Johnnieb ad

Sunday January 22, 2012 at 7:21 PM

Is it me, or does the kid in the johnnieb ad look like Taylor? It's the .gif to the right of the homepage. 


I thought it was a joke at first lol.


The Murtaugh List

Sunday January 22, 2012 at 3:15 PM

As I lay here wallowing in my hangover, all I can think is:

"I'm too old for this...stuff." 

The Murtaugh List

What are YOU too old for? 


Help a fellow camper around east coast USA!

Sunday January 22, 2012 at 2:09 PM

It's still FFAF, right?

As many of you may know, for the past 6 months I have been travelling. Lots.
I’ve been to Thailand with Bestie for a full moon party…

I’ve travelled along the east coast of Australia and met some amazing people (including some peeps from the fandom)…

Further more, I’ve had Christmas and New Year’s on a hot Australian beach…

Even more so: I met an amazing guy while in Melbourne. <3 Some of you may have already heard/seen bits of that part of my life.
Anyway, I’m over in Kansas with him right now and absolutely loving it! At the end of March, we’re taking a trip to Vegas and then I’ve got about another week or so before my flight back to Europe.

However… he’s dealing with a family crisis right now and we haven’t been together/that serious long enough for me to tag along during this. Sucks, I know, but what can you do? So, I’ve decided to rearrange some of the last leg of my trip. I was intending to visit some relatives in North Carolina, but they weren’t expecting me until early March.

What better time than to see how many more fandom peeps I can meet up with before going back to Europe?

I’ll be flying to Washington DC next weekend and am booked into a hostel until the 1st of February. My flight to Vegas is on March 24th. My time in between? Who knows?

Hook me up? I’d love to see where everyone’s from and experience more of the real American life.


The Many Shades of Edward Cullen

Sunday January 22, 2012 at 9:36 AM

Ok so I'm sure EVERYONE here has a fave type of Edward in FF or just loves pretty much all of them. 

I for one cannot even begin to pick a fave becuase when I'm about to settle on one of them another Edward comes along and steals my heart away :) 

So lets make this interactive - 

Post a link to an FF of your fave Edward(s). It can be Darkward, Caveward, Nerdward etc.  Idk but you can't post more than 3 links! 

So start posting your fave Edwards! There's a whole world of Edwards out there and that makes me smile :)


Rec -   Bloody Kisses » reviews
His eyes are golden, but it's only temporary. It's all part of the plan. He just wants everything. Darkward drabbles.
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Romance/Supernatural - Chapters: 100 - Words: 32,957 - Reviews: 6282 - Updated: 1-21-12 - Published: 1-6-12 - Edward & Bella


you'll wanna favorite this one

Sunday January 22, 2012 at 8:48 AM

let's have a reaction gif post

you comment with what reaction you want conveyed, we'll respond with the perfect (or closest approximation thereof) gif.

got it?

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Miss Snazzy

Other Fandoms

Sunday January 22, 2012 at 1:16 AM

I know it has been ages since I posted this campfire, but perhaps absence makes the heart grow fonder? Or at least, gave you a chance to build up your collection of new stories to add?

Please post your favorites for the other fandoms you follow (and don't forget to favorite this campfire so that you don't lose it). Clicking the 'Notify me when someone leaves a comment' option is also quite helpful, if you're waiting for new recs to pop up.

Anyway, to keep things organized, please include the following:

1) Title of Fandom
2) Title of story, summary, and pairing
3) If you aren't going to link, please provide the name of the author and mention the website where it can be found (if not on

So far, we have recs for:
-Avatar: The Last Airbender
-Doctor Who
-Harry Potter
-Harry Potter/Merlin
-Hunger Games
-In Plain Sight
-Kim Possible
-Maria-Sama Ga Miteru
-Vampire Diaries

And requests for:
-Doc Martin
-Harry Potter: Snape/Hermione
-Harry Potter: Lupin/Hermione

