
Everlasting Why update

Saturday February 25, 2012 at 4:56 PM

Chapter 22: Encourage Romance

"But they've only just met."

Edward's expression softens, his gaze drifting away. "Is it not like that for humans sometimes?"


Miss Snazzy

Last night, I dreamt of Edward Cullen.

Saturday February 25, 2012 at 2:35 PM

Really, last night Edward starred in one of my dreams for the first time. Lol.

Have you ever dreamt of him?  How about any of the other characters?

Come share yours here!

(I'll post mine inside)


Looking for...

Saturday February 25, 2012 at 2:08 PM

 Bella is a vampire changed by Carlisle. She was in a fire so most of her hair burnt and now uses wigs. She meets human Edward but then leaves. He goes to war, and in a round about way figures out what she is. He returns home to find his family dead and only his cousing Meg? alive. Anybody knows what I'm talking about?



I'm rec'ing something unusual that you  probably wouldn't read, but I highly reccomend.


The Queen's Telepath -At the age of eight, Sookie is the sole survivor of an accident that kills the rest of her family. Not long after, she and Gran are taken in by Sophie-Anne LeClerq, vampire Queen of Louisiana. Rated M for concepts and language.
Sookie Stackhouse/Southern Vampire Mysteries - Rated: M - English - Family/Friendship - Chapters: 10 - Words: 33,560 - Reviews: 269 - Updated: 6-30-11 - Published: 6-19-11 - Sookie & Sophie-Anne - Complete

The King's Telepath -The sequel to The Queen's Telepath; as a small child, Sookie was taken in and raised by Sophie-Anne. This is the next stage, the next part of her story.



Saturday February 25, 2012 at 11:29 AM

It's time for weekly Spartacus love! And I'm fangirl sqeeling like I can't even express right now.


Last night's episode was AMAZING. By far the best this season, for SO many more reasons than Agron and Nasir becoming a canon pairing.

Get in here and chitter chatter about this amazing show with me!

If you're not watching it, what are you waiting for?! Here's an editorial about Spartacus and Downton Abbey both being similarly amazing shows, since many of you are fans of that show. Quote:

As for "Spartacus," I'm betting all you know about it is that people regularly get naked on it ... when they're not slicing each other up in the gladiator's arena, that is. The show's reputation as pulpy almost-porn isn't really deserved (though sure, it's sexy, exciting and expertly embraces its more melodramatic aspects).

They're both strongly serialized, and in that regard, I'd say "Spartacus" is the more finely crafted affair. "Downton," which I remain addicted to despite some its Season 2 wobbles, looks classier, but this season, as I said in my review, it lurches from story to story somewhat ungracefully. "Spartacus," on the other hand, is one of the most meticulously constructed shows I've ever seen. Really.

Catch Spartacus info HERE, HERE, HERE, and HERE!


It's FFA I hope - Downton Abbey questions

Saturday February 25, 2012 at 11:13 AM

Hope this is allowed as its FFA - right?

I have recently become a fan of Downton Abbey. I watched all 7 episodes of Season 1 on my Kindle Fire. I have recorded all of Season 2 from my Dish Network as they were all played last Sunday for the season ending but I have not watched them as yet.

My question is – Now I want to purchase the DVD’s and there are so many options out there can some one help me please?

There are the ones that are showing “Original UK Version” and ones that do not show it. Also, there seems to be a difference in the number of episodes. I watched 7 episodes from Amazon Prime on my Fire.

They started selling season 2 before it had even ended on PBS and that DVD shows only 7 episodes as well (saw it at Costco 2 weeks ago!). But there are actually 9 episodes showing on the UK version. I also see that there are some differences (based on reviews shown on Amazon) about some scenes being grainy on the UK version and not on the other – missing content, yadda yadda yadda!

Has anyone ordered the DVD’s of this and can they tell me which one I should get? I want the same stuff I have watched as far as season 1 goes and I want the entire season 2 as well – not some cut down version.
I live in the US so I am hoping there is someone who can tell me the difference between the 2.

Thanks in advance.
Ranger Edit: We even have a Downton Abbey Tag. We LOVE DA. :) Okay, a couple of us do...

jandco loves downton abbey. she has a lord grantham beefcake poster above her bed and everything.

PS: do I need a fic recommendation – well just in case I do – this has been owning me for a few days now:


Whenever You Call
Bella was always curious of the green-eyed man and outcast in the corner table of the coffee shop. When they finally meet, she is amazed by him, but she doesn't know what she got herself into. Will the dark side of Edward cause Bella to give up on him?
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Angst/Romance - Chapters: 54 - Words: 497,049 - Reviews: 2448 - Updated: 8-20-11 - Published: 11-1-10 - Bella & Edward - Complete


Edward with anyone but Bella

Saturday February 25, 2012 at 10:35 AM

Give me some fics where Edward isn't with Bella...



