
The Keepsake Update

Sunday February 5, 2012 at 2:55 AM

So we got our update for the weekend

The Keepsake

Some things you never forget, they just hurt too much to remember.

Have you read it yet?

What did you think?

Any ideas on what's about to happen?


Fassbender does it better

Sunday February 5, 2012 at 1:38 AM

The ubiquitous Michael Fassbender was "politely asked to leave" the afterparty of A Dangerous Method in London after he began "becoming a bit of a handful for the other guests," according to a source. In this instance, "being a bit of a handful" consisted of grabbing his co-stars and forcing then to waltz with him. According to the source, he also "lit a cigarette indoors and that was the point it had gone too far." He exited the Mayfair Hotel without incident, though he was riding a security guard piggyback. [The Sun]



Fassbender even does shenanigans better than everyone else.


Post some pretty boys? I suppose one could even post some Pattz or Firth here, if one wished.  

(No Fassbender tag?? I cry.)



Edited:   Okay, okay, so the story's apparently not true but still. (I mean, I should have known it wasn't true when it said no one wanted to dance with him.)  But I still choose to see him commanding a piggyback ride like a boss.


Does Anybody...

Saturday February 4, 2012 at 11:10 PM

Play/own a ukelele? I'm thinking about buying this one when it's back in stock, but before I do so I figured I'd ask if anybody had any recommendations for other ones in a similar price range. I have no experience with ukes, and the reviews are largly good for this one, but I'm not looking for something professional - just to play around on to see if it's something I'm interested in. So if anyone has anything else in mind I'm all ears. Thanks!


Everlasting Why update

Saturday February 4, 2012 at 10:15 PM

Chapter 19: Never go up


aka Edward's non-canon backstory


Concerts vs Review Campfires

Saturday February 4, 2012 at 7:02 PM

So I’m supposed to be at a Tool concert right now, but I apparently have the grace of a newborn giraffe and I sprained by knee yesterday. Hubs is at the concert with his sister and I’m home alone with the dogs drowning my pain in vodka instead of pain pills. Seems like the perfect time to call myself out on my “Review Everything Resolution”. Last month, I resolved to review everything I read, a couple of you awesomely agreed to try it with me. How did it go? I’ll show you mine if you show me yours….

I also have a couple of questions. I cheated a bit. For drabbles or daily updating fics, I saved up 4 or 5 chapters and then only reviewed one time after reading all of them. I also re-read some oldies but goodies on my e-reader and didn’t go to ffn and review them again. What do you think of either of these? Do you review every chapter? Do you go back and review classics stories when you re-read them?



Saturday February 4, 2012 at 2:34 PM


Chapter 2 is FINALLY HERE.

How many of you campers are loving  this story as much as I am? I mean, it's only two chapters in, but I literally drop everything I'm doing and race to the computer when I get an email alert on my phone and see an update.

And who, besides myself of course, wants to smack/strangle/string Carlisle up by his you-know-whats as badly as I do? I love it when I can actually hate a Carlisle in fic because oftentimes he's always so... likable. Compassionate. It's refreshing to me to read a Carlisle that's so... [insert inappropriate word here.]

So come in and discuss this story with me, please.

I know I make a lot of campfires like these but I can't help it when a fic just owns me so completely.


Ghost of Fanfics Past

Saturday February 4, 2012 at 2:28 PM

So recently I was talking with a friend of mine from junior high, and we were both having a laugh remembering our initiation into the world of fanfiction, and our obsession with all things Harry Potter. We had even written our own stories. I had completely forgotten. I looked it up later and discovered it was still up, and pretty abruptly abandoned. Way to be a flake, junior high self.

I'm kind of conflicted about this! Part of me wants to finish it, but I can barely remember what its about. However, I also don't want to leave it in fanfic limbo for forever. 

Have any of you had any experiences with this kind of thing? What did you do?


The 'Rents

Saturday February 4, 2012 at 2:26 PM

What are your parents like?

I'm reading a fic right now that has Bella's parents as loving, providing, but a tiny bit too eager to pull her leash.  Edward's parents however, are pretty laid back and allow their children to drink, smoke substances, and have parties at their house.  They love their kids and allow them these freedoms, but yell when their children get into serious trouble at school.  The yelling causes Edward to want to leave.

