
Help Finding A Fic

Saturday February 18, 2012 at 11:30 PM

First of all, my fic rec:

The Procrustean Bed by gemini13me

A Procrustean Bed- a standard or set of conditions, determined arbitrarily, to which everyone is forced to conform. But the question is... are there really any rules when it comes to the affairs of the heart?
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Drama/Romance - Chapters: 24 - Words: 156,984 - Reviews: 1835 - Updated: 2-14-12 - Published: 5-14-11 - Edward & Bella


I can't remember the name or author of the fic I'm looking for, but, this is what I do remember:

* Bella's mother left or died when she was young, and she is left with Charlie, who is her boss. She never seems able to do enough to please him. He seems to have more faith in Mike.

* Bella has some sort of anxiety/self-esteem issues. She's very aloof at work and doesn't socialize with her coworkers. They never call her Bella, only Ms. Swan (except Emmett, I think). She does start to join her coworkers at a bar after work due to her interest in Edward.

* Edward also works for Charlie, but, in the IT department. She has a thing for him, though she has trouble interacting with him. Edward is very patient with her. They go on a date at some point and it doesn't go well. They go jogging together after the date because jogging is kind of therapeutic for Bella. I think she ends up tripping and falling into mud.

* Alice is her roommate and tries to keep Bella from going completely into her shell. Jasper, a graphic designer, is her friend and dresses a little strangely (ie: a top hat).

That's most of what I remember. Any help would be awesome! Thanks!


Loaning Kindle books?

Saturday February 18, 2012 at 10:35 PM

It seems like there was a place mentioned in a previous campfire where you could go and offer books up and request a loan and I can't find it! There is a book I want to read, but I don't really want to shell out $9.99 for it. It's The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer.



Saturday February 18, 2012 at 7:32 PM

So...Mine has had RL drop a bombshell on her, which has effectively taken her attention away from fanfic and by extension, all fanfic related junk. I've been in contact wth her, but haven't heard a word from her in almost a week. Meanwhile, the latest chapter of my main WIP is ready to go  (in my opinon. I've been working on this thing obssessively for months), but I'm torn whether or not I should wait for her okay on the twilighted site, or just upload it straight up on

Anyone ever been in this situation before? Is there some sort of unspoken rule about uploading without your beta's green light? I'll provide more details about the situation as this campfire goes on....







Rec: Falling Beyond Redemption, by Aleeab4u


Spartacus Vengeance

Saturday February 18, 2012 at 5:45 PM

Are you watching?!?!?!

I've been wanting to talk about this season for the longest, or look up some juicy info on the web, but I've been without internet and way to busy to find time to hit a cafe or anything like that. SOO get in here and talk this season with me!!!

And if you're not watching, what are you waiting for?! It's no season one (RIP Andy Whitfield) but it's holding it's own if you look at it as a show having to face unbelievable tragedy, and look the fans in the face and acknowledge that no other man on the face of this earth could be Spartacus but Andy Whitfield, so the man who replaced the character is someone completely unlike him in every aspect because he could never *be* him. I, personally, like that they didn't try to "one-up" Andy, or find someone so completely similar. It's impossible. And facing that massive obstacle, losing it's main actor, the show is STILL going strong and drawing it's viewers in, both strict fans of the past, and new ones.

CHECK IT OUT. Here. And Here too.

And chitter-chatter about it with me!! 


Fanfic help :)

Saturday February 18, 2012 at 4:32 PM

I've been looking for Taken by sheviking for awhile now and I would immensly appreciate that if any one of you has a copy of it, if they could send it over my way, thaanks!

and here's the oh so needed fic rec:

Animate Me

Words: 7,114
Genre(s): Romance/General
Rating: Rated: M
Summary: Professional animator Edward worships cartoon exec Bella from afar by
day and draws her in his comic book late at night. When this Daffy Duck-loving
geek comes face to face with his dream girl, will his fantasy world come to


Authors' Notes

Saturday February 18, 2012 at 4:01 PM

I was just looking at an update for a fic to see if it was completed yet or not and I ran across something that bothers me in authors' notes.  Now, just like with the review replies that we talked about in the cf a few down, I understand that everyone has different preferences and just because it bothers me doesn't mean that others don't love it.  And good on the author for going with her own style.  