Previous Campfires:
-March 26, 2011

Includes recs for: Daria, Doctor Who, Glee, Harry Potter, Jane Eyre, North and South, One Tree Hill, Pride and Prejudice, Roswell, Sailor Moon, Shakespeare, Star Trek, Star Wars, Teen Titans, Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles, The Office, The Time Traveler's Wife, Vampire Diaries
-April 2, 2011
Includes recs for: Doctor Who, Doctor Who/Glee Crossover, Glee, Harry Potter, Merlin, Naruto, Prison Break, Sailor Moon, Vampire Diaries
-April 9, 2011
Includes recs for: Aliens, Glee, Legend of Zelda, North & South, Sailor Moon, Star Trek
-April 16, 2011
Includes recs for: Glee, Labyrinth, Pride & Prejudice, Ramona Quimby, The Phantom of the Opera, Vampire Diaries
-April 23, 2011
Includes recs for: DiscWorld, Fever Series, Glee, Harry Potter, Hunger Games, It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, Pride & Prejudice, Vampire Diaries, Veronica Mars
-April 29, 2011
Includes recs for: Glee, Hawaii 5-0, Pride & Prejudice, Red Riding Hood, Star Trek, Vampire Diaries
-May 6, 2011
Includes recs for: Harry Potter, Merlin, Star Trek
-May 14, 2011
Includes recs for: Doctor Who, Pride & Prejudice
-May 21, 2011
Includes recs for: Doctor Who, Glee, Harry Potter, Sherlock, Sookie Stackhouse Novels, Thor, X-Men
-May 28, 2011
Includes recs for: Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Glee, Doctor Who, Glee
-June 4, 2011
Includes recs for: Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Glee, Harry Potter, X-Men
-June 18, 2011
Includes recs for: Doctor Who/Supernatural, Harry Potter, Harry Potter/Smallville, Pride & Prejudice, X-Files
-June 25, 2011
Includes recs for: Glee, Harry Potter, Harry Potter/Firefly, InuYasha, Naruto, Spirited Away, X-Men: First Class
-July 16, 2011
Includes recs for: Fever Series, Harry Potter, Red Riding Hood, True Grit
-July 23, 2011
Includes recs for: Harry Potter, My Little Pony
-July 30, 2011
Includes recs for: Avatar: The Last Airbender, Glee, Harry Potter, Infernal Devices: Clockwork Angel, Roswell, Vampire Diaries
-August 13, 2011
Includes recs for: Harry Potter, Hunger Games, X-Men
-August 20, 2011
Includes recs for: Doctor Who, Harry Potter, Sailor Moon
-August 27, 2011
Includes recs for: Harry Potter, Sailor Moon
-September 22, 2011

Includes recs for: Harry Potter

(I haven't linked all of the past campfires this time, but if you click on the previous campfires for which I did provide links, you'll find that the rest are still there... You kind of just have to jump around)

Luna StarFire

ADF Fit Club

Saturday January 21, 2012 at 8:52 PM


How's it going ladies?  Everything going alright?

Homework:  Give us your best workout and grovin tunes!!

24/7 Support - ADF Fit Club LJ Community

Also its never too late to join in. ; )      I'm going to bed, play catchup in the morn.


HP/DM & ASP/SM fic

Saturday January 21, 2012 at 7:07 PM

Looking for some Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy and Ablus Severus Potter/Scorpius Malfoy.

I've read everything by Cheryl Dyson, Digitallce, faithwood, Lomonaaeren and Sara's Girl AND YOU SHOULD TOO! :)


1. Turn » reviews
One good turn always deserves another. Apparently. Epilogue compliant/AU. HPDM slash but some canon het along the way. Please trust me - I promise the epilogue will not bite you.
Harry Potter - Rated: M - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 13 - Words: 322,989 - Reviews: 1043 - Updated: 12-16-11 - Published: 10-29-10 - Harry P. & Draco M.

24. Reparations » reviews
Harry is about to discover that the steepest learning curve comes after Healer training, and that second chances can be found in unexpected places. HPDM pre-slash/slash. Now completed.
Harry Potter - Rated: M - English - Drama/Romance - Chapters: 10 - Words: 100,458 - Reviews: 755 - Updated: 4-10-09 - Published: 2-5-09 - Harry P. & Draco M. - Complete


Stupid shizz I found on the internets

Saturday January 21, 2012 at 5:26 PM

I was Youtubing the LMFAO "Sexy and I Know It" for my husband and found this video. It is not safe for work. Or for kids. Probably animals. Or people with decorum. Or sensitive ears.


You have been warned.


To make this interactive, post something stupid/silly/hilarious you have seen on the internet lately.


Everlasting why update

Saturday January 21, 2012 at 3:46 PM

right on time :)

Chapter 17: Losing faith

So little Edward... yet so intense. Most powerful Bella finding out scene ever

ETA: This story should be having like a thousand more reviews for the well-written Bella angst alone.



Gender, revealed

Saturday January 21, 2012 at 2:11 PM

I read an interesting article today...


You can find it here, but this is the gist:



It's a boy! And he's five. Beck Laxton, 46, and partner Kieran Cooper, 44, have spent half the decade concealing the gender of their son, Sasha.

"I wanted to avoid all that stereotyping," Laxton said in an interview with the Cambridge News. "Stereotypes seem fundamentally stupid. Why would you want to slot people into boxes?"  



What are your thoughts on this, and gender stereotypes in general, campers?  Shall we discuss?



Saturday January 21, 2012 at 9:46 AM

I bit the bullet last week and booked a trip to Honolulu, HI for next month. I am very excited! Anyone ever been? Any travel tips? We live in the northeastern US and I am not looking forward to the plane ride! Are you going on vacation this year? What is your dream trip? Hubs wants to go to Australia, we'll get there, someday.



