
Honeymoon fic?

Friday February 10, 2012 at 9:58 AM

Well, since it is free for all ... I need help finding a fic. Like a good little camper  I tried to post it on the help campfire, but I was able to do it only many hours late, due to time zone, so nobody probably saw it, So here I go again. Mi rec will be below

So I have lost again a honeymoon fic. I need the title and - if it is pulled - how to get it. In this story the honeymoon lasts longer than the original. Edward and Bella go visit Rio de Janeiro and surroundings and deal with some issues, apart from sex. For instance, Bella gets a motorcycle and drives it, with Edward in the rear seat, dying ... but he accepts that he cannot control her and she might like to take some risks. It was fun and mature. Does anybody remember it?


And here comes my rec. Prism, by Anna Faze. I am totally fazed. I mean, I don't understand what is going on - not at the level of Mark of Beauty, but almost. What  is Charlie's secret? What is the power of his blood?

Summary: A father and daughter, bound by blood and torn apart by secrets. There are a hundred versions of the truth, it all depends which way the light shines. AU.Rated: M - Supernatural/Angst - Chapters: 8

The story is told by Bella and Charlie and Edward is announced, but not seen yet. You are welcom  to come inside and comment on it, but please, come in also if you have identified the fic I am looking for.


ffa. srsly. even the music.

Friday February 10, 2012 at 8:58 AM


don't put dirty things on the front page, for those of you that have forgotten what is dirty and what isn't due to excessive filthiness thus causing desensitization of all things filth, here's a rundown:

1. Dirty words. Keep your dirty mouth shut on the front page. No swearing.

2. Keep your nudie pics to yourself, too. Including but not limited to T and A.

3.Your mom

And also, if you'd click some ads, it'd be great and not a dirty thing to do at all.

Music Today! No requests, post whatever the heck you feel like sharing. If you don't feel like music, post a pic. Of yourself. Or whatever you want. Like a gif. Or Tom Hardy. Or a gif of Tom Hardy. Or whatever else seems appealing. Or just come in here for general ridiculous discussion. FFA.

I'm feeling The Kinks, as always. You know, I think The Kinks were sorely overlooked. Meh.


Your fav author??

Friday February 10, 2012 at 8:39 AM

Hello hello hello!!

I'm in a super chirpy mood today so bear with me... Thimbles actually brought this up and i thought we could have a campfire about this...

I have read my share of good fiction (whether its fanfic or original fiction)....i honestly feel that the pool of talent we have here in fandom is amazing!!!!

There are so many authors in ffn that are better than some of the published writers out there....I'm saying this from a reader's point of view...I'm not a literary critic...I wont know technical faults in their writing if there are any...

I've come across some like Nolebucgrl, AwesomeSauce76, les16, Lady Gwynedd, primarycolors, SydneyAlice, The Black Arrow, TallulahBelle, troublefollows1017, jenny0719, amoredjenaue, CaraNo, clpsuperstar....

i love these authors to death!!! i have read some of the best stories ever thanks to them....

so tell me campers...know some authors that write better than published fiction you've come across???

hmmm...i could rec you something great too...this is the first AH fanfic i read...i absolutely adore it!!!

I Thee Wed » by SydneyAlice
Wedding planner Bella Swan is hired to plan the wedding of the year. What happens when she breaks the cardinal rule of wedding planning and falls for the groom? How can Edward keep a promise without breaking the heart of the woman he truly loves?
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Romance - Chapters: 19 - Words: 75,347 - Reviews: 4651 - Updated: 3-18-11 - Published: 12-27-10 - Bella & Edward - Complete




Friday February 10, 2012 at 7:03 AM (and we'll hope it starts working at FFN SOON!!!!)

What does he need her FOR? Hmmm?

Read and find out...and then, let's chat!

There ARE spoilers here...


creepy or sweet?

Friday February 10, 2012 at 6:49 AM

So the other night I went out to the bar to celebrate a friends birthday with a big group of people. I ended up getting a ride home with my best friend and she took me back to my car the next morning on her way to school. After I get in my car and drive to the gas station I am getting ready to pump my gas and I find that someone has drawn a heart in the frost on my back window.... Still have no clue who put it there but I'm not sure if i think it's sweet or creepy. Sweet because someone stopped and put it on there, or creepy because someone knew my car well enough to pick it out in the parking lot.


So have you ever had a moment like this? Not know if you should be creeped out by something or find it sweet? Come inside and tell me your stories!


Or if all else fails just tell me something that creeped you out lol


Here is the heart that was on the back of my car...


fanfiction net malfunctioning AGAIN!

