
Something big is coming to the forest

Thursday March 22, 2012 at 9:39 AM

Anyone want to guess on what's coming?



Cosmopolis aka How Rob killed Cappie dead

Wednesday March 21, 2012 at 10:54 PM

The teaser is out.

Um... it is quite inappropriate so I'm putting it in the comments along with my opinion. :) Feel free to share yours!


*ranger edit to the campfire title

purple edit 'cuz i saw this rad gif on tumblr

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Esme Incognito

Are these Edward's eyes, or what??

Wednesday March 21, 2012 at 10:48 PM

Not sure I pasted the links in correctly, but I just watched the video for Somebody that I Used to Know on YouTube and right around 30 seconds, POW--GREEN EYES! It's a sickness I have: seeing Twilight references in everyday life. (sigh) 

There's a group from Canada called Walk Off The Earth who sing the same song with all five of them playing one guitar. It's pretty cool. Reminds me of a fic I read (I think it was called The Cliffs??)  where Edward & Bella played a song together on one guitar at a talent show. See? There, I did it again. It's a sickness, I tell ya!
Recommendation--It's really pretty. Set in the Getty Center museum
It would be impossible for Bella to love anything more than her job at the J Paul Getty museum. That is, until a handsome, bronze-haired, fine suit-ed young man breezes through her gallery. A love story within the walls of a museum. E/B AH AU
Twilight - Fiction Rated: M - English - General/Romance - Chapters: 21 - Words: 29,776 - Reviews: 882 - Updated: 3-21-12 - Published: 2-10-12 - - Edward/Bella

Bella Swan:Kidnapper is being kidnapped

Wednesday March 21, 2012 at 9:51 PM

Kidnapped by edwardandtaylorgrl onn FFnet is basically a very poorly disguised re-write of Bella Swan: Kidnapper. This "author" even wrote a note at the top of story.....A/N: so I read a story like this and I fell in love with the idea! So I'm going to steal it! –Shhh- don't tell anyone (; I'm not going to take any of the author's work just the idea. I was hesitant to post this but what do I got to lose!

I just did a side by side comparison and it was like looking at FSOG vs MOTU.  So yeah..compare away...and have at em!


*AhemI really wanted a "theif" tag, but alas there wasn't one.

If you aren't then you should...go read.....

The Bear by Lady Gwynedd
I wasn't at all sure about returning to Forks after my father died. But like a siren—not the one that came with his police cruiser, but the ones that lured you in too close to the rocks—I couldn't resist. Fate has a funny sense of humor.
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Hurt/Comfort/Romance - Chapters: 5 - Words: 24,756 - Reviews: 667 - Updated: 3-20-12 - Published: 2-12-12 - Bella & Edward




As I promised yesterday..HELP DESK TIME!

Wednesday March 21, 2012 at 8:26 PM

Sorry this is late..there were family emergencies aplenty in the Emibella household!

As always, the weekly help desk is your place to ask questions:

Did you forget the name of a fanfic?

Do you have a request for a special kind of fanfic?

Do you want to know what happened to an author or a story?

Do you have a question about ADF and how it works?

In addition to this, ask about ANYTHING YOU WANT! Ask about Portland! Ask about AUTHORS USING SOCK ACCOUNTS TO WRITE NEW FIC! Ask about swimsuits! THIS IS YOUR CAMPFIRE FOR ANSWERS!


Ask away! Many people like to answer!

Oh Carol

I'm looking for...

Wednesday March 21, 2012 at 8:17 PM

Nope, it's not another "help me find that fic!!!" campfire.

I actually want to know if anyone has any news about Farkle, the author of Art School Confidential, which last update was in October/2010. I miss that fic so much!

I already checked her twitter, the thread in Twilighted, asked about her on my twitter, but I ended up with nothing and got worried.

Does anyone know if she left the fandom? Or if she's just crazy busy and gave up writing ASC? Is everything alright with her? 


ADF's Weekly Fan Video Post

Wednesday March 21, 2012 at 6:50 PM








"The Hunger Games || HOPE & FEAR" by Grable424


"The Vampire Diares | Paradise" by ShatteredxDesires


"EB ~ Strangers" by Natysik1204




Breaking Wind

Wednesday March 21, 2012 at 3:15 PM

i just came across this on the Blockbuster website.


this looks funnier than Vampires Suck (imho)
lol look at "Carlisle" 
lets make this interactive by mocking the thing that brought us all together. 
give me your best memes, gifs, spoofs, manips, etc

Extended BD2 teaser

Wednesday March 21, 2012 at 1:13 PM

It has been recorded in the cinema, so ya know...excuse the shaking and background voices and all that

cute Kristen invites you in :)


He's aliveeeee :)