But I'm curious to know what you all think of authors' notes.  Do you like them?  Do you hate them?  Are there certain things you like to see and certain things that turn you off?  

My bother will be in the comments. :)

And just because...

And btw, I don't want this to be a bashing session at all.  I'm thinking more along the lines of constructive comments for authors for what people like to see and what they don't.  Again, it's different for everyone, but maybe there are more things to consider than one originally might think.  


Always a bridemaid never a bride.

Saturday February 18, 2012 at 2:34 PM

So in October my college roommate will be saying goodbye to the single life and I am her maid of honor. I have been a bride's maid before but never the big one. I need ideas for a shower/bachelorette party. (keep in mind I am on a small budget) Also share stories of parties and showers that you have planned/been to/had thrown for you.


(This is the dress I will be wearing.)


Meme Madness

Saturday February 18, 2012 at 1:34 PM

I've seen a few of these floating around the internet lately. I really like the ones that show the preconceived notions about where people live. 

Here is one of mine:

Have you seen any of these? Which are your favorites? 

Share your memes!  Any Meme goes!



Saturday February 18, 2012 at 12:50 PM

Have you guys heard about this show called Awake?

I just saw the commercial on TV and *ran* to youtube to look for the trailer.


This show will be my life.

I know it.

Let's talk about how amazing this trailer is.
Or hale, tell me about what other shows own you.

(apparently it starts up on March 1)

How's the weather?

Saturday February 18, 2012 at 11:55 AM

Show me what the weather is like outside where you are!


we got dumped with snow. probably the most snow we've had at one time all winter.

that's John snow blowing the driveway, btw.

clicking the pic makes it larger, i'm js.


Bel Ami, not so good?

Saturday February 18, 2012 at 3:05 AM

On the Italian websites following the Berlin festival (Not fansites, general film websites) the recs for Bel Ami  are not enthusiastic. (I have to add that more often than not they deliver very harsh comments on everything, pariticulary on those films that could be popular or have a fan following.- they like to flame)  One sentence says it all: "pochi applausi e molti sbadigli" translated it means "very little handclapping and a lot of yawns." The second, detailed rec says it is a diligent but not very inspired rendering of the book. Poor Rob is said to be good enough in the first part of the film, but in the second part he does not express all the nuances that were needed for the character.

OK, I am very depressed. For Rob, mainly because he is struggling so hard to become the good actor he wants to be. So I am asking if some of you have found other recs in other languages that you can tell us about.

I want to conclude this campfire (my most commented one, ever) thanking everybody, and particularly Karenek who sent me a French rec that was OK and adding that our Corriere della Sera did not trash Bel Ami. The critic probably did not even see it but was nice in his article.


Best review replies

Friday February 17, 2012 at 11:55 PM

I usually don't pay that much attention to review replies,  but I  recently received some quite lengthy ones that were just wonderful. The author explained in detail why she made certain choices in plot and writing, told me what her favorite lines were, referred to aspects of canon that she wanted to change because SM really makes no sense sometimes they were bugging her a bit, and did all that while using lines from my reviews as points of reference; those were not c/p replies. Do note that this is an author with many -and sometimes obsessed- readers. In fact when I saw she sent me a reply I kinda freaked out, because I always said on the Twi-boards I wasn't a fan of her writing and it's just some chapters I liked. Whether she's a member and has seen that or not though, her review replies were just lovely.

Have you ever thought that about a review reply? What kind of review replies do you prefer?



Dealing with losing a loved one

Friday February 17, 2012 at 11:20 PM

Hello ladies,


I figued it's Friday...doesn't that mean free for all? I haven't been on here in awhile. Last time I made a campfire it was asking opinions on if I should move from ATL, GA. back to Florida where I grew up at. Haha.

