Gifs Please!

Friday March 9, 2012 at 1:38 PM

I have become completely obsessed with gifs. I use them whenever I can and browse tumblr for hours looking for ones I might use in the future. Post your favorite "reaction" gifs--whichever ones you use to show emotions in conversation (shocked, happy, "i dont really care", sideways glance, etc.) Bonus points if they are Twilight related! Or a topic from one of my tags. :)

Here is one that I havent had the chance to use yet:






This Is A Superhero Campfire!

Friday March 9, 2012 at 12:48 PM

So, there's a lot of people around here that I've never met before, and that's just a crime!  I want to get to know you all by asking (what I consider to be) the most important question ever:


or alternatively


Don't have a clue?  Don't know a thing about superheroes?


What are you waiting for?!


House Advice

Friday March 9, 2012 at 11:46 AM

Hidey Ho!  So, the campfire below about stalking people's houses has prompted me to look for some advice.

I've lived in my house for nearly 17 years... one marriage, three kids, 3 cats, 5 in transition "roommates who needed a place to stay", 5 dogs, couple lizards, countless field mice, etc etc etc

We've "gathered" stuff...

much to much stuff...

My boss recently moved and said the worst part was packing all the "stuff" she's accumulated.

I quiver in fear of ever having to do that...quiver...

So, what would be your best advice for doing the most thorough spring cleaning you could think of.  Is there a method to the madness that would lessen the quivering?

Hit me with your best hints and ideas :)


Weird internet stalking

Friday March 9, 2012 at 11:32 AM

Good morning fellow campers!

Time to confess -- I have a weird fondness for peeping into other people's homes.  Now, I don't go creepin' around the streets looking in windows, but I do like to surf sites like Flickr or real estate sites and look at pictures of other people's homes!  I've also been known to attend open house showings even when I'm not in a position to buy a home (I'm sure real estate agents hate people like me).  I don't know why, but I just LOVE to see how other people live (and I've also gotten some cool decorating ideas this way, not that you'd ever know it to look at my house). I've also seen a few things that make me "HMMMM!"

So tell me fellow campers, what strange (or not so strange) interest has the internet helped you pursue?  What do you spend way too much time looking at online (p0rn doesn't count :-D ) that you probably wouldn't have been able to indulge in without the internet?  


It's Lovely, I'll Take It!


Best Week Ever!

Friday March 9, 2012 at 11:30 AM


Okay folks, come on in and tell me who you think had the Best Week Ever this week--

It's open to anyone in the media, news, tv shows (that aired this week), FAN FICS (that updated this week) and YOU.

Did YOU have the Best Week EVER? Come tell us all why!

Also-- Who had the Worst Week? (Maybe Peyton Manning?? Poor guy.) Did YOU have the Worst Week Ever? :(


Of course, funny pictures, gifs, stories, links, videos all welcome!! xo


(Dude, I can totally Tag now...AND I LOVE IT. Do I need to untag some? Lemme know.)


ETA: Not having the Best Week THIS week? Come share a story about when you did! :)



Friday March 9, 2012 at 11:26 AM

I'm looking for your opinions. Are the Vampire Diaries worth reading? I'm thinking about getting them but not sure if they are worth it. If I do, then do I just get the Diary series or do I also get the Return and the Hunters series? Any help would be great. Thanks!


My rec: Snapdragon » by prettykittyartist

Once upon a time, a girl fell in love with a boy. He gave her a ring and promised her forever. No one told her there'd be an expiration date on her glass slippers. What's a girl to do when she stands to lose everything? She fights. Hard. EXB AH AU
Twilight - Fiction Rated: M - English - Angst/Romance - Chapters: 13 - Words: 97,454 - Reviews: 1000 - Updated: 3-3-12 - Published: 11-26-11 - - Bella/Edward


Blow me down, I liked it

Friday March 9, 2012 at 11:10 AM

I had low expectations after my darling Rob got some pretty bad reviews since Berlin, so I went in expecting a lot of second-hand embarrassment and cringing.  

HEY, it wasn't bad after all.  All the face-twitching and nostril-flaring was perfectly in character.

Don't look so sad, Rob, it was pretty good.

What movie do you like that everyone else has panned? Besides Twilight, lol.

Dodgeball?  Wrath of Kahn?  Plan Nine from Outer Space?

Love Well Spent

Country Music

Friday March 9, 2012 at 9:47 AM

Is there anyone else here who is an avid listener to country music like I am? And I mean any kind of country music - old (Hank Williams, Johnny Cash - by the way it was his bday not too long ago!) to contemporary (Brad Paisley, Keith Urban, Carrie Underwood, etc.) If so, tell me why you listen to it! I listen to it because a lot of the songs are just so real - they come from the heart. I think Brad Paisley said it best in one of his songs when he sang, "It ain't hip to sing about tractors, trucks, little towns and mama, yeah that might be true, but this is country music and we do. So turn it on, turn it up and sing along, this is real, this is your life in a song, this is country music."

