
The Help

Saturday January 28, 2012 at 5:30 PM

I want to talk about this story.  

Last night I went to a friend's house where we had a girl's movie night and we watched the movie, The Help.  I have not read the book yet, though I am going to rectify this situation here pretty quickly.  

If you are not familiar with the story, it is about a young white girl/woman in early 1960's Mississippi who decides she wants to interview and chronicle the lives of the black maids from their perspective.  These African American maids raise the white children and then the white children grow up to become their employers.  It is such an engrossing story, I was completely wrapped up in it.  It spoke to me on many levels: it was at once heartbreaking, heartwarming, inspiring, humorous, etc.  It was particularly fascinating (read heartbreaking and meaningful) to me as my grandmother grew up in Virginia and was raised by a black nanny, whom she loved dearly.  I have to admit that I've always wondered just how it really was for her nanny as well as my grandmother and her mother and this movie offered a lot of insight.

Also, let's talk about the acting.  Because wow.  I was floored by the performances.  I had never seen Emma Stone (Skeeter) in anything before and I was really impressed.  Her face was so expressive.  Octavia Spencer (Minny Jackson) is fabulous.  She also has this amazingly expressive face that conveys so much.  Cicily Tyson (Constantine) broke my heart.  Also, Bryce Dallas Howard (Hilly) is in this.  I was not all that thrilled with her role in Eclipse - but ehh, ya kno.  But in this?  She is evil perfection.  She nailed her performance and the viewer really hates her.  I could go on and on over the performances.  Viola Davis (Aibileen), Jessica Chastain (Celia), Allison Janney (Charlotte - Skeeter's mom), and Sissy Spacek??? (omigosh, she's incredible as Missus Walters, loved her.)

Come in and talk to me about this movie/book.  I borrowed the movie from my friend and my husband and I are going to watch it together tonight and I can't wait.  It's so, so good.  Amazing.  




Go read the Canon Tour's New Moon entries!

Saturday January 28, 2012 at 2:22 PM


RIP, Lappy

Saturday January 28, 2012 at 1:09 PM

Well, my laptop bit the big one. Right in the middle of a homework assignment the other night it went down (not in the good way), and never resurfaced. I've found that it needs AT LEAST: a new processor fan, a new hard drive (which I already replaced once last summer), and RAM. Which may not add up to too much of a cost, but I'm tired of putting money into this thing, and I don't want to take the chance of it going down again now that I finally got my a-s-s back in school.

So in the next week or so or whenever that residual student loan money comes in, I will have the privilege of for-the-first-time-ever buying a new laptop. No more hand me downs for this Capricorn. But- I don't know what to look for. Yeah, I may be going to school for Computer Information Technology, but we haven't gotten to the computer classes yet so I'm still clueless about everything. I don't know what to look for, what's important, what's a good price, nothing.

I know that I'm cheap, but don't want a generic brand. I want to stay under $500. I need it to come with Windows so I guess I don't need a Mac. I want a 15" screen. I do NOT need the $2000 gaming laptop that my son is begging me to buy.

Mainly all I use it for is to be on the internet 24/7 (hello, addiction much?), using MS Office programs for school, playing music, and watching videos occasionally. Can those of you who are tech-savvy advise me as to what I should look for as far as memory, hard drive, all that good stuff? Anyone have any recs for an amazing- and amazingly priced- laptop?

And finally, to brag on myself a little bit- I finished out my first class with an A-! I think the last time I got an A in school I was in second grade. Here's what happened when I texted my college-bound-herself daughter to let her know:

Me: I got an A- in my class!!!!

Her: What's the minus for? Do you need a tutor?

Me: For having a bratty daughter.

Her: You spelled amazing wrong.


I'm in love with my car.

Saturday January 28, 2012 at 11:16 AM


 As some of you know, I am in love with my 1999 Land Rover Discovery. His name is Nigel. Nigel is no oridinary car. He is in fact a cantankerous duhty Englishman trapped in a chrome and steel tank. (And when I say he is duhty, well, he really is. He hasn't been properly bathed in over a year.) Nothing on Nigel works well anymore. His hatch hasn't opened in years (I may have taken him off roading which caused his, er, boot, to get of alignment. Of course MY version of off roading is just that...I often take a dirt road short cut from town to get home.) His window motor is busted. His gear box is totally messed up. He leaks. His radio hasn't worked in years. His leather seats are cracked. The rear view mirror is hanging by a thread. Eh, the list goes on. But I love him anyway because in spite of all the above, he is still my boy. This week Nigel nearly gave up the ghost (for the 4th time in two years.) He always says the same thing before I dial the repair shop. "I'm not worth it darling." Below are two snatches of conversations which reflect these recent events.

