
THE Keepsake update

Tuesday February 14, 2012 at 12:43 AM

Chapter 8

Great chapter, no?

Can´t find the banner :(

Holy **** you guys the next chapter is here


P.S. Can sb make a cf about AGOB too? I´d rather not make two consecutive cfs, and I remember sb else did it in the previous update.


Pinky Swear

Monday February 13, 2012 at 11:49 PM



Chapter 19



Hunger Games Music Post

Monday February 13, 2012 at 11:43 PM

Sorry for the weird formatting here (normally I would put the video at the top) but the video was being uncooperative so I'm writing this sort of backwards. Point of this post is the premiere of the Safe & Sound music video by Taylor Swift for The Hunger Games companion album. Yes, companion album not soundtrack. Here's the track listing:

1. Safe & Sound - Taylor Swift (feat. The Civil Wars)
2. Eyes Wide Open - Taylor Swift
3. Abraham's Daughter - Arcade Fire
4. The Ruler & The Killer - Kid Cudi
5. Run Daddy Run - Miranda Lambert (feat. The Pistol Annies)
6. Kingdom Come - The Civil Wars
7. One Engine - The Decemberists (this song is available on iTunes if you pre-order the album)
8. Take The Heartland - Glen Hansard
9. Lover Is Childlike - The Low Anthem
10. Dark Days - Punch Brothers
11. Tomorrow Will Be Kinder - The Secret Sisters
12. Just A Game - Birdy
13. Oh Come & Sing - Ella Mae Bowen
14. Rules - Jayme Dee
15. Reaping Day - Carolina Chocolate Drops
16. Give Me Something I'll Remember - Neko Case


So it's a little unusual in that none of the songs are actually going to be in the movie. Rather the songs are all inspired by the book/movie. I think it looks really good. And I LOVE Taylor's song/video which is funny because normally...I'm not such a fan of hers. In fact, I've never liked anything of hers.

On a silly aside I think she looks really good without make-up. Less squinty. ;)

Anyway, what do you guys think?




The Jacob Situation

Monday February 13, 2012 at 5:58 PM

Now that Breaking Dawn has been released tumblr has been inunduated with gifs/photosets from the movie and I've seen a lot of the admittedly sweet Jacob/Bella dance moment and it got me thinking. Are there any Jacob/Bella shippers/fans around and how do you feel about the saga? I've seen people calling it the Twifail Saga for going for Edward/Bella and not Jacob/Bella but I think here in ADF it's safe to say it's more an Edward/Bella appreciation kind of place. Or, does it even matter? 

Would you rather this had been the real deal:

Personally, I appreciate the friendship and canon elements of the ship but I don't think I could see it it a possible "endgame." Thoughts? This is my first campfire so sorry to suck.

-gifs from


Twilight = Evil?

Monday February 13, 2012 at 3:59 PM


*Careful not to turn this into any sort of religion bashing.  Being Catholic or Christian does not automatically equal bat s*** insane. EDIT: I DID NOT IN ANY WAY MEAN TO IMPLY THAT I THINK PAT ROBERTSON OR PEOPLE OF HIS ILK ARE CRAZY. I just meant that there are people that do think that. Sorry for not being clear. :( I have the utmost respect for all the various beliefs in the world. Seriously.

I'm not sure what to think

Monday February 13, 2012 at 3:20 PM

Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter trailer.



Monday February 13, 2012 at 12:49 PM

Someone asked permission to translate one of my stories into Russian for a Twilight fansite.

Does anyone have experience with this?  Pros/Cons

I'm skeptical about this. (Maybe I shouldn't be?) While this story is about 10% Twilight, it's 90% original, so it means a huge amount to me.

Should I be skeptical? Share your thoughts please and thank you. :)


And here's a rec. I'm sure you've seen it here already, but it's the only story I'm reading right now.

 Dusty »
She loves him. He loves her crazy. She's a hopeless romantic. He's just hopeless. She's afraid to let go. He won't let her. A story about a silly girl in love with a foolish boy. Here, forever is a lie. TeamBella23 - the realist and YellowGlue - the poet
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Angst/Romance - Chapters: 8 - Words: 67,869 - Reviews: 662 - Updated: 2-9-12 - Published: 12-21-11 - Bella & Edward


Sneak Peek

Monday February 13, 2012 at 12:28 PM

In which Hal is a dumb dumb and forgets she hosts a weekly campfire

But thankfully someone reminds her!

Sorry, guys. Seriously, stop letting me do this already! lol

Okay, so you know the drill

Come on inside and give us a peek at what you've been working on

I'm gonna make this one a free for all of sorts

Give us a song you've been listening to on repeat while writing

Or a one liner

Or a pic of how your characters look in your head

Does your story have a play list?

Put it up with your tease, if you please ;)

~Don't Forget to include a link to your story~



Monday February 13, 2012 at 12:11 PM




For Jennifer on her birthday...we all know her writing is stunning and she set the bar entirely too high here in fic land. We know she is adorably cranky and we know she is always, always fair and level headed. She is hard working and loyal like crazy.

But did you know she's funny?