Friday February 10, 2012 at 4:15 AM

Hell and damnation, I can't leave reviews or PMs on ff net. (stories are accessible, but nothing else) So here is what I will do, I'll write my reviews here (I think that those two authors do come camping). To make this interactive, I suggest that you do the same with the stories you are reading and want to review but can't.

Here I go: To the lovely Ladylibre, author of Serenity's Prayer, Chapter 15 "Charlie comes to dinner".

WOW, dear what a surpise at the end! Psycologically sound and totally unexpected. Yes, sometime parents might surprise us in a wonderful way. I hope I am still able to do the same with my quite adult son.

To Eiluned Price, author of The Bella Swan Scholarship Fund, Chapter 7

I liked it. I like the way your two lovers are not overly fluffy. Edward has a temper and a dry sense of humor, which is not something ofter seen, and Bella is prepared to fight, but also to see reason. They seem to be developing a much more mature relationship. (Is another shoe going to drop?)Finally, I love Vienna and I think you gave a very good impression of it.




Warm Bodies

Friday February 10, 2012 at 12:39 AM


I just finished reading this the other night and have no one to discuss it with.  So come inside and discuss?  I know there was a post recently with some movie stills and discussion but this post has been Ranger approved.  Obviously this post will contain spoilers.  And gifs.  And pics.  And zombies.  And Twilight conspiracy theories.  Enter at your own risk. 


Coming Changes

Thursday February 9, 2012 at 7:33 PM

I'm currently working on setting up our brand new server with a brand new hosting provider.

As many of you have noticed, a few days ago alerts suddently started flowing again (with a temporary fix on my end).  We have come up with a permanent solution but this necessitated a move to a new hosting provider.

The purpose of this campfire is to advise you as to the possible side affects that may be encountered as I move the site, I'm going to do my best to keep interuptions to a minimum but we all know technology sometimes doesn't work as planned or expected.

Most of these issues are to do with the fact that as I perform the update the site will actually be running in two locations at once with one shared database.

  • If you upload a fanfiction banner or a new avatar your MAY have to reupload it after the site finishes moving.
  • The site may respond slower than normal for a brief period.
  • Worst case scenario (this is very unlikely) - you end up with an error message, don't worry if thats the case it will be short lived - keep refreshing until it comes back online :)
  • No content (aside from posibly avatars / fanfiction banners) will be lost, so post with confidence.

Again the above list are all possibilities and not guarantees, if everything goes to plan you will not even notice the site is moving.

The plan is to start the move either tonight or tomorrow and have it completed within 12 - 18 hours. If there are any technically inclined people out there reading this, the source of my worries is DNS propogation as moving the actual site is pretty trivial.

PS. After the migration is done we have some plans for some upgrades, including the ability to remove yourself from Campfire notifications.

*** UPDATE - Stage 1 is complete :D ***

All content is now on the new server, some people may still hit the old server as DNS updates itself - if you notice ADF loading much slower, thats why and it will correct itself in a few hours.



Thursday February 9, 2012 at 6:09 PM






Words With... Friends?

Thursday February 9, 2012 at 6:02 PM


So I am a horrible speller and swear I have some rare odd form of dyslexia. I srsly play scrabble like a simpleton although I don't personally feel like my vocabulary is particularly limited. Js. Anyway because of this I've yet to pick up the fic Words With Friends by Nolebucgrl. But early this week I decided to subject myself to humiliation and started playing the actual Words With Friends. OMG that shiat is addictive! I've just started playing random opponents as I do not want to humiliate myself in front of people that actually know me.

So far it's been cool. Until just an hour or so ago that is. I started a new game and dude pretty much immediately emails me "Hi. Age sex location please" Is this like common?

I replied "What... Why?"

Him "Just curious who im playing. No worries."

Since I'm new here and all at this point I bit my tongue/typing fingers and resisted the urge to tell him he should be more you know conversational about it

I did reply with some basic info but let him know that my kid plays on here under my screen name too. Which is true my little 8 yo reads at like an 8th grade level. Mama is so proud but I digress.

He messaged back with his basics and then again later asking if I was single. To which I replied I was the opposite of seeing as I am happily married and very prego.

Like WOW. Is this really common? I mean right off the bat like that. It's honestly kinda creeping me out. Part of me wants to just quit the game or let him win to be done with it... He'll probably win anyway. Unfortunately he is totally kicking my ass right now. But the other more competitive part of me is not wanting me to do that...

Someone fill me in! Is this just par for the course on Words With Friends? Should I just run for the hills or try to beat this guy however unlikely that might be?

