
the love you take = the love you make

Monday January 30, 2012 at 4:55 PM

ADF presents: love secrets

i wanna try something a little new for these here parts for valentine's day. i've seen these done really nicely in other comms, so i thought i'd shamelessly copy them and try it over here.

some of you may know that i don't care overmuch for this holiday because honestly. why limit "i love you" to one day of the year? however, more of you know that i am hypocritical and that i do what i want. so, keeping that in mind, i thought we'd have ourselves a sweet little anonymous lovefest, ADF-style. if you don't like it, then move right along.

what's a "love secret"? well, now. that's easy. it's an anonymous love note. try googling it to get the idea.

this is your chance to send someone a sweet note/fun message/creepy stalker-esque love letter/&c. without them knowing who it's from.


seriously, these are always fun. so. if there's a person around here that you appreciate/adore/admire/love in a way that makes you a little uncomfortable, now's the chance to let them know. anonymously. only i will know who sent them, and i am the soul of discretion~

send your valentine's love secrets to me at adflovesecrets@gmail.com and i will publish them in a big ole post come v-day (or several posts, depending on how many you guys send my way). 

but ranger wtvoc, how do i make a love secret? i lack photoshop skillz!!!1!

well, dear lovelorn camper. there are plenty of places that can make simple image things for you. blingee, the knowyourmeme generator, stuff like that. if you know of an easy-to-use place that does macros, link to them in here!

all i ask is that you either send me the image itself or a link to it. if you make it ginormous, i will shrink it down and/or not post it at all. (like... nothing over 500 pixels in length or width, please)

but ranger wtvoc, i don't know anybody! who will send me a love secret? forever alone, etc. well, dear camper. come into this campfire. if you comment, then someone will send you some love.

to those of you out there who have free time, why don't you favorite this campfire and make a love secret for a total stranger that you've never spoken to in your life? c'mon. make someone's day!

okay, this is all confusing. for the tl;dr crowd:

1- post in this campfire if you'd like to receive a valentine love secret. 

2- if you wanna receive one, you should give one (or more); send something to a total stranger AND me that person you love!

3- send your love secret(s) to adflovesecrets@gmail.com; send as many as you want. either send me the image or a link to it. they are to be anonymous, but don't forget to include your beloved's username.

4- i will accept inappropriate TO AN EXTENT. don't test me. if i feel like you're making fun of anyone, i will end you. oh, but you can mock me all you want. i'm cool with that. omg i feel like i'm shilling for valentine's for myself here lol

5- send to anyone you want, man. forest dweller or no. i just really want a lot of people to get silly love secrets!


k, now come forth and comment if you've got questions, know of good online resources for the photoshop-challenged, are confused by my run-on sentences/directions, or if you want someone to send you some anonymous love.






Kristen wows in Paris

Monday January 30, 2012 at 3:28 PM

Can't wait to see this this photoshoot !

To make this interactive, can you think of any fics where it is Bella and not Alice who is the clothing nut?

I loved all the crazy clothes Alice would create with a pair of scissors just before school in this class rec:

 Tropic of Virgo » by In.a.blue.bathrobe 
He's a young but jaded musician writing lyrics for his band, and she's a naive, frustrated poet looking to break out of her shell; their words collide online. What happens when they meet in high school, unaware of their literary connection?
Twilight - Fiction Rated: M - English - General - Chapters: 37 - Words: 159,572 - Reviews: 18841 - Updated: 8-27-09 - Published: 3-4-09 - Complete


Tom Sturridge is having a baby (allegedly)

Monday January 30, 2012 at 1:43 PM

Here's what I found on celebritybabyscoop.com. I don't know how much of it is actually true but it's kinda fun to speculate. 

"Sienna Miller may have not confirmed her pregnancy yet but her former stepmother Kelly Hoppen has. Hoppen - who was previously married to Miller's dad Edwin - confirmed to the Evening Standard that the 30-year-old actress is expecting her first child with Tom Sturridge.