Since that time I did move back to Florida and thought life was pretty good. I was back with my niece and nephews and most importantly my best friend, my sister in sister. True, her and my brother have been divorced for a few years but I've known the chick since I was 8 years old. (I'm now 24) she was 7 years older than me and we did everything together.

She had been dealing with some issues and I was always the one there for her. She always said "I got you out of the divorce!" and we were each others rocks for everything.

We loved the same movies, books, songs, bands...everything. We were truly each others halfs. Well on February 2nd of this year....just 2 weeks ago, I lost her.

She had an accidental overdose that her body couldn't take.

Now I feel a bit silly and crazy putting this on a Twilight website but, Twilight was our thing. We read fics together, we even wrote a few chapters of our own story...we bonded the most over Twilight and our love for it.

So, through this horrible time, I'm reaching out for the first time in hopes of finding some lovely ladies maybe in the Miami or West palm, Florida area who have been through a loss of someone close to them.

I've looked into groups and nothing has popped out to me. I'm not taking her death very well. I can barely work, sleep, eat....just function and I thought since I've seen you ladies give such great advice to each other on here, that maybe if I reached out, I could find the same. Besides I just moved back and haven't met alot of people, and was okay with that when I had her....but now, it's just too lonely.

So, after spilling this horrible story..ladies, how did you cope? What helped you get through it? Any words, or recs would help...


Thank you from the bottom of my heart


have you ever?

Friday February 17, 2012 at 10:47 PM

Had a moment of "Did that just really happen?" 

Well I did yesterday and wanted to share it with you!  

come inside to find out and share all your moments!



here is my rec:

Righteous and Wicked by cherry.blossomz

Bella is a reluctant school teacher, stuck stagnant under a looming shadow from her past. Edward is an architect striving to overcome his vices by running from them. Will they strive for a righteous path, or spiral into wicked depths? AH/AU
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Romance/Angst - Chapters: 30 - Words: 103,547 - Reviews: 5880 - Updated: 3-8-11 - Published: 8-8-10 - Bella & Edward - Complete



Friday February 17, 2012 at 10:16 PM

Just wondering if anyone has a copy of the hockey fic by hunterhunting that was taken down? I think it was called "The Misapprehension of Bella Swan..."


I would love to have a copy!


For your time:

My Beautiful Storm by: Troublefollows1017
Weather-obsessed Bella finds Edward's journal, leading her on a trip down memory lane. Back then, Edward had run away, hoping to find a new purpose. Bella couldn't wait for her chance to escape, sure she knew what she wanted. Neither one expected this.
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 12 - Words: 70,400 - Reviews: 2027 - Updated: 2-17-12 - Published: 12-2-11 - Bella & Edward


Would you?

Friday February 17, 2012 at 6:48 PM

Image and video hosting by TinyPic


At my wits end

Friday February 17, 2012 at 5:11 PM

So I'm really struggling looking for a stupid fic, nobody seems to know what it is but I still hope one day that will change! 

It's an ExB fic, Bella is a prostitute and Alice is an artist. Edward, the crazy rich man and brother to Alice and Emmett, ends up falling in love with Bella. Esme may be a crazy person in this fic. Does this even sound familiar to anybody? :(

Thank you for your time and I hope you have an awesome weekend.


Taking a trip down memory lane. One of my favorite fics yet! :)

Caution: It's rated M 


Rob "too old" for Twilight

Friday February 17, 2012 at 3:54 PM

Found this on Yahoo just now. Thought I'd share it with the forest and get everyone's thought on his comments about being too old for Twilight were Stephenie to write another book for the series (which, at this point, is pretty doubtful).

BERLIN (Reuters) - British actor Robert Pattinson said on Friday he may be too old to reprise his role as the ever-youthful vampire Edward Cullen in the "Twilight" movies, should author Stephenie Meyer decide to add another novel to the series.