A hope renewed


Who's Edward?

Saturday February 25, 2012 at 10:10 AM

I have a craving.

I've just finished Tender is the Night and now Edward is not interesting me.

Can you rec me any amazing Bella/Vamp that isn't a Cullen fics?

Let's see some Garrett love/Demetri love/Felix love...

Thank you!


My Rec:

The Bella Swan Scholarship Fund

Bella's discovery of an unwanted gift provokes an unintended reaction. AU.
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Romance/Supernatural - Chapters: 7 - Words: 34,459 - Reviews: 389 - Updated: 2-9-12 - Published: 5-15-11 - Bella & Edward


Part III of *that* article

Saturday February 25, 2012 at 7:15 AM

Not sure if I can repost this, but omg these are mte I posted an ETA saying the third (and best, imo) part of Erika Christakis' article was posted when the main thread moved to the second page and I don't know if those interested will see it.

Great article, y'all

To make this interactive, what do you think that guy's thinking lol


This is another one of those "im looking for"

Saturday February 25, 2012 at 12:59 AM

I was looking for a wonderful fic posted a while ago on Im absolutely positive it was called McFearless. Jasper/Edward were the pairing and in their final few weeks of high school. I think it was deletd off of and I was wondering if anyone had the fic saved or knew if it was posted somewhere else.Any help is greatly appreciated.

Oh here is a fic rec:

Mergers and Acquisitions » by Touchstone67
Rated M,
When Edward pays for a night of harmless fun, he didn't expect to get the purchase of a lifetime. Will his nights in Seattle change his whole life in Chicago?

 And an absolutely hideously beautiful picture of the brit pack.


Catching Fire

Saturday February 25, 2012 at 12:44 AM

With Hunger Games Coming out next month and hopefully the beginning of casting for Catching Fire following soon after who do you see playing the new roles?


Image and video hosting by TinyPic


Mines are on the inside.....


space is scary, y'all

Friday February 24, 2012 at 9:23 PM

Have you guys seen this? I am terrified and want you all to be terrified too.

The zoom in alone!  It's amazing.



Friday February 24, 2012 at 7:57 PM

Funny thing is, I haven't even read the book.



There is SO much I want to say but Grimm is on in a few minutes so I don't have time. :( I'll have to come back later and comment in here.
So is the book good? I know this is lame of me but I seem to have such a 'bias' against young adult books but this movie looks SOOO good. It is young adult right? Or am I talking out my derriere? And if it is YA the movie has an R rating. How do you guys feel about that? And what do you think about the trailer? Is it way different from the book? Spot on?
Okay, gotta go get my Grimm on. Please do share your thoughts and I promise to come back later.

I want you so bad, it's driving me mad

Friday February 24, 2012 at 7:50 PM

Okay, with some encouragement from the ADF twitter account... Miss Hal here is looking for a new twitter avatar


See this guy below? His name is Iwan Rheon.

I lust for him and have been trying- to no avail- for a couple months now to get him to follow me on twitter.

Lovely Ranger Tor gave me the advice of using certain assets- see the tag- to draw in his attention. As this worked when she wanted to get a follow back from Chief Stache. Here's the issue though none of the ones I have picked are working. SO... this is where you come in.

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to help me find a nice pair of "assets" that I can turn into a twitter avi and hopefully get this ever so difficult celeb hottie to follow me.

Do me good on this one, ladies. You're awfully smart and creative! I know you'll make it happen :)

To make this more interactive, does your celeb crush have a twitter? If they do, how would YOU draw their attention in a way that would earn you that infamous follow back? Do you wish your celeb crush DID have a twitter if they don't?

I'm not above getting the foresters to help me earn that follow back. I will shamelessly post the dudes twitter inside and, if you're so bold, you will help with spamming lol

*There will be lewd photos in this CF, so... proceed with caution.*



Friday February 24, 2012 at 4:33 PM

So..I just now found out that StellaLunaSky has stopped wiritng and pulled her WIPs.

I was enjoying her Turn the Page so much.

She says her mojo is gone.

Sadness all around here for me.

I hope she gets it back.


I know FF has been malfunctioning lately.

To make this interactive: 

Complete this sentence

I would have a big smile on my face if ___________________ updated this weekend.



