And I think we all have our own picture of Finnick in our heads. My ideal Finnick is Garrett Hedlund (Four Brothers, Tron Legacy, On the Road)

But I want to know who best fits your Finnick, Mags, Johanna, Beetee, Wiress, or whatever characters you love from Catching Fire. Post your pictures of the Catching Fire characters. Models, actors, or just random pictures from Tumblr/Google

And then give me your guess of whom will be casted. Regardless of personal bias, which actors are most likely to get the roles? I'm very curious to know!



P.S. I'm pretty new to creating campfires. How did I do? Ranger response: You did beautifully. Keep 'em coming :) wnv


Let's Get Some Ink

Saturday March 24, 2012 at 3:32 PM

i love tattoos. 

recently, i added two new ones, bringing my total to six. 


as some of you know i named my kids Lily (after Harry's mom) and Arwen (from LOTR) 

funny story, i was showing off the snitch tatt, and this girl i work with was like "what's that?" "oh, that's a snitch from Harry Potter. that's where i got my daughter's name from." "you named your daughter snitch?!" 


 i also sorta kinda convinced The Boy to get a tattoo as well, his first (and probably last. lets just say...i have a higher pain tolerance)

anywho, we'e all seen how hilariously bad some of the Twilight tattoos are, though Harry Potter ones are usually good, and so are Hunger Games ones. 


so lets talk tattoos. 

do you have any? 

do they mean anything special or are they just spur of the moment ones?

have a tattoo that you desperately want but it's too expensive?

or you want one but you just don't think you can handle it?

would you get a tattoo based on your favorite books/movies/video games/ band?

show me and tell me!


Outtake Request

Saturday March 24, 2012 at 1:49 PM

Would anyone be so kind as to PM me the EP Outtake Principessa?  That would be SO appreciated!  Thanks!

My Recs:

The quality of this story is phenomenal (an AH WIP consistently updated)

The Diva Diaries by KiyaRaven

Dear Diary, I've stupidly agreed to star with Jack-ass Cullen in a new Broadway show. What the hell was I thinking? I still haven't forgiven him for what happened between us in drama school. I can't let him in again. I just can't. But how can I not? Bella
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Romance/Angst - Chapters: 28 - Words: 260,951 - Reviews: 9038 - Updated: 3-21-12 - Published: 2-28-10 - Bella & Edward

My Forever Family by lberkeley6 (an AU WIP consistently updated)

What if Edward also lied to the Cullens in New Moon? This lie leaves Bella to create a family on her own, and finds Carlisle struggling as he attempts to preserve a family slipping away. B&C POVs, but not slash. Maybe BxE, if he can redeeem himself!
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Family/Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 19 - Words: 115,105 - Reviews: 192 - Updated: 3-19-12 - Published: 2-7-12 - Bella & Edward


Looking for Fanfics

Saturday March 24, 2012 at 12:59 PM


I'm looking for a copy of the fanfic "After All". Bella was once an aspiring opera singer before a car accident destroyed her dream. She gets a second chance when Edward's band holds auditions for a singer.

Also, I'm searching for the title of two fanfics and If they are no longer on the net, I'll ask for a copy of them, too. One is of Bella as a photographer, she is a young genius at 23, but in reality she's 17. Rosalie is her manager/sister o_O'...Edward is a singer/actor (?) and one of her models, they met previuosly at a Halloween's party and lost their virginity to each other.

The second one is about Bella working for Edward. He is a businessman, or something like that, and ask for her help continuously (like, every five minutes), even on the color of the necktie to wear for work!! She is at her wit's end.

I appreciate whomever is willing to help me. Thanks in advance.


Rec Fic:

In her final months as a student at U of T, Bella meets Edward, the PhD candidate who will be the TA of her senior Shakespeare course and her world is turned on end. What do you do when the only man you want is the one you can't have?


Popping my campfire cherry...

Saturday March 24, 2012 at 9:31 AM

Hmmm...he'd be cut off for a LOOOOONNNNNGGGG time....

i need of clpsuperstar's story PDFs

Saturday March 24, 2012 at 6:55 AM

She posted that she removed her stories yesterday and I didn't read her reminder post thay she was doing so until it was too late :(  i had finished million dollar baby by her a few days ago and had a tab open with paris stars are blind, ready to reread again (btw i love her stories and was rereading them because I wanted to) when i go to read ch 2 and the story was gone as well as the rest of her posts. So I'm sad that i missed out on my chance to reread such great stories.

So I am now on a hunt for PDFs and google is failing me. I am asking that if anyone has PDFs of clpsuperstar's stories, especially Million Dollar Baby, I Love College, and Paris Stars Are Blind, please PM that you have a copy of them and then I'll give my email address for you to send it. I REALLY do appreciate any help given. Thank you so much! :)

Recommended Fic: Simply Edward by CaraNo (really anything by CaraNo is awesome, but this fic I absolutely loved! Edward is so adorable!)

UPDATE: I now have Million Dollar Baby, I Love College & Paris Stars Are Blind. I also have La Petite Boudoir Ménage A Trois, Send Me An Angel, Fantasy Suite Obsession & She Fcking Hates Me (1st chapter - if there is more to that story I'd appreciate a PDF on that). I'm looking for Club XXX (i think thats what its called). I remembered I read and liked that one as well. Thank you to everyone who's sent me PDFs and to those who wanted to help out.  :D


welcome to the opening ceremonies!

Saturday March 24, 2012 at 1:47 AM

the ADF games: the opening ceremonies

let the games begin!

we have our tributes, citizens of panem!

in this campfire, i will be introducing your tributes. they will in turn ~dazzle us all with their opening ceremony outfits.

tributes: i will create a comment with your introduction. you will respond with ONE comment meant to impress: use pictures (i used to create my outfit), gifs, music, videos, what-have-you, to get sponsors and make an impression! you have until midnight tonight.

citizens/campers: you will show your support for your favorite tributes. check out their profiles, and get ready to sponsor your champion!

stylist wtvoc's outfit for your time/inspiration:

opening ceremonies
thank you, chickadees! your first task will be announced tomorrow afternoon! 

Looking for stories

Saturday March 24, 2012 at 1:25 AM

I'm looking for  stories where Edward and Bella are middle aged couple.

When teenage daughter of Edward Cullen committed a suicide, he felt his world was shattered. As if, he had no reason to live. Little did he know, his daughter's last note would give him reason to live once again.


Genie Bella?

Saturday March 24, 2012 at 1:11 AM

Genie Bella???

i've never heard of that....anyone know a genie bella story, duhitsangie has a one-shot....i want to read something more than a one-shot...

read any other interesting mythical character protrayed by ExB?? no vampires, no werewolves, no hybrids of either....something completely Elemental by Tallulahbelle...that one was different....

my recomendation is this super amazing story by a wonderful author....

Quiet On The Set » by duhitsangie
America's sweetheart Isabella Swan and Hollywood's playboy Edward Cullen are cast together in an upcoming movie. Will there be sparks or will things just be quiet on the set? And is everything the tabloids say just as it seems? M for Lemons
Twilight - Fiction Rated: M - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 28 - Words: 121,386 - Reviews: 1048 - Updated: 3-7-12 - Published: 1-27-11 - - Bella/Edward

First --- | >> | 663 | 664 | 665 | 666 | 667 | 668 | 669 | 670 | 671 | 1413 | 1414 | --- Last