Anyone else here have a crush on their car? If so, I'd love to hear about it! I'd also LOVE to read stories that feature a car crush if anyone has a rec!


 Adventures with Nigel

Me: What was THAT?

Nigel: Waaaamp-cr-cr-cr-ooof-sputter-splat!

Me: (Sighing) Not again...

Nigel: Sorry, Ducks. Yes, I'm afraid it's either curtains or the wrecker for me, love. Your call, of course. But as you know...I'm not worth it, darling. Please...no heroics. We agreed. Remember the DNR...just...let me go naturally. You can always buy a... (ugh) VOLVO. You'll be happy driving like a Cu...(painful groan) Cullen.

Me: Oh for Chr- Okay. Yeah. Whatever. (dialing Taylor's auto repair.)

Taylors auto: Yo-this is Frank.

Me: Hey Frank, it's me, Jay-

Frank: Nigel's girl?

Me: Uh. Yeah. Nigel's girl.

Frank: Suicide watch again?

Me: Oh yeah and it's bad this time Frank; really bad. He...he's given up.

Frank: (Sighing) Okay, I'll let Tony know to bring the defribulator when he arrives with the wrecker. You at the college?

Me: Yes. But Frank...please. This time be honest.

Frank: Yeah, yeah. You're getting as bad as he is, sweetheart. Okay. I'll be honest. I'll call you in the morning and let you know whether to bring in your checkbook or to pick up his death certificate

The following afternoon

Nigel: Hallo Darling!

Me: Pfft. Don't you, Hallo Darling me, you limey scone sucking hack. I'm sick and tired of listening to you go on about how it's "curtains" and all that "I'm not worth it Darling" crap. What happened to having your fender curl up in repose, huh? Seriously...I love you Nigel, but this constant drama...I just can't take it anymore. I swear you are the biggest drama queen I've ever known and I have a BA in theatre for God sakes.

Nigel: Frank happened.

Me: Huh?

Nigel: You asked me what happened to my morose and brooding sentiments regarding my will to live and I'm answering your question, Love. Frank happened.

Me: Frank. You mean the mechanic?

Nigel: Frank isn't just a mechanic, Ducks. The man is a automobile psychologist. He is also a relationship therapist. He's from Southern California. He helped me channel my karma, baby.

Me: Good Lord. Okay. I get it. So, uh, DUDE. Are you, like, totally going to crank for me?

Nigel: Dirty Girl, of course I'll crank for you. But you have to put The Beach Boys in my complicated CD player and let me chill first. And no more swearing at me. Frank says we have to talk TO each other, not AT each other. He also says a little Saint John’s Wort would do you a world of good.

Me: Who are you and what have you done to my Nigel?

Nigel: I'm still me Darling. I let you go through your revolting little mid life crisis, so please allow me to indulge in my own. Oh, and Ducks? Can you please call Frank and ask him about those hemp seat covers he was telling me about?

Me: (Dialing Taylor’s Auto) Frank? We need to talk.



Take What You Want » reviews 
Based on January 2012 witfit prompts. Though Bella's known Edward for years, they've just started hanging out. His crass, smelly boy self is not appealing, but his looks and charm are. How will she deal with her feelings for the gross, flirty boy?
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Humor/Angst - Chapters: 13 - Words: 32,490 - Reviews: 984 - Updated: 1-27-12 - Published: 1-6-12 - Edward & Bella



Eye Candy

Saturday January 28, 2012 at 9:44 AM

I recently checked ADF and was surprised when my eyes beheld:

Now, I've grown fairly well accustomed to seeing Rob, automobile ads, cat litter boxes, and the like on my screen when I come to the Forest, but I never dreamed my eyes would be blessed with Gregory Peck (unless I were to post him myself).

But behold!! Snuggled between emibella's pimp campfire and the sturdy lodge, it's Atticus himself!

His handsome face has inspired me to encourage everyone to post their favorite eye-candy.

Ready? Go.

rochelle allison

snarky signs

Saturday January 28, 2012 at 8:27 AM

i'm just going to leave this here.



i've been laughing/crying for the past 1/2 hour perusing through these...

RANGER EDIT: Share signs that make YOU laugh. Or cry. Or make you want to throw something at someone...


When the cat's away...

Saturday January 28, 2012 at 1:33 AM

Okay, since it's free for all I have to ask...




Does anyone here watch it?

For spoiler reasons, the rest is inside.