And she's actually one of the sweetest, kind-hearted people I've ever known?


Happy Bleeping Birthday to one of the most supportive, endearing, gracious, intelligent, strongest and best friends I've ever had.

I am blessed to know you, and know you well.


A Forbidden Love - Update

Monday February 13, 2012 at 12:08 PM

A Forbidden Love » by TwiLoverSue
Fleeing her father's attacker, Bella masquerades as a servant while she awaits Lord Carlisle's return, only to have Lord Edward decide to protect the new maid by making her his mistress. With her reputation ruined, all appears lost…or is it? AH EXB HEA!
Twilight - Fiction Rated: M - English - Angst/Drama - Chapters: 47 - Words: 158,650 - Reviews: 5583 - Updated: 2-13-12 - Published: 10-11-11 - - Edward/Bella


Is anyone else reading this? ... what are your thoughts on the last update?

I kind of want to slap both Bella and Edward..... not sure which one needs it worse......they seriously need to sit down and talk......


ADF's red background against the white kind of hurts my eyes ... lol


i and love and you

Monday February 13, 2012 at 10:08 AM

last day for love secrets!

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

refer to this post to see what i'm talking about

and please, have these in by... 9pm my time.[This means Pacific Standard, for the unaware-r.e.] i'll format the post late tonight.

i'm looking at some of the submissions, and some are seriously clever, a few are awwwwww and some are straight up creepy. i commend you guys!

and thank you to one of you who sent me the embed codes. that will make my life SO EASY later on. <3

lol perfect example of a love secret fyt:

Image and video hosting by TinyPic


ORIGINAL fic by our own!

Monday February 13, 2012 at 9:08 AM

Sassy Singularity [Kindle Edition]
Sarah C. Munsey (Author), Rhiannan Robinson (Author), Teresa Watson (Author), Sare Liz Gordy (Author), Anne Baker (Author), Rachel Lynn Brody (Author), Sandi Layne (Author) (LJ SUMMERS)

Sassy Singularity is an anthology of short stories about the inner strength of women, edited by Sare Liz Gordy. Featuring short stories from award winning playwright Rachel Lynn Brody and award winning short story writers Sare Liz Gordy and Sandi Layne, the anthology also features the work of newcomers Anne Baker, Teresa Watson, Rhiannan Robinson, and Sarah C. Munsey. The subjects range from robots to madmen, bureau chiefs to cupid himself. There is romance, laughter, tears, and more than a dash of sass. Our heroines are sexy, sassy, and singlehandedly re-defining what it means to be a single woman. May they inspire us all.

This is an anthology, written by several of our own!  Lovely ORIGINAL short stories!!!

To make this interactive:

What's your favorite VALENTINE fic or book?

I loved this new fic from SydneyAlice:

Edward had been unable to give his princess the wedding of her dreams the first time around. Can he convince her to marry him again? Valentine's Day fluff. AH.
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Romance/Family - Chapters: 1 - Words: 3,020 - Reviews: 96 - Published: 2-12-12 - Edward & Bella - Complete



Water Landing is the bestest

Monday February 13, 2012 at 6:06 AM

Water Landing updated last night and it was cute and hilarious and there were sweet moments and vulnerable ones and possible revelations and regular revelations whose possibilities weren't questioned. Come inside and discuss its awesomeness with me to prove how cool you are that you read this.

Here are some non-spoilery discussion questions to get you going (which you probably won't need and are not obligated to answer):

What do you think of how Edward acts toward his peers and family compared to how he acts around Bella?

Similarly, what do you think about how Bella acts toward her peers compared to how she acts around Edward?

Did your thoughts/opinions of Bella change in this chapter?

How much did you wanna marry the ending?

Join me, friends.


Season 2 of Terra Nova? .... is it happening?

Monday February 13, 2012 at 3:58 AM


Does anyone know if there is going to be a season 2 of "Terra Nova"?

Does anyone else even watch this?


Some Fic Rec's

awesome story in my opinion .... am still waiting patiently for an update...

My Beloved Window » by Muff'Nbutter

When Bella moves to Forks, she's surprised that there's someone living in the house across from hers... and even more so that her window faces directly into someone else's! AU, all human BxE all the way... enjoy! Nominated 4 times at The Twilight Awards!
Twilight - Fiction Rated: T - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 20 - Words: 72,021 - Reviews: 1278 - Updated: 4-13-10 - Published: 4-13-08 - - Bella/Edward


A different take on BD.. was pretty good in my opinion... took a couple chapters for me to really get into it though...

A Changing Heart » by mimozka

"Renesmee's tiny warm hand touched my neck. She showed me the three of us in this room with me holding her and with Bella laying on the bed her thoughts shifted and re-focused on Bella, they had a questioning edge…" BD re-touch.Canon couples. No imprint.
Twilight - Fiction Rated: T - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 15 - Words: 67,819 - Reviews: 202 - Updated: 1-12-12 - Published: 7-25-09 - - Edward/Bella


and here is some music recs just cause...... : )

Egypt Central - White Rabbit


Egypt Central - Over and Under


Unbecoming Update!

