FML... and MotU

Friday March 2, 2012 at 7:26 PM

FML. Today I lost a campfire that I spent an hour and a half writing due to Safari FAIL. /SOB!!!

I connected this huffpost article, that someone put up in another campfire, with all the sudden criticism of MotU in campfire discussions. 

Basically, my observation was that people are suddenly viciously complaining about MotU, (the story itself, publication/Icy drama aside), and from reading just these comments, it would seem there is a consensus that the writing was bad and that the relationship depicted was fundamentally flawed (and therefore the people that enjoy it are dumb, because who could get into something so cliched?)

Aren't these the same accusations people throw at Twilight?


The thing is, when MotU was a fanfiction I FREAKING LOVED IT!!!





Yes, Icy's actions were awful and she doesn't deserve the attention, etc, this makes me angry too. (Grrrrrr!) But I disagree with most of the hate comments about the MotU story not being an example of good fanfiction, that its not BDSM enough, that it's too BDSM because he's an actual sadist, etc. etc. I think there are two types of fanfiction in this community, those that are "highbrow" and those that are written for pure escapist pleasure (much like Twilight canon.) MotU was a great example of the latter. Yeah, when you give a summary of the plot it sounds ridiculous, and there were a few odd scenes/elements that made me roll my eyes (nipple orgasms? really Icy?), but it fun to read--it was the update I wanted to see most in my inbox. She made those cliched fantasies work, and even better, she made them new and changed the predictable trajectory of their relationship by challenging the idea that two people in love will automatically match up in the bedroom. I was always engaged and never felt like I was reading a sex scene I'd read a million times before. She threw in character reactions that I didn't expect, and would change the whole tone of the chapter based on them. I'd say more, but the purpose of this campfire is not MotU love.


My thoughts are this: its the unwritten rule of the fandom that fic criticism is unacceptable, no matter how bad, because people are "learning" and it might hurt their feelings... and I'll be honest, I don't always follow this rule, (and am usually met with defensiveness when I dont). But I NEVER challenge the fantasies themselves, because that would be hypocritical--its the whole reason we are here. The times I do give constructive criticism are mostly when I feel the author has lost control over her narrative because she doesn't understand the implications of the character actions... for example, when it's clear she doesn't have a complete understanding of rape/consent, versus when she knows exactly what rules she is breaking and carefully crafts her response.

In my original lost campfire I used the huffpost article to make a lot of points about gender and the media... boring. I guess it just bothers me when people hate on MotU itself (versus Icy's actions), because WTF kind of Shakespeare do you *think* you're reading normally? Yeah we've got Derdriu oFaolain and Gondolier...


But we also have THIS:
The Extraordinary Dream by luvrofink
Features TentaclePornward.
Is this on my alerts list? YES, YES IT IS!!!!!!! AND IT IS MY FIC REC FOR THIS CAMPFIRE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


AvengeRanger Edit:  All posts on the front page (i.e. "original posts, as compared to replies, which are within the campfire) must be free of profanity. Thank you.

My bad sorrs.

The Offspring

Homework Assistance, Yes?

Friday March 2, 2012 at 6:57 PM

So, here's the deal. At school I got assigned a HEE-UUGE project for Sociology. It's due Thursday. She axed the Powerpoint option and said it has to be posterboard.

What we had to do is pick a country (NOT the U.S. as she so underlined it in bold) and I chose Ireland.

We have to talk about their culture, traditions, food, customs, etc. We had to pick two ways to present the project. I'm doing an itinerary and a collage. The goal is to make my teacher and fellow classmates want to visit that country.

I have no idea where to start.

This me right now.

So campers, any interesting facts about Ireland? Their culture? Traditions? Legends and/or histories?

Help me out campers.


Storm Outbreak

Friday March 2, 2012 at 6:39 PM

Struck took a bus home and was on the road today when this crap started to hit; thankfully she made it home safely and I'm very relieved.  Of course, she's used to it.I know we have campers all over the place over there.  Just wanted to say stay safe and you all are in my prayers.


