Voldemort Reads Slashfic

Friday January 20, 2012 at 5:22 PM

I saw this on ONTD and had to share.  I desperately wish someone would get Rob to read Twific on video.  How sweet would that be? 

I decided to move the video into the comments, just in case!!  Don't want to cause any probs for our folks here at ADF.  (Does anyone else remember when Ralph Fiennes was hot? Also, this is relatively mild but the last few secs might not be appropriate for everyone.)

If RPatz agreed to read a scene from Twific (in jammies!), which one would you want to have him read?  The possibilities are endless!! 

The Offspring

Calling All Teens!

Friday January 20, 2012 at 3:55 PM

Attention! The news has been brought to me that we have some teenage campers here. I felt that we should have a teen ADFers campfire so we could all get to know each other, you know, come out of lurkerdom!

So if you are a teen camper, post in here!

Even if you're not, you can still say hi.

Btw, you will all each get a hug from me! Over the internet, that is.



To make it interactive, tell me about yourself!

Credit for this campfire idea goes to the lovely wtvoc.


2012 Book Challenge

Friday January 20, 2012 at 3:02 PM

Did you sign up for any?

What 2012 releases are you looking forward to? So many good books come out this year.

What have you read so far? 


Just curious.

Friday January 20, 2012 at 2:55 PM

How many of you remember Pottermore?

How many of you have accounts on Pottermore because you were lucky to find whatever it was you had to find to register early?

How many of you, that have accounts, still go on Pottermore everyday? Or once a week, month, whatever?

And for the rest of us that haven't had the chance to experience such a site as Pottermore, have you forgotten about it?

I bring this up because I got curious and wanted to see if the site was open or not, only to find that it's STILL IN BETA. It's gotten ridiculous, this long wait, tbh. The skeptical part of me doesn't think anyone's even "working on it". The optimistic part of me is... well, slowing fading away. The wait's been too long and could there seriously be THAT MANY bugs to work out?

So, I'm just curious. How many campers that have an account still go on Pottermore, and how many that don't have either forgotten about it, given up, or both?



That's just plain weird...

Friday January 20, 2012 at 1:26 PM

For no particular reason, ADF just showed me an ad for 'Doggie Dentures'.


Yeah, I clicked on it...

Which then made me think of weird ads in general. 

So, what's the weirdest ad you've ever seen? Or the best ad? Or the funniest? Or the...well, you get my point, yeah? Can be ADF ads or Youtube'd ads...anything to produce a laugh. 

And while you're commenting, please keep clicking those ads on ADF so the money keeps coming in. :)



Bloody Kisses by CaraNo

His eyes are golden, but it's only temporary. It's all part of the plan. He just wants everything. Darkward drabbles.
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Romance/Supernatural - Chapters: 85 - Words: 28,128 - Reviews: 5660 - Updated: 1-19-12 - Published: 1-6-12 - Edward & Bella


You can keep your shirts on, despite the tag. 


Let's Talk Hair!

Friday January 20, 2012 at 12:47 PM

Greetings, Campers! Hope everyone's having a Fabulous Friday! 

This week, my cousin's girlfriend cut her hair. It looks great. And I'm jealous! I've been going back and forth between growing my hair out and cutting it for a while, but now I think I'm gonna cut it. Here's what I'm thinking:

The gorgeous Ginnifer's face shape is pretty close to mine, and my friend is convinced that I can pull this off. I'm skeptical of the curls, though (especially since I don't really know how to curl my hair). My mom thinks it's messy and that I shouldn't cut my hair, which is about a medium-long length right now.

So, Campers, what do you think?

Chop it, or Grow it?

What are your favorite hairstyles?

Who do you think has the perfect cut?

How do you curl your hair, or if you don't curl it, how do you achieve your favorite look?

ETA: I DID IT. Pic inside! :)


Advice please, forest dwellers.

Friday January 20, 2012 at 12:24 PM

Hi all! Hope you're enjoying your Friday.

I would love to hear any/ all advice as i'm in a bit of a pickle.