Contrived Angst at it finest- Love this one


Improved FanFiction Site

Friday February 24, 2012 at 3:58 PM

My husband is working on creating a new fanfiction site that would dramatically improve on the functionality of FFn. He'd like your help understanding what features are important to you. Would you be willing to take a quick survey to help him out?


ETA Link (Cause I'm a little slow today! LOL)



And a good rec, even though I'm sure you've all read this. If you haven't - WHY NOT? Seriously, go read!

Firefly in Summer

Summary: Edward finds himself back in the little beach town of his childhood when he inherits the local bar from his uncle. The elusive, pretty girl next door has killer legs, a sketchbook and secrets that are slowly eating her alive.



Thanks in advance for your help! If you can, please spread the word. He'd love to get as many responses as possible!

eta: this post was purple approved! she asked a few days ago; remember, y'all need permission to ask to link to other fandom sites (or even surveys) on ADF! (thanks for asking first, wandb)


John Green

Friday February 24, 2012 at 2:40 PM

Yesterday I read The Fault in our Stars by John Green, and it was amazing. It's about two teenagers who have cancer and fall in love. The cancer part is sad hell, as is to be expected, but it's also a love story, and the love story part is the part that makes it worth reading.

I saw it when I was out shopping the other day, but it was $3 more expensive than if I bought it on kindle. I was about to walk away when I noticed it had a sticker that said "Signed Copy". I was shocked, since my town is incredibly small and I was at Walmart of all places. How would a signed copy end up there? Needless to say, I had to have the signed copy. I found out that he signed every first edition copy of this novel. All 150,000 of them. Which makes him even more awesome in my book.

Have you read The Fault in our Stars? Wasn't it awesome?

Which one of his books should I read next?

What's your favorite quote of his?


This is terrifying

Friday February 24, 2012 at 1:58 PM

I really hate clowns.  HATE them.  I blame the scene in Poltergeist where the clown drags the little boy under the bed.  

 I found the photo of Robert as a clown at a heinously frightening website which features Evil Celebrity Clowns. (pic is in the comments)


Clowns -- love them or hate them??


(feed the trees or Evil Clown Rob will send his evil clown army to get you!)


ETA:  Thank you to the lovely Ranger who edited the scary clown pic into the comments for me ! (you are welcome-xoxo wnv)


Cracks in the Pavement update

Friday February 24, 2012 at 1:00 PM

Chapter 15: Trouble Sleeping

"This shouldn't be so awkward," I voice, hating how far away he's sitting from me; hating this second guessing that flourishes from seed to sapling whenever he's around.

"It's because it matters," he muses, sliding his gaze away from me. "If it didn't, it wouldn't be awkward."

So let's discuss this. Baby steps, right? Tiny, tiny, minuscule baby steps.

There will be spoilers, if you haven't read it, yet.


Have you ever....

Friday February 24, 2012 at 12:59 PM

written something you are seriously proud of, only to find it seemingly ignored when you finally post? Tidbits of dialogue between characters that sent shivers down your spine when writing it, bits of hints that no one seemed to lock onto, etc....

EDIT: share what you wished was noticed in your fics at the time... post the excerpts if you like :) It can be completed or a WIP.

EDIT 2: On a lighter note, has a reviewer ever seen something in your story or characters that had previously not come to mind? Not mistakes, I'm talking about seeing your fic or character from a  different perspective that you yourself hadn't considered before...


Nom nom nom Feed our trees!

Friday February 24, 2012 at 12:05 PM


So, ya know how real life trees need the stuff we exhale to keep them alive, and how... in turn, they make oxygen to keep us going?

Well, the forest here... it works just like real trees. It needs what we breathe out to keep it thriving. Only, instead of our air and stuff, the forest trees need your clicky fingers... to hit those ads, and keep the forest alive. And, in turn, we have a place to hang out. Give/give situation, yeah?

(omg don't listen to me, I probably just explained all of that wrong. Science failure)

Anyway... clicking the adds is good! We want to click the ads and keep our forest alive and well. It makes our trees happy. And me. It makes me happy. You like seeing Hal happy, right?

Let's go a step further than just the clicking, though. I wanna make this interactive. Because I know just how much we loooove drabbles in the forest, I present to you the challenge of writing a 100 word drabble on whatever ad you see.

And then our commenters can reply with gifs or whatever.

The forest needs this, guys. So please feed :)

EDIT: omg I have a tag. Just come inside and squee with me over my first tag :D
First --- | >> | 683 | 684 | 685 | 686 | 687 | 688 | 689 | 690 | 691 | 1413 | 1414 | --- Last