Tax Question

Saturday January 28, 2012 at 12:03 AM

I'm not good at doing taxes so I have to aks, what is the difference and which is better:


 the tuition and fee deduction or claim an education tax credit for the qualified tuition and related expenses that were actually paid in 2011.




Dr. Seuss Anyone?

Friday January 27, 2012 at 7:43 PM


I absolutely love Dr.Seuss, even now that I'm older I always find an excuse to go see the movies! The graphics are always great, the story is usually one I am familiar with, plus the movies are always funny. Never have I left a movie, based off of a Dr. Seuss book, disappointed.
Does anybody else really want to see this movie? If not this one, do you have a favorite Dr. Seuss book or movie that takes you back to your childhood?

Music Fire

Friday January 27, 2012 at 4:07 PM


Yo guys? Where is our weekend music post?

What are you listening to? Find anything new? Dig out an old favourite that you'd forgotten about?


In my humble opinion (and who are we kidding, I'm not humble), you should listen to this song.



Any help finding this story?

Friday January 27, 2012 at 3:37 PM

Hey I was wondering if anyone could help me find this story. I can't find it and am not sure of its name, if it has been taken down or maybe its on a pdf.

Bella, Edward and Jasper are all friends that live together. One night of drinking leads to a threesome and they continue that during the story. Edward and Bella eventually and Jasper and Alice. I remember one detail that during their umm "escapades" Jasper accidentally hurts Bella. So if I could get any help that would be great!

Or if anyone has it could you let me know and email it to me? I could message you my email. Thanks!


My rec


summary: Bella & Edward meet when she is diagnosed with a life threatening disease & he is recovering from knee surgery. She confides her fears to him; he changes his life because of her. A journey through the confusion, awkwardness, pain & beauty of first love.



Friday January 27, 2012 at 3:06 PM

OK so this may make me sound pathetic or old...or...old and pathetic, but I'm so happy right now I don't care!

Odds are, if you're as old as I am, you'll get excited too!  


David Weiner

January 26, 2012


This may be the shortest tease I've ever seen for a Super Bowl commercial, but now I'm hooked.

The product itself is not even revealed, and in ten seconds, we get our first glimpse at that Ferris Bueller's Day Off sequel we always wished would come along one day.

Broderick's known to be a tough customer, so whoever he's pitching for must've backed up a Brinks truck to his house to get him to reprise Ferris... What a righteous dude.

Since you'll now have to wait 'til February 5 to see what happens, we've got somevintage footage from the downtown Chicago parade set of Ferris Bueller's Day Offto tide you over.

To make this interactive, tell me...what's your favorite 80s movie?



OT post: Phases little girls go through

Friday January 27, 2012 at 2:50 PM

So, my 8 y.o. went from the Telletubies, to Dora, to Barbie and other princess, and is currently on her Hannah Montana/Wizards of Weverly whatever place movie-wise and Diary of a Wimpy Kid/The Dork Diaries (siiigh) book-wise phase. I'm guessing these are the phases most girls her age go through, and I'm starting to wonder if we can predict what will come next?? OMG will it be Twilight?? (pls say no)

FYT: Link to beautiful Edward with baby daughter pic HERE

(won't put it on the front page because it may gross out those of you that never gave birth)



Friday January 27, 2012 at 2:44 PM


I have finally embraced the fantastic awesomeness that is Downton Abbey.  But alas, the link I got to work for me sucks.  Super slow and the pop-up...OMG the pop ups.

Campers, if you watch Downton Abbey on a site that doesn't give you apoplexy pls give me the link.

Thanks so much!


Rec:  Faithfully by Laila B  www.fanfiction.net/s/5879485/1/Faithfully

Rocker Edward meets Free Spirited Bella.  It's a good read with plenty of lemons :)  I'm dying for it to update though.


Help finding a story :)

Friday January 27, 2012 at 12:27 PM

Hi, I need some help finding a One Shot. In this story, Edward and Bella are divorced, they split up after their child's death. I think he was 5 years old and he had a heart disease. Bella and Edward are both cardiologists but they couldn't save him.

They met again in some kind of medical convention and Edward is mad at her. Bella has a patient with the same condition that her child had and Edward is the doctor that finally does the surgery to save him, even though Bella, at first, didn't want him to. They do end up together. It's really angsty but I really liked it and I can't seem to find it anywhere, I don't remember its title :(

Could you please help me?  Do you know the author and/ or the title? :)  

PS: English is not my native language so please excuse any mistake :(


Story recommendation:


Summary: Bella gets dared dine&dash but gets caught by the restaurants owner, Edward Cullen.19 year old deadly sexy gang leader and the enemy of the gang her bestfriend Jacob belongs to.Now shes stuck in his territory to avoid a permanent record.AH Possessward


TGIF - Need to be teased?