Interactive part:

I grew up (and live) in a place where tornados are rare (we get 3 minor ones per year or so In Idaho), so this puts my anxiety up there. Have you been affected by this weather? Let us know you are okay. :)

I track all kinds of weather as a hobby (the science is fascinating) and If you are interested in following them, here live stream link online at the Weather Channel:


(Edted to clean it up . Not messy now. :)


Need some Fanfic recs!

Friday March 2, 2012 at 6:16 PM

I'm having a night in and I'm in the mood to read some good fics! I wouldn't mind anything Summerward Teen pregnant Edward and Bella, one night stand happily ever after lol, just about anything! But Edward and Bella only please lol

Here's a rec:

 Every summer vacation, Edward was Bella's annual secret escape. At school, Bella can't hide from the whispers that she deserved what happened during "the incident". Her summery and wintry worlds collide. AH, Edward/Bella


Oh, lawdy, it's a political campfire.

Friday March 2, 2012 at 4:15 PM

It's FFA, and I'd (unfortunately) like to talk about this...

I do not want to talk about Limbaugh himself, because we all know he's a crazed, drugged-out pundit who makes money from this kind of thing. What I want to talk about is the current political climate's sexist air against women's specific health care needs (which Rush is just feeding off of, so his statements are just viler versions of the politicians'), their affordability under our corporatist system, and where you think all of this is going. 

Is it worth it?

Friday March 2, 2012 at 3:22 PM

so I've recently come across this.... "Calibre - ebook manager" ... for anyone who doesn’t know what it is.. "It's a Ebook manager - just watch the video".... I mostly just have a crap load of pdf, epub,and docs of the fics I read...... But I do have a few hundred original books as well....... the software looks neat and useful....


plugins I found that look like they would help big time if I set this up.....


I want to know if its worth the time it takes to download it and set this up on my computer? Anyone else use this? What are your experiences with it?

I know you can link this up with like your kindles and other devices and it also converts the files to the appropriate file type for whatever device your using...



Friday March 2, 2012 at 2:50 PM

So... since it's FFaF I have a question.

I'm most likely going to be going to England in April with my daughter, her friend, and her mother (who lives in England half of the month).

The mom is going to be working and it's just going to be me and Ally 17 and her friend who's 16.

Never been to England

Have no idea what I should do.

So... for all my lovely friends over the pond, what is the must do while in England for a week with 2 teen age girls?

And it 17 old enough to drink in England?  I'm going to have to do some serious research before I go!

♥ hugs



I tried adding a tag but have no clue how to make it work... argh...



Friday March 2, 2012 at 2:38 PM

Angst as defined by is a feeling of dread, anxiety, or anguish.

Good angst has many of us looking like this as we read:

And below is what eventually happens to many of us when we find angst lacking:

What I would like to know is:

Most importantly, what is angst for the sake of angst?

What is bad angst? 

What makes angst interesting?


That poor, lonely new chapter

Friday March 2, 2012 at 2:31 PM


FFnet is fail again!

FFnet is NOT sending alerts for new chapters or reviews. I've just checked, and there are some new reviews I got yesterday and today, but I haven't gotten any alert :( it's the same for new chapters.

So, can we add a comment here as soon as our favorite/our own stories update?

- Raum

A rec: "Like a Bridge Over Troubled Water" by miaokuancha.

The year is 1947, and some boys are still coming home from the war.
Rated: T - English - Hurt/Comfort/Tragedy - Chapters: 2 - Words: 5,121 - Jasper - Complete

This story caught my attention because of its title (I'm a fan of Simon and Garfunkel). It's the first story I read by miaokuancha, before enjoying her wonderful "A Garment of Brightness." LaBOTW's writing style is fine, elegant, captivating. Don't miss this short story!