Also, somehow I imagine the fic version of WWF as being so much better than whatever this guy is trying do. Now I will have to check that one out.

My Rec: Just started this one last night.... Soooo goooood. Can NOT wait for it to update again.

Unbecoming by BookishQua: In the aftermath of her divorce, a heartbroken Bella Swan looks for danger to give meaning to her life. If only her hot ex-husband would stay out of the picture. AH BxE - Rated: M - Angst/Romance - Chapters: 5 - Words: 28,203 - Reviews: 659 - Updated: 2-6-12 - Published: 1-24-12  Bella & Edward


Link us to YOU

Thursday February 9, 2012 at 6:01 PM

This is the campfire of Self Promotion: THE PIMP CAMPFIRE.

Tell us about what you or a friend write. Give us banners, give us samples, GIVE US LINKS. 

If you beta something fantastic, let us know.

If you have an awesome website you want us to check out, give us a link.

If you are hosting a contest, tell us about it.


Also, feel free to tell a writer if you are reading them here. Tell us what you think of their fic, it is like a rec and a pimp in one! Yay!


love is all you need

Thursday February 9, 2012 at 5:06 PM

love secrets reminder

refer to this post if you know not to what i refer

have them in as soon as you can, gents! it'll take me a while to format the campfire.

send love secrets to anyone, anyone! i haven't gotten too many in yet. :'(

use this campfire to ask me questions or idk dedicate a love song to me~


Have you seen her?

Thursday February 9, 2012 at 12:09 PM

I'm looking for Nayarit. I've pmed her twice but haven't heard back. She hasn't updated any of her stories either, going on months. I know she usually is found around here but I haven't seen her. Most of the time she's very good about getting back to her reviews and pms. 

I hope she's okay. I'm worried because I used to talk to her a bunch. Is it weird to worry about people you meet through the fandom when you stop hearing from them? Does anyone know what happened to her?

My rec:

Fold Your Wings

"The liberties he assumes with my body should enrage me, anger me beyond my own sanity. But it's just not that simple." Encounters born of need. Consequences neither saw coming. Guard your hearts. Not the ExB you're used to. AH ADULTS ONLY NC-17

Love this story, the angst is great. The reality of the world and the way the author makes you break for Bella, and Edward too, makes it worth it. I'm dying! for an update!


Problem with Flagfic?

Thursday February 9, 2012 at 11:47 AM


I use to download completed fics and save them on my laptop, but I seem to be having problems loading the page tonight...

Am I the only one or is there a real problem?

Thanks in advance...

Edit: I am posting this here because I know someone from Flagfic has posted here before...


So... am I the only dude? lol

Thursday February 9, 2012 at 10:53 AM

I have to ask because it seems to me I'm the only guy here? ....

I know a lot of people think what the hell would a guy want to do with twilight? .. to be honest i'm not the biggest fan of twilight.. books or the movies...  I actually read some twilight fanfic before i ever even touched the books... and after reading fanfic I have to say i was disappointed in the books.... just plain romance.... blah.... i wasn't expecting anything as graphic as some of the fanfic i read ... but still..... 

for example this was one of the first fanfic's I read..... dark, other words nothing like twilight...

Eternally Damned » by twiXlite
Edward is THE ultimate vampire. The original. What happens when a visit to the Volturi causes him to pay the Cullens' a visit? Will he find them a threat to the world he's spent an eternity shaping or will he leave them be and let them live in peace?
Twilight - Fiction Rated: M - English - Supernatural/Romance - Chapters: 34 - Words: 173,091 - Reviews: 3848 - Updated: 11-7-10 - Published: 4-27-09 - - Edward/Bella - Complete


now dont get me wrong the twilight books were ok in my opinion... at least better then Harry Potter(which I barely got past the first book -no offence to HP readers) ..I mean the only books i have read...and actually enjoyed were all in elementary school... lol .. i remember reading the goosebump series... then i got started on a couple..r.l. stein books in like middle school...actullay one of my favorite books was in elementary/middle school.... "where the red fern grows" .. haven't read it in probably wouldnt be the same if i re-read but still....used to love it back in the day...


EDIT: apprently I need a pic or I'm not a dude lol .. only good pic of me i could find on my laptop....


The Dusty Club

Thursday February 9, 2012 at 9:29 AM

Calling all Dusty club members!

We have and update so let us discuss


Here is the link for the update.


Just a wondering...

Thursday February 9, 2012 at 7:39 AM

Hidey ho camper pals!  It's nearly Friday and I'm a wee bit excited for the weekend.  Going on a college visit today with my mini so the weekend is that much closer.

