
While The Yanks Are Away...

Wednesday January 25, 2012 at 5:21 AM

Good Morning, Campers!

I'm a big Hart of Dixie fan. (Read, big Wilson Bethel fan - so hot.) Anyway, I was trolling through the internet, as you do, looking for spoilers and whatnot, and came across this:

And it got me thinking: what are your favourite online funnies? They can be from funny or die, or youtube - wherever.

And remember these campfires are for everyone, so jump on in. :]

Let's chat.



Tuesday January 24, 2012 at 7:37 PM

"My favourite fic just updated when I'm about to leave for work. #fanfictiongirlprobs"

"My boyfriend doesn't pleasure me as well as fic-Edward pleases fic-Bella. #fanfictiongirlprobs"

"My boyfriend's bodily fluids don't taste good like fic-Edward's do. #fanfictiongirlprobs"

"My beta's going on vacation and won't be able to send me back my chapter until next week. #fanfictiongirlprobs"

Got any good ones?

Lulu M

Iron Pen Twilight Challenge

Tuesday January 24, 2012 at 4:20 PM

In collaboration with Emergency Beta Service.

Guest Judges
Past Iron Pen Winner: missrebecca
Past Iron Pen Challenger: KekahJ

Date: Saturday, January 28

Check-in: 4:30 PST
Secret Ingredient Given: 5:00pm PST
Time Starts: 5:15pm PST

Time Ends: 5:45pm PST

Voting Ends: February 7
Winner Announced: February 8

How It Works

You will get thirty minutes and a secret ingredient. The secret ingredient won’t be given until 15 minutes before the start of the thirty minutes.

Within the thirty-minute time frame, you must write a complete One Shot of any genre, pairing, length etc. of Twilight FF.

All authors will be required to write their entry within a Google Document during the Challenge. Each document will be monitored by an EBS beta, who will provide help with grammar and give creative feedback if asked to.

Winners will be determined by a point system with 2 guest judges and a public vote. Entries will be anonymous to everyone except for TwiNet Admin.

How to Play

1. On the day of the challenge, challengers are required to check in at 1:30pm PST via Twitter @Twi_Network.

2. When you check in, TwiNet Admin will share your Google Doc with you, and you will also be assigned an EBS beta.

3. The secret ingredient will be pasted into your Google Doc 15 minutes before the actual start of the challenge.

4. You have fifteen minutes to brainstorm and research before the thirty minutes begin.

5. You do not have to write the entire 30 minutes. However, at the end of the challenge, the EBS beta will lock the Google Document, so that you will not be able to edit it anymore.

6. The entries will then be up for a public vote on TwiNet’s FFn Account.

The Point System

1. You may not name a person, place, or thing, after the Secret Ingredient. If you do, you will not get any points for it.

2. You may use the Secret Ingredient in the narrative or as a dialogue.

3. Every vote you get in the public vote is worth 1 point.

4. The Guest Judges will score your entry (1–5 points) based on how you used the secret ingredient, originality, and overall presentation.

5. There could be bonus points, which will be mentioned in the Secret Ingredient.

The Prize

1. The title: Iron Pen.

2. A banner made by Christag Banners.

3. A feature on the Twi Network blog.

4. Bragging rights!


1. You don’t need to be an author of TwiNet, but you do need to be following our Twitter account: @Twi_Network. The secret ingredient will be pasted into your Google Doc at exactly 2pm PST.

2. You must have a Google Account in order to edit the Google Document.

3. There is no word count minimum or maximum.

4. Obviously we aren’t looking for perfectly beta’ed pieces, but there is a thing called Spell Check.

5. If you aren’t 18 years or older, your entry must be PG13 or lower.

6. Collaborations are accepted.

7. Pre-writes are not allowed! When you come to the challenge, you must start off with a blank slate. This will be monitored by the EBS beta.

Think you have what it takes? You could be the next Iron Pen!

Fill out an Application.

Posted with Permission by LJ Summers


Weekly Rec Campfire

Tuesday January 24, 2012 at 2:42 PM

As always, this weekly campfire tells us

what you are reading or

what you have read that you think everyone needs to read as well!

It is very important that you include links and even more important that you not only give a description of the fic, but tell us


This week we are looking for:

1. Recently completed fics that we need to read

2. Happy, funny or just plain fun fics that make you smile


With all recs, don't forget to tell us why and give us a link.

Also, if you are reading something that someone else recs, you can discuss it or concur here. That helps campers decide if they want to read it as well!


The Oscars

Tuesday January 24, 2012 at 11:54 AM

And the Oscar goes to... 