Saturday January 21, 2012 at 7:13 AM

And so, I was in my local WalMart yesterday, sighing with everyone else at the long checkout line when I looked up and saw... this.

No, not the real Alexander Skarsgard, but someone who looked so much like him I couldn't stop staring.  His features were identical, body type, height,... even the way he moved.

If I was younger I'd have walked over and handed him my phone number.  And yeah, he noticed me staring.  I got the impression he was used to it.

So tell me, have you ever met a Doppelganger?  I still can't get the image of this guy out of my head.


Happy Weekend =)

Saturday January 21, 2012 at 6:46 AM

Makes me laugh every time, enjoy!

And a follow up


I'm a chaperon this weekend.

Saturday January 21, 2012 at 6:35 AM


Hi all,

I'm at a weekend SAT study camp with ten teenage girls.

I think I seriously lost my mind. Why else would I have agreed to this?

It's just me and one other chaperone against ten kids who spent four hours doing their hair last night.

In addition to study, we have to do "ACTIVITIES." I'm already too exhausted for this.




leaving this here...all I could do was cry

Saturday January 21, 2012 at 4:18 AM make this interactive..lovesongs..give me them good/painfuly true lovesongs..what is the song where you can just see the story right before your eyes whilst hearing the song of sorrow :D I showed you mine now show me yours.over and out

my sincere apologizes to LJSummers 


is not working(aka sleep is overrated)

Friday January 20, 2012 at 11:49 PM

The new Mark of Beauty chapter isn't  showing up and it's been like an hour since I got the notification. Could it mean that the author removed it?

I'm not even getting adf notifications OMG IT REALLY IS THE END OF THE WORLD (it will be if EW doesn't update either)


New Chapter 25, just arrived HERE


A Different Kind of Pimp...

Friday January 20, 2012 at 7:44 PM

Let's try something...

I've posted something like this before, and it was rather fun...

So I'd like to do something similar again... :D


I want you to select ONE of your fics - the one you'd MOST like people to read - and give us all a little taste of it.

Tease us.


Let's do this a little differently than the normal self-pimpage...

Let's focus on the writing and the writing only.

Hence... some rules.


1. Select only ONE of your fics to pimp, completed OR WIP.

2. NO banners, NO Pics, NO Vids - ONLY words

3. Copy and paste an excerpt from your fic - a teaser - but! NO MORE THAN 100 words allowed. This can be from any chapter in your fic. Pick something that really shows your stuff and shows just why we ought to read your fic.

4. You *may* copy and paste your summary if you want. But please, nothing more - no explanations, "why you should read*, etc.  Just want to see the title, the teaser, and the summary.

5. Give us a link so we can go read!

6. Try not to go crazy with fonts and colors ;D

Now, gimme your fic!


***placing wager on how many posts it takes for someone to break the rules...

ETA: it's perfectly okay to go comment on OTHER PEOPLE'S teases! Maybe that wasn't clear... lol


Has anyone seen this?

Friday January 20, 2012 at 7:11 PM

She could be The Midget's twin. I kinda think it's awesome....

What makes you lulzy over your offspring?

My rec:

Letters from Heaven »reviews
Edward and Bella - a perfect couple, a perfect life. And then disaster strikes. Bella has to learn to live without her soulmate. Mysterious letters help her to cope. AU Canon pairings.
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Romance/Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 18 - Words: 84,259 - Reviews: 475 - Updated: 10-23-11 - Published: 2-6-11


Kristen Stewart on Moviefone Unscripted!

Friday January 20, 2012 at 6:30 PM



Twi-hards and superhero geeks unite! On Thursday, Jan. 26 in Los Angeles, Kristen Stewart (Snow White), Charlize Theron (the evil Queen Ravenna) and Chris Hemsworth (the Huntsman) will participate in a brand-new edition of Moviefone's Unscripted for "Snow White and the Huntsman" -- meaning you can them anything about the highly anticipated fairytale flick.

"Snow White" fans will have until Tuesday at 8 p.m. EST to ask a question. You can leave queries in the comments below, on our Facebook page or on Twitter. Check back to Moviefone closer to the "Snow White" release date in June to see the completed video.

Starring Stewart, Theron, Hemsworth, Sam Claflin, Ian McShane, Ray Winstone, Nick Frost, Bob Hoskins and Eddie Izzard, "Snow White & the Huntsman" hits theaters on June 1.


ANY HARDCORE KRISTEN FANS OUT HERE? WHAT DO YOU THINK? EXCITED? What questions do you want to be asked!?!


~first campfire so I have no idea how to tag this or if I'm doing this right, sorry! 

First --- | >> | 703 | 704 | 705 | 706 | 707 | 708 | 709 | 710 | 711 | 1413 | 1414 | --- Last