Friday January 27, 2012 at 12:01 PM


Thank Rob this week is over, now let's get to the weekend, where I can enjoy my FF. Are you looking for some good teasers, or a new story? Then check out the teasers from this week on my PicTease site. 

Here is the list of stories teased.



A Dove's Cry by karenec

Beautiful by Dazzledin2008

Break Even by TwiStar_Junkie

Following Faith by Jen328

Full Circle by JenRar

Little Green & Easybella by BettiGefecht

Not Going There by luckyirishtart

Plight Tee My Troth by Gingerandgreen

The Breakers by les16

Through the Blaze by krnycorn

The Pilgrimage by Camilla


Teasers Unplugged:

A Dove's Cry by karenec

EXPOSURE by RandomCran & MOG

You Belong to Me by twidictedbyrd


Friday FanFlick:

Outbound by aftrnoondlight (Video by jaimearkin)


Come by and check them all out. I hope you find a new story to love.


Just in case you would like more info about my PicTease site. 

I accept picture teasers here for your new chapters until midnight CST on Sunday's, and I post and tweet them out on Monday's. (ex. http://pictease.twificnews.com/through-the-blaze-chapter-22-by-krnycorn/ )

I accept music teasers (Teasers Unplugged) for your new chapters here until 7pm CST on Wednesday's, and I post and tweet them out on Thursday's.  (ex. http://pictease.twificnews.com/teasers-unplugged-love-story-chapter-12-by-everydaybella/ )

Have you ever seen a fanflick? This is like a trailer for a fanfiction story.  Well if you have one for your story that you'd love people to see, or you have one that you love for someone else's story then submit it here and I post and tweet these on Friday's in the order they are submitted.  I usually post one or two a week. (ex. http://pictease.twificnews.com/fanflick-scotch-gin-and-the-new-girl-by-withthevampsofcourse-and-jandco/ )

If you're looking for a new story & you enjoy being visually or musically teased, come check it out, you just might find something new to love.

Follow me on twitter @TwiSherry for the tweets to the teasers.


An Invitation...

Friday January 27, 2012 at 10:46 AM

Into My Ridiculous Personal Life

A girl friend of mine calls me her favorite television show.  My best guy friend says that he'd love to come visit me for a weekend just so he can see what trouble I get myself into.

Anyway, come inside to hear about my latest exploits and please please please give me advice.

Also, tell me about your ridiculous personal life.  Guy problems?  Do crazy things just seem to happen to you?


Love Stinks

Friday January 27, 2012 at 10:32 AM

Ah yes, the broken heart. We've all been there and know it's not exactly the time of your life...

I'm in the middle of a break-up, and it's a nasty one. Longest relationship ever, once was happy now SO not, blah blah blah... I won't bore you with the specifics, just know I'm pretty sad.

^^  Thats me.

So I have two requests for you all.

#1. Give me your worst break-up story. The one that left you so devistated you never thought you'd make it through. The one that there wasn't enough pills, booze, tissues and love songs in the world that would cure you of your pain. Give it to me, so I know that I'm not alone and I will get through this.

#2. Tell me about your faith, and how you get through tough times. I am a faithless person, but have felt that maybe I need something in my life that can assure me that everything happens for a reason and it will all be okay. Maybe a little faith in something more powerful than me could help me through this and whatever else may come along.

Thanks in advance.


who do you think you are?

Friday January 27, 2012 at 10:29 AM

Found this earlier:


  Who does Google think you are?


Click on the first link... and sit back in surprise


According to google I am in the 18-24 age group and have the following interests

Arts & Entertainment - Movies - Movie Reference - Movie Reviews & Previews
Arts & Entertainment - Movies - Science Fiction & Fantasy Films
Business & Industrial - Agriculture & Forestry - Forestry


Hahaha ... Who knew being a Twi fan would lead to an interest in Forestry!?!


Soooo to make this interactive... have a go and see how accurately Google can guess what you're interested in?

Prepare to be surprised by how much or how little google knows about you...



Todd & the Book of Pure Evil

Friday January 27, 2012 at 10:07 AM

Is anyone watching this?!


the boyfriend and myself and HUGE Kevin Smith fans, so when we found out Jason Mewes was in this, we just had to watch it.

It might be the best thing I've ever seen in my life. Ridiculously funny plots, amazing characters, metal! and $*&%ing Jimmy the janitor!

Have you recently discovered an amazing new show that you just have to share? Share it here! Tell people why they just HAVE to watch it :D

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