The 25-year-old's status as an A-list celebrity was underlined at the Berlin film festival where crowds of screaming girls gathered to catch a glimpse of the actor.

Pattinson, sporting shaved hair, was at the festival for the world premiere of "Bel Ami", a costume drama set in late 19th century Paris based on Guy de Maupassant's novel about a poor man who sleeps and cheats his way to the top of society.

It marks a big step away from the "Twilight" world which turned Pattinson into a star, and will go some way to showing how versatile he is as an actor.

"I'd be curious what Stephenie would write, but I just think I'd probably be too old," he told reporters after a screening of "Bel Ami", which also features Uma Thurman and Christina Ricci. "I'm already too old. But yeah, it'd be kind of interesting."

The five-film "Twilight" franchise is based on Meyer's best-selling four-novel series. The four movies out so far have amassed around $2.5 billion at the global box office, with the final chapter due to hit theatres in November.

In "Bel Ami", Pattinson plays Georges Duroy, a poor ex-soldier who uses his looks and charm to seduce society beauties and convince his newspaper employers to give him important jobs.

Everywhere he turns he sees slights directed at him, and his ruthless desire for revenge, power and wealth means he turns insults to his advantage, no matter what the consequences.

That sensitivity struck a chord with Pattinson when he read the script a long time ago, he explained.

"If someone insulted me I would get 10 years of ambition out of it ... But I think I've grown up a little bit now. I'm not as horrible."

The part contrasts with that of the noble and faithful Cullen, which Pattinson said was what interested him.

"The character of Georges rarely comes up in any movies any more, because he's unrepentant," he said. "It was quite fun playing that and I don't think I'll ever have the opportunity to play him again."

Pattinson said he was amused by similarities between 19th century gossip columnists and today's celebrity-obsessed media.

Theatre director Declan Donnellan, directing his first movie, found the themes of Maupassant's novel still relevant today -- a "corrupt" government, a complicit media and a controversial invasion of an Arab country.

"What I'm interested in is now," he said. "It's very good to use that world to talk about ourselves."

Pattinson hoped he could bring some of his fiercely loyal "Twilight" fan base with him to see Bel Ami.

"The biggest disservice you can do to your audience is trying to repeat the same thing and get them to come just to get money or whatever.

"But if people are interested in what you are doing, then if you try and do interesting films on interesting subjects then I think it's great."

Asked what he thought of the fans waiting to see him outside the hotel where the press conference was held, he replied:

"The audience outside here is from everywhere, people came from Thailand and stand out in the cold there. I can't relate on any level, but it's definitely very nice."

(Reporting by Mike Collett-White, Editing by Christine Kearney)

I don't know if I can make this interactive, so I'll just reiterate what I said above: what are everyone's thoughts about this? Is Rob right? If, for whatever reason, there was another book added to the series and then a subsequent movie, would Rob be too old? Is 25 even considered old? This is Hollywood, after all, so who knows.

Also, when it comes to Bel Ami and Cosmopolis, he won't have to worry about this fiercely loyal fan. *nods*


halp...Bollywood, fic

Friday February 17, 2012 at 2:45 PM

Paging all you Bollywood fans...


Does anyone know if someone's written a Twilight fic based off the movie Kuch Kuch Hota Hai?


And to make this more interactive, what Bollywood movies would you you like seen written as Twi fic? And if you don't have any, just come talk about all things Bollywood. 


Hair Help!

Friday February 17, 2012 at 1:32 PM

Okay Ladies I need some help with my hair! This past week I went and got about 5 or 6 inches cut off of my hair because it was so fried from all of the straightening and stuff that I do to my hair. My hair is naturally curly and very frizzy so for it to look even half way decent I have to attack it with some sort of heat. I use a heat protectant every time I style my hair but that obviously isn't enough.

So can you give me any tips/ tricks to help get my hair healthy again?


ETA- Sorry I probably won't be able to respond, I am seriously getting out of bed and running out the door. Lots of stuff to do before work tonight! Thanks in advance!

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