Monday February 13, 2012 at 2:57 AM

In the aftermath of her divorce, a heartbroken Bella Swan looks for danger to give meaning to her life. If only her hot ex-husband would stay out of the picture. AH BxE

Okay, I need people to talk to about this. Seriously. Something's going on and I have no idea what!


Water Landing update

Sunday February 12, 2012 at 11:37 PM

Chapter 12: Life Goes On


I don't really have much to say; I just wanted to start a campfire for discussion.


And it is down again.....

Sunday February 12, 2012 at 9:34 PM

Anyone have any clue as to what is happening with FFnet? 1st it was down from late Thurs til Friday evening. Now you can't log in again.

I tried looking everywhere on the site to find some kind of note to its users, but found nothing. I did come accross the TOS and laughed when I realized that if they really followed it that they would have to remove about 80% of the stories on there. Posting song lyrics and using published poetry is a no no.  Oh, My. Aaaaaanyway...what the hell is going on with it? Any speculation?

My guesses from left field:

1. They got a cease and desist order from a few major publishing houses and are trying to figure out what to do.

2. They switched servers to one that was cheaper...(ya get what ya pay for kinda thing)

3. They like %&($ing with us.



A Hope Renewed

by Hopesparkles

A misunderstanding leads to a forced marriage between Bella who is caring for her ailing father after losing their home, and Edward who has recently inherited his uncle's estate and has no intention of taking a wife. All Human/Regency era fic.
Twilight - Fiction Rated: M - English - Romance/Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 27 - Words: 91,555 - Reviews: 1040 - Updated: 2-4-12 - Published: 11-27-11 - - Edward/Bella


ETA:  Well now it's back...but for how long


I will just leave this up...

Sunday February 12, 2012 at 9:12 PM


After the Grammy's Find a New Story Here

Sunday February 12, 2012 at 8:00 PM

I'm DVRing the Grammy's (I hate commercials).  I thought I'd share this weeks teasers with you, in case you want something to read tonight while you prepare for the week ahead.  Check them out on the PicTease site.

Maybe you'll find something interesting.

Here is the list of stories teased.


This weeks Monday PicTeasers:

A Dove's Cry by karenec

An Italian Winter by Raum

Following Faith by Jen328

Full Circle by JenRar

In Justice by Middlewife

Inner Fire Rekindled by SqueakyZorro

Nightingale by Lady Gwynedd

Not Going There by luckyirishtart

Plight Thee My Troth by Gingerandgreen

The Foreign Papers by javamomma0921

The Pilgrimage by Camilla


This weeks Thursday Teasers Unplugged:

A Dove's Cry by karenec

You Belong to Me by twidictedb yrd


This weeks Saturday Reader Teasers:

1900 by Camilla10

Falling Empire of a Heart by HoochieMomma

The Submissive by tara sue me


Come by and check them all out. I hope you find a new story to love.


Just in case you would like more info about my PicTease site. 

I accept picture teasers here for your new chapters until midnight CST on Sunday's, and I post and tweet them out on Monday's. (ex. )

I accept music teasers (Teasers Unplugged) for your new chapters here until 7pm CST on Wednesday's, and I post and tweet them out on Thursday's.  (ex. )

I accept reader teasers (pictures or music) for any story that is still publicly posted on the internet -  here - until midnight CST on Friday's, and I post and tweet them out on Saturday's. (ex.  or or

Have you ever seen a fanflick? This is like a trailer for a fanfiction story.  Well if you have one for your story that you'd love people to see, or you have one that you love for someone else's story then submit it here and I post and tweet these on Friday's in the order they are submitted.  I usually post one or two a week. (ex. )

If you're looking for a new story & you enjoy being visually or musically teased, come check it out, you just might find something new to love.

Follow me on twitter @TwiSherry for the tweets to the teasers.

My own personal rec for you for the story that is pwning me this week is - In Justice by middlewife Go Read if you aren't already .. it's quite angsty just in the first three chapters, but I'm intrigued so far.

movies online-for free

Sunday February 12, 2012 at 7:27 PM

I am computer challenged.

I know enough, but there is so much that I am unaware of.

I hear about people watching movies online all the time and I want to be able to do this as well.

We have a Netflix account, but they suck. HULU hasn't really worked out for me either.

Tonight, for example, I am on a Fassbender kick. I want to watch the Jane Eyre movie. 

Couldn't really find it on Youtube; Netflix doesn't have it online, of course.

Hulu only has a preview.

I have Xfinity, but I do not subscribe to the channel that has it available.

I want to watch it! and I really want to watch, Shame.

What do you guys use? What is safe? I am scared of viruses and I do not want to deal with a lot of ads either.

I want free, easy, and uncomplicated.

Can you hook a girl up?


ETA: If you can't help me, feel free to post yummy Fassbender pictures. ugh.


They are a collection on one-shots. Some better than others. Good for a slow update night, like tonight.


First --- | >> | 690 | 691 | 692 | 693 | 694 | 695 | 696 | 697 | 698 | 1413 | 1414 | --- Last