Wednesday March 21, 2012 at 1:06 PM

Rob coming out of a meeting in LA :) His hair is growing back nicely (i did love the buzzcut though) and apparently so is his beard LOL

And a Cosmopolis teaser trailer hits the web tomorrow morning! YAY


Edit: Let's have a Rob appreciation campfire...I'm feeling like spamming people w/ pretty Rob pictures and obsess over his beautiful...everything


ETA2: upsie my purple writing confuses people...sorry Purple ranger...I just love purple :)


A little help please

Wednesday March 21, 2012 at 12:20 PM

So, I was recently checking out the prego Bella list and came across a fic that I really wanted to read. The only problem was that it had been pulled from ffn and I have no idea where to find it. So, if anyone has it and would be willing to share it would make my day :{D


 You, Me and The Baby Make Three

When rich stuck up Bella Swan has a one night stand with 'poor' Edward Cullen, the result is a baby. How will two people from such different worlds deal with the ups and downs of an unplanned teenaged pregnacy? All canon couples, AH, very OOC.




ETA my rec is


 The Morphing Games by Taneva Rose

Twenty-four names drawn at random, by the end all but one will be dead. The final survivor receives the ultimate prize: immortality. My name is Bella Swan, and I'm a Prospective in the 100th Morphing Games. There's only one problem: I don't want to win.

It's really well written and has a great plot line 



ipod/fic help

Wednesday March 21, 2012 at 12:08 PM

My sincerest apologies if this has been covered already. I did try using the search feature but couldn't find exactly what I was looking for.

I recently acquired a shiny new ipod. This is quite the indulgence for me and it's taking a bit of getting used to as I suck at technical stuff. One of the many things I can do with it is read PDF's so last night I finally got some ebooks from my comp onto it and then I started thinking...

I've seen people tweet and make posts about reading fic on their ipads and phones and things like that. And I know that there's a bunch of fics available in PDF format but my question is this. Actually, it's twofold. 

1. I heard someone say there's a program you can use to turn fics into PDF's? True? False? Help?

2. I was looking on the twificdatabase website last night and I saw a section that had a chart of fics with info on each fic but if you clicked on the fic it just took you to the FFnet page. Where do I get downloads of the fics? I do have that Googledocs thing from ages ago but the fics from the website list I was interested in weren't on there. Help?


I wish I could give you a rec but I haven't read any fic in ages. I mean AGES. Rangers please don't punish me for not reading fic. And I can't really rec any books because I've only read one this year so far. Warm Bodies which I think everyone knows about already. I can tell you that The Moth Diaries is advance screening on itunes though I haven't watched it yet but I CAN'T WAIT to. I did watch this the other night:



And really liked it.
Anyway, thanks for your help!
*And again, apologies for my absence of late. The past week has been REALLY tough.

Dusty Update

Wednesday March 21, 2012 at 10:36 AM

In honour of Ro's birthday, Dusty updated a day early! (kisses faces)

Come back and discuss once you've read! 



Happy Birthday, Ro!

Wednesday March 21, 2012 at 8:22 AM

click to generate your own textclick to generate your own textclick to generate your own textclick to generate your own textclick to generate your own textclick to generate your own textclick to generate your own textclick to generate your own textclick to generate your own textclick to generate your own textclick to generate your own textclick to generate your own textclick to generate your own textclick to generate your own text

It's our very own Rochelle Allison's birthday today! So let's all tell her how much we love her stories and wish her the happiest of days.

Happy Birthday, Ro!


LJ Summers

Spring Cleaning!

Wednesday March 21, 2012 at 6:30 AM


Fellow Campers of A Different Forest, I would like to enlist your help for a

spring cleaning


of the Master Fic List

When these lists of fic-by-type were begun, back in 2010 (yes!), there were just a few lists.  Now, there are more than 100.  Within these lists are some now-classic favorites, which are fabulous.


There are also remnants of fic that might have been abandoned.


Or fics that have been pulled entirely.


OR fics that used to be WIPs and are now COMPLETE and FABULOUS and on their way to becoming 

THE NEW CLASSICS of Fanfic! :)

We refer people to our Master Fic List frequently, and frankly? It could use a good dusting.  

I would love to ask for your help to do that.  

If you would be so kind, please take a look at the list and choose a category that particularly appeals to you. See if you find any fics in there that could use a reorganization of some sort.  

I'll be doing it, too.

If you DO find something that needs reclassification, you can PM me.  My icon is on pretty much each of those lists, so you won't need to do too much. ;-)

I will then go in with my Swiffer and make it all fresh.:)


So...will you help?  