Well, not yet anyway. But today, the lovely Jennifer Lawrence announced the nominations list. 

Here is the non exhaustive list of the nominations if you're interested: 

Best Supporting Actress
Berenice Bejo – The Artist
Jessica Chastain – The Help
Melissa McCarthy – Bridesmaids
Janet McTeer – Albert Nobbs
Octavia Spencer – The Help

Best Supporting Actor
Kenneth Branagh – My Week with Marilyn
Jonah Hill – Moneyball
Nick Nolte – Warrior
Christopher Plummer - Beginners
Max Von Sydow - Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close

Best Actress
Glenn Close – Albert Nobbs
Viola Davis – The Help
Rooney Mara – The Girl with The Dragon Tattoo
Meryl Streep – The Iron Lady
Michelle Williams – My Week with Marilyn

Best Actor
Demian Bichir - A Better Life
George Clooney – The Descendants
Jean Dujardin – The Artist
Gary Oldman – Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy
Brad Pitt – Moneyball

Best Director
Michel Hazanavicius
Alexander Payne
Martin Scorsese
Woody Allen
Terrence Malick

Best Original Screenplay
Michel Hazanavicius – The Artist
Annie Mumolo & Kristen Wiig – Bridesmaids
J.C. Chandor - Margin Call
Woody Allen – Midnight in Paris
Asghar Farhadi - A Separation

Best Adapted Screenplay
The Descendants
The Ides of March
Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy

Foreign Language Film
In Darkness
Monsieur Lazhar
A Separation

A Cat in Paris
Chico & Rita
Kung Fu Panda 2
Puss in Boots

Best Picture
War Horse
The Artist
The Descendants
The Tree of Life
Midnight in Paris
The Help
Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close

The full list is here if you want to check it out. 

As far as I'm concerned, I'm super proud of being French right now since the movie The Artist got 10 nominations and one French actor and one French actress got nominated together which was unseen until now. I saw this movie the first week it got released and I was amazed at how much I could love a silent black and white movie. I think Jean Dujardin is well deserving of his nomination and since I'm such a patriot, I hope he wins. Of course, he's devilishly handsome too which is just the cherry of top of the croissant.

I also think that Michael Fassbender got robbed of a nomination. I loved him in Shame, he was amazing (and really hot). I'm also a bit sad that Angelina Jolie's movie In the Land of Blood and Honey didn't make it into the Foreign Film category because I think the subject matter was very interesting and touching if not very controversial.

So what do YOU think? Are you happy with the nominations? Do you not care at all? Do you think some actors or actresses got snubbed by the Academy? Are you happy that Billy Crystal is coming back? 

Tell me.


I'm Struggling to Put this Book Down...

Tuesday January 24, 2012 at 10:11 AM

I just wanted to recommend a book that is currently on sale for just 99 cents on Amazon in Kindle form. It's called Angelfall and I got it when it was offered for free recently. I really wasn't sure if I'd enjoy it, but I've found it quite gripping  - so much so that I'm having a hard time putting it down so that I can complete today's to-do list! Warning: some of the violence is pretty graphic. The theology is intriguing.  It's currently rated five stars with 193 reviews on Amazon.  Description is below. If you read it, would love to hear what you think! 

It's been six weeks since angels of the apocalypse descended to demolish the modern world. Street gangs rule the day while fear and superstition rule the night. When warrior angels fly away with a helpless little girl, her seventeen-year-old sister Penryn will do anything to get her back.

Anything, including making a deal with an enemy angel.

Raffe is a warrior who lies broken and wingless on the street. After eons of fighting his own battles, he finds himself being rescued from a desperate situation by a half-starved teenage girl.

Traveling through a dark and twisted Northern California, they have only each other to rely on for survival. Together, they journey toward the angels' stronghold in San Francisco where she'll risk everything to rescue her sister and he'll put himself at the mercy of his greatest enemies for the chance to be made whole again.



Oldies but Goodies - Sanctuary

Tuesday January 24, 2012 at 9:17 AM



Morning, Campers!

It's time for our third discussion fire for... 

SANCTUARY by jennyfly




Come in and share thoughts, feelings, etc on Chapters 17-24

Just a sidenote - if you're going to mention events that occur past Chapter 24, please mark them clearly as a spoiler, and make them WHITE.  We've got first time readers joining in. 

Thanks for participating - the discussion has been great!  

See you again on Thursday to discuss Chapters 25-32.



Tuesday January 24, 2012 at 8:14 AM

And the sequel to OPEN UP NEXT TO YOU is here!

There be SPOILERS here...

And Edward in a mud bath...!!!


Come on in, the Kitchen is open!