Now, I don't know about you, but to me Edward is acting pretty ungrateful.  

I love my parents.  They're more on the conservative side, but were willing to allow me to learn about the world, if that makes any sense.  Our whole agreement is that we be honest with one another.  I never lied to my parents about where I was going, even if it was a club, or someone's house party where there was alcohol and drugs, or a hookah place, BUT then again I always had an innate determination to never involve myself heavily with any damaging stuff.  I never illegally had any substances when I was a teen, and that reinforced the trust between us.

They provided for me and loved me, so I have nothing to want from them.  I have no idea how teenagers could REALLY hate their parents if they had a relatively loving childhood.

But some kids these days just talk smack, and their parents let their children walk all over them.

I KNOW, not all upbringings are the same - some are sadder than others - and I'm very grateful for the ones who raised me.  So tell me...

What are/were your parents like?  (Or guardians).

Did they spank you?  I got spanked as a child and I turned out pretty well.  I still have the biggest love for them.

How was your upbringing?  Their parenting style?


Long Running Campfires

Saturday February 4, 2012 at 11:51 AM

Hello, can anyone tell me how to get to the final page of a long-running CF? For eg, the To Share, Pulled Fics CF is at least 78 pages long (I believe based on the alert posts I've been receiving), however, at the bottom of each page of the CF, it only lets me get to page 29 in one hit.

Link to CF is here: http://adifferentforest.com/Campfires/13504

I've tried using different browsers just in case but no change...


Wish with a Twist

Saturday February 4, 2012 at 8:45 AM



Make a wish in this campfire and some other camper can


(like the title says)


ECismyHrwn: I wish that my boyfriend would color his hair bronze and get golden contact lenses.

Reply from Snarky1118: Granted! The contacts work great but he decided to color ALL of his hair bronze and it leads to a nasty rash in his nether-regions



The wishes can be about anything but BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU WISH FOR. It may have epic consequences! The outcomes don't have to be bad and more than one person can grant your wish so be creative! 

*I know it is hard to start games on a saturday but we'll just try our best, shall we? 


SM says Rob nailed the 'come back' scene

Saturday February 4, 2012 at 2:35 AM

I'm not supposed to be here until Monday (except for the EW update. Refresh icon totally hates me), but I so like it when they say nice things about each other

απ? RPLife


Friday February 3, 2012 at 8:01 PM




This post will be NSFW! there will be explicit images/material in this campfire. Do not click if it makes you uncomfortable.

If you don't like explicit material, do not click on this campfire. There will be lots in here-front page will be kept clean, but inside this campfire will not be!

Basically if you click, and then whine that you saw something that you didn't like, don't complain, you were told beforehand what was going to be in this campfire.

don't post gross porn. just the sexy stuff!

have fun! share stories, links, vids, gifs, tumblrs, etc!



hey neighbour

Friday February 3, 2012 at 4:02 PM

do you have neighbours?

do you like them/get along with them?

Mine annoy me to death. and they don't even live in the house full time, it's their cottage.


talk to me about your neighbours!




Annoying Character Traits

Friday February 3, 2012 at 2:59 PM

Ok, so I'm not sure about all you campers here but most of you should know the annoying things about youirselves right?

The things that make you and other people tick? Well I have quite a few and bet you do too (lol that rhymes). 

I find it kinda hard to think of charcter traits when I try for the billionth time to write a FF. So y'all can help me my telling me yours!

A few of mine are - 

- I LOVE to argue. I like live to argue with people and be smug when I'm 99% of the time right.

- I HATE open doors of any kind. I try and try to ignore open doors but it builds this fire inside me until I scream and shut the door, swearing at anyone in a mile radius for being near it and not shutting it.

- The thing about me that I find the most annoying is the fact that 90% of the time I talk like a Valley Girl. Seriously, I live in Birmingham, England but my vocabulary could put any Valley Girl to shame. And it's so annoying when people point it out! 

I'm pretty sure there's SO much more annoying things about me but I ain't gonna ask anyone to list them cuz then I'll be here forever :) 

I showed you (partly) mine now you show me yours! 



