
Tell Me Where To Go...

Friday January 27, 2012 at 9:19 AM

Next month we are going to Nashville for a weekend!

Have you been there? Lived there? Got discovered in a Honky Tonk and are about to release your first cd??

What should we see, what should we avoid, where do we go to get the best deal on boots?

Come in and give me all the goss, or just tell me where you have been lately, and why we should go there too!

fyt: Rob in that Honky Tonk?!


Yet Another MoB Edward Chap!

Friday January 27, 2012 at 8:34 AM

Ok Ms MallMouse someone else has finally officially started a MoB CF! (Aren't you proud lol?)


Obviously this pic is not technically MoB related but it reminds of them...

Edward: Chapter Eight

Edward: Chapter 7

So.... Two Three Edward chapters in a row. I personally find them refreshing. I think she writes Edward very well and we get to find out a bit more about what is actually going on. I think. Yes, no? What do you think? Any theories confirmed or falling to the wayside? I wonder how many chapters are left...



Friday January 27, 2012 at 5:45 AM

Tender is the Night
by LJ Summers



Just relax! Right, like THAT's going to happen!

There be spoilers inside! Come, let's chat about Liam!


BD1 DVD Rob laughs a lot

Friday January 27, 2012 at 3:58 AM

 Oops -- took video down in case lawyers decide to pay attention...
I can't believe Lionsgate hasn't blocked all this shizzle yet.  Maybe they laid off Summit's lawyers.
Lots more vids here at Robstenation and your other favourite Rob sites.
Who here actually listens to the whole commentary of Twifilms?  Who sits through all the features?
I do.
LJ Summers

Yes, it's FFA!!!

Friday January 27, 2012 at 3:52 AM

Free For All Friday has arrived!

What this means:

You can post about any topic, not just the supernatural stuff! Huzzah!

Music? Let's hear it!

Movies? Let's see it. I love trailers!


Beauty questions? Break out the Sephora for WTVOC!
What this also means:
You STILL have to keep your posts interactive.  So, if you've got a movie trailer? Don't just paste the YouTube in a campfire. Share why you like it and INVITE OTHERS TO SHARE THEIR FAVORITES. If you have a fave fic that updated? Invite COMMENTS on it.
You know, be polite. :)
There is still NO SELF PIMPING in the Forest on FFA.  Please visit Ranger Emibella's Pimp Campfire to share what you're writing.
We also like to keep things hoppin', so feel free to share about the ads you see onsite.  Explore them.  I saw one for corsets yesterday and I spent almost fifteen minutes seriously considering a steel-boned corset. i think they're hot and I wore one in my own wedding.
And remember:
None of the Forbidden Seven and No one gets Nekkid!
So any movie trailers that are intriguing?  Anything you're planning on seeing at the theater this weekend?  Hm?  
Please come show me! I REALLY could use a good movie rec. I haven't been to a cinema in over a year and I want to have a great reason to go!


Thursday January 26, 2012 at 10:04 PM

I'm so excited! We just order a Nook Simple Touch!!



My first question: How hard is it to transfer PDF files for Fan-Fics? Or would I be using something different?



Tell us what you write, judge, beta, etc.

Thursday January 26, 2012 at 7:10 PM

This is the campfire of Self Promotion: THE PIMP CAMPFIRE.

Tell us about what you or a friend write. Give us banners, give us samples, GIVE US LINKS. 

If you beta something fantastic, let us know.

If you are hosting a contest, tell us about it.

Don't be shy!



if inconvenient, come anyway. SH

Thursday January 26, 2012 at 1:09 PM

let's talk the BBC's sherlock in this campfire

i have added "sherlock" to the tags because it's fandom and therefore apropos.


anyway, come in here and let's talk about what is possibly the best show on television right now.

for you americans- series 1 is currently available on both netflix instant and amazon prime instant. series 2 comes out on BBC amurrca in like idk march or april or something.


Image and video hosting by TinyPic D': sorry

post your favorite gifs, discuss your conspiracy theories (but preempt your musings with a *spoiler alert* for those who are being good and waiting to watch), discuss why i love benedict cumberbatch's face, link to your tumblr if you're a sherlock fan, come cry about reichenbach, discuss how i rather excitedly discovered that my blu-ray player will play UK region-free discs and immediately ordered series 1 AND 2 for a paltry 40 bucks shipped, or idk just come in and talk sherlock with me.

do NOT watch this (stunning, perfect, flaw-free) fanvid until you're caught up with all six episodes, and i apologize in advance and will hand you tissues and a bucket for all of your creys.


oh, and for pete's sakes, if you write sherlock fanfic, post it up in this here forest, please. 


Oldies but Goodies - Sanctuary

Thursday January 26, 2012 at 8:47 AM




Hey Campers!

It's time for our discussion fire for Chapters 25-32 of 

SANCTUARY by jennyfly



Come in and share thoughts, feelings, etc.  on this section.


 If you refer to anything that happens in later chapters, please mark it as a spoiler and make the text white.  


Our fifth and final discussion fire for Sanctuary will be on Tuesday - read up to the end and come back to discuss then.  