I'd sure appreciate it, and so would any and everyone whom we refer to these lists! :)


Thank you SO MUCH!


dschmuec - The End of the World as We Know It Fic List, the Cross-Cultural/Interracial Romance List, the Not So Lemony Fic List, the One Night Stand List, the Drabble Fic List, the Halloween Fic List, the Weird* Fetish List, the Peter/Bella Fic List, the College Fic List, AND the Road Trip Fic List 

Camilla - Darkward List

Daisy Mae - Domward Master Fic List (and yes, I'm still chuckling)

Steelkaje - Tattward List, Copward Fic List, Chefward/Chefella Fic List, AND Raceward

spanglemaker9 - Famous Edward List

jilbur - Vampella Fic List

MouldingBrain - Arranged Relationship Fic List, the Meeting Online Fic List, the May-December Romance List, the Love/Hate Fic List, the Fluffy Fics Fic List, the Epic Fic Fic List, the Best Friends Fall in Love Fic List, Classic Fic List, Complete AH Fic List, Childhood Sweetheart Fic List, One-Shot Fic List, AND Meet on Holiday Fic List

boop - Non-canon AU Fic List

tOkitt - High School Fic List (this is a monster list), Jerk-Bluntward Fics AND Badward Fic List

TwilightMomofTwo - Eclipse AU Fic List, New Moon AU Fic List

CLHahny - Historical Fic List, the Pre-Twilight AU List, Daddyward Fics, Doctorward Fics, Twilight AU Fic List AND Breaking Dawn AU Fic List

chilledmist - Jasper/Bella Fic List

MildredDempsey - Cheat Fics Fic List

slambrini87 - Pregnant Bella Fic List



Censorship in the Hunger Games Movie

Wednesday March 21, 2012 at 5:59 AM

I found out that my favourite/ most trustworthy critics did a review for Hunger Games. (Margaret and David of At the Movies, if you were wondering. If you live in Aus, you probably know who I'm talking about.) I was shocked when it was primarily negative -- Margaret gave it 2 stars, David 1 and a half. In fact, they gave Twilight a better rating when it first came out.

Interestingly, none of their criticism was of the plot, the characters, or the acting; rather, it was the action scenes, camera work and editing. Apparently, the fight scenes are hard to follow (it was said that you couldn't even tell the gender of the people fighting,) and the camera is very shaky throughout the entire film. They attributed this to: 

a) fact that the book was written in first person and it didn't translate well; and

b) the film makers wanted to appeal to a younger audience so had to censor a lot of it.

I when I think about it, this makes sense, and I'm surprised I haven't seen it mentioned before. Many people were concerned about censorship in Breaking Dawn, but really I think it's even more of an issue with The Hunger Games. I mean, the book was quite graffic -- a lot  more graffic than BD - and I think that the fanbase for this is even younger. Seriously, why has no one mentioned this?

I'm really nervous about seeing it now because, as I said, I trust these critics. They never seem to let the popular opinion influence their reviews, which is fantastic. 


To make this interactive: if you've read the book(s) what are your biggest concerns regarding the film? Is there anything you don't think they're going to be able to pull off? 

note: I would post a link to the review but it only aired about half an hour ago, so I doubt it's online. 


In The Woods Updated

Wednesday March 21, 2012 at 1:05 AM

Is anybody reading this wonderful and so original story by Oprah Winfrey? I need to discuss it and there will be spoilers inside, if somebody comes in too (EK Smith, you promised!)


Summary: Bella has a serious case of writer's block. A retreat to an isolated cabin in the mountains is just what she needs. The only problem? She's not alone and this mysterious, surly stranger is not looking for company. M for lemons. Very AU.

This Edward is different from any you have met before, beautiful, tragic and doomed. I can't see a way out.- But I so hope there will be one.


March 23rd get here faster!

Tuesday March 20, 2012 at 8:33 PM

C A N 'T     F R E A K I N G     W A I T ! 


but for now I leave you this


hunger games soundtrack

Tuesday March 20, 2012 at 8:30 PM

The Hunger Games "Soundtrack" came out today.

Did you get it?  What do you think?  What are your favorite tracks?


This is at the top of my list.....



The Anything But Normal Weekly Rec

Tuesday March 20, 2012 at 7:12 PM



Give us a link and tell us about it!


Did you read that campfire where WTVOC was looking for just-about-every-fanfic-cliché-ever-written? Well, keeping that in mind,

Rec me something that is anything but 


I am going to let YOU interpret that as you wish, but you get the idea. Something completely different. 

But don't just rec me what I am asking for, rec anything.



A Friendly Reminder: Every WEDNESDAY is HELP DESK DAY! Looking for a fic? That is a great place to ask! We have noticed lots of amnesia campfires lately and not as many people using the Help Desk. Keep in mind that many people are there to help you find what you are looking for! See you there tomorrow!

First --- | >> | 665 | 666 | 667 | 668 | 669 | 670 | 671 | 672 | 673 | 1413 | 1414 | --- Last