I completed a number of years at university but due to one thing and another didn't finish my degree. I'm currently taking the module credits needed to complete it with the aim of starting a masters in September. However, i have a problem: i'm kicking ass in my lit module but my other one is dying a slow death. Even with not working at the moment i can't do the work i need to. I'm thinking of dropping the weaker module and restating in October. My reasoning is that i will be able to concentrate solely on that one and also try to get some more experience/knowledge in the field of the masters course i'm looking at.

Now, the big problem comes with telling my family. I'm 23 but still live with my mom (no money, mo' problems) and i have a fractious relationship with both parents. My dad in particular has some rather snide things to say about me not having completed a 3 year degree in (what will be 5) years. I suffer from depression and i feel like i'm starting to slide back on it; i'm really anxious about not being able to do the work for this one module and although it really isn't what i want to do i think it's for the best.

Has anyone had to deal with this before? I already beat myself up enough over this and i'm dreading what everyone is going to say.

HBIC Dowager Countess Grantham, fyt.



Friday January 20, 2012 at 11:48 AM

Hubby and I are BIG time Niners fans (were fans even when they sucked).  Yesterday Mr. M got a text inviting us over to watch the Giants vs. Niners game at a friends house.  My immediate response was...."We can't do that.  We didn't get together with friends when they played the Saints, and they WON.  We need all of the help we can get this game...I don't think we should go."

There was also a point during the game where I couldn't take the tension, so I got up to leave.  That's when Alex Smith threw to Vernon Davis in the last minute of the game to put the Niners in scoring position.  Before the ball was hiked during the following play, I got up to leave again bc I just couldn't take it....seconds later Smith threw to Davis again for the game winning touchdown.

It's quite obvious that they won bc of my pacing, lol.

Superstitious things we'll do to get ready for this game: hubby to wear his Rathman jersey, I must paint my nails red (btw...painted my nails orange and black when the SF Giants were in the WS and they won....just saying).

TL;DR you believe in superstitions?  Not necessarily sports superstitions (although I find those to be more fun), but any superstition: won't walk under a ladder, won't step on cracks, etc.



(This could also just be a football post if you want.  You excited for the upcoming games?  Who are you rooting for?  Who do you see going to the Superbowl?)


Rob in period getup

Friday January 20, 2012 at 11:35 AM

Bel Ami coming up fast.  At the Berlin and Edinburgh Film Festivals.

Can't wait -- though I didn't like the book.  

Rob in period clothing, yum.

He sometimes looks a bit too skinny for me (Cosmopolis pics), so I welcome big and manly Rob.  

What's your all-time favourite period man film?

Mine might be Sense and Sensiblity.  Or Matthew MacFayden saying 'I love, I love, I love you' in Pride and Prejudice.  I'll think on it.  I'll try to find a gif for inside.

Period Rec:
The Selkie Wife 

Set during the reign of "Bloody Mary" Tudor. Bella is captured by Edward to raise his daughter. He promises to release her one day, but will he? Court intrigues and danger around every corner. Can they, and their new-found love, survive? Rated M/OOC/AU
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Romance/Supernatural - Chapters: 30 - Words: 140,976 - Reviews: 1699 - Updated: 1-20-12 - Published: 11-30-11 - Bella & Edwar


Matchmaker, Matchmaker....

Friday January 20, 2012 at 11:15 AM

Hello lovelies! I hope you are all off to a great start to your weekends! I've been waiting for FFA, because I have a topic I want to bring dating!! I know it's probably been discussed before (I think I commented in a campfire last year about it) but I'm thinking of trying it again. I've used a few times, and been on a few dates as a result, but I never was really interested past the second date. Most guys are either just trying to hook up, it seems, or are waaaay too serious and ready to just jump right into a serious relationship-like marriage-babies-in the immediate future kind. What are your thoughts/experiences on online dating? Good stories? Horror stories? Know anyone who has had success with it? One of my good friends met her boyfriend on Eharmony...