Friday February 3, 2012 at 1:42 PM

It's lunch time (on the westcoast) and I love Food Pron.  I'm always looking for new recipes and new dishes to try.  Please fellow campers share with me your favourite recipes, dishes, etc.  If all else fails, spam me with your favourite food p*rn images.



My favourite recipes will be inside.


Exercise Music

Friday February 3, 2012 at 1:35 PM

I had this new year's resolution to exercise more this year, but like most resolutions this one also gathered some dust over the last month.


I had this idea that maybe if I could get some new music that I can exercise to it would motivate me more.

Then I thought, what better way to get new music and maybe also see what other people are exercising on, than here on ADF?


Some songs I'm always exercising on are Nickelback songs:

Something in your mouth


(sorry if the link doesn't work, still can't quite figure it out!)

Burn it to the ground and recently When we stand together.

I also exercise on Uprising from Muse.

I tried exercising on Blake Sheldon's version of Footloose but it's not as fun as the Nickelback songs.

As you can see I'm in dire need of some good exercise music!!  :) 


Do you think the type of music you exercise on makes or breaks your enjoyment of it?


Looking for rec's

Friday February 3, 2012 at 1:08 PM

Hi All...  Lately I've been really enjoying period fics lately.  I found a few ones that I've loved but would like to read more.  So can anyone please recommend any period stories involving our beloved Edward and Bella?

As for my rec...  well, it isn't a period one but I came upon it while looking for one.  It had me laughing so hard that I started crying.  Then the end had me crying for completely different reasons.  So check it out.  It's called May and His December by Oxymoronic8.


Please forgive me any mistakes I may make as this is the first campfire I'm attempting.

Elora Mac

Help! Fanfiction has ruined my life....

Friday February 3, 2012 at 12:49 PM

I've been divorced for almost 5 years now and have decided to try dating.  I'm so busy with work, my kids (school/sports) and well, reading fic that I am rarely out and about meeting new people.  My sister talked me into one of those well known online dating sites and *sigh*  it's kind of depressing!  And to make matters worse, I keep comparing the guys and their profiles to some of my fave fic characters.  I now realized my bar is set way high because of my fic addiction!

So, my questions are 1) do you find fanfic has changed the way you think? act? and 2) any advice for someone entering the world of online dating?

I know ADF campers have tons of opinions...bring it on!

And, because I love this fic so much (and dark, brooding, troubled, smart, snarky male leads):

Post Tenebras, Lux -  "After Darkness, Light." A chance meeting ten years after the war may not be just a coincidence, and may prove to have very far-reaching consequences. A story of many things, but primarily of healing. SS/HG; rated M for later chapters. Complete.  By Loten.
Harry Potter - Rated: M - English - Friendship/Romance - Chapters: 43 - Words: 322,630 - Reviews: 2369 - Updated: 5-12-11 - Published: 12-22-10 - Severus S. & Hermione G. - Complete


Story reviews

Friday February 3, 2012 at 12:28 PM

Eek, first campfire. Hope I do this right!

Writers: How do reviews affect you, whether negative, positive or constructive? Do you take them to heart? Do negative reviews ever hinder you as a writer?  Have you ever received a review that you couldn't decipher? 

I recently received an anonymous review that looked a bit like this: "kahkjfhakhlu" I really don't know if that is good or bad. 


Are you honest in your reviews? Have you ever left a review you thought was too harsh, or that you regretted later? Are you afraid of hurt feelings if you're too honest? 

Also, if you do leave a review that criticizes, how do you expect the writer to answer? Do you expect the author to explain her/his perspective, or just to accept the criticism gracefully?  


Since its an FFA - how about a Brothers post?

Friday February 3, 2012 at 12:26 PM

Only 53 more days until Tohrment's book comes out!!!! 


I must admit - I'm a little bit nervous as well as a lot bit excited!!  It will be interesting to see what the Warden does with his romantic interest. 

To make this interactive - who is your favorite Brother?  I can never decide between Rhage, Butch and Zsadist.  I think a squish between the 3 of them would equal my perfect man (vampire, whatever!)

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