Here are two new country singers that haven't quite made it yet, but I just discovered them a couple days ago. They have great voices! Not to mention they're both super cute. ;)

Canaan Smith



I'll add the other one in the comments!

on the road trailer

Friday March 9, 2012 at 8:35 AM









Lulu M

PTB is expanding to Original Fiction

Friday March 9, 2012 at 8:19 AM

Along with our expansion to Harry Potter and Hunger Games, Project Team Beta is also extending our services to authors and betas of Original Fiction. We are now looking for interested authors and betas of OF to join our community. 

Quick Links

Author Applications
Beta Applications

Why choose PTB?

We are exceptionally helpful to those who are unsure as to what they want out of a beta. All betas have different editing styles, and what might work for one author, might not work for another. With PTB, you have the opportunity to work with many different beta’ing styles until you find two betas that are perfect for you.

Why beta for PTB?

You don't have to be an author to want to beta. As long as you are a reader with the desire to help authors improve their craft you will gain something from PTB. We don't expect our betas to be perfect, but we do encourage our betas to want to continuously learn. Every day you will learn something new from commas to plot development to something about your own writing.

Learning Community

We continuously strive to help both our authors and betas improve in all aspects of writing. We like to maintain an active learning community that authors and betas can depend and lean on for support. If you give PTB a chance, you will find a friend here. Someone with the same interests and goals as you.

Posted with permission by LJ Summers

LJ Summers

Free For All!

Friday March 9, 2012 at 6:31 AM

Yes, Campers, it is FRIDAY

I don't know about YOU, but I've been thinking it's Friday for at LEAST three days.  

Remember the RULES for Free For All:

Keep it CLEAN in the original campfire.

- no nekkid people

- language is G/PG rated ONLY


- ask questions

- promote discussions

- no dropping in a pic or video and just saying, "I like it."  Come on, put some effort into this. :)



MY bit of interactivity:


I found this as my very first image in my Twilight album online:


The guys were young and hot and still maybe trying too hard.

What images do YOU have stored from early on in the life of the fandom?

OR any OTHER pics you might like to share?

I'm always into Cam Gigandet!


Some Minor Fixes

Thursday March 8, 2012 at 11:40 PM

I have just completed two minor fixes to the site.

1) Double campfire alerts - under certain circumstances there would be double alerts sent, this has now been resolved - if it continues let me know.  And yes even if you click BOTH of the alert options you will only get 1 email per comment.

2) Really long campfire paging wasn't working past about page 30 or so.  Take a look here for an example of the update.


Love for an Alpha Ranger

Thursday March 8, 2012 at 11:20 PM

Another fun week in the forest. We’ve had debates and discussions, we’ve shared loves for fics, pics, and politics. It’s time to thank our rangers.

The rangers watch every cf, moderate every intense conversation, answer/address all the pm's (pms',pms?), and try their best to keep all the campers happy. It a tough job and these ladies do it. Let's take a few minutes to say thanks. 

Jennyfly is another Alpha Ranger, one of the lovelies who gave us a place to hang out.
Let’s give her some lovin.

(*psst* Rangers, I did some mini-research to try to use tags for Jennyfly but she tags less than wolvesnvamps so I’m at a loss. Can y’all tag this more for me?)



Pimp Your Stuff

Thursday March 8, 2012 at 8:09 PM

This is the campfire of Self Promotion: THE PIMP CAMPFIRE.

Tell us about what you or a friend write. If you beta something fantastic, let us know. If you are hosting a contest, tell us about it.

Don't be shy!

This week, try something a little different.

Instead of just posting a regular pimp with your summary and a link (which you should obviously do as well)

write a short paragraph or statement about what inspired you to write your story. Backstory is always interesting!

Remember to link it as well!


Musical Cues II Voting

Thursday March 8, 2012 at 3:08 PM

Approved by wtvoc:

Voting has begun for the Musical Cues II Contest now through March 10th!


Read entries and vote here:


Thanks, KeyeCullen


So, this fic kept me up all night...

Thursday March 8, 2012 at 12:45 PM

I couldn't sleep after I read it last night.

I know it is well liked (I found it on the rec campfire) but I am so torn about this story. I'm hoping someone else can either sympathize with my feelings on it, or tell me I'm nuts and to get over it. Either way, I need to discuss it...