She said, "Sienna is definitely not engaged or getting married, and she is pregnant."

The British paper also reports that Hoppen is close to Sienna and Savannah.

The timing seems to be right as the sisters have recently stepped down as co-creative directors of the fashion label Twenty8Twelve.

Their statement read: “We’ve had a brilliant six years at Twenty8Twelve and are now looking forward to new pastures. We wish the brand the best of luck for the future.”

Staff at the Twenty8Twelve offices say Sienna left "to concentrate on the baby".

The couple met last March while they were both performing in plays in London."

So what do you think? True or False? 

Can you see Tom Sturridge as a dad with a baby in his arms? I have to admit I'm having trouble but I'm happy for them if it's true. 


Sneak Peek

Monday January 30, 2012 at 11:24 AM

Please feel free to give me hell about nearly forgetting!!!!

Okay, so... challenge time if you're up for it

For this weeks tease, I'd like to see how you envision your stories Edward

Who do you see your Edward as?

How do you picture him looking?

Post it with your tease!

...or don't.

No hard feelings by the by if you choose not to.

~And, as always, don't forget to include a link to your fic!~

Now come on in and give us a tease... please :)


LJ Summers

Ranger Betty White Says...

Monday January 30, 2012 at 8:18 AM

ranger betty

She might be new to the Forest, but Ranger Betty White is AWESOME.

She has a few things to say.

"Hey, Campers! Read the rules, okay?  D'you think we have rules just to hear ourselves TYPE?"


"JandCo told me Robert Pattinson was HOT. I'm also thinking his co-star-slash-girlfriend..."


"Not THAT kind of slash!" *smack*  "Anyway, she's hot, too. I need to work with them."

ed and bell honeymoon

Also, "It's MONDAY.  Anyone else hung over or is it just me?"


What she said.

Anyone hung over this morning? I swear I'm not.

If you have any weekend escapades, come Tell Ranger Betty!



Monday January 30, 2012 at 7:55 AM

I just finished 'Surviving Bella' and I was wondering if anyone knows if there's a sequel??


2 fic recs

Monday January 30, 2012 at 5:02 AM

Ok, Think this may be my first campfire after being here for about 2 years...guess we should all be brave enough to try new things sometime, right?  So here I go..I have 2 fics to recommend. I will warn, both are very angsty, but really well written, update frequently, with very few reviews.

They are

http://www.fanfiction.net/s/7730033/1/?A_Different_Kind_of_Pain by Sparkling Wand-Summary: Edward is everything Bella ever dreamed of & more but he has one major flaw. He's Bella's best friend's boyfriend. Now she has to decide if pursuing her feelings for him is worth the risk of losing her friendship or suffer with a different kind of pain

and http://www.fanfiction.net/s/7557706/1/What_I_Wished_For by Thimbles-Summary: Bella and Jacob's marriage isn't what either anticipated. Bella's battling depression and seeks escape in the music she surrounds herself. When she meets her favourite artist, Edward Cullen, the pair strike up an instant friendship. AH. BxJ, eventual BxE

Sorry if I should have waited for the weekly rec post-hope you give them a try!


Need a MAMA BEAR fic!!

Monday January 30, 2012 at 4:48 AM

hey everyone!

so i thought im gonna be really brave and write an introductory campfire....but then i realised there is tinsy problem...i dint know wht to write as introduction....i gues being a law grad im just so used to of always having a draft tht i cn chart up...so like a good student i did research...i found tht thrs absolutely no pattern....so here it goes..

hi...im sri....i love fanfiction much more than the original series and im lost in this world!!!!

oh n i also need a fic rec...

i need a fic whr bella is super over protective MAMA BEAR on her/edward's kid(s)....or evn if esme is mama bear...i'd love to read 'em...

so please suggest something...

and thanks to rainygirl1978 im going to add a fic rec as an example...