I think part of my problem is that I'm so wishy-washy. Sometims I really want a boyfriend, and sometimes I'm like 'eh' about all of it. I like being on my own, but most of my friends/family/etc are married or in serious relationships. I'm the odd one out :0( Hurry up and break it off with Kstew, Rob! I need you! LOL! Do any of you single ladies feel the pressure to find someone from your friends/family? I'm twenty-six, which apparently makes me an old maid to my parents, lol!! Sometimes I just want to give the busy bodies in my life the b**ch face!


the nerds strike back

Friday January 20, 2012 at 11:08 AM

So, all the attack the internet planned in the last few days came to som fruition. . .

So, what do you think? Is just the beginning of the war? Do you think there's more to come about it?


How 'bout a Bondfire?

Friday January 20, 2012 at 10:03 AM

Hello Campers! *waves*

So I came across some very interesting posts on my Facebook last night and thought I could make an interesting Bondfire out of this! Those have been kinda missing around here lately, so I figured this was perfect.

So here goes:

Go and search the net for the song that was Number 1 in the charts on the day you were born! If you can't find the one of the exact day/week, try for the whole year or maybe just give us the two of them if you want. Also try and get the one from your country if possible.

So spam us with lots of different videos, since we have a variety of ages around we should get quite a variety of song types. Are you all up for it?

Here's a hint for my decade ;) The rest will be inside.


To make it even more exciting, try not giving us the date immediately. Maybe we can guess what year we're in ;)


Free for all?

Friday January 20, 2012 at 9:21 AM

Hideo Ho, how is everyone doing this lovely free for all Friday.

So... I need some help (beyond the normal I guess you'd say)

I have this daughter

she's a lovely little thing.  Some of you (ah hem... original members)  may know her.  Ally (HeavensImmortal).  Well, she's graduating this year (tis a scary thing) and going off to college and I'm kinda sorta dying about it for way more reasons than one!  

First off, have any of you seen the price of college now???  Sweet Baby HeyZues... I really don't know how they expect people to do this.  

Secondly, really?  The middle class gets screwed here, to rich to be poor and to poor to be rich.  Yeah, that's me.   Oh and by the way, I have two other daughters behind her (Sarah 14 and Cassidy 12)

What do I qualify for...nadda.  No grants no funding other than loans and merit scholarships.

She has two schools she's really interested in - Elizabethtown in Penn ($45k a year) and Keene in NH ($28k a year).  Both have offered merit scholarships ($10k and $4k respectively) but still in no way makes it affordable.

So, I need advice.  Anyone have any ideas on how people pay for this?  Any good scholarships.  She's a very talented writer and has community service, varsity sports and works 3 jobs already.  Any suggestions / ideas?

I can tell you this... you have no idea how much of a failure you feel like as a parent to know there is no way you can send you child to school when they really want to.  There has got to be a way to make this work.

So campers... I'm looking for ideas, stories, how did you do it suggestion.

The fires on and I'm passing around good ole Irish whiskey in here, because God knows, I NEED IT!

♥ T


Cracked! updated

Friday January 20, 2012 at 9:05 AM

I can't start to say how wonderful Cracked! is.  In a drop everything and read way. I'll post the summary below, but it doesn't do justice to the story.

Cracked! isn't even AU. It is in Canon, but allows for you to see beyond Canon, below Canon, under Canon, you say it.. All that you wondered about Twilight and never dared ask. Or that you didn't even think about, but now it is there and it makes a lot of sense (despite what she says). I would like that Nosleep went on and on writing it ... (btw, the updates are regular, if not frequent, and with this kind of story is not even that important).

Summary: If Twilight sort of didn't make sense to you before, it really won't make sense to you now. A recharacterization of Bella and a satire of all the things that made you go, "Wait, what?" Dark humor, drama, and snark.

Go read it. And if you have something to say, please come inside.


ffa, free for all, kids!

Friday January 20, 2012 at 8:34 AM

Today, I'd like your feel good songs.

as i was crying about in wtvoc post, I WAS ROBBED. and that sucks. but today, i woke up and oh man. i'm still here. J is still here and handsome as ever and so what? someone took a lot of crap. the sun still rose today and i found many reasons to smile.

to whoever stole my stuff:

whatever, yo. i forgive you.

i might not forgive VEVO though, for editing one of my favorite songs.

alas, i'll still enjoy it. just a little less

you know what else feels good?
clicking the ads on adf. try it. you'll like it. try it. all the cool kids are doing it. try it.