(story link inside)


Dusty Update

Thursday March 8, 2012 at 7:50 AM

come back and discuss once you've read <3


Paypal bans erotic content

Thursday March 8, 2012 at 6:15 AM

Over the last few days, I have been following the news concerning Paypal's demand to e-books publishers and distributors of erotic literature which use Paypal services.
Broadly speaking, Paypal has decreed that it would cancel the accounts of e-books publishers and distributors if they deal with certain kinds of erotic content. The details can be found HERE.

PayPal, which has a monopoly on the market of online-payment processing, has forced them to withdraw certain book contents, not because they are illegal under the law, but simply because it considers them immoral under its own criteria. Booksellers using Paypal may not sell works of fiction that include sexual fantasies containing themes and implied scenarios of pseudo-incest (including “daddy” fantasies, step-family - Woody Allen can do it, but they cannot sell it), incest, fantasies about non-consensual sex or rape, bestiality (widened to include non-human fantasy creatures), and BDSM.

Applied to the traditional book trade, these rules would require that such works as those of the Marquis de Sade, Anaïs Nin, Nabokov, Henry Miller, the Marquis de Sade and books like Caligula, The Sookie Stackhouse Novels (True Blood), The Story of O, Venus in Furs, Lolita, Balzac's Passion in the Desert (which tells of a relationship between a soldier and a panther) and the Bible (which describes situations of incest) to be removed from the shelves in bookstores. As for rape scenes, they are innumerable in literature, which itself serves as a catharsis for writers and readers.

It is a worrying precedent.

Paypal's aim is to not so much to target illegal acts in fiction, which is mind-boggling in itself, especially when they are not glorified, but it goes so far as to forbid what it sees as "morally wrong", with all the subjectivity that is implied, and all the abuses that can result from it. How far can a policy of repression of "good morals" go?

The internet is a huge village square, where ideas can be shared, exchanged and criticized freely. This will change if private companies, who have no legal obligation to respect the right to freedom of expression, are able to use their economic influence to dictate what people should book, write and think.


The timeline

The Independent

Smashwords 1, Smashwords 2, Smashwords 3, Smashwords 4

National Coalition Against Censorship


EDIT: Sign the petition, if you are so inclined.


This campfire has been approved by Alpha Ranger wolvesnvamps.


The Weekly Help Desk

Wednesday March 7, 2012 at 8:21 PM

*posting this week for the lovely emibella :)



The weekly help desk is here, folks!


Did you forget the name of a fanfic?

Do you have a request for a special kind of fic?

Do you need to know how to post pictures/videos/do all the things on ADF?


In addition - feel free to ask us something about anything this week.  There is no such thing as too random!


We're here for all of your weekly inquiries - ask and answer away! 



Wednesday March 7, 2012 at 6:33 PM

Where did our favorite WIP authors go?

OK, you know the're reading a story that you really love, reviewing faithfully and feeling pretty confident that you and the author are on the same wavelength.   The updates are regular and everything seems to be moving along.  You may even be close to the end of the story.    People are talking about it, reviews are positive, author is responsive - and then BAM! - the updates just stop.   Cold turkey.  NO word.  NO update on the profile.   Nothing on their twitter.   NO explanations.   Just....gone.

Do you have any information on any of these writers?  WHO DO YOU MISS?

Everyone knows somebody here, right?   Maybe you pre-read or beta for an author?   Maybe you chat on Twitter 37 times a day?  Maybe you're Facebook friends?   Maybe you belong to a forum for one of their stories?    Maybe you know that there is a reason that the updates have stopped.

We don't need intimate personal details.  Just maybe a general "they had a baby" or "got a new job", or they just have plain old writers block?     Here is your chance to either give us all hope or dash our spirits that our favorite writers will ever be heard from again.    Update us...

Anyone have any information on these stories/writers?

"A May To December Romance" by Positively 4th Street - - updated on 8/24/11

- Story profile says this is now on temporary hiatus....any information?

"Faithfully" by LailaB - last updated 9/7/11

- No response to PM's through



Fic Rec:  

What I Wished For by thimbles -

Bella and Jacob's marriage isn't what either anticipated.  Bella's battling depression and seeks escape in the music she surrounds herself.  When she meets her favourite artist, Edward Cullen, the pair strike up an instant friendship.  AH. BxJ, eventual BxE.     Twilight - Rated: M - English - Hurt/Comfort/Romance - Chapters: 30 - Words: 159,545 - Reviews: 360 - Updated: 3-7-12 - Published: 11-16-11 - Bella & Edward
First --- | >> | 675 | 676 | 677 | 678 | 679 | 680 | 681 | 682 | 683 | 1413 | 1414 | --- Last