Tuesday January 24, 2012 at 7:49 AM

It's cookin' time again, folks!

So let's get started... come tell us what you're cooking up this week!


Rules are below, and we look forward to chatting with you inside!



What we’re cookin’...

  • Plot Bunnies! Ever have a plot bunny that needed some spice? Who said anything about too many cooks? The more the merrier, here! Bring your undercooked plots or ideas, and help others hash out their stories, too.
  • Your Characters! Feel like your characters are just skin and bones? Come chat with your friends and see if they can help you create the perfect recipe for meaty greatness.
  • Basically anything related to your fic that you need help with!



  • We’re allergic to negativity! Constructive criticism and suggestions are welcome, but please try to stay positive and productive!
  • And pilfering, too! There will be plenty of story ideas being discussed, so please stay respectful to your fellow authors by not using another's idea as your own - unless given explicit permission by the author first and then giving due credit, of course. No eating off someone else’s plate unless they say you can!


Food Bank...

  • Donations! Have some untouched plot ingredients that have been sitting in your cabinet for far too long? Come drop them off at our Food Bank and help another hungry author!
  • Pick up! Need some ingredients for your writing? See what ideas have been left for a good home.


You’ve given us an excuse to use the kitchen for the first time.

So, come on in and share your ideas! Maybe someone will have that perfect plot point that pushes your story from good to great, and hopefully you’ll be able to do the same for a fellow author!


While The Yanks Are Away...

Tuesday January 24, 2012 at 5:20 AM

Good Morning, Campers!

Just before Christmas a friend of mine in The States sent me a box full of goodies. Inside this box was a packet of these amazing things:

And now I'm obsessed with them. We don't get them over here in the UK so I'll be all emo when the box is empty.

Anyway, my question to you is: what chocolate/candy (or any other food item) from another country do you love and wish was more accessible to you?

Let's chat.


Mark of beauty updates

Monday January 23, 2012 at 9:25 PM

Come on guys, you too can make a cf on this!

I'm not into suspense/mystery whatever,but I really like this last, E/B-centric chapter

Chapter 29: Fight and bite


Musical Cues II One Shot Contest

Monday January 23, 2012 at 7:56 PM

Message approved by wtvoc


Musical Cues II One Shot Contest Blinkie



Musical Cues II One Shot Contest Banner


Back by popular demand, FWAR's contest theme is 'Musical Cues II'... pick a song, any song. Write a one-shot that brings that song to life in full-blown technicolor, or sepia tones, or black and white. Just make us feel it!

You must provide a link to your song so readers can listen along while they read.

This is contest is open to all fandoms; original fiction is also welcome. *Contest is anonymous*



Submission Dates: Entries will be accepted from February 1, 2012 until midnight EST on February 29, 2012.

Voting Dates: Voting will take place from March 4th through March 10th. Winner(s) will be announced on March 11, 2012.

**Please be sure to read the rules prior to contacting us; more than likely, your questions will be answered there:


If you still need something clarified after reviewing the rules, please send an email to:

Polling will be hosted on our page.  *You will need an account in order to vote:

FreeWriters One-Shot Contest Page on

Follow us on Twitter for latest news on the contest @ FWAR_Contests

*The admins reserve the right to adjust contest submission and/or voting dates if necessary.

Thank you to the talented Megan for designing the graphics for the contest.


FWAR Blinkie


If you have any questions, you can also PM me here!  Thanks ~  Keye


God, I Hate This

Monday January 23, 2012 at 1:10 PM

So as much as I hate asking and know I should be patient, I can't.  I have extreme amnesia and cannot remember the name of 2 fics. 

1)  It's about Rose, Em, Bella, Edward, Alice. Rose is pregnant, Edward is deaf and Bella swears at him unknowingly. Emmett and Alice are secret kinda besties. 

2) Something happens to Bella and she ends up with amnesia in the middle of the woods where Edward finds her. It's a love/hate relationship from there and Bella eventually realizes she is married and belongs to a rich family. 

So I'm pretty sure a lot of you must have read tha stories above and my only problem is I can't remeber the titles! 

So if y'all would be so kind.....? 



FYT - LOL it's so hilarious that Kristen and I share the same taste in..... crisps?


Rec -        Horse Play » reviews
When Charlie goes over Bella's head and hires a gorgeous and cocky new employee for the ranch, will she be able to fight her growing attraction to him as much as she fights with him? Rated M for language and UST. Romance/Humor/Drama
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 38 - Words: 372,592 - Reviews: 2551 - Updated: 10-18-11 - Published: 2-6-11 - Bella & Edward - Complete


Sneak Peek

Monday January 23, 2012 at 8:08 AM

That's right, Campers. You know what time it is!!