 Such Great Heights » by SydneyAlice
Edward Cullen is in desperate need of a nanny after his wife walks out on him and their five-year-old son. Bella Swan is a teacher with no job prospects. Can she find her true place in the world while helping father and son overcome their pain? AH
Twilight - Fiction Rated: M - English - Romance/Family - Chapters: 32 - Words: 117,037 - Reviews: 8558 - Updated: 7-3-10 - Published: 1-10-10 - - Bella/Edward - Complete

 The Path We Choose » by les16 
Edward is a 32 single father of 7 year old twins Maddie and Masen. After literally crashing into Bella in Central Park, he realizes everything he has been missing in his life. Is Bella really what he has been looking for or is she hiding who she truly is
Twilight - Fiction Rated: M - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 50 - Words: 644,986 - Reviews: 3466 - Updated: 6-12-11 - Published: 4-7-10 - - Bella/Edward - Complete


Mark of Beauty update

Sunday January 29, 2012 at 9:59 PM

Chapter 37: Bait and Switch

We're down to the wire now, people! Just one chapter left and possibly an epilogue.

I still have NO IDEA what's going on.

So lettuce discuss this current chapter.

Anymore theories?


The Myth of the Published Author

Sunday January 29, 2012 at 9:00 PM



As I sat down to write this a story came through my RSS feed that is relevant to this week’s column. One of my favorite authors, John Scalzi, made a post on his blog Whatever titled Writer, Professional, Good. In it he discusses the definition of being a writer vs. being a professional writer vs. being a good writer.

Definitions are, by trade, important to me. For example, there’s a huge difference between a carnivorous forest and a coniferous one. Or loose/lose, their/they’re, too/to, etc. Likewise, I think it’s important to differentiate between different types of writers, especially nowadays with self-publishing.

Yes, I’m one of those: a dinosaur looking at my computer screen and feeling nostalgic about the ‘good old days’ of typewriters and encyclopedias. Okay, maybe not the encyclopedias. God bless the internet when it comes to research. What I do miss though is being able to have faith in someone when they call themselves an author which brings me to the point of this piece, something I like to call 'the myth of the published author’.


*rest of column in a comment


What I Wished For by Thimbles

Sunday January 29, 2012 at 8:50 PM

I need to do a serious story pimpage right now, because this story is simply not getting enough love for how incredible it is. She updates and I go running. The amount of emotion this story evokes in me is unique. Please, if you feel so inclined, go check it out.


Bella and Jacob's marriage isn't what either anticipated. Bella's battling depression and seeks escape in the music she surrounds herself. When she meets her favourite artist, Edward Cullen, the pair strike up an instant friendship. AH. BxJ, eventual BxE.


Story link: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/7557706/1/What_I_Wished_For


Dating Disasters

Sunday January 29, 2012 at 7:55 PM

So I can't seem to focus on anything.  I'm supposed to be writing content for webpages - my little on the side job - but my brain is bouncing around like a pinball machine.  And I got to thinking about this one guy I knew before I got married and the disaster of a non-relationship that we had.  

Come on in to read my disaster and share your own!  If you can't laugh over these things, then what good are they? :D


This campfire was approved by jandco. :)


Water Landing update

Sunday January 29, 2012 at 5:20 PM

Water Landing by Camoozle updated today and I wanna talk about it with people (excluding the ones in my head), so come in here with me and discuss kthanxbai.

If you haven't read it yet, do that first. Trust me. And on that note, after you read it, review it, because this fic is embarrassingly under reviewed. :) Spoilers inside, of course.



Sunday January 29, 2012 at 12:16 PM

Hooked on chicken nuggets: Girl, 17, who has eaten nothing else since age TWO rushed to hospital after collapsing
*Stacey Irvine has breathing problems and anaemia
*Only other food she eats regularly are fries
*But despite warnings cannot resist McDonald's treats


Now I get that kids can be picky; I was a picky eater growing up; but at what point does the parent become an enabler. Me personally, I wonder what the mother was thinking after day three of feeding her two year old the same greasy thing. Also, after several months of eatting this way, why didn't the mother take her child to see a specialist?