Across the Ocean, beyond the Sea

Friday March 2, 2012 at 1:23 PM

Ever wondered "What does that mean?" Asked "What are you talking about?" Seen a picture of one thing and said "we don't call 'x' that, it's..."

ADF is full of people from all over the world and we could easily get lost in translation. Any words or phrases you're intrigued by? I've spoken to people on twitter about this and they liked the idea so...

Image and video hosting by TinyPicImage and video hosting by TinyPic

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

FYI- That's an Aubergine, a breadcake and a rubber to this Brit!


Here's a link to a wiki page of a list of British words not used widely in the US


Got any of your own, funny tales from trips abroad? Thought you were talking about one thing and it was something else entirely?

 Come on in, share and ask away!


Location Location Location

Friday March 2, 2012 at 12:04 PM



Port Angles.

Been there, done that. 


Please list your favorite stories that take place AWAY from these three towns!!

I'm talking, stories that are set in such a place that makes you want to GO there. Stories that make you feel like you ARE there. Stories that let us explore places we may never have been!   (Or hey, even just a damn different location even if it's not a big part of the story is ok too)

Examples (and also rec's)

For the Summer » reviews   *Arizona on the Colorado River*
Every year Bella waits for the 'Pay Checks' to roll into her sleepy river town and every year Edward's hers, just for the summer. AH, AU, OOC, B/E
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 19 - Words: 178,170 - Reviews: 8377 - Updated: 8-19-10 - Published: 4-30-10 - Bella & Edward - Complete 

Going Under » reviews   *Santa Cruz California*
It's been ten years since the summer Bella Swan's life changed. What will happen when she comes face to face with the reason for it? She went under once, will she go under again? AH ExB
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 44 - Words: 79,025 - Reviews: 5335 - Updated: 2-18-12 - Published: 1-10-12 - Bella & Edward - Complete

Bells. Just Bells.

I knew I was in love with this fandom when...

Friday March 2, 2012 at 11:29 AM

It's Friday, the day when I feel most chatty. The day when I want to just hang out with my friends. The day I want to give and recieve some love (and not be productive at work....)  :)

Twitter is all on board with this, so why not here too?

So tell us why you love this fandom!

Here, I'll start:

I knew I was in love with this fandom internet friends became my best "real life" friends. When we all came together to support causes like Alex's Lemonade Stand, The Haiti relief project, the Nashville floods, the Texas fires, and other Fandom Gives Back projects.

I knew I was in love with this fandom when I couldn't go more than a day without telling someone in it that I love them :)


p.s. Everytime I try to "add tag" I get an "error on page" message. Anyone else having this problem or is just me? Thank you LJ!!! <3


Would you allow it?

Friday March 2, 2012 at 11:22 AM

With all of the dramz surrounding 50SoG and, in some smaller form, P2P fics in general I am curious how others might feel if they if there were in the shoes of a popular author.

Many authors who are best sellers are against fan fic, either in general, or simply with their characters. Anne Rice doesn't like fan fic at all; J.R. Ward likes fan fic, just not when it's written about her characters.   

So, here's my questions:

1) Do you think the trend of P2P like this in bigger fandoms (Mortal Instruments, 50shades) could have a negative impact on fan fic in general, with more authors catching wind of these situations and putting the kibosh on whether or not they "allow" it.

2) If you were an author with substantial success, would you be permissive of fan fic, or would you be more guarded about it?

For me, personally, I would hate to stifle creativity. But, when you put a lot of work in to creations, you tend to get protective of them.  I think it would be a hard decision to make. 



Not Just Another Grammar CF

Friday March 2, 2012 at 10:48 AM

In the last grammar pet-peeves post, I noticed some fanfic writers who were really discouraged from writing. I hate to see someone who has a passion for, or a desire to write get discouraged because of something like poor grammar.