I've been wondering... what do you look for in a fic?  I'm a bit of a stickler myself... grammar, consistency, flow, believability, PLOT... those are my main must haves.  If I'm reading a fic and the character is portrayed as being timid and virtuous then within on chapter totally changes the essence of their entire being I tend to get a little bit... eh... yeah, not so much.  I'm a bit of a realist.

I understand lots of people read for fantasy and escapism, but when does that overcome any sort of realistic expectation?

I've read plenty of fics that are a little crazy and out there, fics about kinds in high schools wearing Prada and driving beamers as everyday occurrence and while that's a bit outside my reality it's nothing that I can't handle in a fic... it basically takes a small percentage and makes them the norm, which is acceptable in my opinion... that's escapism and fantasy for me.  But... what I really can't stand is when a character does a total 180 in the matter of two chapters and then flip flops for an entire fic.

So, I bet you're wondering where this is coming from.  Well, see, I don't say much over here in the Forest, I'm a lurker.  Always have been.  When I feel the need I pipe up, but otherwise I'm a bit of a voyeur.  I enjoy watching ;)  But seriously... there was a campfire a while ago that had a huge list of rec's on it.  I seem to only read by rec now because most trends bother me so if someone rec's something strongly I'll read it.

Well, one of the stories I just couldn't read... it was horrible in my opinion, exactly what I said above, I just couldn't get through the first 10 chapters... then I went to the second one.

And quite frankly I fell in love.  (And this is my obligatory rec also)

If you have not read 

Take the Ice by Bellamarie117 you most definitely should

Competitive figure skater Bella Swan meets NHL hockey player Edward Cullen. Bella's Olympic dreams are crushed by injury. Can he help her find the strength to take the ice again? Will they find love and friendship in the meantime? A/H, M, E/B


430k of the most well written words I've ever seen in fan-dom.  Realistic, emotional, passionate, angsty just the very best mix of "oh my god, my to do list can wait for three days while I forget that I have children and read this because I simply CAN NOT stop" wonderful.

This is what I like to read.  Realistic, believable.  Wounded Bella doesn't fall onto Edward's magical peen and become healed and whole and all her problems are fixed.  No gratuitous pwp, no 180s in character's, just a slow built empowering love story that breaks you down completely to build you back even stronger.

Just wow...

So, with that said.  What's the best fic you've ever read?  What's the one that you seriously said, well done, I feel better having read this?  What makes you think well after you've finished reading and you hope the characters are living in some other universe enjoying the happiness they've fought so hard to have.

I know... I'm a geek... but there has to be one.

I'm going to use this as my next rec list :)


Kellan Lutz Interview "They're madly in love"

Thursday February 9, 2012 at 5:34 AM



Good morning campers! I heard about this from a friend last night; apparently the world has imploded over Kellan's observation about R&K's relationship status. While Kellan admits he doesn't know them (huh?) he does toss us a little bone about the depths of their feelings for each other. Thoughts?


My recommendation:


This is a cute drabble fic!

The night before Valentine's Day » by sheviking
Valentine's Day countdown drabble-ish story and continuation of "Come as you aren't". Let's see what happens when those two crazy kids decide to go "all the way". EPOV/BPOV. Rated M for the usual stuff.
Twilight - Fiction Rated: M - English - Romance/General - Chapters: 8 - Words: 7,149 - Reviews: 531 - Updated: 2-9-12 - Published: 2-1-12 - - Bella/Edward



The one and only HELP DESK!

Wednesday February 8, 2012 at 6:12 PM

First, Don't forget there is a Freecycle Campfire down there.

NOW: Just like every week, we open up the forest for all of those inquiries you have been dying to make.



This is a FREE FOR ALL help desk. 

Ask about anything. Fanfiction, your life, your job, your diet, your children, A Different Forest, your car, Pinterest, music, organic chemistry, etc.

So go forth and ask all questions, someone will answer. We like these sorts of things.

REMEMBER: These weekly campfires are for you! If you have amnesia, ask here. If you have a request, ask here. If you have a question that is not really all that interactive, you are in the right place!




Wednesday February 8, 2012 at 3:04 PM

we all love Jandco...but I am deleting this in 5..4..3..2..

If you ever have trouble making a campfire, be sure to ping a ranger :)

purple edit:

omg but i was making it into something amazing by adding this:

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other hippie ranger edit:

But ..but... now I CAN'T DELETE IT?

I never get to delete campfires!

now i've tagged it and you can't delete



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