Keeping up with our current theme

Your mission this week, should you choose to accept it

Is to find a pic that best represents your tease

Remember, this is optional

So even if you don't want to include a pic

Feel free to post that teaser anyway

And as always, don't forget to include a link to your awesome fic!

Come on inside and tease away

You know we love to see it :)

LJ Summers

Ranger Fave Fic List 2012

Monday January 23, 2012 at 6:44 AM



Yeah, that's the best Robin Williams you're going to get from me at present.  Any more oomph would require one more cup of coffee.


I asked the Rangers for their favorite fics to recommend to the Forest, because sometimes, people want to know what the Rangers think is good.  Go ahead and be amazed. 


After giving them parameters, I figured whatever they wished to share was TERRIFIC and so I have tried to format their preferences and will share them with you within.


Yes, yes we are missing Rangers TOR and WOLVESNVAMPS.

I did send nice emails. Twice, even.


Cell phones .. or Computers ..

Monday January 23, 2012 at 6:39 AM

Good afternoon, you guys!

I was wondering : Do you prefer reading FF on cell phones or computers?


I remember one time i was reading a scen from my cell phone where James was coming to kill Bella, and i was so in the story, then the phone rang so i screamed and all i saw is the poor phone flying in the air and dropping to the floor into pieces *sniff* LOL


And: You ever got into the story like that, that when you read some drama or angst it can set you in a bad/sad mood for the whole day long?


Tell me Tell me Tell me!


While The Yanks Are Away...

Monday January 23, 2012 at 3:53 AM

Good Morning, Campers!

Today I thought we'd talk about lemons... and not the kind you add to a gin and tonic.

(I know not everyone likes this term, but it's the front page, so I'm keeping it clean.) 

I was writing a particular scene on the weekend and felt ridiculous typing certain things. It got me thinking, authors, am I alone in this?

And readers, what are your likes and dislikes when it comes to the citrus variety? Are you more of a "omg list everything!" type of girl/guy or do you prefer something a little more vague?

Let's chat.


There are no words needed...

Sunday January 22, 2012 at 10:52 PM


Post pictures that tell a story!


GO BIG BLUE!!!!!!!


Great Expectations fans?

Sunday January 22, 2012 at 8:01 PM


Late to the party but I've just finished watching all 3 episodes of Great Expectations and I LOVE IT. It's 6AM and I still haven't got to bed because I was re-watching it and I need someone to talk to and fangirl and cry with. 

Anyone who saw it here?



Will be posting my thoughts and everything under the cut. I would love to hear your opinions! Liked the ending? Favorite episode? Most shocking moments (tons right there lol)? JOIN!


Happy Sunday, Feel Like a Tease?

Sunday January 22, 2012 at 8:01 PM

Happy Sunday!!!

Hope everyone's week went well. Are you looking for some good teasers? Then check out the teasers from last week at my PicTease site. 

Here is the list of stories teased.



A Dove's Cry by karenec

EXPOSURE by RandomCran & MOG

Following Faith by Jen328

Little Buttons by ChocolateLover82

Not Going There by luckyirishtart

Prentenders to the Throne by AgoodWITCH

Semper Paratus: That Others May Live by RainyGirl1978

Such a Tease by TwiLucy_UK

The Breakers by les16

The Demons in My Dreams by littlecat358

The Pilgrimage by Camilla

When the Dust Settles by She is Divine


Teasers Unplugged:

A Dove's Cry by karenec

EXPOSURE by RandomCran & MOG

La Vita Nuova by Jenn1987


Come by and check them all out. I hope you find a new story to love.


Just in case you would like more info about my PicTease site. 

I accept picture teasers here for your new chapters until midnight CST on Sunday's, and I post and tweet them out on Monday's. (ex. )

I accept music teasers (Teasers Unplugged) for your new chapters here until 7pm CST on Wednesday's, and I post and tweet them out on Thursday's.  (ex. )

Have you ever seen a fanflick? This is like a trailer for a fanfiction story.  Well if you have one for your story that you'd love people to see, or you have one that you love for someone else's story then submit it here and I post and tweet these on Friday's in the order they are submitted.  I usually post one or two a week. (ex. )

If you're looking for a new story & you enjoy being visually or musically teased, come check it out, you just might find something new to love.

Follow me on twitter @TwiSherry for the tweets to the teasers.

First --- | >> | 702 | 703 | 704 | 705 | 706 | 707 | 708 | 709 | 710 | 1413 | 1414 | --- Last