Does a good writer really equate to perfect use of grammar? Definitely not. Just as perfect grammar does not equate to a well-written story. Sometimes a writer has a gift for stringing together sentences the way nobody else can, or has a story to tell that only he/she can tell, or a style of writing that is uniquely his/hers. 

Anyone ever hear of Ernest Hemingway? Ever hear him called a genius, or hear about his influence on American writing? Well, I've read his unedited letters, and his grammar was atrocious. Misspellings, misuse of words (and we are talking your vs. you're), to the point where I was quite amazed. 

So, how about some support for our fandom writers who would love to tell their stories, but don't necessarily have the best grammatical skills? 

Maybe some betas/editors and readers can confirm that they've read stories with amazing prose, yet poor grammar. (It does exist.) And no need to name the story if it might embarrass the writer. 

Maybe some of you can ask your grammatical questions and actually get help rather than pounced on. 

Add some websites that you know of that offer grammar tips/pointers.

Request a beta or offer beta services. 

Mostly, writers, just have fun! 



Friday March 2, 2012 at 10:02 AM

new arcade fire from the hunger games soundtrack

“Our whole approach was to get into the world and try to create something that serves the story and the film,” [Win Butler, frontman] continued. ”There’s something in the story of Abraham and Isaac that I think resonates with the themes in the film, like sacrificing children. So we made a weird, apocryphal, alternate-universe version of that, where it’s as if Abraham had a daughter — kind of a metaphor for Katniss.”





AND OOH, I JUST FOUND THIS CLIP FROM THE MOVIE and it's one of my fave scenes in the book, so ~spoiler alert~ if you haven't read it yet


Failure To Thrive updated

Friday March 2, 2012 at 9:29 AM

The last chapter is finally up!!! 

Failure to Thrive

There will be an epilogue soon as well.

Lettuce discuss! Did/Do you read this story? If so, what did you think of it? 


My rec: 

Failure to Thrive by Julesnerd

Bella is sexually unfulfilled after four horrible encounters. She meets Edward Masen, and things begin to change. Edward is sexually insatiable and Bella has been told she's frigid. B/E/AH/AU/OOC. Rated M for a reason! Lemons to follow. Humor/Sarcasm
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Romance/Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 26 - Words: 185,584 - Reviews: 1836 - Updated: 3-2-12 - Published: 6-26-09 - Edward & Bella


Fanfiction Problem?

Friday March 2, 2012 at 8:37 AM

Hey all! Happy Friday!

Not a big concern, but I didn't get ONE update for any of the strories I follow in my inbox this morning. I don't think that has happened once in the 2-3 years I've been getting alerts.

Does anyone know if there's an issue with FF today? 

Did anything complete that I should be aware of? 


50 Shades on TODAY

Friday March 2, 2012 at 7:15 AM

It's on right now.

They mentioned it was Twilight fan fic originally and even mentioned the name of the story: Master of the Universe. They said, "Don't worry. It wasn't plagerised. She wrote MotU, too!"

They are also now talking about the explicit causing of pain and going into actual violence against women.

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy


Ranger love

Thursday March 1, 2012 at 11:16 PM

(If you sing stuff in your head, please make up lyrics to radar love with Ranger Love)

So it's been another.....interesting week in the forest and another reason that we should give love to our rangers.

This week's highligthed ranger is wolvesnvamps!

She's ONE of the lovelies that made the forest and gave us all a place to play in, post in, love/hate in, agree/disagree in. etc.

Rangers have to read every page, look at every comment, decide what's ok and what's not. It's not always wolvesnvamps that does it, but d*mmit, she's one of them so let's give her some love. 


Please, Rangers, tag this up, apparently wolvesnvamps doesn't tag which limits my tagging ;)


posting for emibella

Thursday March 1, 2012 at 9:35 PM

Emibella usually has a theme for these type of campfires, but I'm not that creative.

Pimp your stuff!

don't forget to include a link.

convince us why we need to read your story(ies)

you can pimp out other things, too. if you want.

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