Finding Bella

Friday January 20, 2012 at 7:31 AM

Hi Everyone! Happy Friday!

I know in the campfire below people are listing stories that were pulled to publish, and this story was mentioned.

Does anyone know if Finding Bella by ekimmuh was ever finished? Does anyone have a copy?       


As of today, my free time has increased so...

Thursday January 19, 2012 at 7:13 PM

This is the campfire of Self Promotion: THE WEEKLY PIMP CAMPFIRE.

Tell us about what you or a friend write. Give us banners, give us samples, GIVE US LINKS. 

If you beta something fantastic, let us know.

If you are hosting a contest, tell us about it.

Don't be shy!



I Wanna Know....

Thursday January 19, 2012 at 6:08 PM

Hey Ya'll!

Ok so the other day I was on this website and the advertisment  was about a book called Trust In Advertising...sound familiar?

Of course it does!

It got me to thinkin...(I've been doing that a lot lately) and I was wondering about all the fics that have been PULLED TO PUBLISH. Yes, that infamous phrase. PtP or OMG! What happen to that fic? 

So I want to get a list together of all the Pulled to Publish fics. Not just pulled but ones that we know are published.

Now, fellow campers, I know that PtP is not some folks cup of tea but lets not discuss that. We did that weeks ago with that epic CF. Yeah you know which one I'm talking about!

What I do want to know is the following:

Title (The Twific title and Published Title)

Links to the book.

Have you read it? and Did you like it?

Please help get the list together! Thank you so much!


Ranger approved. Just ask Eksmith



Thursday January 19, 2012 at 5:58 PM







WILL I THROW MY COMPUTER?  (i srsly hope not)









Thursday January 19, 2012 at 1:26 PM

Megaupload is no more.


McLEAN, Virginia (AP) — One of the world's largest file-sharing sites was shut down Thursday, and its founder and several company executives were charged with violating piracy laws, federal prosecutors said.

An indictment accuses of costing copyright holders more than $500 million in lost revenue from pirated films and other content. The indictment was unsealed one day after websites including Wikipedia and Craigslist shut down in protest of two congressional proposals intended to thwart online piracy.

The Justice Department said in a statement said that Kim Dotcom, formerly known as Kim Schmitz, and three others were arrested Thursday in New Zealand at the request of U.S. officials. Two other defendants are at large.

Megaupload was unique not only because of its massive size and the volume of downloaded content, but also because it had high-profile support from celebrities, musicians and other content producers who are most often the victims of copyright infringement and piracy. Before the website was taken down, it contained endorsements from Kim Kardashian, Alicia Keys and Kanye West, among others.

The Hong Kong-based company listed Swizz Beatz, a musician who married Keys in 2010, as its CEO.

Before the site was taken down, it posted a statement saying allegations that it facilitated massive breaches of copyright laws were "grotesquely overblown."

"The fact is that the vast majority of Mega's Internet traffic is legitimate, and we are here to stay. If the content industry would like to take advantage of our popularity, we are happy to enter into a dialogue. We have some good ideas. Please get in touch," the statement said.

A lawyer who represented the company in a lawsuit last year declined comment Thursday.

Megaupload is considered a "cyberlocker," in which users can upload and transfer files that are too large to send by email. Such sites can have perfectly legitimate uses. But the Motion Picture Association of America, which has campaigned for a crackdown on piracy, estimated that the vast majority of content being shared on Megaupload was in violation of copyright laws.

The website allowed users to download films, TV shows, games, music and other content for free, but made money by charging subscriptions to people who wanted access to faster download speeds or extra content. The website also sold advertising.

The indictment was returned in the Eastern District of Virginia, which claimed jurisdiction in part because some of the alleged pirated materials were hosted on leased servers in Ashburn, Virginia.

Dotcom, a resident of both Hong Kong and New Zealand, and a dual citizen of Finland and Germany, made more than $42 million from the conspiracy in 2010 alone, according to the indictment.

Dotcom is founder, former CEO and current chief innovation officer of Megaupload.

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