The article implies that the mother isn't so much to blame as she has two other children who eat normally, but to me this only implies that those kids weren't picky.

I would somewhat understand this situation if the child were in some way mentally disabled, but that isn't the case here.

I saw an interesting point raised by one of the posters (on parent cafe I think it was) that suggested small children will put anything, including poop, in their mouths. It's the natural way that babies test things. With this in mind, how is it possible that this child never even tried a fruit or vegetable?

What are your thoughts ladies?


Need interesting facts on some countries

Sunday January 29, 2012 at 9:45 AM

I know I have another cf somewhere below, but I need to make a presentation to young children concerning some countries, and I'd rather make it interesting, yk, not the stereotypical flag, anthem, population whatever things otherwise they'll be reading magazines during the presentation just like I was doing when I was in school

So, any interesting facts and pictures, even sound files, from people who know more about these countries will be highly appreciated:










Thanks :)


Think vs. Thing

Sunday January 29, 2012 at 6:53 AM

I don’t understand – why is the phrase “if you think [whatever it is being considered, which is implied to be wrong], you’ve got another THING coming?” Why would it be another “thing” and not “think.” Shouldn’t it be: “you’ve got another THINK coming”?

Consider: “Oh, you think so, do you? Well, think again.” It’s not, “well, thing again” – so, why is it “you’ve got another thing coming” instead of “you’ve got another think coming”?

This is something that has bothered and bewildered me for a long time. When I see this in fiction, my brain goes “wait a moment – think, not thing” and it kind of takes me out of the story (OK, not really, but I do mentally stop, blink, change it to “think” and then move on).

Is the world wrong, or am I?

Tell me what you THINK.

Do you agree? Or convince me I’m wrong, in such a way that I have a “EUREKA!” moment, and think “well, of COURSE it should be ‘thing’ and not ‘think’. What was I THINKING?”

And that Judas Priest had it right all along.


(I would have embedded the actual video, but can't figure out how to do that.)


Are there any phrases that get your goat?



Rec FYT:
String Theory by theladyingrey42
"Eleven dimensions. Infinite parallel realities. And in all of them, I love her." Muppets, math, and physicists falling in love. Fluff and eventual lemons. ExB, AH.
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Romance - Chapters: 53 - Words: 81,024 - Reviews: 7316 - Updated: 1-27-12 - Published: 11-27-11 - Edward & Bella - Complete

I just finished this and now I want to be a scientist.

Luna StarFire

ADF Fit Club

Sunday January 29, 2012 at 6:18 AM


Hey ladies, how's it going?  The end of Jan is coming upon us....you still holding strong?

Homework:  What work out are you doing that you are loving right now?  What should us other ADF's try out?

24/7 Support - ADF Fit Club LJ Community

Also its never too late to join in. ; )

Miss Snazzy

Memorable Quotes

Sunday January 29, 2012 at 12:36 AM

As avid readers and writers, I'm sure all of us have our own stock pile of amazing quotes.

What's your favorite quote(s)?

Whether they be taken from fanfiction, books, television, or movies, feel free to post them here.

(Quotes about entering fantasy worlds or the division between fantasy and reality would be especially appreciated.  I'm working on a painting that needs a good quote, but after searching through my own stock pile, I've noticed that many of my favorites have conveniently disappeared... grumble)

Maybe I should just write my own...


Here's one of my favorites:

"If you gaze long into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you."


Everlasting Why update

Saturday January 28, 2012 at 10:57 PM

Chapter 18: Music and Life Mingle

Soooo good

Maybe I could have found a better pic, but 1. I gotta go try to sleep and 2. Really, The Jaw. Even in that scene Kristen couldn't keep her hands off

Sir Rachel


Saturday January 28, 2012 at 8:57 PM












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