Thank you for participating!


THE A garment of brightness update

Thursday January 26, 2012 at 5:18 AM

Second cf from me, but beautiful chapter is beautiful

Chapter 50: The Woods

So worth the wait


Mark of beauty updates

Wednesday January 25, 2012 at 11:49 PM

Again, cf making is easy! Anyone can do it!

Chapter 33: Training and tickles

Ah, I like the idea of Bella starting to go around like that.


do ya think i'm a nasty girl?

Wednesday January 25, 2012 at 7:51 PM

if you were/are a stripper, what song(s) would be ~your thang?

prompted by a conversation i'm currently having with rangerino eksmithnumbers.

this is totally mine.


Help Desk

Wednesday January 25, 2012 at 6:46 PM

Just like every week, we open up the forest for all of those inquiries you have been dying to make.



Pretty much it is the FREE FOR ALL help desk. You can ask about things like dating, friendship, relationships, family, food, television, movies, internet, make-up, socks, music, powder-puff football, car repair, coworkers... and fanfiction, yep, even that.

So go forth and ask all questions, someone will answer. We like these sorts of things.



Lost some favorites...

Wednesday January 25, 2012 at 4:20 PM

Hello All! 

Today I logged onto and noticed that my number of favorites dropped by 2 sometime overnight. I'm not super involved with the goings-on around the fandom, so I was wondering if anyone had an idea of what fics could have possibly been deleted recently?


To make it somewhat interactive: How do you feel when you log on and see that that number on your favorites list has dropped? Upset? Angry? Ambivalent? Nothing?


I always feel a little sad and confused because I like to go back and re-read fics, and I don't save ALL of the ones I like to PDF, so I always feel like I'm missing something when a fic disappears.  


Here's a rec (not 100% sure if one is needed) but since I'm asking for some info here's something in return:



When Life gives you Lemons: Eat Them  by DreamersDaze

When a family member's health scare makes her question her own lifestyle, Bella begins a journey to find common ground between outer beauty, inner beauty, health and peace. Will she able to find love, in others and within herself? All Human



Are you on the Bright Side of Life?

Wednesday January 25, 2012 at 2:30 PM

Is your glass half full?

Is there light at the end of your tunnel?

Come and enter the Hope Springs Eternal Contest!

We all know life isn't sunshine and rainbows, now's your chance to show it.

Head over to: and pick a prompt to write about. We want the heartache, the battles, the flaws and the triumph!

Write us your tale of hope, because we all know that things do get better. Your entry doesn't have to have a HEA or be super angsty. We just want a tale of life's ups and downs.

Entries will be accepted from March 1st-April 7
Voting will be open from April 9-April 16 with the winners being announced on April 20th.


So come on in and write us your tale of almost woe...


**Thanks to the Lovely LJ Summers for allowing me to pimp the contest I'm helping judge- xoxo J






htpah update

Wednesday January 25, 2012 at 1:11 PM

how to paint a house


chapter 19



shall we discuss?


Really People..? I have no words

Wednesday January 25, 2012 at 11:12 AM


I really truly hope this is not more FFA appropriate (please feel free to properly chastise me if so) but OMG LOOK at the numero uno  baby names for 2010 according to our great national Social Security Administration (and I guess they would be the folks to know... Officially and all). And to top it all off, out of the 100 most popular boys names EDWARD didn't even make the list. Idek what to say or make of all this.

So any of you lovely ladies or gents have a baby in the past year or so.. Did you name said child "Jacob" or "Isabella"? Or know anyone who did. How much do you think all things Twi really had to do with the sudden popularity surge for these names?

I have like 9 weeks and counting and absolutely no solid leads a name for soon to be born baby boy but I can tell you it will not be Jacob!


Fun Time!

Wednesday January 25, 2012 at 11:01 AM

I just had an idea (shocker!)...something to flex our writing and thinking muscles and have a little fun while we're at it.


Music Note Pictures, Images and Photos


Here's how this will work:


1.  Post a video with a song - any song.  It can be silly, serious, whatever

(if you need video posting help, lemme know inside and I'll guide you) 

2.  Campers then have to write a fic summary based on your song.  

Just a little blurb, and again - you can make it as silly or serious as you want to!

ETA:  Feel free to comment on songs that have already been summarized - the more variety, the better! 


3.  Post more than one song if you want, and summarize as many as you want.




Pocket Change

Wednesday January 25, 2012 at 8:05 AM

I've thought of nothing since I read the chapter update last night. I dreamed about it and this morning I just have to talk about it. What did you guys think of the update and how she's woven these different events together?



Spoilers inside!


Domward ff

Wednesday January 25, 2012 at 7:03 AM

Are you too oddly attracted to it? Were you surprised how strong independent women like us find it so appealing? Do you think it's because society brainwashes us to think that's the women's role? Or maybe it's the opposite, i.e. that *modern* society expects us to be more sexually 'aggressive' (not the right term but I can't think of a better one in English), whereas that's not what we inherently find appealing (when of course it's the right EC-like man etc)

Classic Domward looking Rob FYT

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